One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 50: Play majestic


Di Qiuhe was shocked when he heard the words, took a deep look at him, leaned in and hugged him in his arms, buried his face on his shoulders and neck, muttered, "Okay, don't leave." He won't leave for the rest of his life.

The two got into the taxi, Di Qiuhe reported the address of the hospital, and He Bai sat beside him, unconsciously stretched out his hand to hold his arm, and worked harder and harder.

"Don't be nervous." The heavy anxiety in Di Qiuhe's heart was comforted by his "never forsaken". At this moment, seeing his ugly face and a soft heart, he slightly pulled down his hand to hold it, like He was comforting him, as if he was comforting himself, "My dad's body is always very good, and the stairs at home are not too steep. The situation should not be as bad as we thought. And the housekeeper of Di Zhai still doesn't know if Qin has been killed. Li bought it, maybe this call is just a trap, don't worry."

"Does the trap even report the address of the hospital?" He Bai asked instinctively, and then as if thinking of something, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and opened it, and started searching the phone of that hospital. He said quickly, "If the phone call is true Yes, your dad must have been sent for emergency treatment. We only need to find out if any patients with cerebral hemorrhage were sent to the hospital half an hour ago, and we will know if this is true."

When Di Qiuhe was reminded by him, he stretched out his hand to hold him, took out his mobile phone from his pants pocket, found out the phone numbers of several members of the team, and dialed them one after another.

A series of orders were issued in an orderly manner, from controlling possible revelations on the Internet to monitoring the Qin family, from contacting the lawyers of the Di family and the Huangdu to contacting several high-level officials in the Huangdu, from letting Wang Boyi stay with the housekeeper of the Dizhai. Contacting people to keep an eye on the hospital, one after another, the tone became more and more calm, and the thinking became clearer and clearer.

Obviously the last second was a naive ghost who was emotionally turbulent and confused because of his father's sudden accident. The next second he stabilized his mind and became a reliable and mature man who can control the overall situation.

"Di three years old..." He Bai yelled unconsciously, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the other party seemed to have some powerful and calm appearance when he participated in the interview after he became famous in his previous life, and his hands on his knees couldn't help but tighten.

In this situation, the more Di Qiuhe resembled his previous life, the more afraid he felt, that he was afraid that he would die prematurely like his previous life, and that he would die earlier than in his previous life... No, no! Di Qiuhe in his previous life was just a stranger to him, and neither death nor life had much to do with him. In this life, Di Qiuhe is his friend, the naive ghost he has been worrying about all the time, he can't die, he has to live well, and after he is successful, he will live his life safely and smoothly!

When Di Qiuhe heard his voice, he tilted his head and saw that his face seemed to turn pale, frowned, briefly explained the final arrangement, hung up the phone, pulled him into his arms sideways, and patted comfortingly. "It's okay, don't worry, you have already found out the exact news, not a trap. My dad is indeed doing first aid, but the situation is not as serious as the housekeeper said. Now he is out of danger."

The familiar breath leaned over, and the gentle voice was in his ears, so the sense of strangeness and panic that had just faded slightly.

He Bai returned to his senses, raised his hand and hugged him, patted him, sorted out his emotions and said, "I should have comforted you, but now it's the other way around. Let go, I'm fine, how is the Qin family now? ?"

The driver in the front seat had already peeked for several times. Di Qiuhe frowned, let go of the person restrainedly, and said briefly, "The Qin family are all in the hospital, and Assistant Wang has already arrived there. The lawyers of the Di family and the royal capital are rushing. On the way back, we didn't go in after we got to the hospital and waited to meet with the lawyer."

He Bai frowned again. How long had the accident happened, the Qin family were all over there, and Di Bian fell down the stairs as expected.

While talking, the taxi had stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Before getting off the car, Di Qiuhe wrote down the driver’s job number and license plate number. After getting off the bus, he took out his mobile phone and called the team and reported the driver’s job number and license plate number. , Let them deal with it.

