One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 92: Bang bang bang


Di Chunhua’s murderous purchase soon spread to China, and even appeared on the homepage of CCTV’s international section. Although the protagonist’s name and identity were deliberately ambiguous in the news, netizens immediately guessed the cause and effect of the incident due to too much gossip.

The emperor, who had been at ease for a while, was once again pushed to the forefront. Di Chunhua's past events were revealed again, and netizens had a good discussion.

After He Bai returned to China, he went back to his dormitory and settled the hearts of his roommates. Then he participated in a celebration event organized by the school for him. He took a bunch of titles and awards that seemed to be colorful, but actually useless, and finally finally With free time, I brought Li Ru to start arranging the next work.

Di Qiuhe is also very busy there. "Xiantu" has finished, and will soon enter the editing and promotion trial broadcast period. If he wants to go abroad to film, part of the promotion of "Xiantu" will inevitably be absent, so he must contact Lin in advance. Director Mo communicated well with the itinerary.

The two of them were busy, and for a while, they forgot about Di Chunhua.

So another week later, Xing Shaofeng heard news from abroad that the work of the crew of "Lymphomaniac" and V&G had been finalized, allowing the two to take a trip abroad to sign a cooperation contract.

So when Qin Li couldn't help flying back home, and wanted to talk to Di Qiuhe again, all she faced was a cold villa door.

"Di Shao has gone abroad, please leave." The bodyguard who lives in the villa next door to help Di Qiuhe's house stood in the courtyard with a dark face, and said coldly to Qin Li outside the courtyard, and then took out the walkie-talkie to let his companion go to the community property. Take a look and ask them why they let people in without the consent of the owner.

Qin Li threw herself into the air for the second time. She almost fell down with anger. She wanted to scold and was exhausted because she had no energy. Thinking of her daughter who was still struggling abroad, she looked at the bodyguard and the villa door bitterly, turned and left, went to the airport, and bought it. The ticket to Zone D—Chunhua’s Dibian will definitely not care, and now only Zeng Peizhong can help her.

Peizhong, Peizhong... She was sitting on the seat in the airport lounge, watching the joyous crowds coming and going, chanting this name in her heart, thinking of the sincere words that this person said, as if she had found the backbone , Relaxed his tight body for a long time, raised his hand to cover his face and started crying.

If she had known that this life would be like this, if she had known that Zeng Peizhong would rise above others, why did she need it in the first place, and why should she... As long as Zeng Peizhong could help her keep Chunhua this time, she would definitely give him the end! Let Xia Song take good care of his family business! In this life, she will never lose him again!

He Bai seemed to hear Di Qiuhe talking in a daze, struggling to open his eyes, looked around this somewhat unfamiliar hotel room, saw the familiar tall figure on the balcony, and whispered, "Qiuhe, how many Clicked?"

Di Qiuhe looked back and saw that he was awake. He hung up and walked back to the bed after hurriedly saying a few words to the phone. He bent over and touched his hair, and asked softly, "I woke you up." Go to sleep, Junjie said that you have been rushing for movies this week, and you haven't rested well. Let you get enough sleep today."

"No." He Bai shook his head, sat up on the bed, raised his arms and hooked his neck, leaned over and hung on his body, leaned his head and rubbed his shoulders, closed his eyes and said vaguely, "Shao Feng's matter over there. How is it, whose call was just now?"

"Di Chunhua's affairs are undergoing judicial procedures. Xing Shaofeng can basically get away. I asked him to fly to the V&G headquarters to meet with Cooper. The lawyers will continue to stay in Country D to follow up with Di Chunhua's affairs." Di Qiu He stretched his arms to hug him, leaned him comfortably on his body, followed his back lightly, and continued to reply, "I was just called by Zeng Peizhong's assistant. Qin Li went to Zeng Peizhong for help."

"Huh? Looking for Zeng Peizhong?" He Bai raised his head and opened his eyes again. "Qin Li went to Zeng Peizhong herself? Is she not afraid of Di Bian's doubts?"

