One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 78: Eighteen forms of dog abuse


The two of them stared at each other with big eyes. Yi Jie looked back and forth without knowing it, and laughed, "It is said on the Internet that you have a good relationship, it seems to be true. Xiaohe, I am very happy to be able to cooperate with you again." He smiled brightly, and never saw the reserved melancholy before.

He Bai looked away from Di Qiuhe and saw that she smiled openly and relaxedly, with a smile on her face unconsciously, and replied, "I am also very happy."

Di Qiuhe's eyebrows collapsed and he coughed heavily.

Yi Jie looked back and said concerned, "Xiao Di, do you have a cold? Remember to drink more hot water."

Xiao Di? Brother

He Bai couldn't help but laughed. Seeing that Di Qiuhe's expression became even worse, he hurriedly stepped forward two steps to block Yi Jie's eyes from looking at him with the motion of handing a tissue, and asked him not to collapse, then rubbed. He covered his face with a smile, looked back at Yi Jie, and said, "Sister Yi, you should call him Qiuhe. Call Xiao Di. I'm afraid I will laugh all the time while shooting, and I can't hold the camera steady."

"Huh? Would it be funny? You are all younger than me. I thought you would be self-conscious if you call it like this..." Yi Jie realized the homophony between Xiao Di and his younger brother halfway through the conversation, and stopped talking and glanced at Di Qiuhe. With a calm face, he said apologetically, "Qiuhe I'm sorry, I didn't make fun of you on purpose, Xiaohe's friend is my friend, I hope we can cooperate happily." After speaking, he proactively stretched out his hand.

From the perspective of the status of the entertainment industry, Yi Jie is a senior, a big name, and a veteran actor who has debuted for many years. She is much higher than Di Qiuhe in the entertainment industry. Now she takes the initiative to apologize to Di Qiuhe and say hello. She's unpretentious and cordial to the utmost.

Seeing her like this, Di Qiuhe felt a little jealous, and he understood how He Bai cared for her so gently. In a mentality that he should not be ashamed of his lover, he raised a smile and politely shook her hand, and after holding it for two seconds, he immediately let go, and replied, "Happy cooperation."

The three greeted each other, and Di Qiuhe and Yi Jie formally met. With He Bai as a bridge, the atmosphere quickly relaxed. It didn't take long for the makeup artist and his assistant to knock on the door and come in. He Bai walked away, leaving a place for Di Qiuhe and Yi Jie to put on makeup.

In order to match the sweet atmosphere of Valentine's Day, "C Shadow" specially prepared a couple outfits for Di Qiuhe and Yi Jie.

Yi Jie's is a small dress with butterfly and flower patterns, Di Qiuhe's is a light-colored suit with butterfly and flower patterns on the neckline and cuffs, and a tie that matches the color of Yijie's dress.

Just looking at the costumes and the scenery set up in the studio, the sweet atmosphere and bursting heart of the girl almost overflowed, but when they both changed their clothes and put on makeup, they stood in the middle of the studio, the staff present and He Bai Both found that Di Qiuhe and Yi Jie had no sense of CP, and there was no sweet atmosphere at all.

Obviously male is handsome, female is beautiful, the clothes are still lovers, and the background is dreamy, but it doesn't match at all. It looks like two men and women who happened to wear the same series of clothes met by chance.

The picture is a bit stiff.

At work, Di Qiuhe and Yi Jie are both dedicated, but helpless, body language can't deceive people.

Di Qiuhe's gesture of embracing Yi Jie was too distant and cold. Although his expression had been trying to smile softly, but it was only a gentle smile, but there was no feeling of love at all. I don't know if it was affected by his emotions, Yi Jie, who was still in a little state, also became polite.

This kind of "couple" who doesn't have each other's eyes at all, there is a problem if it can be sweetened.

The person in charge frowned, and He Bai sighed.

No, Di Laji looked at Yi Jie’s eyes too politely, and looked at the camera with murderous and grievances. He, the photographer, had some itchy hands and wanted to beat people, and felt very sorry for the dedicated Yi Jie—the bird of his own today. Too out of state.