After knowingly, He Bai turned his head and glanced at the taxi that was already driving far away, raised his hand and pressed his forehead, secretly scolding himself for being careless. They didn't cover up when they were chatting just now. In case the driver turns around and finds a media outlet to break the news, this matter tonight will become a minor matter.

It will take a while for the lawyer to get here. He Bai wanted to go to the hospital to see Di Bian's situation and An Andi Qiuhe's heart, but the scenes of Di Qiuhe's falling from the building in his previous life kept circling in his mind, making him uneasy. Leave Di Qiuhe alone.

"Assistant Wang will tell me the situation in real time. You can rest assured." Seeing his worries about himself, Di Qiuhe comforted him again, then pulled him onto the bench in the shadow, and turned his head to look at the hospital. In the building, his expression faded, and he said, "My dad fell down the stairs. It's weird. It has something to do with the Qin family. There are two situations when I rushed in now."

He Bai couldn't see his expression clearly, only knew that he seemed very calm now, so calm that he suddenly began to miss that naive and noisy Di three-year-old.

"The first type, the Qin family knew that I was back in city B, and they were prepared; the second type, the Qin family didn't know that I was back in city B, and was caught off guard." Di Qiuhe said, leaning against him, feeling The temperature he uploaded, "Only my dad and you know about my return to City B. The appearance of Assistant Wang may make the Qin family suspicious, but it may not necessarily suspect that I have returned from the set, plus assistant An. Yuanchang, I guess, most of the Qin family doesn’t know that I’m back. Now it’s up to who the housekeeper is... Fortunately, after I returned to City B, I wanted to see you first and asked Assistant Wang to act separately from me. , Otherwise I must be very passive now, Puppy, you really are a lucky star."

He speaks slowly, and his ridicule is also gentle, completely different from usual. He Bai paused and shook his hand back.

"Regardless of whether my dad fell down the stairs or not, the Qin family will take the opportunity to control my dad's mouth and kill the truth." Di Qiuhe looked down at the hands between the two and slowly clasped his fingers. "Nowadays, there are still many Qin family nails buried in the top of the imperial capital. If my dad’s threat is gone, then the imperial capital will completely become the Qin’s family. Qin Li is still Mrs. Di now, and the Daiv management company is normal. It won't arouse outside suspicion at all. Then the Qin family will send my dad abroad for the reason of recuperating the body... This is basically done."

"So the Qin family shouldn't know that you already know Di Chunhua's life experience?" He Bai analyzed what he meant, feeling calm, but his brows were still frowned, "Then you suddenly appear now, will you let him? They set their sights on you? You are probably the last thing the Qin family wants to see." As the eldest master of the Di family, Di Qiuhe can also fight for the management of the imperial capital. Nowadays, at the top of the imperial capital, the Dibian faction and the Qin family faction are fighting secretly. In order to suppress Qin Li, the Dibian faction is likely to carry Di Qiuhe out as a shield to counterbalance Qin Li.

At this point in the analysis, his face turned black, and gritted his teeth, "You, the Di family eldest master, are really at a loss. I didn't enjoy any benefits. You are barely backed." Without the broken identity of the Di family son, Di Qiuhe is completely You can live as you want, and act in whatever drama you like. You don’t need to wear a mask anymore. I don’t know how chic it will be. Maybe I will enjoy my life if I have achieved fame. How can I use it as hard as I am now? .

"Your last name is a scourge!" he added angrily.

Although it was a bit outdated, Di Qiuhe couldn't help but laughed at his tone. He felt a lot more relaxed. He raised his hand to help him close the collar of his coat, and said softly, "The more the Qin family doesn't want to see me, The more I have to brush up on my sense of existence, the identity of the Di family must be used well.” Huang Du Ke still has half of his mother’s identity, even if it’s only for his mother, he You have to sit still.

The two chatted for a few words, and Wang Boyi suddenly called and said that the housekeeper Di Zhai wanted to talk to him.

When Di Qiuhe heard the words, his heart moved and asked Wang Boyi to hand over the phone to the housekeeper Di Zhai.