"It's probably too anxious." Di Qiuhe kissed his unconsciously frowning eyebrows, and simply lifted the quilt and hugged him and lay down, patted his back and said, "Zeng Peizhong's idea is to help first. She fished out Di Chunhua, then took the opportunity to control Di Chunhua in her own hands, coaxed Qin Li, and concentrated on dealing with Di Bian."

His body was warm, and he was very comfortable being photographed. He Bai posted a sticker to him and hugged him, thinking about it and asking, "Can it be done once and for all? Xing Shaofeng said before that he already had something about Di Chunhua. Arrangement, will it affect if you change now?" In fact, he thinks that dangerous elements like Di Chunhua should be kept in prison.

Di Qiuhe dropped his head to kiss the top of his head, smiled and replied, "It won't matter. Zeng Peizhong will take over Di Chunhua. It's better to get her out of jail once and for all. After all, there is a time limit for jail time. Okay, go to sleep, wait. When you wake up, there will be surprises for you."

"Don't, I don't expect your surprise breakfast at all. I like to eat meat buns more than loving fried eggs." He Baisha said in a scenic manner, rubbing his forehead against his shoulders and lifting his legs. When he reached him, closed his eyes, muttered a few words, and fell asleep again in the koala position.

Di Qiuhe continued to pat him gently, waited for his body to relax little by little, and the legs on his body began to slowly slide down before stopping, and holding his legs with his hands, lowering his head gently. Kiss him.

The next day was a sunny day. He Bai, who had adjusted the jet lag to make up for sleep, got up from the bed vigorously, touched his side, cold, got up and went to the bathroom and the living room outside to take a look, empty and puzzled.

"Where did you go in the early morning..." He raised his hand and grabbed the messy hair, remembering the surprise Di Qiuhe had said yesterday, and with a grin, he turned around and went into the bathroom and began to wash.

After finishing packing and changing clothes, he waited for another half an hour before Di Qiuhe returned to the room with a tray.

He Bai hurriedly leaned over and took a glance, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it an omelet or a porridge?" Di Laji was the best at these two.

Di Qiuhe smiled, raised his hand to mess up his hair, opened the tray and handed over the love breakfast, and said, "All guesses are wrong, it's sandwiches and milk."

He Bai stared, tooth for tooth, and messed up his hair, then grabbed the tray, rolled his eyes, and filled his stomach on the sofa happily.

The two are now in country F, where the "Lymphomaniac" crew is located, waiting to meet with the crew director to discuss the signing of an actor contract and an investment contract. After eating breakfast, He Baiben thought that Di Qiuhe would take him to meet with the crew, but he didn't want the other party to conjure up a bunch of documentary discs, and said he wanted to watch him all day.

He Bai glanced at the pile of snacks stuffed in his arms, wondering, "Are you not talking about the contract?"

"Don't talk about it today, I have an appointment with Director Sennett for tomorrow." Di Qiuhe replied. After installing the disc, he pressed start, smiled and squeezed his face, and said, "Today let's take a good rest and know ourselves and the enemy. His talents survive all battles. These are all documentaries that Sennett has shot in the past. It would be nice to have a look in advance to understand his shooting style."

The title of the documentary has popped out. It happened to be He Bai's very interested in the beauty exploration and analysis, so he naturally accepted the explanation and proposal, smiled and praised Di Qiuhe, and then watched comfortably with his snacks. Up.

Halfway through the film, Di Qiuhe said that he would go out to buy some odds and ends. He Bai did not lift his head, waved his hand and said something to go back quickly.

Dissatisfied, Di Qiuhe leaned forward and bit his side of his face. After getting a paw, he left in a good mood.

The documentary is very long, divided into three parts. After one is broadcast, the next one will be played automatically. He Bai watched it with great gusto. He almost missed lunch. It was the bodyguard knocking on the door to deliver the meal.