He tried two more lenses, but to no avail, He Bai put down the camera and glared at Di Qiuhe vaguely. He stepped forward and called to take Yi Jie to touch up his makeup and rest. Then he took Di Qiuhe to the corner and lowered his voice. Said, "Recall the way you usually hug me, look for the feeling, don't stretch your body when you shoot, and relax."

After Di Qiuhe moved away from the crowd, the disguised gentleness on his face quickly disappeared, his face sullen, and his voice icy, "I want to deduct wages for Xing Shaofeng!" What a bad job! Actually let him hug and hug other women in front of Puppy. Is it because he just enjoyed the life of the husband for a long time too smoothly? He hasn't eaten the paparazzi in his stomach yet!

He Bai was taken aback for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "What salary is deducted! Were you in good shape when you filmed the "Married Army" poster? Why are you not now? How proud of your acting skills?"

"Feed the dog." Di Qiuhe replied aggrieved, looking at him accusingly. Puppy was not jealous at all, and asked him to hug other women... Sad.

He Bai knew that he was going to be bad as soon as he looked at his expression, his eyebrows jumped, and he looked back at the small round table with two delicate tea cups in the middle of the studio. There was a flash of light in his mind. He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to it. On the side, grabbed his sleeves, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and coaxed, "Cooperate with me in a while, let's make a quick decision."

Di Qiuhe was taken aback by his kiss. After returning to his senses, he was about to return to the kiss, so he was pushed back to the light in the middle of the studio and stood in the sight of the staff. So all the emotions can only be suppressed, and he looked back at He Bai deeply, sat down at the small round table, and waited for Yi Jie to finish the makeup.

After five minutes, Yi Jie finished the makeup, everyone was in their positions, and they could start shooting at any time.

This time He Bai didn't let them hug each other again, but let them sit on both sides of the small round table with their bodies close, holding the cups in their hands to make the gesture of handing over wine, guiding them to look out of the camera. In the end, I didn’t think the picture was sweet enough, and I dropped a few large, clear-cut fruit candies into the cup, adding a bit of color to the picture and shifting the focus of the picture.

Two people with no sense of CP no longer looked at each other, but tacitly looked at the same direction, ignoring their expressions, and the sweet taste finally came out.

But not enough.

He Bai pulled Yi Jie’s agent over again, asked the person in charge for a few brands, and murmured with the agent. After listening, the agent’s eyes flickered and his ears were red and he looked at Yi Jie several times. , Shook his head desperately.

He Bai hurriedly pulled him to continue.

Yi Jie, who had been observing the situation here, frowned suspiciously, Di Qiuhe picked up the candy in the cup and ate one, squinted his eyes and planned the "18 styles of dog abuse", and treated the puppy like this, that kind of thing in his heart. Many times.

After a few more minutes, without knowing what He Bai said specifically, the agent finally gritted his teeth and nodded, took a look at Yi Jie, and took a pen to write on the board.

He Bai also glanced at Di Qiuhe, picked up the pen and wrote on the other board.

After the board was ready, the shooting restarted. He Bai clapped his hands and signaled Di Qiuhe and Yi Jie to pose according to the posture taught them before. They stepped forward and adjusted briefly, stepped back and fixed the camera on the tripod. Adjust the camera mode, poke the agent, and hold up a sign with the other party a few seconds later.

The same sentence was written on the two signs, but one handwriting was chic and majestic, and the other handwriting was steady and powerful.

[Actually I have a secret that I haven't told you, that is: I like you. 】

Yi Jie's eyes widened in disbelief, glanced at the sign, and then at the agent holding the sign. After a few seconds of changes in her expression, her eyes suddenly turned red. The agent had a straight face, seeing her reacting like this, his tight expression relaxed a lot, and his eyes looked at her tenderly.

Di Qiuhe was stunned, then slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

The camera was automatically taking pictures, capturing all the expressions and eyes of the two at this time.

He Bai motioned to his agent again and told him to move in front of him and squat down. After a few seconds, he held up the second sign with him.

[Let’s get married. 】

Yi Jie and Di Qiuhe wanted to get up at the same time, and He Bai yelled, "Don't move! It doesn't matter if you move!"

