One-way Passage

Chapter 2


Xia Wennan is a Beta, he remembers that he is still a sophomore, and he is not yet twenty this year. But his memory is really a little fuzzy, what happened yesterday didn't seem like it happened yesterday, but seemed to happen in the distant past. He thought that there should be a vacancy in his memory, but what happened to this vacancy would make him wake up in a hospital ward, surrounded by a male Alpha who claimed to be his husband.

Thoughts were still muddled, Xia Wennan fell asleep again after Ming Luchuan left, and when he woke up again, the light in the ward became dimmer, and the window was completely plunged into darkness.

There were people standing beside the hospital bed. A young female nurse was packing up the infusion bottles. The other was Lin Shuqiu, who was pressing Xia Wennan's chest with a stethoscope in his hand. He bent down to meet Xia Wennan's slowly opening eyes. A little embarrassing.

Xia Wennan said, "Lin Shuqiu."

Lin Shuqiu nodded, retracted the stethoscope and stood up straight.

The female nurse pushed the cart and left. Before leaving, she said to Lin Shuqiu, "Doctor Lin, I'm going out first."

Lin Shuqiu nodded, while he stood by the hospital bed without moving.

When there were only two people left in the ward, Xia Wennan said, "Are you really Lin Shuqiu?"

"of course."

Lin Shuqiu is Xia Wennan's high school classmate, and is a Beta just like Xia Wennan.

The two of them were in the same class in high school, but they didn't meet much. In Xia Wennan's impression, Lin Shuqiu was a thin, delicate and introverted boy. At that time, he wore a pair of glasses and sat in the front row of the classroom. He always quietly raised his head and listened to the teacher's lectures. People always look away when they look at each other.

Now Lin Shuqiu is still thin and delicate, but the glasses on his face are gone, and he no longer dodges when looking at people, adding a lot of adult calmness.

Lin Shuqiu stood by the hospital bed, with a stethoscope hanging in the pocket of his white coat, and said to Xia Wennan, "You have memory impairment caused by traumatic brain injury."

Xia Wennan had already guessed, he asked: "Will I recover my memory?"


"How did I get hurt?" Xia Wennan had many questions, and wanted to ask the doctor this afternoon, but the middle-aged doctor didn't answer him.

Now there were only the two of them left in the ward, Lin Shuqiu did not avoid Xia Wennan any more, and said, "You were in a car accident."

Xia Wennan raised his hand, wanting to touch his head, but Lin Shuqiu blocked it.

"I seem to have been in a coma for a long time."

"You were in a coma for three days."

"Three days..." Xia Wennan was a little dazed, "I don't remember many things, and you also look a lot older."

Lin Shuqiu thought for a while, "You said that you are a sophomore this year, so you have lost nearly six years of memory."

"Six years?" Xia Wennan opened his eyes wide.

"I remember we were in the same year, and we are both 26 years old this year."

Xia Wennan tried hard to digest the information, he thought of Ming Luchuan, and said, "That Alpha... the one this afternoon..."

"Mr. Ming?" Lin Shuqiu said, "You don't remember him either, he is your husband."

Xia Wennan heard this unacceptable news again, he was puzzled: "Why should I marry a male Alpha?"

"Ah?" Lin Shuqiu obviously couldn't answer this question, with a blank face, "I don't know."

The nurse knocked on the door and told Lin Shuqiu that a patient was looking for a doctor.

Lin Shuqiu hurriedly said to Xia Wennan: "I'm still on duty, I'll talk to you when I have time." After speaking, he left with the nurse.

The room fell into a soft darkness, Xia Wennan closed his eyes, lay on the bed and thought of Ming Luchuan and felt restless, always feeling that this matter should not be so simple.

Ming Luchuan was not seen the next morning, so the nurse came into the ward with a wheelchair and took Xia Wennan for an examination.

Xia Wennan was still very weak and needed someone to help him get out of bed, but his overall condition was better than yesterday.

Before leaving for the examination, he wanted to go to the bathroom. The nurse helped him to the door and wanted to help him in, but he firmly refused.

The light in the bathroom was dim, and Xia Wennan had to use the auxiliary device inside to barely stand still. He firmly grasped the metal armrest, stood in front of the mirror, and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar young Beta in the glass mirror. It's still the same face, but the hair is longer, the person is thinner, even a little whiter than in memory, and looks a little weak because of the injury. And more importantly, Xia Wennan could see slight changes in the lines of his facial features, just like what Lin Shuqiu told him yesterday, he was no longer a college student in the mirror, but a twenty-six-year-old young man.

Inexplicably, he lost six years of his life, and inexplicably gained an Alpha husband.

Xia Wennan did two checks in the morning, but Xia Wennan was absent-minded all the time.

After the nurse sent him back to the hospital bed, he lay lazily on the bed, staring at the white ceiling in a daze.

Ming Luchuan also came over at noon when the hospital nurses brought the meals.

Ming Luchuan was wearing a dark gray suit without a tie, and the collar of his shirt was unruly open.

Xia Wennan looked up at him when he entered the door, and saw that his face was cold and expressionless.

Ming Luchuan has not spoken since he entered the ward. He went straight to the bed and pressed the control button beside the bed to raise Xia Wennan's head of the bed.

Xia Wennan leaned back on the bed, and then saw Ming Luchuan sitting down beside the bed, and opened the lunch box that the nurse had brought just now.

That's my meal... Xia Wennan thought to himself, but couldn't speak.

Ming Luchuan held a spoon in his hand and lowered his eyes on the lunch box. Xia Wennan has been in a coma for a few days. His diet today is still porridge and soft boiled meat and vegetables. Ming Luchuan scooped up a spoonful of porridge, leaned against the side of the lunch box to let it cool for a while, lifted it up and handed it to Xia Wennan lips.

Xia Wennan froze for a moment, and asked, "Are you feeding me?"

Ming Luchuan didn't answer, but just put the porridge into his mouth when he opened his mouth to speak.

Xia Wennan was caught off guard, and could only swallow it hastily in his mouth. Suddenly he was a little annoyed, and said, "Are you feeding the pig?"

Ming Luchuan glanced at him this time and said, "Really."

Xia Wennan was choked, and when he wanted to say something, Ming Luchuan had already fed him another spoonful of porridge, so he had no choice but to open his mouth first and swallow the spoon.

In this way, Ming Luchuan fed Xia Wennan spoonful after spoonful to finish his lunch, then picked up another boxed lunch and sat down beside the sofa to eat slowly.

Xia Wennan sat on the bed after eating, he couldn't help staring at Ming Luchuan, and when Ming Luchuan raised his head, he turned away pretending not to care.

When Ming Luchuan finished his meal and packed the lunch box in front of him, Xia Wennan asked, "Are we really married?"

Ming Luchuan looked up at him with an indescribably cold expression.

Xia Wennan was uncomfortable, and asked again: "How long has it been?"

Ming Luchuan said coldly: "Half a year."

Xia Wennan had a lot of questions, but he couldn't ask any questions when he touched Ming Luchuan's eyes, so he finally picked one that seemed relatively insignificant at the moment, "Where does my grandfather live now?"

Ming Luchuan did not answer immediately this time, but said after a short silence: "He passed away."