One-way Passage

Chapter 1


Xia Wennan slowly woke up from the deep darkness, as if he had never slept so deeply in his memory. It seemed a bit difficult for him to open his eyes, the golden and dazzling sunlight instantly occupied his field of vision, making him unable to help but close his eyes again, and opened them again when he got used to the brightness.

This time he saw clearly that he was lying in the middle of a snow-white room with a rectangular white ceiling lamp in the middle of the white ceiling above his head. It is a whitish gold, unlike the morning sun that always carries a vibrant orange, it feels more like a hot afternoon.

Xia Wennan didn't know if it was as hot as it looked outside, at least the air conditioner was turned on in the room, and the temperature was just right, making his body covered under the thin quilt neither cold nor hot. But as soon as he tried to move his hands, he found that his whole body was extremely stiff, and followed by throbbing pains in his head.

He couldn't help but let out a soft "hum".

"Are you awake?" A deep male voice suddenly came from the room, with an unconcealable surprise in his tone.

Xia Wennan originally wanted to look up to see where the speaker was, but he gave up after a little effort. He thought that his head probably had a wound, which made it so painful when he moved.

Dull footsteps sounded in the room, stopping from the right corner to Xia Wennan's bedside. Xia Wennan also saw clearly that the person who spoke just now was a strange male Alpha.

Alpha looked to be in his thirties, wearing a slim black suit, with short knuckle-length hair combed up, only a few strands hanging unruly at the temples. Like most male Alphas, he has a sharp and tough outline, but he is even more handsome: the corners of his eyebrows are slanted, his lips are light and thin, and he has a pair of beautiful eyes. When looking at people, his eyelashes are slightly drooping, half covering his eyes deep emotions.

At this moment, he bent down slightly, stared straight at Xia Wennan with those beautiful eyes, and asked, "How do you feel?"

Xia Wennan frowned, looked at the strange Alpha in front of him, and asked, "Who are you?"

The astonishment on Alpha's face could not be concealed at all. He looked at Xia Wennan for a moment, got up and rang the call bell at the bedside, and said to the other side: "The patient is awake."

After finishing the call, Alpha stood by the bed and looked at Xia Wennan silently. It wasn't until Xia Wennan wanted to get up but showed a painful expression because of touching the wound that he reached out and pressed Xia Wennan's chest, "Don't get up."

Xia Wennan took a breath and asked him, "Is this a hospital? What happened to me?"

Alpha didn't answer immediately. Before Xia Wennan got the answer, the door of the ward was opened, and a group of three or four medical staff hurried in from outside.

The one who walked in the front was a middle-aged male doctor. When he entered the door, Xia Wennan clearly heard him call "Mr. Ming".

Who is Mr. Ming? Is that the Alpha in the room? Although Xia Wennan's head was hurting, he still couldn't help thinking about it curiously.

Doctors and nurses quickly surrounded him to examine him, and the Alpha by the bed retreated silently to a corner.

Xia Wennan was still at a loss. He heard the doctor ask him a few questions. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he didn't know why he was lying here, what happened before he was injured, and even when the doctor asked him what is today? When it was a few months or a few days, his mind was blurred.

The middle-aged doctor frowned.

Fortunately, he remembered that his name was Xia Wennan, and he was a college student.

"College student?" Everyone beside the bed paused for a moment, including the nurse who was measuring his blood pressure.

The middle-aged doctor looked back at Alpha standing in the corner.

Alpha had no expression on his face, just looked at Xia Wennan.

The doctor asked Xia Wennan: "Do you remember who that gentleman is?" He pointed to Alpha in the corner.

Xia Wennan knew who he was referring to, and shook his head without looking over, his eyes kept falling on another young male doctor next to the hospital bed.

The middle-aged doctor followed his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xia Wennan showed a puzzled expression, and said to the young doctor, "You look a lot like a middle school classmate of mine."

The young doctor smiled awkwardly and said nothing, only the middle-aged doctor said: "Really?"

Xia Wennan felt very strange. He carefully looked at the man's eyebrows and eyes, and nodded: "It's really similar, but he's a little older."

The young doctor still smiled unnaturally and said, "I should be your classmate."

Xia Wennan said: "Oh! You are Lin Shuqiu."

Lin Shuqiu didn't speak, it seemed that he didn't intend to continue the conversation with Xia Wennan, Xia Wennan could only lie down in silence and continued to cooperate with the inspection in a daze.

After half an hour, the doctors and nurses in the ward left one after another. Before leaving, the middle-aged doctor invited the Alpha in the room to go out with him, leaving Xia Wennan alone.

He was a little tired, closed his eyes and fell asleep for a short sleep. When he woke up again, he saw that the Alpha had returned, leaning against the chair beside the bed, clasped his hands on his knees, and was looking at him. Seeing Xia Wennan wake up, he didn't move, but asked, "Are you okay?"

Xia Wennan was dripping on the back of his hand, and the medicine entered the blood vessels, bringing a burst of coolness. He looked at Alpha, and asked again: "Who are you?"

Alpha looked at Xia Wennan for a long time, and said, "You don't remember me."

Xia Wennan was puzzled: "We know each other?"

Alpha's tone of voice was a bit cold: "My name is Ming Luchuan, and I'm your husband."

"My what?" Xia Wennan's mind went blank for a moment.

The Alpha named Ming Luchuan repeated: "Your husband."

Xia Wennan continued to maintain a blank mind for a long time, waiting for the moment of recovery, only felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, he turned his eyes away, stretched out his hand to pull the thin quilt covering his body, and slowly pulled the quilt over the top of his head, his tone was stiff And said palely: "Did you recognize the wrong person?"

When the quilt was about to cover his head completely, Ming Luchuan held his hand.

Xia Wennan was taken aback, a corner of the quilt fell from his hands, covering half of his face, he saw Ming Luchuan's expression was a bit cold, and he stopped struggling.

Ming Luchuan's palms were warm, he grabbed Xia Wennan's hand, slowly but forcefully stuffed it back under the quilt, and said, "You're getting an infusion."

Xia Wennan suddenly felt a slight pain on the back of his hand. He used his other hand to pull away the quilt that covered half of his face, lay quietly for a while, and asked, "We... have some misunderstanding?"

Ming Luchuan didn't speak.

The sky outside did not know when it gradually became dark. Xia Wennan had only known Ming Luchuan for half a day, and the two of them hadn't spoken a few words, but he felt that the Alpha in front of him had a gloomy personality and didn't look good. The way they get along.

After a while of silence in the ward, Xia Wennan whispered, "I'm Beta."

Ming Luchuan stood up suddenly and strode out of the ward.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the ward door closing that Xia Wennan stared at the ceiling and breathed a sigh of relief.

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