Di Qiuhe hurriedly sat back, Yi Jie paused, blinked his head to suppress tears, and sat back, and then re-positioned with Di Qiuhe in the posture that Di Qiuhe had just started taking pictures, and lowered his head and took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions.

"Look at the camera!" He Bai suddenly put down the sign and picked up the camera, waved to attract their attention, and exclaimed, "Laugh!"

The agent cooperatively raised a sign with a ugly smiling face.

At a glance, Di Qiuhe saw that the ugly smiling face was He Bai's handwriting, and he smiled generously. Yi Jie curled her eyes and smiled as she watched her steady and reliable agent doing weird moves.


The picture freezes, in a warm and dreamy background, handsome men and beautiful women are looking at the camera at the same time, one smiles softly and dozingly, the other smiles shyly, the body is slightly tilted towards each other, and the hands are still holding the cup. Just wait for a camera to be repaired in the later stage to make the illusion that the two are taking a selfie with each other, and put a line "We are getting married" on it, and the sweet atmosphere is perfect.

"Okay, perfect, call it a day!"

He Bai waved happily, breaking the silence of the room. The staff returned to their senses one after another, glanced at a few signs on the ground, and roared with laughter. This wonderful shooting experience is really interesting.

"Teacher He, how did you come up with this method! If I stood in the studio and was so weird by someone I knew, I would definitely not be able to help laughing like a silly pen." A staff member ran excitedly. Come over, look for He Bai gossip with bright eyes.

He Baigang was still thinking about how to complete the "confession" brand, and the staff intimately came out to give the reasons, so he followed his words and laughed and joked, "How can a handsome and beautiful smile be so ridiculous? It’s a brilliant smile, a seductive smile, and a beautiful smile."

"Yes, yes, what Teacher He said." The staff member nodded quickly, knowing that he had almost offended two stars just now, and changed his words quickly, not daring to gossip, and ran away in a hurry.

In the corner, Yi Jie’s agent is talking to the person in charge of "C Shadow", Yi Jie is by his side, has quickly cleared up her emotions, her expression is flawless, only occasionally bright eyes when she looks at the agent Leaked a trace of her emotions.

On the other side, Wang Boyi, at Di Qiuhe's order, began to "bribish" the staff present with drinks, snacks and other things, brainwashing the staff without a trace, making them think that the confession sign just now was just a joke among brothers.

He Bai retracted his gaze, turned his head and looked around. He didn't see Di Qiuhe's figure. He frowned and wondered if the other party had gone back to the lounge or the bathroom. He shook his head, turned his head down and turned over the automatic capture on the camera. A few photos, walked towards the person in charge.

A staff member who was cleaning up the venue: "Hey, why is there only two pieces left on the sign? What about the three pieces written by Teacher He, who of you took it away?"

After the perfect control field just now, the person in charge saw that He Bai was 10,000 excited, and shook his hand and kept shouting to Teacher He, and verbally invited him to shoot the cover of the next issue of "C Shadow". , And offered to give him treatment.

Last time He Bai was just a newcomer who had not photographed the cover of a magazine, so the price given by "C Shadow" was not high, but today is different. He Bai, who has experienced several rounds of photo explosion, is no longer the original one. He Bai, the price is naturally raised.

He Bai thanked him with a smile, but did not explicitly respond to his verbal invitation. He only said euphemistically that all his current external cooperation matters have been handed over to the assistant Li Ru, and the specific cooperation arrangements must first be communicated with the assistant on the schedule.

The person in charge is full of understanding, his attitude is still enthusiastic, and his heart is a little bit emotional. Sure enough, today is different. Teacher He, who once wanted to make an appointment, now has to make an appointment in advance. Feng Shui turns around.

Back in the dressing room, He Bai still didn't see Di Qiuhe's figure, but was blocked by Yi Jie and hugged him upright.

"Sister Yi, this..." He Bai opened his hands in a gesture of surrender, looked at the agent who was following Yi Jie, and froze to show his innocence.

The agent smiled, signaled that he was okay, and then looked at Yi Jie dozingly.

