One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 42: The husband is strict


"Xu Ying?" Jiang Xiuwen was taken aback, and he used the mouse to pull the Weibo page, rub his chin, "You said Xu Ying, do you mean the royal photographer Xu Ying who was robbed of work by He Bai? But your home Did He Bai offend his classmates or stand in someone's way? How come someone came out and said that he had a good relationship with the teacher and robbed his classmates of scholarships by changing his grades through the back door?"

Di Qiuhe's angry brain quickly calmed down, frowning and asked, "What's the matter? Who said that? When was it?"

"Anonymous, just the matter just now, these black materials are updated in real time, let me see... Oh refreshed, this blogger also said that your family He Bai was taken up by a rich woman, bullied classmates, hugged the thighs of rich classmates, was out of gregariousness, I’m lonely... and it’s gone. There is definitely a pusher behind this post, otherwise it’s impossible to get hot so fast." Jiang Xiuwen asserted, and then asked, "Should I deal with it?" My family is bullied, how can I go back without being bullied

Di Qiuhe frowned, pondered for a while and then replied, "You check first, I have to ask Xiaobai's opinion on how to deal with it."

Jiang Xiuwen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said silently, "Qiu He, you will definitely be a strict wife in the future." This is all that hasn't been caught up yet. If this is really together, the bottom line of the friend in front of He Bai is estimated to be no The bottom line.

"How could it be his wife's strict control?" Di Qiuhe raised his eyebrows, a little dissatisfied, "Xiao Bai would never like me to call him... Anyway, don't say this word in front of Xiao Bai in the future. He is also a man, and he is said to be so. Not happy."

So this is the point

"... Okay, I see, the husband is strict." Jiang Xiuwen replied numbly, feeling that he was wrong. No need to wait to be together in the future, friends now have no bottom line, even if there is, the bottom line name is He Bai.

The ruler pressed the clothing catalogue under his arm, raised his hand to support his face, moved his lips, and said in a low voice, "He must be using your mobile phone to send a text message to Di Qiuhe."

He Bai retracted his gaze, nodded blankly, raised his broadsword in his heart, and replied calmly, "He is dead." It was not enough to dare to touch his phone and die ten thousand times.

"When we finish talking, he will definitely come to you and confess to you about moving your mobile phone." Junchen put down his hands, leaned back in his chair and slanted a glance at Xu Ying, who was trying to do nothing, with a vague voice in his voice. Gritting his teeth, "Then he will lie to you, saying that he has obtained Di Qiuhe's permission to take pictures, and uses Di Qiuhe's consent to take pictures to play emotional cards with you and sell routines."

He Bai watched the monarch unconsciously grasping the hand that seemed to be trying to beat someone, paused, and asked, "He also touched your phone and sent text messages to your friends?"

"Not a good friend." The king and minister squinted his eyes, and the arc of his mouth was very cold. "It's my cousin who was only in high school."

"..." This second senior brother is really a master at death.

"Pack him sooner or later." The king and minister turned his back to Xu Ying, and came out of sight. He lowered his head and picked up the album and quickly flipped through it, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "The little mermaid is very considerate and provided it. The clothing style is very comprehensive, there is nothing to change."

Seeing him starting to talk about business, He Bai also converged, and replied, "After the costume is finalized, the formal filming preparation period, Mr. Jun, I want to confirm with you first, do you want me to shoot the album cover or a certain song? The MV cover of the song?"

When Junchen Studio first talked about cooperation with the little mermaid, because it was only a tentative invitation, it only briefly mentioned the offer to shoot the cover of the MV, and did not finalize the album cover together.

He had never been in contact with this one. When he first learned about the invitation, he thought that the MV cover and the album cover were the same thing, and he struggled with it for a long time, thinking that history had changed inexplicably.

Fortunately, Lin Xia later explained to him that the concepts of the two covers were completely different. He was relieved, thinking that history has not changed much. In the end, the monarchs and ministers will probably use old photos as album covers. , He only needs to shoot the cover of the MV.

As a result, he was relieved too early. After the two parties officially began to negotiate the contract, the monarch and ministers asked him to shoot all the covers for the album, so he struggled again and couldn't figure out what the other party meant. Ask more about this.