"Qin Li wanted to send Di Chunhua out of the country overnight, I stopped, what can you tell me?" Hu, the housekeeper of Di Zhai, was straightforward, and he didn't get muddled.

"Bring her to the hospital. My father was seriously injured. How could my daughter not come and see." Di Qiuhe curled his lips, feeling completely happy, and asked, "What does housekeeper Hu know about my father falling down the stairs?"

There was silence for a while, and then a reply came, "I don't know, there were only three people on the second floor, the master and Qin Li, and there seemed to be a quarrel before the accident."

Even the names of Qin Li and Di Chunhua have changed. It seems that this butler knows a lot and is Di Bian's confidant.

Di Qiuhe was completely relieved and gave a few more words. After hanging up the phone, he looked at He Bai and smiled, "Today this drama is going to be lively."

He Bai saw that he had recovered from his usual awkwardness, and knew that things were basically in order, and his heart was completely settled, but he still ordered, "Be serious, if this matter is not handled well tonight, we both have to finish playing, you Take time."

Di Qiuhe smiled more happily when he heard the words, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, even if it's just for the clean days in the future, I have to let the two of us enter the hospital now and get out in a while, peace of mind."

And he likes the word "we".

The lawyers of Di’s family and Huangdu arrived at the hospital. Assistant Wang called again, saying that Di Bian’s rescue was over and his life was not in danger. But when a person wakes up, it depends on the disappearance of the blood in the brain. Now Qin The family members are trying to distract him.

Di Qiuhe thought for a while, and simply let him leave and meet the housekeeper Hu Zhao.

The lawyers heard that there was something wrong with Di Bian, and they were in a state of ignorance. Now they heard Di Qiuhe say that the chairman is okay, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved their attention to He Bai, who was wearing pajamas next to Di Qiuhe.

"Lawyers, why did I call you over today? I think you already know it." Di Qiuhe stepped forward and stood in front of He Bai. He glanced at them slowly, frowned, and suddenly asked, "Today The lawyers I invited here are all from my Di’s family, right?"

The lawyers were stunned when they heard the words and looked at each other, only to realize that all the colleagues who had rushed over were from the Dibian faction, and none of them related to the Qin family appeared. But, this young man has always had no sense of existence in Huangdu and Di's family, and has never been in contact with company affairs. How did he manage to hire people so accurately

Di Qiuhe didn't wait for them to answer after asking, and continued, "Before going in, I want to ask you to do something."

The lawyer representative of the Di family regained consciousness first. He glanced at his colleagues, cast his eyes down for thought, and concealed the fear in his eyes. He stepped forward and respected a lot without consciously, and asked, "What do you want?"

Di Qiuhe shifted his gaze to him, and said word by word, "I want you to call the police, saying that I suspect that a servant in Di Zhai is plotting against my dad. He was instigated and pushed my dad down the stairs. Attorney Wang, you do. My dad’s most trusted lawyer must know the best place to call the police, right?"

It was another question. Attorney Wang's heart was tight when he heard it, as if he had met him again, he slowly lowered his head and replied, "Yes, I will do it now."

"Thank you." Di Qiuhe was very satisfied with his cooperation, glanced at several other lawyers who seemed to be surprised by his attitude, made a sign of please, and said with a polite manner, "Lawyers, my dad. I'm still waiting for you, please."

The lawyers dare not talk too much, and respectfully follow.

He Bai looked at all this as a bystander, feeling very complicated. The three-year-old Di just now is really not like the three-year-old Di... He is a bit mature, domineering and handsome? No, this must be an illusion.

Di Qiuhe was one step behind the lawyer, looked at him with concern, and asked in a low voice, "Are you hungry? Or cold? After dealing with things here, I will take you to have a supper?"

He Bai raised his eyelids to look at him, and shook his head, "It's not hungry or cold. Your gentle and loving relatives just broke a little bit. It has already scared the lawyers. Pay attention."

Di Qiuhe curled his lips, and then the familiar tone of beating came out again, "Don't worry, I am a professional actor. Acting is my strong point. If I collapse, I will come back again. It's very simple."