"Where is Qiuhe, haven't you come back?" He Bai frowned and glanced at the time. Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, he couldn't help but worry, "How come I have been shopping for something for so long? Did something happen?"

"Don't worry, Shao He, Shao Di is okay. It's just that I went a little far to buy things, and I encountered a traffic jam when I came back, so I was a little late." The bodyguard explained as instructed.

He Bai frowned more tightly when he heard this, and asked, "How many people are there next to Qiu He?"

"Three, they will send a message back every ten minutes, you can rest assured."

After following three bodyguards, there should be no problem. He Bai loosened his eyebrows, waved his hand to let him go out, and came to the sofa with lunch. He just had a bite or two and remembered that Di Qiuhe should be unable to eat because of the traffic jam. , And felt a little appetite, so he simply pushed away the lunch and took out his mobile phone to call Di Qiuhe.

The phone was quickly connected, and Di Qiuhe’s gentle and deep voice came over. He Bai was relieved and asked, “What did you buy? Why did you run so far? I still have to eat lunch. I just want to be on the side of the road in a traffic jam. Buy something and get a pad first."

"I bought some special products for my grandfather. His old man has been looking through the photos here before. It should be reminded of the scene when he came here before." Di Qiuhe replied and asked with a smile, "Did you miss me? Don't worry, the car It shouldn’t last long. I heard people say that there was a small accident ahead. The police are dealing with it, and the passage will be soon. Have you had lunch?"

It turned out to be a special product for his grandfather. He Bai raised his hand and beat his head, secretly scolded himself for being careless, and then listened to him asking about lunch, and hurriedly asked him to remember to eat something to cushion his stomach, then hung up the phone, obedient. After the lunch, he continued to eat.

As a result, the idea was too beautiful, the reality was cruel, and he didn't know what the accident was. This time, Di Qiuhe was stuck in a traffic jam until it was getting dark before returning.

He Bai stood by the door of the hotel, seeing the car they rented coming from a distance, and hurriedly ran over and knocked on the door of the back seat of the car.

"I'm here." The window in the rear seat did not open, but the window in the driver's seat was open. Di Qiuhe's face appeared behind the window and signaled him to get on the co-pilot, "It's late, I'll take you to eat first. dinner."

He Bai was taken aback, busy getting into the co-pilot and sitting down, frowning and asked, "Why are you driving, the bodyguard?"

"In the back car." Di Qiuhe replied, fastened his seat belt and touched his face, "Sorry, I didn't accompany you all day."

"I can't blame you." He Bai held down his hand and was very dissatisfied. "What is the efficiency of the foreign police? The small accident has been dealt with all afternoon. I don't know how to clear Lu Qing first... You have lunch. What’s wrong? Are you hungry? Find something to eat nearby, or go back to the hotel."

Di Qiuhe calmly touched him, retracted his hand to start the car, and replied, "The pizza for lunch, I am not hungry now, don't worry, I have already ordered a restaurant to eat, and I can eat it as soon as I go."

He Bai was reluctantly comforted. He turned around and saw a super large paper box in the back seat. He was a little confused, "This is the special product you bought for Grandpa? What is such a big thing, how can I smell a sweet smell? smell."

"It's some ethnic handicrafts. It has a sweet taste because I ate a small cake in the car in the afternoon." Di Qiuhe had a straight face.

He Bai became more confused, "What kind of craft can be so big? Why haven't I heard my grandfather mention it before..." Is it a big decoration

"When I get to the restaurant, I will show it to you." Di Qiuhe turned the steering wheel and drove towards the suburbs.

He Bai, who didn't know the road, nodded stupidly.

Twenty minutes later, He Bai looked at the increasingly desolate scenery outside the car window with a numb face, "Di three years old, are you lying to me, there will be restaurants in places where birds do not shit?"

"Yes, it's a new restaurant full of wild fun." Di Qiuhe replied, stepping on the accelerator again.

