One-way Passage

Chapter 93


Xia Wennan returned to the laboratory, sat for a while and found it difficult to calm down, then got up and went back to his office.

Lin Shuqiu called Xia Wennan, explaining that Sichen's preliminary examination results had come out. Compared with his previous re-examination results, he did not see any substantive deterioration of the disease, so why did his mental state become the current state? In this way, we still need to continue to do inspections.

Xia Wennan thanked Lin Shuqiu and hung up the phone.

Ming Sichen's car accident and his car accident seemed unrelated, but they seemed to be related.

From the present point of view, Ming Siyan is the person most involved in Ming Sichen's car accident. Why did Ming Siyan kill Ming Sichen? If Ming Siyan was the one who gave Xia Wennan sleeping pills, why did Ming Siyan kill him

Ming Siyan once said that Xia Wennan and him are very good friends. Xia Wennan didn't take these words very seriously, but Ming Siyan should not have lied. Other colleagues in the laboratory also mentioned to Xia Wennan that he had a very good relationship with Ming Siyan in the past.

Ming Sichen is just a Beta, and Ming Siyan is an Omega. No matter how you look at it, Ming Siyan's life should be better than Ming Sichen's, why should he have trouble with Ming Sichen.

Could it be for Lu Huaiye? But Lu Huaiye is Ming Siyan's fiancé, even if they break up and break up the engagement now, it's because Ming Siyan didn't keep Lu Huaiye. What role can a Ming Sichen who is lying on the bed with a blurred consciousness play

Xia Wennan thought a lot, and later wanted to talk to Lu Huaiye, but when he opened his cell phone address book, he found that there was no Lu Huaiye's phone number at all, so he sent a message to Ming Luchuan, asking if he could give him Lu Huaiye's contact information.

Ming Luchuan never replied, probably because he was busy with work.

Xia Wennan planned to put away his phone and go upstairs to Ming Luchuan's office to see what he was up to, but when he got up, his phone rang suddenly, and an unfamiliar phone number was displayed on the screen.

"Hello?" Xia Wennan picked it up.

"Xia Wennan?" The voice on the phone seemed familiar, but it was hard to remember who it was.

Xia Wennan then asked, "Who is that?"

The person on the other side of the phone said, "This is Luwenxing."

Xia Wennan was stunned for a moment, then remembered what Mingqin had provoked last night, and unexpectedly Lu Wenxing found him so quickly.

At this time, he was not in the mood to deal with Lu Wenxing, and he couldn't hang up the phone directly, so he could only say, "Why do you have my mobile phone number?"

Lu Wenxing replied, "I'm looking for someone else to come."

"What's your business? If there is no urgent matter, I will hang up, because I still have important things to deal with now." Xia Wennan finished this sentence in one breath, so as not to leave room for Lu Wenxing to answer , and want to hang up immediately.

As a result, Lu Wenxing reacted quickly and said, "Don't hang up yet."

Xia Wennan asked patiently, "What's the matter?" His tone was no longer polite.

Lu Wenxing said, "I want to treat you to dinner."

"I'm not free," Xia Wennan said, adding, "I have something to do at home."

"Then when are you free?"

"I'm not free these days. I'll contact you when I'm free," Xia Wennan said before hanging up the phone.

Looking at the dimmed phone screen, he didn't stand up immediately, but couldn't help leaning back against the office chair with his hands on his head. Although the timing wasn't right, Xia Wennan couldn't help but feel secretly refreshed, and a word came to mind: Are you looking for a son? You can't get high now.

Xia Wennan kept his comfort until he walked into Ming Luchuan's office. He didn't intend to tell Ming Luchuan about it, but when he reached the office door, he opened it without knocking and walked in.

As a result, when he entered the door, he saw that there were four department managers sitting in Ming Luchuan's office, who seemed to be having a small meeting.

Before Xia Wennan could retract his limbs, he became embarrassed.

Several department managers turned their heads to greet him. Ming Luchuan glanced at him and said, "Sit down, wait for me."

Xia Wennan quickly restrained himself, and was sitting on the sofa waiting for Ming Luchuan.

The progress of the meeting was obviously accelerated. Three of the department managers got up and left immediately after reporting their work, and only one remained in Ming Luchuan's office, complaining about the allocation of manpower and resources.

Ming Luchuan listened to him with a cold face, and said, "I see, you can go first."

The manager still didn't give up, and wanted to continue to fight for a few words, but when he looked up and saw that Ming Luchuan's face was extremely cold, he suddenly shut up, got up and left.

When only Ming Luchuan and Xia Wennan were left in the office, Ming Luchuan's expression had not yet adjusted, and he asked him, "Why are you so happy?"

Xia Wennan had been waiting for more than 20 minutes, and then said with a blank face: "I'm not happy."

Ming Luchuan said: "When I came in just now."

Since Xia Wennan didn't intend to talk about Lu Wenxing, he just brushed it off and said, "Huh? I didn't."

Ming Luchuan glanced at him and said nothing.

Xia Wennan walked to Ming Luchuan's table and said, "Can you contact Lu Huaiye?"

Only now did Ming Luchuan have time to look at his phone, and just as he saw the message Xia Wennan sent him, he put down his phone and looked up at Xia Wennan: "What are you looking for Lu Huaiye for?"

"Don't you think Ming Sichen's matter is strange?"

Ming Luchuan didn't answer immediately, he said to Xia Wennan after a while, "My contact person went to check."

"Check what?"

"Find out about Sichen's car accident in Southeast Asia."

Xia Wennan frowned and listened carefully.

Ming Luchuan picked up the mobile phone on the table, pinched the mobile phone twice with his slender fingers, and made a "bang bang" sound when the edge hit the table. He said: "Ming Sichen had an operation locally after his car accident. , Mingqin bought a ticket to fly there the next day, the operation was over, and Ming Sichen was lying in the ICU."

"did you go?"

Ming Luchuan shook his head. Although he didn't say it directly, Xia Wennan knew that he and his two younger brothers did not have any deep feelings. Ming Luchuan suddenly went to investigate this matter, probably as he thought, thinking that Ming Siyan and Xia Wennan might not be able to get rid of being drugged. relationship.

Xia Wennan folded his arms on his chest, leaning against Ming Luchuan's spacious desk, and did not speak for a long time.

"What are you thinking?" Ming Luchuan asked him.

Xia Wennan said: "I just can't figure it out, why did Ming Siyan kill Ming Sichen?"

"You made a mistake, he didn't kill Ming Sichen. No matter what happened to them at that time, Ming Siyan sent Ming Sichen to the hospital and saved his life."

Xia Wennan became even more puzzled in an instant.

Ming Luchuan picked up his phone and called Lu Huaiye, but Lu Huaiye didn't answer.

Xia Wennan said in a low voice: "Mingqin told him to get out today, he must be angry."

Minqin shook his head, but did not speak.