One-way Passage

Chapter 4


"Wennan," Omega showed a gentle smile at Xia Wennan, walked to the window with flowers in his hands, and gently placed the bouquet of flowers on the window sill.

The bouquet of flowers was very beautiful. The blooming flowers were tightly bunched together, and the color was warm and elegant, occupying most of the window sill.

Then Omega walked to the bed and looked down at Xia Wennan. He has a very light pheromone fragrance, a very fresh herbaceous fragrance, which can only be smelled when you get very close, without any aggressiveness.

"How are you feeling?" Omega asked.

Xia Wennan glanced at him, then at Ming Luchuan standing behind him, and said, "It's okay."

Omega looked at Xia Wennan's expression, and asked strangely after a while: "What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Ming Luchuan said at this time: "He lost his memory."

"Amnesia?" Omega's eyes widened in surprise.

Xia Wennan found that his eyes resembled Ming Luchuan's.

Omega maintained the surprised expression on his face: "How did you lose your memory? Was it because of a car accident?"

"It was caused by trauma," Ming Luchuan replied calmly.

"Then you don't recognize me?" Omega said, "I'm Ming Siyan."

Xia Wennan shook his head slowly, he had just woken up not long ago, he couldn't help clearing his throat with a light cough, and reached out to find the button beside the bed to sit up.

The Omega named Ming Siyan reached out to stop him, "Go to sleep, don't get up."

Xia Wennan groped for a while on the metal edge of the bed but failed to find the button, so he gave up and said, "I can't remember anyone." After two it was discontinued."

Ming Siyan was obviously at a loss. He looked at Xia Wennan for a while, then turned back to Ming Luchuan, and asked, "Brother, what did the doctor say?"

Ming Luchuan said in a deep voice: "The doctor said that he must first confirm the recovery of his traumatic brain injury. If the traumatic brain injury has healed, the treatment of residual memory impairment will be a slow and long-term process."

Ming Siyan showed a worried look, and asked cautiously: "Will it be impossible to recover?"

Ming Luchuan was silent for a while, then said, "Not ruled out."

Ming Siyan sighed and looked at Xia Wennan.

Xia Wennan was in a daze. He had also heard Lin Shuqiu talk about his illness before. Lin Shuqiu's attitude was more positive. He believed that his memory could be recovered through medication and rehabilitation. This was the first time he had heard someone say that his memory might be recovered. no more.

At that moment, Xia Wennan had no urgent desire to restore his memory. His memory stays in his sophomore year. Twenty-year-old youth is probably the best period of his life. He doesn't know what he experienced in the next six years, why he got married so early, and why he married an Alpha. When he was twenty years old, it was unimaginable, and he was afraid to face it.

But these things are not something you can't face without thinking about it. Life is a one-way street, once you go down, there is no way to turn back. It is impossible for him to go back to college, and he has no grandfather, so even if he doesn't want to, he must face and take responsibility for the rest of his life.

He was just at a loss and at a loss. He didn't know what would happen if he recovered his memory, and he didn't know how he would survive if he could never recover his memory.

Ming Siyan greeted him a few words beside the hospital bed.

He answered casually, and when he came to his senses, he didn't even know what Ming Siyan was asking.

Ming Siyan frowned slightly. He has a pair of eyes similar to Ming Luchuan's, but the face shape and facial features are clearly beautiful and beautiful belonging to Omega, like a piece of warm porcelain with transparent glaze.

He stood for a while and said, "Wennan needs to rest, I'd better go first."

Ming Luchuan stood by and didn't speak.

Ming Siyan turned his head and said to Ming Luchuan: "Father was going to come, but he caught a cold last night, and he was afraid that it would be inappropriate to visit the hospital."

Ming Luchuan nodded his eyelashes slightly.

Ming Siyan said to Xia Wennan again: "Wennan, rest well, Dad will come to see you in a few days."

Xia Wennan didn't know the father he was talking about. But Xia Wennan's own father has been dead for more than 20 years. The father Ming Siyan mentioned cannot be his father, but Ming Luchuan's father. He was in a mess, and he didn't have any intention of entertaining Ming Siyan, so he just nodded.