"Naturally all covers." Jun Chen replied, paused, and added, "But I still have an option for the album cover, so if the photos taken by Mr. He do not meet my expectations, I may give up access. Please forgive me for choosing a cover for the album for your work."

"I understand your concerns, and that should be the case." He Bai had a spectrum in his heart, his expression relaxed, and asked with a smile, "Before I officially start shooting, do I have the honor to appreciate yours in advance? new album?"

Before taking pictures, listen to the contents of the album and grasp the overall tone of the album. He Bai’s professional attitude is very good to please the monarch and ministers. With a smile on his face, he got up and made a please gesture and said, "This It's natural, please Mr. He."

"Thank you." He Bai got up and saw Xu Ying look over. The smile on his face stiffened. He brows and jumps when he thinks that there is still such a scourge. He stepped forward and took his mobile phone and said in a low voice, "For a while. I'll settle the account with you again, Brother Second."

Xu Ying, who had a guilty conscience, froze upon hearing the words, and conditionedly looked at the emperor and his ministers.

Junchen sneered, without even looking at him, and left before opening the door.

"That's the expression! Perfect! It's a pity that he is wearing clothes!" Xu Ying grimaced again.

He Bai walked out for a while, and then speeded up his departure—no wonder Xu Ying is known as the most under-beaten photographer in the photography circle. This is a temper who doesn’t know where it’s crooked.

Junchen’s new album has ten songs in total. The title song "Thinking" expresses the children’s longing and love for their parents. The love between husband and wife, the love of the wanderer for his hometown... The tone of the whole album is warm and slightly sad. Only the last song "Pet", which describes the pet's love for the owner, has a slightly cheerful rhythm, which provides a little bit of fun for the album. Can't help but feel relaxed.

Throughout the afternoon, He Bai was immersed in the sea of music, letting his emotions be driven by notes, always sad and sometimes happy.

"Master said that the younger brother is very good at grasping points, and there is great love in his eyes. I believe he will be able to shoot the cover you want." Xu Ying did not know when he appeared behind the king and the minister, and looked at the corner of the room through the window with him. He Bai, who was listening intently to the song with headphones in his ears, finally his eyes became normal, and he calmed down, "I've seen the works of Junior Brother, it fits the style of your album this time, so you can rest assured."

The monarch did not show his expression this time, his eyes were a little distant, and he whispered, "I hope so."

The songs evoked emotions and emotions evoked memories. He Bai, who lost his parents in his youth, passively followed the song and remembered the days when he was with his parents warmly. He couldn't hold back a few tears, and finally his eyes flushed out of the room.

The ruler was no longer outside, so Xu Ying immediately leaned in, and wanted to sell the routine.

"Give up, I won't take it naked for you, just leave a pair of underwear." He Bai pinched his routine in the cradle, then grabbed his collar and pressed him against the wall, and lifted it up. With a threatening fist, he asked quietly, "Is my phone fun, Brother Er."

Xu Ying was shocked, then beat the wall, "You are not upset, you monarch! You betrayed me!"

He Bai began to touch him.

Xu Ying is like a frightened girl who has been violated, with a manly serious face, hiding her chest, and exclaiming, "Little brother, what are you doing? You, you can’t think of me. We are brothers. This is incest!"

"Blood with yellow waste, give me normal!" He Bai took out the phone from his trouser pocket, squinted his eyes and turned out Xu Yinrong's number, typed it quickly, sent a text message, and then threw the phone back. , Smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, feel the feeling of being disturbed by someone's phone." After speaking, he walked away, leaving him a cold back.

Xu Ying was dumbfounded, and hurriedly turned on the phone to turn to the text message page.

Xu Ying: Master, I want to take a nude photo of my junior brother. Would you please help me to intercede

"Oh no! Master doesn't like me the most to strike at people around me, brother, you..." He collapsed and beat the wall.

The phone rang and Xu Yinrong called.

He shook his hand, his heart stopped suddenly, and then quickly became faster, with cold sweat on his forehead, he hurriedly turned in circles.

"That's right." He Bai fell back and reminded with a smile, "I just used my mobile phone to send a text message to Master, telling him that you are working with the ruler and the minister because you have an attempt to the ruler and the minister. Unfortunately, it was discovered now. I'm going to be fired soon. Second brother, ask for more blessings."