"Thank you." Yi Jie whispered in his ear, then let go Guessing hesitated for a long time, he felt that he was not worthy of me, and I suspect that he was just wishful thinking... Thank you and wish you happiness."

He Bai heaved a sigh of relief, retracted his hand, and was really happy for her in his heart, and replied, "Just do bad things if you don't have a good intention, and have a good time."

"I will." Yi Jie smiled again, looked back at her agent, waved to He Bai, and sweetly left the dressing room with her agent.

He Bai looked at the back of them leaving and couldn't help smiling. When he took pictures of Yi Jie last time, he discovered that there seemed to be something between Yi Jie and her agent, but they were both careful not to pierce through. Help them.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong, but the agent probably couldn't hold it anymore. Yi Jie was getting more and more dazzling now, and if she didn't turn home, she might be targeted by other wolves.

After another ten minutes, Di Qiuhe, who was still wearing the shooting costume, finally returned to the dressing room.

"Constipation?" He Bai crouched on the chair, asking innocently.

Di Qiuhe motioned to Wang Boyi to turn around and guard the door, then strode over to pick him up from the chair, lowered his head and bit his lips fiercely, and said dumbly, "Puppy, you don't listen too much-where are you? Smell of perfume?"

He Bai snorted in his heart, and the raised eyebrows were quickly flattened, to please him back to kiss him.

Di Qiuhe was taken aback when he was kissed, and he unceremoniously grabbed the initiative, rubbed his body, and kissed him until he was panting before letting him go. He said viciously, "I will take care of you when I go home. Go change clothes."

He Bai fawned on him again.

"... It's useless to act like a baby!"

With a non-threatening sentence, Di Qiuhe turned and hurried into the locker room. He Bai sighed in relief, raised his arms and smelled his body, frowning, "You can smell such a weak smell, can you smell it, dog nose?"

On the way home, Di Qiuhe kept his face sullen, pressing He Bai in his arms and not letting go. He Bai had a guilty conscience and let him hold him obediently.

When Wang Boyi left when he got home, Di Qiuhe took He Bai into the villa, closed the door, pressed him against the door, and unbuttoned his coat with a black face.

He Bai had never seen him such a continuous silence. He was flustered and let him take off his coat. He explained, "The perfume smell belongs to Yi Jie. Before she left, she thanked me for helping her pierce it. The window paper between and the agent gave me a meaningful hug, I swear, I never hugged her back!"

Di Qiuhe took a deep look at him, peeled off his coat and threw it on the ground, suddenly bending over to give him a princess hug.

"Fuck... Groove!" He Bai hooked his neck, his eyes widened in surprise.

Di Qiuhe hugged him and turned on the heating at home, then put him on the sofa and pressed him down, straightened up and took off his coat, hung on him, gently touched his hair, and whispered, "Little dog, We get married."

"... Huh?" He Bai's attention was focused on the two men's current postures, feeling a little bit uncomfortable, and sneaking back.

Di Qiuhe pressed his leg, lowered his head and leaned close to him, eye-to-eye with him, rubbing the tip of his nose, fingers down a little bit, touching his ears and neck, and dragging his chest and abdomen through the sweater along the line of the collarbone. After reaching the crotch, I opened the hem and went in, fumbled to the waist, and repeated, "We are married, we are married, we spend our honeymoon, and we will be together forever. You are mine. I want you to have me on you, Di Qiuhe, wherever you go. Tag of."

"Yes, but same-sex marriages are not allowed in the country..." He Bai swallowed dryly after hearing his words. His deep eyes were so hot that his heart thumped and thumped wildly. He wanted to run to hide, but he felt contradictory at this time. Di Qiuhe is so handsome, his hormones are crazy.

"Then go abroad." Di Qiuhe suddenly rubbed the sensitive spots of his waist, then continued to move his hands up, gently and domineering caressing and kneading on him, his voice slowly becoming dumb, "and then do it in China. Wedding, a grand wedding. I want to tell everyone that you are my Di Qiuhe’s partner, and no one wants to take you away."

"No one grabs me, Qiuhe, you... Um."