Ming Siyan turned and left the ward.

The moment he turned around, Xia Wennan noticed that he had a tattoo on the back of his neck, which was a colorful butterfly, and the location was where the gland was.

Ming Luchuan walked over to open the door for him, Ming Siyan stood at the door of the ward, and said a few words with Ming Luchuan before leaving.

Xia Wennan lay on the hospital bed and stretched out his hands to grope carefully. This time he finally found the lift button and raised the bed halfway. His body was then lifted up, leaning on his back to see Ming Luchuan.

Ming Luchuan came back to the bed and reached out to lift his quilt.

Xia Wennan was startled, grabbed Ming Luchuan's hand, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ming Luchuan's tone was slightly impatient: "Aren't you going to get up?"

Xia Wennan said quickly, "I will get up myself."

Ming Luchuan shook off his hand, "It's up to you."

In the morning, Xia Wennan made two more checks. Ming Luchuan didn't leave today, and stayed with him in the hospital all the time.

After the examination, Xia Wennan followed Ming Luchuan to the doctor's office, and met the middle-aged doctor who examined him when he just woke up that day.

The doctor took the pictures and medical records of his imaging examination and explained Xia Wennan's current condition to them. Xia Wennan suffered a closed craniocerebral injury caused by a car accident. He was admitted to the hospital for a slight bleeding. After a few days of treatment, it has been completely absorbed and he is currently recovering well. However, his memory impairment is considered to be post-traumatic brain injury syndrome, which requires a long recovery process.

Xia Wennan was really uncomfortable in the hospital, he asked the doctor: "When can I leave the hospital?"

The doctor replied: "You are recovering from the trauma very well, in fact, you are ready to be discharged from the hospital now."

Xia Wennan subconsciously glanced at Ming Luchuan.

Ming Luchuan leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, with a gloomy expression, and said, "But he can't remember anything."

The doctor clasped his hands and put them on the desk, sighed softly, and said, "Mr. Ming, even if Mr. Xia continues to be hospitalized, we can't guarantee to restore his memory."

"Is there no way to recover in the future?"

The doctor said: "It may take a process. If it goes well, it may recover within three months."

No one asked what would happen if it didn't go well.

Ming Luchuan's face was very ugly.

Xia Wennan said at this time: "I want to be discharged from the hospital."

The doctor turned to Xia Wennan: "Mr. Xia, even if you are discharged from the hospital, you still need to come back for regular check-ups, and take the medicine while undergoing rehabilitation treatment."

Xia Wennan nodded.

The doctor said: "Well, then, I'll let them make arrangements for you today and prepare to leave the hospital tomorrow." After speaking, he looked at Ming Luchuan and waited for his opinion.

The corners of Ming Luchuan's mouth tightened, and he raised his eyes after a while and said, "Okay."

That night, Ming Luchuan still stayed in the hospital overnight.

I don't know if it was because he was going to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, Xia Wennan was a little excited but couldn't fall asleep. He tossed and turned on the bed until late at night and was still awake, so he simply lifted the quilt and got out of bed gently.

As soon as he stepped on his slippers and left the bed, he heard Ming Luchuan's dull voice in the quiet room: "Where are you going?"

Xia Wennan was taken aback, stopped and turned around, "I can't sleep and get up and walk." He wanted to go out for a walk, but the corridor outside was still lit at this time, and there were night shift nurses in the nurse station.

The silhouette of Ming Luchuan sat at the table in the darkness, as if looking at him: "Where are you going?"

Xia Wennan said, "Just outside in the corridor."

Ming Luchuan stood up and approached him: "Let's go."

Xia Wennan tried hard to look at him, but still couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, so he could only ask, "Are you going too?"

Ming Luchuan didn't answer, but stood by and waited for Xia Wennan, as if the meaning had been expressed clearly.

Xia Wennan suddenly changed his mind, "Forget it, then I'll walk around the room."