"Wh-how can you be so bad, Junior Brother!"

Xu Ying doesn't turn around anymore, now he wants to dig a hole to bury himself.

The ringing of the phone stopped, and then immediately rang again. He gritted his teeth and connected, "Hey... No, no, Master, listen to me to explain... No, no, I didn't force or take pictures... Don't! I'm wrong! I don't want to. Go to the master's knowledge!"

In the early autumn, the sky was getting shorter, and when He Bai found the monarch, he was sitting in a daze on the wicker chair on the large balcony on the second floor of the studio.

He stretched out his hand to stop the staff from shouting, glanced at the music scores and a few old photos scattered on the small table beside the monarch and ministers, found a suitable angle, raised the camera he carried, adjusted the light, and pressed the shutter.


The monarch returned to his senses, turned his head and looked over.

He Bai pressed the shutter again, took a picture of him looking back in doubt, put down the camera and smiled at him, walked over and flipped through a few old photos on the table, picked out the one that was used as the cover in the previous life, and asked , "Who is on this?"

The monarch moved his gaze to the photo, paused, and replied, "It's my parents."

"Parents?" He Bai was puzzled. He glanced at this picture of only one person and asked, "How come you can only see one person?"

"Because my father is taking pictures." Junchen smiled, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, "My hometown is full of mountains, and my mother loves flowers. He often goes for a walk in the mountains after meals. My father is worried that she will be in danger in the mountains, so he always follows... This photo was taken before the landslide, my father took a neighbor’s camera to his mother."

He Bai trembled when he heard the words. He looked down at the beautiful woman in a long dress in the photo who was bending over to pick the flowers. He moved his eyes to the gloomy sky in the photo, silent for a few seconds, and sighed in his heart.

"I was studying abroad at the time and I missed my parents very much, so I asked them to take a few photos and send them to me... They came up the mountain in the gloomy weather because of me." The nostalgia in the monarch's eyes was replaced by pain and guilt, and his voice became low. , "In order to let me see the best of them, they put on their favorite clothes and borrowed a professional camera from a neighbor..."

The sun began to sink to the west, and the sky was covered with glow.

He Bai looked at the faces of the monarch and his ministers facing the setting sun, remembering himself who had been reading his parents' chat messages, and an impulsive thought emerged in his heart and said, "Mr. Jun, let's go to the grave."

The monarch and his ministers were taken aback, "tomb sweeping?"

"Yes, where are your parents buried?"

"On the mountain in my hometown, they like it..."

He Bai lowered his head to help him pack up his music scores and old photos, and asked, "I remember your hometown is in Province C?"

The monarch nodded, a little bit unable to keep up with his thoughts, and hesitated, "Will you go now? You may not be able to buy air tickets and high-speed rail tickets at this point..."

"Then take the train." He Bai put the music score and old photos in his hands and smiled. "In the era when your parents sent you away from home to study, airports were only available in a few major cities, and high-speed rail stations were also available. It was not built. You left your parents by train in the past, so now, why don't you go back to your parents by train anymore?"

With a heavy hand, the ruler bowed his head and stared at the old photo on the score.

Perhaps he was infected by He Bai’s words, perhaps the backlog of feelings during the creation of the album finally reached the tipping point, or even evaded for too long. The cowardly man finally found the opportunity to face up to the pain and guilt buried deep in his heart over the years. Unwilling to give up...

"Okay." He nodded, tightening his hands slowly, raised his head to look at He Bai, his eyes were a little red, "We're going back by train, I'm going to see them."

The two did as soon as they thought. One left the work of the studio, the other selectively forgot about the next day's class, drove to the train station, and finally got on the train to Province C when night fell.

The train was slow, and it was very painful to sit up, but for the emperor and minister, these few hours were the most peaceful time for him in these years.

He took those music scores and old photos with him. Seeing that there were few people in the carriage, he simply found a cleaner corner and told He Bai about the past in detail.

He Bai listened attentively, taking pictures from time to time, to be a perfect listener and recorder.

After the train is a taxi, and after the taxi is a walk, the monarch and ministers made a detour to buy a bunch of flowers, but when they walked down the mountain, they disliked that these carefully cultivated flowers were too rigid and his mother would not like it, so he gave the flowers to He Bai and started. Picking wild flowers on the side of the road, awkwardly bunched them.