As if afraid that he would refuse, Di Qiuhe lowered his head to block his next words with a kiss, and pressed his body down, and the hands that touched him became more and more free, picking up the sensitive points he discovered during this period of time.

The two of them were breathing harder and heavier, and the temperature of the heating gradually rose. He Bai was touched dizzy, a layer of sweat oozes from his forehead, and he noticed that the movements of his body had changed from fierce and domineering to gentle and careful. Softened down.

This naive ghost has been working hard to be a qualified lover, learning to cook, learning to do housework, learning to take care of others, and expressing his feelings without reservation at all times, and he is almost obedient to himself. , Gave myself a sufficient sense of security.

He has never suffered from other couples suffering from gains and losses. One is because he trusts each other, and the other is because Di Qiuhe never gives him the opportunity to suffer from gains and losses. From the beginning, the other couple gave him everything.

The trouser belt has been untied, he opened his eyes slightly, his gaze inadvertently swept across the opponent's hand supporting his face, he was stunned after seeing a few burn marks on it, and vaguely remembered that the other party was looking for a makeup artist before the shooting. The act of wiping his hands after asking for something alone made his heart completely softened, and he took the initiative to stretch his arms to hug him.

Forget it, I have "hand talked" so many times, and I haven't seen any rejection in my body, and the Chinese New Year will be coming soon. After the new year, both of them will have jobs. It is estimated that they will have to be separated for a period of time... Since the other party wants to, then , Then do it!

He gritted his teeth, took the opponent's hand, and touched behind him.

Di Qiuhe was taken aback, "Xiaobai, you..."

"Shut up!" Although he had made up his mind, He Bai still felt a little ashamed. After glaring at him, he immediately turned aside his gaze and said, "I have no idea about your place, so you... Anyway, just do it, gentle Point, if it’s uncomfortable, I will kick you right away."

"No." Di Qiuhe immediately hugged him, just sat up and let him sit across on him face to face, kissed him cherished, and said domineeringly, "I won't give you a chance to kick me, you can only be me of."

He Baixin bit him unwillingly.

Thinking of him straight-oh no, thinking of him a happy asexuality, it would be very painful to think of him as such a childish ghost to do this or that! Not reconciled! accurate! If you love each other, you must also hurt! Kill him!

So a kiss and a bite, the enthusiasm is ignited again.

The clothes on both of them slowly became less, and when they were about to frankly confront each other... The doorbell rang.

"Never mind it." Di Qiuhe twisted He Bai's head back, grabbing his legs around his waist.

The doorbell stopped, and then continued unrelentingly.

He Bai pushed Di Qiuhe, "Go and open the door."

Di Qiuhe frowned and looked at him, breathing heavily, with red eyes, desperately dissatisfied.

"I just remembered that I don't have a small umbrella at home..." He Bai whispered, and reminded him more tactfully, "This is the first time... There is lubricant, and there is no home..." After speaking, his neck and chest were all red. I pulled the sweater that I took off to cover my face.

Di Qiuhe took a deep breath, straightened up, took the shirt he took off and put him on him, then picked him up and sent him to the room on the second floor to cover him with a quilt. He was just about to coax his embarrassed lover. I heard the bell downstairs sounding persistently again.

Di Qiuhe: Who is "..."? Are you looking for death!

"Go and open the door." He Bai emerged from the quilt, blushing, "What if Uncle Hu is looking for us... After going down, remember to tidy up the clothes in the living room." After speaking, he retracted into the quilt and rolled onto the bed. Inside.

Di Qiuhe clenched a fist, glanced badly at the door, turned around and walked to the cloakroom to find a set of pajamas and put it on, stepping down the stairs with heavy steps.

First carefully packed all the clothes in the living room and threw them into the laundry. He strode towards the door with a dark face.

Outside the courtyard, Dibian had already pressed the doorbell a little impatiently. He glanced at his watch and frowned. The subordinates obviously saw that Di Qiuhe's car had come back. There should be someone at home, but how come no one has answered the door until now? Is it because the other party doesn't want to see himself

Just thinking about this, the closed door opened, and the father and son met a little distance in the front yard.