"... Oh." It's an illusion as expected.

Di Bian's life is not in danger, but he fell into a coma. As a result, the Qin family breathed a sigh of relief, but they felt that there was a big knife hanging on their head and might fall at any time.

"Transfer to hospital!" Qin Mingqiang said with a sullen face and glanced at his sons and daughters. His face trembled, suppressing the fury and dissatisfaction in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "This matter must be suppressed today! Di Bian must also be controlled! Now the emperor. He is not in control yet. He can't die, but he can't live too freely. Do you understand what I mean?"

Qin Li tilted her head, not looking at her father or her elder brother, her body strained, and said, "These fathers and elder brothers can arrange it. I only have one request. The emperor can have a member of the Qin family, but it must be named Di! That's my son's thing!"

"Xiao Li, what do you mean by this? You are suspecting that the little thing I will snatch from you will not work!" Qin Rong turned his head to look at her, his face was full of disbelief and injury, and he complained. I have cooperated with you in planning carefully for so many years, for whom! Now Chunhua has made things like this, I—"

"Shut up! You don't deserve to mention Chunhua! If it weren't for're a beast!" Qin Li cursed depressively, her eyes flushed, her gaze almost bitter, "Don't pretend to show me this disgusting appearance. Look! If the emperor is just such a thing, why should you shift your focus to make Dad worry about the big stall of the Qin family when he is old! You are not filial!"


"Shut up all!" Qin Mingqiang finally couldn't hold back his anger, and interrupted them, "Is it time to fight now! I'll settle these bad debts with you later! Two rubbish, I shouldn't have given birth to them in the first place." You guys! Hurry up and get in touch with the familiar hospital! Take advantage of Di Qiuhe's ignorance of this, and send Di Bian to the country as soon as possible—"

"Grandpa Qin, where do you want to send my dad?" Di Qiuhe opened the door of the ward and first glanced at Di Bian, who was lying unconscious on the bed, and saw that his complexion was not bad, and his expression was loose. Look at the Qin family.

"Why are you here?" Qin Li stood up gaggedly and screamed, "Aren't you acting in Zone D? Assistant Wang and Assistant An obviously—"

"They didn't know that I was back. It was a coincidence this time... But this is not the point now. The point is that we must catch the murderer who caused my dad to fall down the stairs as soon as possible. On the way over, I have asked Lawyer Wang to call the police. The police will come soon, and I have to ask Aunt Qin to cooperate with the police to give a confession to explain the situation of my dad falling down the stairs.” After Di Qiuhe said, he walked to the hospital bed and looked at Di Bian’s situation. The lawyers came in, and looked at Qin Li like a worried junior who didn’t know the truth at all, and continued to ask, “Aunt Qin, why didn’t Chunhua come here? Also, my dad told me on the phone before that he wanted to talk to you. What is the divorce? You and your father quarreled?"

Qin Li was shocked when she saw the lawyer's figure, and heard the word alarm again. Her legs were soft and almost fell to the ground, and she asked with a strong aura, "Your dad fell down the stairs by accident. Why did you? You want to call the police? Why are the lawyers invited over? Is it because your dad is not seriously injured and the ward is too quiet?"

"Before the police give a definitive conclusion, accidents or man-made actions are equally likely. To be cautious, we'd better let the police check it." Di Qiuhe looked at her and didn't let it go, "I never did anything before. I’m lacking in experience, and I’ve specially invited the lawyer to help. Also, my father just finished the operation and needs a rest. Could you please lower your volume a little?"

Qin Li was choked back by her own words, and she was so flustered that she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Qin Mingqiang next to her.

Qin Mingqiang retracted his gaze falling on the lawyer, and gave her a relieved look.

"Qiuhe, I know that you are filial, so if you care about it, you will be confused. If you call the police, please feel at ease. There is nothing wrong on your father's side, and it is too late. You should go to rest first, and these lawyers..." Qin Mingqiang He raised his eyelids, his expression remained unchanged, but his tone of voice was a little darker, "Thank you so much for these lawyers to go this time, this is a family affair, so we won't delay the lawyers' rest time."