At the break of dawn, the two finally stumbled and came to the vicinity of the two grave bags that depended on each other on the mountainside. The grave bag should be specially taken care of by someone, and there is no weeds around it, and it looks neat and clean.

The emperor stopped ten steps away, carefully adjusted the already wrinkled shirt on his body, straightened his hair, and carefully stepped forward with flowers.

He Bai stopped with a sense of interest, looked around, carefully found a place where he could not hear the monarch and ministers, and waited quietly.

There was fog in the mountains early in the morning, and the grass blades were full of dew. The monarch and ministers who had been running around for a night lost their usual brilliance at this time, but were a little embarrassed, but this was his truest appearance, the truest appearance in front of his parents.

He bowed his head and stood in front of the tombstone, whispering something, holding the bouquet in his hand all the time, and did not put it down for some reason.

The sun gradually rose, and the fog began to dissipate. When the first ray of sunlight broke through the thick fog and hit the tombstone, the monarch, who had stopped talking for a long time, finally bent down and carefully placed the bouquet in front of the monarch's tombstone.


The picture freezes.

At this time, the monarch and minister who bent over and laid flowers in front of the tombstone seemed to overlap with the beautiful woman picking flowers in the old photos. One of them dressed up to satisfy his son’s longing, and the other was because they missed their parents and did not care about the image. Come back to see them.

It's all because of love.

When the morning breeze came up, He Bai put down the camera, put the delicate flowers that the monarch and his ministers handed over on the grass, stepped back two steps, and lay on the ground, through the gap of the flowers, he photographed the monarch and minister sitting down in front of the tombstone, taking the lute to concentrate on playing. Looks like.

It was noon when he descended the mountain. He Bai was scolded by his roommate while holding his mobile phone. The monarch and minister also received a serial call from his assistant. The two looked at each other and said nothing tacitly. They rushed to the airport decisively and bought a ticket back to City B.

That night, He Bai handed in his repaired album cover—on the front, the old photos did not move, only the flaws were repaired slightly. On the back, the monarch and ministers were standing in the rising morning light, bending over toward the tombstone and offering bouquets, while two Where the photos overlap, flowers are spreading, and there are fuzzy figures dancing with the harmonica of the monarchs and ministers.

Ten minutes later, the monarch and ministers sent a text message with a simple thank you, but He Bai understood that his cover had been taken.

He Bai, who had finished his work, was content, but the roommates who had been waiting for him in the dormitory were going crazy.

"Xiaobai, you're done! You skipped class!" Niu Junjie rushed forward first, and shook his shoulders, "Do you know someone is scolding you on the Internet! Everyone is waiting to see your reaction, but you You actually skipped class, did you know that those people are now scolding you more fiercely! The neutral people are beginning to wonder if you are a big bastard like in the black material!"

Wang Hu frowned, with anger on his face, and said, "The person who broke the news at the beginning is definitely from our class. He knows Xiaobai too well. It is impossible for people in other classes or other majors to know so clearly. ."

Chen Jie calmed down a little bit, and analyzed, "The news mentioned at the beginning that Xiaobai got the scholarship. I suspect that the person was suppressed by Xiaobai, someone who did not get the scholarship, and our class was because Xiaobai didn’t get the scholarship. Only Huang Wei got the scholarship."

"I knew it was the bastard!" Niu Junjie let go of He Bai and rolled up his sleeves with anger. "You actually call me the second generation of the idiot rich, and I'll fuck him!"

Wang Hu hurriedly held him down, "Don't be impulsive, fights and disturbances will be recorded, so calm down!"

Chen Jie also persuaded, "The third child, you can't do it. The counselor handles this matter best. We are now victims of public opinion. If we do it, we will become a villain who becomes angry and guilty of revenge. Others in the class The classmates all know Xiaobai's temperament, and they don't believe in the news at all, so those netizens who don't know the truth take it seriously and are brought to the rhythm."

He Bai struggled to digest the information in their words, summed it up, and said in surprise, "Huang Wei hacked me on the Internet? When did it happen?"

