Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 1: Game settings


My name is Xiao Hanyi, an ordinary high school student, studying at upper middle level, family life is not bad. I don't have any hobbies but I like sports and I like to play games online. In the few years I was in middle school, my learning progress was not great, but my progress in the game was great. In it, I have my own city, my own guild, and my own brothers. This is also the biggest gain in my years of school. So when I heard that "Green" came out, I knew that another peak of my gaming career was about to come.

Just in the summer vacation, I hurried to buy a nutrition warehouse and half a year's nutrition solution to my apartment, and then called my mother again and told her that I would not go back during summer work. In fact, don't look at me always playing games, but I am considered half a professional player. The game career in the past few years has caused my savings to grow rapidly. Now my savings are already considered a rich man. So this time I don't just need to make a name in the game. The main thing is to make a fortune in it. I sent a text message to a few buddies and then went to the homepage of "Green" to study.

"Green" is based on the background of the Middle Ages and the blueprint of the earth. At the same time, in order to attract people from all over the world, it also added the customs of various regions. In addition to this game, there are fixed warriors, wizards, archers, assassins and priests. In addition, there are more distinctive professions in various regions, such as the Taoist priest of Longshuo, the Paladin of Europe, the master of Weiss, and the cowboy of the United States. At the same time, in addition to the inherent skills of each profession, you can also create your own skills, or you can get special skills by doing tasks. In a word, everything is possible in the game. In addition to combat occupations, life and occupations are also exceptionally rich, which can provide a quiet space for those who don't like fighting, and a leisure space for those who are tired of fighting. Moreover, the life profession is protected by the game, which can not be attacked by monsters and players. The combat profession players must wait two hours of real time if they want to switch to the life profession. This is also for the balance and fairness of the game.

At the same time, this game is 100% original without any adjustments. Of course, if it is a disabled person, everything is normal, and at the same time the elderly and children are the same, so there will be no difference in physical fitness, and it will not make some people feel unfair. The ratio of game time to real time is 3 per 1. At the same time, in addition to the inherent occupations in the game, there are hidden occupations, which can only be obtained if they have unique trigger conditions. For example, doing special tasks. Unique occupations can only be found locally, but not elsewhere. This ensures the characteristics of each region.

All I saw was Long Shuo's introduction. Added 3 kinds of professional Taoist priests, monks, swordsmen. At the same time, I also looked at the introduction to each occupation.

Samurai: With strong physique and vitality, he can use a variety of weapons and can be divided into berserkers, magic warriors, and defensive warriors through different weapons. Berserkers are based on adding strength, using heavy weapons such as axes and two-handed swords as weapons. Although their movements are a bit slow, their attacks are huge. The magic warriors add strength and agility at the same time. They use long weapons such as guns as their weapons. They can move fast and at a long distance. Although they are not the heaviest, they can attack multiple monsters at the same time. It is a good class to upgrade. Defensive fighters are based on agility, and their weapons are single swords and shields. Although the attack is light, the defense is high and the action is fast. He is a professional mage who has the most chance of surviving on the battlefield. He has a lot of gorgeous and terrifying magic. At the same time, his physique has become very weak due to long-term practice of magic, but gorgeous. The magic and powerful magic attacks still attract a lot of players. The magic that the mage cultivates can be divided into four types: wind, ice, fire, and thunder. However, if you want to exert the maximum power of magic, you must use elemental weapons or inlay gems with attributes on the weapons. The magic used by gems that are not of the same attribute will not only increase damage but also reduce the power of magic. And each weapon can only be inlaid with one stone, so in principle, a mage can only practice one type of magic. The fire attack is the biggest in magic, and there will be burning damage after the attack. The electric attack is almost like fire, but the electric magic will have a paralyzing effect after being hit. Ice's attack is also closer than fire, but after hitting, there will be a freezing effect that can freeze the enemy or reduce his movement and attack speed. The wind's attack is also relatively close to fire, but there will be a chance to shake the monster or the enemy back after hitting.

Archer: A very popular profession. Quick action, long attack distance, fast attack speed, and can also catch small animals as pets. Crossbowmen can be divided into crossbowmen and archers through the difference of weapons. Crossbowmen have high attack power with agility as the main force, but slow speed. The archer is mainly based on agility, supplemented by his strength. Although his attack is low, he moves fast and runs fast. Assassin: Take a dagger as a weapon. Although the defense is low, the close attack is very terrifying. At the same time, it can also trap and steal other people's items, and it can also be invisible. It is a good job for killing people. The skills are divided into assassins who attack with daggers and assassins who attack with traps.

Pastor: A secondary occupation, which can help your comrades add various states to improve their comrades' abilities. But after the level is high, it is also a powerful role. It is a profession that is popular with girls. The skills are divided into black priests with attack and other skills and white priests with defense and blood as the main state. The black priest has many offensive skills and low defense. Pastor Bai has few offensive skills and high defense.

Taoist: Long Shuo's traditional profession. Improve yourself by feeling the nature, and at the same time, you can call other creatures to help yourself. Although it is an auxiliary occupation, the Taoist priests will form a formation after the level is higher. At that time, the Taoist priests will let you feel the true power of the Taoist priest.

Monk: Long Shuo's traditional profession. To pursue the ultimate goal of life and physical stamina. With extremely strong vitality and body, they use their fists as their weapons because they don't believe in any weapons but only their hands. Because punch is power, although the attack speed and accuracy are low, each attack is a nightmare for the enemy. It is a favorite of people who admire masculinity.

Swordsman: Long Shuo's traditional profession. With the highest realm of the sword as the goal, the action is chic, elegant, quick and gorgeous. When you see him, it is also when you are attacked. It is also the only profession in this game that can jump up and attack. Although the swordsman's attack is light and the defense is low (because he can only wear cloth clothes), he has fast movements and incredible continuous skills. It is a highly anticipated profession.

At the same time, each profession is divided into 4 departments: fire, thunder, wind, and ice, so every player can practice his favorite martial arts according to his own preferences. Ordinary weapons have no or only one attribute. Weapons that are not of the same attribute will also reduce the attack power of the skill. Only future artifacts may have dual attributes. So at the beginning, it is recommended that you only practice one skill and then practice other skills when you have the opportunity to obtain dual attribute weapons. The renminbi is already the universal currency in the world. The money in the game is divided into 1 RMB = 1 gold coin = 10 silver coins = = 100 copper coins. The personal attributes in the game are divided into power: mainly to increase attack power. Agility: mainly to increase the speed of movement and attack and also to increase defense Strength constitution: increase the upper limit of HP and recovery speed. Magic: increase the upper limit of MP and recovery speed. Intelligence: increase the attack power of magic. Spirit: increase the attack power of Taoist priests. Wisdom: increase the attack speed of magic. Lucky: increase the explosion rate of items. And increase the maximum damage value of the attack.

There is no hunger setting in this game. Eating is just to satisfy your taste, because there are delicacies that you can't eat outside. And there are two kinds of wine in it. One is drunk and the other is not drunk, but the taste is the same. There are only these simple introductions, and everything else must be explored and felt in the game by yourself. I read it carefully and thought that the Taoist priest's final introduction was very good, because I used to be a warrior, so this time I want to change my taste.

On September 9th, 2099, the game will be opened without a closed beta.

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