"Who said this is a family affair?" Di Qiuhe sat on the bedside, smiling but not smiling, "Now my dad is in a coma. Even if he wakes up, he needs a good rest period. Then, during this period, the emperor will give it to whom Let’s manage? My dad’s case that he was pushed downstairs should be followed up? And the project that the Royal Capital is currently working on, how should the next decision be made? This is one by one, which doesn’t require a lawyer. Watching by the side?"

Qin Mingqiang looked at him gently, and replied with the elder's score, "Naturally it is your mother..."

"Sorry, my mother has been dead for more than ten years." The expression on Di Qiuhe's face faded, and said with no face, "I know you want Aunt Qin to manage the imperial capital, but I'm sorry, I'm afraid this No. The reason why I secretly rushed back to City B with the secret of the crew and assistants today was because my father called me in the afternoon and said that he was going to divorce Aunt Qin. He was excited, firm, and faintly disgusted. Hate. I don’t understand why my father made such a decision. I only know that just after I received this call and hurried back to City B, my father, who has always been in good health and balance, suddenly “accidentally” left the shop at home. I fell down on the carpeted stairs and was not very steep. I was once critically ill. Chairman Qin, do you think this is a coincidence. As a son of man, should I call the police this time because I care about it?"

As soon as he said this, the lawyers all looked at Qin Li in shock. The chairman and his wife are divorcing? God, this big gossip...

Qin Mingqiang's face was blocked by him, and his expression sank.

"Also." Di Qiuhe looked at Qin Li, who was looking more and more ugly, and pointed out, "Father said on the phone that he was very sorry for me. He used to treat me coldly for a long time for a wild species, Aunt Qin, I think Ask, who is the wild species in my father's words?"

Qin Li's expression changed drastically, she stepped back and fell into a chair, and shouted flusteredly, "Don't talk nonsense! Your father was hospitalized, and you brought a group of lawyers to me and splashed me with dirty water. What is the intention! Everyone is treated like yours. Indisputably deceived! You, you are the most damned!"

"My father hasn't died yet, you want me to die too. It seems that Aunt Qin, you have hated my Di family father and son a long time ago. My father and I are the ones who were deceived by your disguise." Di Qiu He lowered his eyes and looked indifferent, "If the family is harmonious, I would naturally not fight, and now my father is lying on the hospital bed without knowing his life or death. If I do not fight anymore, will I just watch your Qin family in the emperor’s hands? Cover the sky, and then let you let which wild species continue to bear my Di family’s surname and tarnish my Di family’s blood? Take up my Di family’s money? As for spilling dirty water, paternity testing can be done in this hospital, dare you I dare not call Xia Song and Chunhua to let them do an appraisal with their father under the witness of the lawyer?"

Qin Li turned pale when he was forced to ask, and there was a trace of unbearable hatred in her eyes. Di Qiuhe did it on purpose! He deliberately forced himself into this situation in front of a lawyer, just to make Xia Song humiliated and make Chunhua completely finished!

No, I can’t answer these words. If I pick up Xia Song and Chunhua, I will really bear the reputation of wild species!

"I looked at the lawyer as if only part of it was here?" She pressed her emotions and changed the subject, "Why don't you please come all? The identification of this kind of thing is the easiest to falsify. Who knows if there will be so many people who are ill-intentioned and take advantage of this. When your dad was unconscious, he provoked the relationship between our family."

I really didn't see the coffin without weeping. Di Qiuhe's eyes mocked, and he took out his phone, "Okay, since Aunt Qin requested, then I will bring all the lawyers over. To prevent someone from cheating, why don't you invite some media and notary units to witness together? Don’t worry about it. It’s okay to ask the TV station to come over to broadcast it. Anyway, what the emperor has are resources and ways."