The three of them were quiet, looked at him together, and then after seeing the confusion and surprise in his eyes, they couldn't help but rush over and hold him down for a while and rubbing them. They became even more angry, "With us here, we are worried and worried again. Angry thinking about how to kill the villain, but you have no idea about the blood and blood on the Internet! Are you trying to piss us off!"

He Bai hurriedly begged for mercy, touched the phone while being rubbed, and just about to open Weibo, he saw a lot of unread text messages and missed call reminders lying on the top of the screen.

"Huh, why are there so many missed and unread messages?"

The three people who were rubbing him heard the words and looked at his mobile phone screen. They remembered that this guy couldn’t get in touch with him if he didn’t come home at night, and his arrogant skipping behavior today. They finally stopped restraining and pressed him to the ground. Detonation hammer.

It's so irritating. People who don't care about anything as soon as they start work should take enough credits early and throw them out of school!

Ten minutes later, He Bai hid in the bathroom with a mess of hair. He first called Xu Yinrong and talked about work and skipping classes. Then he opened all missed calls and unread text messages, and read them in ten lines at a glance. After discovering that it was all sent by his roommate and Di Qiuhe, he breathed a sigh of relief and called Di Qiuhe back.

"Do you still know you want to answer the call?" The call was immediately connected, but Di Qiuhe's tone...

"I can't get in touch all day and night, huh?"

Di Qiuhe's voice is gentle and nice, his tone is calm and calm, the ending is slightly elongated, with a sluggish, casual taste, sultry and sexy... But He Bai knew that this guy was angry, very angry.

"Cough." He cleared his throat and explained in a soft voice, "I am busy with work today, and my phone has been kept in my backpack, just..."

"Holy elephant." Di Qiuhe interrupted him.

He Bai was taken aback, "What?" Why did you suddenly mention the icon

"The name of the person who slandered you on the Internet is Huang Wei, and you are in the same class as you, and the one who helped him put the post on top is the iconic boss Jincheng. This is just the first step. After that, Jincheng is also going to let a front desk of the iconic come out to slander you. Sexual harassment, be prepared to completely stigmatize you."

He Bai was stunned, how long has he been away from the Dekor, the Dekor boss he had never seen before actually harmed him so much, why? Just because of the Jia family

"Liu Huanhuan seems to want to get involved too, I have asked Xiuwen to find a way to warn her, she dare not mess around." Di Qiuhe continued to say, his tone became weaker and quieter, and his voice became calmer and calmer, "You Let me make a good film, I did it; you let me rest well, I go to bed early and get up early; if you don’t like me to send things, I didn’t send them again. And I asked you to be a little behaved in city B, but you skipped class to play and disappeared. Paparazzi, I'm very angry." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Hello? No, Qiu..."



He Bai stared at the phone screen, and imagined Di Qiuhe hanging up the phone with a stinky face, holding his forehead with a headache.

It's over, the childish ghost is angry, and the world is end.


"Xiaobai, are you constipated? Do you want to buy you Kaisailu." Niu Junjie's voice came through the bathroom door, with a sincere and earnest voice, like a parent who regrets after tidying up a disobedient child, sighed "Xiaobai, it’s not that we are going to partner to bully you. It’s just that your behavior of skipping class if you didn’t come home at night is really outrageous! Everyone is also worried about you. Don’t worry, we will help you deal with the black material on the Internet. It's a rumor. The classmates know who you are, so don't worry."

He Bai was heartbroken and speechless. He put away his phone and got up to open the door. He glanced at the three caring roommates outside the door. He sighed, "I'm sorry, I made you worry. Don't worry about the black material on the Internet, I will go now. Wash it off."

"Huh?" Niu Junjie was stunned, "this? Do you have a way to clean it?"

He Bai nodded, crossed his fingers, and sneered, "A lot of ways." Huang Wei, yes, holy elephant, dare to be a yin behind and look for death.

Turning on the computer, He Bai first logged on to the campus network and inquired about his historical grades and screenshots for each semester. Then open your own private mailbox, and take a screenshot of the photo retouching sent to the Dekor during the part-time job. I lowered my head and clicked to open the mobile phone text message page, and found the monthly salary income reminder text message, screenshot. Finally, I made a call to Xu Yinrong and asked the other party to change the roster record of the students' grades each semester. The screenshots and codes were put together with the previous screenshots.