After another ten minutes, the sky was completely dark. He Bai looked at the branches of trees on the roadside that looked very twisted against the night. He felt that the wild restaurant in Di Qiuhe's mouth probably refers to the mosquito-feeding restaurant in the deserted mountains.

Just when he thought the surrounding scenery would no longer change, the front suddenly opened up, and a little light appeared faintly.

"Arrived?" He immediately came to his energy, sat up straight and looked forward.

Di Qiuhe smiled without saying a word, and pressed the switch, the car's windows and the roof above suddenly began to lower and rise, quickly closing, and then the low-key business car turned into a wild little convertible.

The refreshing night wind entangled him, He Bai looked up at the beautiful starry sky, his eyes widened.

Bang bang bang—

A row of fireworks suddenly rose in the open distance, illuminating a clear lake.

He Bai looked at it in response.

The fireworks went out and the nearby lights came on, and a dream dining car decorated with ribbons and flowers appeared by the lake. Then the lights spread, starting from the dining car, and gradually formed a beautiful light band that encompassed the entire lake.

Bang bang bang—

The fireworks lifted into the sky again, the night breeze brought a burst of food aroma, the speed of the car slowed down, and it drove towards the brightest part of the light.

"Heaven..." He Bai couldn't help unfastening his seat belt, knelt in the car and looked over there. His mind was confused, a little confused about the current situation, and he squatted and asked, "Qiuhe, this, What is this... It won't be you..."

The car parked in front of the dining car, and several bodyguards guarding here strode over, moved the big box in the back seat and placed it on the table arranged by the lake, and then hid in the dark with interest and no longer disturbed.

Di Qiuhe unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car. He walked around to hug He Bai, who was staring around him, and got out of the car. He bowed his head and kissed him lingeringly, then released him and held his face, and said with a smile, "Puppy ,happy Birthday."

He Bai opened his mouth and was completely silly, "Birth, birthday? Today is my birthday?" After speaking, he realized that it was already June, and his birthday was indeed in this month.

Di Qiuhe was amused by his reaction and led him to the side of the dining car, motioning him to open the big box on it.

He Bai once again looked at the dream scene he was in, and faintly guessed what the contents of the box were. His lifeless heart bounced around a few times. After taking a light breath, he raised his hand to untie the low-key and plain ribbon on the box. Open the lid of the box.

A three-tiered fruit cake appeared in front of my eyes. The pattern on it was very simple and ugly, but the words "Happy Birthday to Doggie" on the top were very beautiful. The handwriting was very familiar.

"It's not as good-looking as you did to me at the beginning, so I can only win by quantity." Di Qiuhe explained embarrassingly. He picked up the candle next to the cake and inserted it, and then lit them one by one, standing sideways at the wind outlet to block the wind. , Smiled and said, "Well, make a wish and blow the candle."

He Bai looked at this ugly cake, and looked at his lover who was standing by the cake and looking at him tenderly, pursing his lips, leaning over and blowing out all the candles, then hugged Di Qiuhe and bit his head. He took a bite and said seriously, "My wish this year is to live a hundred years old and stay with me forever!" After finishing speaking, he bit him again and hugged him tightly.

By the river, fireworks, cakes... All of them are an upgraded version of the birthday surprise he gave to each other last year. This man is so stupid, he can only copy the surprises... Twice, since he was born again, his birthday is actually the same. This person was helping him.

Suddenly I wanted to cry.

Di Qiuhe was bitten into a daze by him, and then couldn't help but laugh, hugged him and shook, and said happily, "You can make three birthday wishes, and how about two more?"

"Nothing." He Bai shook his head, tightened his arms, his voice was a little dull, "There is only this one, as long as this one is realized is enough, greedy people will be hated by God." It is enough to have such a good lover. That's enough.

Perceiving the dullness of his voice, Di Qiuhe's heart instantly softened, raised his hand to touch his hair, lowered his head and kissed the top of his head, and said, "Okay, this one, I will accompany you to promise this once a year. Wish, okay?"