This proposal was too ruthless and too self-confident. The lawyers who had doubts about the authenticity of this material immediately shifted to Di Qiuhe's side. The eyes of Qin's family became a little weird, and the fear of Di Qiuhe in his heart was also shallow. Some.

It is also true that the young and old have never interfered with the affairs of the imperial capital. Now this is just too much worrying about the betrayal of his father and the angry Qin family. And if what the young master said was true, then the Qin family would be really disgusting.

The situation is very unfavorable.

"Di Qiuhe, you shut up! How do you talk to your elders!" Qin Rong was very embarrassed when he saw his sister being asked. Under impulsiveness, regardless of his father's eyes, he stood up and embraced Qin Li. He looked at Di Qiuhe and shouted, "You A junior can know what the elders are doing! Your dad was only sick once, what do you want to do to make things so ugly!"

"The relationship between Manager Qin and Lingmei is really good." Di Qiuhe said casually, and Qin Li immediately pushed Qin Rong away, shaking her body a few steps away from the other party, trying to adjust her emotions with her head sideways.

Di Qiuhe helped Di Bian pull the quilt, and continued, “This time I will not only make things ugly, but I will also tear up everything and spread it out. I don’t miss anything in front of these lawyers. It’s all pulled out. Anyway, it’s not me who is ashamed, so what do I care about? And just now, it was obviously Aunt Qin who wanted to invite more people to the fun, I was just icing on the cake."

The meaning of fish death and net breaking in his words was too obvious, and Qin Mingqiang couldn't help pretending that he didn't understand it. He didn't understand how things could turn out to be like this, and he had already mastered everything before.

Now that the matter has been uncovered, it is impossible to cover it up, and it is difficult to make a fuss with a lawyer staring at it. The police may not be able to find out what Dibian fell down the stairs, so they can slow down first. This Di Qiuhe doesn't seem to know Chunhua's life experience, and shouldn't make excessive demands like Di Bian. Maybe he can take advantage of Di Bian's coma and stop the loss in time.

With cares in his mind, Qin Mingqiang's mood calmed down a bit, looked at Di Qiuhe, restrained his unwillingness, and asked in a deep voice, "Di Qiuhe, what do you want?"

Di Qiuhe saw his plan at a glance, and sneered, "What do you want? I want my father to live well, I want you to stop interfering in the affairs of my imperial capital, I want the wild species to get out of Di's house, I want those who are sorry for my Di. The family members have been trampled under the feet of my Di family for the rest of their lives!"

Qin Mingqiang's pupils shrank sharply, he slapped his stool and shouted, "Don't deceive people too much!"

"Too much deceiving?" Di Qiuhe looked at him, with a light expression, "My father is still lying in bed now, and I don't know when he will wake up. Your good daughter asked my Di family to help her raise more than a dozen. Years of wild species, your good son looked at the emperor and coveted him for a long time, so what if I deceive you? Isn't this what you deserve?"

Qin Mingqiang gritted his teeth and bulged his forehead. He looked at him sullenly and threatened him, "Di Qiuhe, don't know what's wrong! You have no right to be a young master, how can you be so embarrassed!"

"Of course it is the Di surname in front of my name and the blood of the Di family in my veins!" Di Qiuhe gave me no resignation and was not threatened at all, "unless you let me lie in bed like my father. I don’t know, otherwise, with this majesty, I must play with you Qin family to the end!"

The room suddenly calmed down. Qin Mingqiang stared at Di Qiuhe, slowly clenching his fists, his eyes cold like a poisonous snake about to kill its prey.


The sound of taking pictures broke the solidified atmosphere in the ward.

He Bai put down his phone and led the police into the door and said, "It's them! The father of my friend was suspected of pushing my friend downstairs. He just threatened my friend as if he was going to kill my friend! I have taken pictures of them. Now, if my friends have any accidents in the future, they must have done it!"

Wow, everyone in the room moved their eyes away. The Qin family's resentment, the lawyers' weirdness, Di Qiuhe couldn't help but curl his lips, his eyebrows stained with a smile.

Puppy's way of protecting people is so cute.