The other three people in the dormitory watched him doing all this dumbfounded.

"On the Internet, besides hacking my grades to grab a scholarship and being taken care of by a rich woman, what else is there?" He Bai opened Weibo, ignoring the influx of comments and private messages, uploading the screenshots one by one, and asked without looking back. road.

"Bulling classmates?" Niu Junjie recalled stupidly.

Wang Hu glanced at him and added, "Hold the thigh of a rich classmate."

Chen Jie pushed his glasses to complement, "Withdrawal, incompatibility, bad character, and skip class."

He Bai nodded his head to express his understanding, and began to crackle typing, humming, "Huang Wei is also really ridiculous. Which classmate in the class hasn't done anything like changing homework grades? He has done it twice himself. Besides, scholarship is something. It was evaluated by the teacher and issued by the school. How can I snatch it? He forgot what the counselor warned him last time. He didn't even know why there was no scholarship. He deserved to be used as a gun."

"It is normal for netizens to change your usual grades for make-up homework. The biggest scolding point on your body is that you are being taken care of by a rich woman." Chen Jie frowned slightly and said, "You have developed from an iconic repairer to an Ica costume photographer. It only took a few months. It just so happened that the two persons in charge who recruited you were all female, so Huang Wei just..."

"People who are stubborn can see nothing." He Bai checked the edited content, caught the typo, clicked to send, looked back at the three roommates, smiled, "Okay, the online thing is solved, eat Supper? Let me treat you."

The three of them glanced at each other, and learned his way no longer thinking about the things on the Internet, nodding in response, "Eat, barbecue or skewer?"

During the supper, He Bai texted Di Qiuhe as soon as he was free, but he never got a response. He wanted to call but was afraid of making the other party filming, and gradually became a little restless.

This is rare, after all, there are not many things in this world that can make him uneasy.

"Hahaha, it's been just over an hour, then Huang Wei has been stripped! It deserves it!" Niu Junjie was holding the phone, laughing and slapped his thighs frantically, and almost threw the barbecue down, "Xiaobai, you That’s awesome! As soon as the salary text message was sent up, and compared with the number of retouched films when doing part-time jobs, netizens were shocked, saying that those who are talented and working hard should live as if they were taken care of!"

He Bai moved a little further away from him with the phone, poured him a glass of ice orange juice, "Drink some, calm down."

Niu Junjie ignored him and continued to grab and pull with his mobile phone. He didn't know what he saw again. He smiled more exaggeratedly. "Hahaha, the monitor in the class group has spoken, tell Huang Wei not to shut down and pretend to be dead, and the counselor will find him to talk to him tomorrow morning. "

"Let him have fun." Wang Hu patted He Bai on the shoulder and pulled the barbecue tray inward. "He held back all day and night. If he doesn't vent or vent, I'm afraid he wants to fight with Huang Wei again."

"It's him! Sooner or later, he will put his sack in!" Niu Junjie suddenly raised his head and turned back, then lowered his head and continued to look at the phone, his face almost cracked. What's wrong with the clothes sellers who wear good clothes! I am jealous! You bully your classmates. If you can become a reporter in this way, you will definitely be the kind of disgusting reporter who writes reports indiscriminately, and wastes national educational resources!"

He Bai put away his cell phone and decided to invite the youngest to have a few supper in the future. The brothers made it like this, which is so touching!

On the set, Di Qiuhe ended today's scene. On the way back to the room, he received his personal mobile phone from Wang Boyi. He opened the door while pressing the mobile phone, swiping his gaze randomly.

More than 20 unread text messages from He Bai! An unprecedented situation! Favored like never before! Completely unscientific!

He stood at the door of the room, keeping the movement of pushing the door with one hand and pressing the phone open, stiffening for half a minute.

"Di Shao?" Wang Boyi, who lives in the room next to him, saw that he was not entering the door, tentatively opened his mouth, and carefully reminded, "I will fly to Zone D tomorrow. It is better for you to rest earlier."

Di Qiuhe woke up like a dream, looked at him unpredictably, nodded, opened the door and entered the room in a strangely slow and cautious posture.


The door is closed.

Wang Boyi frowned in doubt.

The posture that Shao Di just walked... seemed a bit floating