"Not good." He Bai took a bite on his shoulder. Although he was touched, he still wanted to say, "It's not enough for you to take up one birthday wish for me. You still want to take up all the birthday wishes for the remaining decades, so shameless. "

Di Qiuhe smiled, raised his hand to rub his earlobe, and petted and asked, "Then I will exchange my birthday wishes for decades with you?"

He Bai raised his hand to beat him, but didn't refute it anymore, acquiescing to his proposal.

Di Qiuhe finally couldn't help laughing happily. He picked him up for a while and rubbed him, wishing to record all his puppy-like stickiness at this time, and cherish it in his heart so that no one would see it.

In the middle of the night, Weibo.

Bai and Bai: Happy birthday. 【picture】

Fanda looked at He Bai who was holding the cake in the picture on Weibo with a smile on his face, touched the familiar handwriting that was cut in half on the cake, and asked with a slight smile on the old face. Said, "No one is bothering them."

"No." Hu Zhao handed over the hot tea and replied with a smile on his face, "The bodyguard is looking at it, nothing went wrong, Qiu He and Xiao Bai had a great time."

"That's good, they are all children. If you have a chance to be lively, try to be as lively as possible." Fan Da nodded in satisfaction, put the tablet away, leaned on the sofa and drank a sip of tea, and suddenly asked, "Dibian arranged there. How's it going?"

Hu Zhao heard that the smile on his face was slightly restrained, and he replied, "It's all arranged, and you can do it at any time."

"Then give him some appetizers first, which is considered as a birthday gift for Xiaobai." Fan Da turned his teacup, his smile on his face became more loving, "Wait to September, Qiuhe's birthday is here, and then formally give a big gift. give him."

Hu Zhao glanced at the almost ripped investigation report on the desk, and nodded respectfully, "Yes, I will arrange it now."

A few days later, all the contracts between "Lymphomaniac" and V&G were successfully signed. The universal agent Xing Shaofeng once again used his ability to invite V&G's vague commercial filming and negotiated a spokesperson contract.

"The first thing they gave you was a brand ambassador, that is, brand promotion. I talked to them about your potential and future prospects. In the end, they decided to sign a contract with you as an ambassador, that is, a spokesperson. But the signing time is relatively short. It is short, only one year, and only in China. When "Lymphomaniac" is released next year, I am confident that this endorsement will continue to be signed and upgraded to a certain extent." Xing Shaofeng said confidently and confidently, adding with a smile, "Advertising The shooting of the film is scheduled for the end of July, and I will shoot the autumn promotion directly. He Bai is in the mirror. The treatment is good, and it is best to free up your schedule."

Di Qiuhe briefly flipped through the contract and nodded in satisfaction, "Thank you."

"If you know that I've worked hard, don't post Weibo randomly." Xing Shaofeng suddenly changed his tone, looked at He Bai, and joked, "You guys are happy to post a Weibo to show affection. It is so exhausting that our behind-the-scenes team guides public opinion to run away. Netizens are all human beings, and they can make up a big show with half of their handwriting, which is sloppy. How about, when are you going to officially open it? Give me a psychological preparation so I can arrange it so that I won’t be beaten by you. I was caught off guard."

He Bai blushed when he said that he secretly glared at Di Qiuhe, who was using his husband's common property, pretending to be calm and replied, "It's the end of the year, after the awards ceremony is over."

Puffed, Di Qiuhe shook his hand, and the contract in his hand fell to the ground.

"You can't regret it!" He hugged He Bai sideways, his eyes lit up like light, and the corners of his mouth were upturned unconsciously. He wanted to make a stern face and asked repeatedly, "You are willing to make it public. Really? It’s a puppies! Then when will we get married? Don’t wait for the end of the year, let’s make it public now, I want to hold hands with you upright, um..."

He Bai unbearably reached out his hand to cover his mouth, turned his head over in anger, and smiled embarrassedly at Xing Shaofeng, and said, "You can arrange it. If this time is not suitable, you can push it back. Yes, as long as you don’t make it in advance, I am afraid that publicizing the relationship in advance will have an impact on the awards at the end of the "Married Army"."

Di Qiuhe struggled and reached out to hug him: "Mmm!" Can't push! Never push! You can't push if you die!

"You have peace of mind!" He Bai suppressed his struggle and was so angry that he wanted to kill him. He was too embarrassed to look at Xing Shao Feng's expression at this time.

Xing Shaofeng couldn't help laughing, coughing his head to suppress the smile, got up and left the room, leaving space for them.

The imperial capital.

Di Bian looked at Lawyer Wang in disbelief, and asked anxiously, "Qin Li is married? Whom with whom? She divorced me not long ago, how come now... No, impossible! You must be mistaken! She helped me so hard, how could it be..."

"Chairman, I don't have to lie to you on this matter." Attorney Wang frowned slightly and said after a sigh, "I will find that this is also accidental. I was also surprised at that time. You use a little bit of household registration information. It can be found that Qin Li is indeed married now and her spouse is named Zeng Peizhong."

Di Bian's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly stood up and asked, "Who are you talking about? Who is the person who married Qin Li?!"

"Zeng Peizhong." As if frightened by his hideous expression, Lawyer Wang stepped back a little bit, gritted his teeth, and added, "More than that, I found out that the owner of Zhonglian Century, which is a shareholder in the imperial capital, is a bit involved with Zeng Peizhong. ,in addition… "

As if being smashed on the head by a sledge hammer, Dibian shook his body, slowly tightened his hands, and asked in a tense voice, "What's the matter, say it all at once!"

Assistant Wang glanced at him and whispered, "The last time Qin Li suddenly disappeared for two days, the explanation for you was to go to the field and ask a lawyer to file a lawsuit with Di Chun... to file a lawsuit with her daughter, but I found out that she bought it to the D area. But there is no well-known barrister settled in Zone D, and one of Zeng Peizhong’s properties seems to be on the outskirts of Zone D..."

One by one, Di Bian's recent re-established trust in Qin Li collapsed. He slumped in the back of the chair, his eyes changed back and forth, and he was silent for a long time, and finally he became vicious, "Qin Li, what a bitch! You are trying to break me and pave the way for your adulterer! My heart is big. It's very, if the emperor is abandoned, you don't want to be happy!"

Assistant Wang quickly persuaded, "Chairman, maybe Qin Li is just confused for a while. Even if she doesn't read the relationship between the husband and wife, she will also read the relationship between the second young man and your father and son. If she does this, what should the second young man do? Self."

"Father-son family relationship?" Di Bian sneered, his expression a little distorted, "You don't know, Xia Song has long been in touch with that Zeng Peizhong, this father-son family relationship, I don't know who is with whom."


"Don't tell me, go out." Di Bian interrupted him, waved his hand at him, closed his eyes, "Don't talk about this to the outside world, I have my own arrangements, let's go, I want to stay alone for a while. ."

Assistant Wang sighed, turned around and walked out of the office. He swept around a corner and wiped the unconscious cold sweat on his forehead. The embarrassment and worry on his face were replaced by sorrow.

I hope he didn't stand on the wrong team this time... Alas.

At the corner, Di Xia Song leaned against the wall, and the phrase Di Bian said "Xia Song has long been in touch with that Zeng Peizhong" reverberated in his mind, and his heart became colder and colder.

What does this mean? Did his father already know about the existence of Zeng Peizhong? Also, now that Di Bian has discovered his mother's plan, will he and his mother be driven out of Di's house like last time? Will the imperial capital still have his share in the future

No, no, my sister is still in jail, and my grandfather is still lying on the bed and cannot be driven away. The plan cannot fail! Can't fail! I have to figure out a way, I have to stay here before my mother returns to China, get... Suddenly, a conversation with the servant of Di Zhai flashed across his mind, his hand shook, and a terrible thought came out in his heart.