Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 110: Entrance to Hell


We all laughed haha as we looked at his disappearing back, the flames of chaos is indeed a straight-tempered person. Seeing him go, everyone started to walk in, looking for the entrance. At the end of the cave, we found a huge mural. This mural is an image of six reincarnations. I went up and touched it. It was a real stone. I knocked it and there was no response. In other words, the stone wall is not empty. I looked back at Sun Xu, Sun Xu nodded, and opened the scroll to see that there was still the prompt on it, looking for the entrance to hell. Sun Xu raised his head and shook me, and I kicked the wall hard.

"What kind of task is this?"

Everyone complained after watching, cursing the bastard who designed this game. At this moment, an eyeless skeleton came out. And there was a croak, this was just looking for death, just because I didn't have a place to lose my breath, so I wanted to go up and squash it, not with skills, but want to kick it with my feet. I think it’s good, but I’m not the only one who is angry. I just took two steps. A lot of magic has fallen on it, and it’s not even a bone. .

However, this skeleton did not completely disappear after he died. But a soul floated out, wait, soul? How can a skeleton have a soul? I saw this soul swiped into the entrance of the reincarnation on the mural. Just when we were surprised, suddenly, Sun Xu's hand lightened, and the scroll in his hand was sucked over. As soon as Sun Xu didn't grasp it, he hurriedly shouted: "Scroll, hurry!"

Said that he was also trying hard to chase, although he was a defensive fighter, and his agility was also very high, but his speed was still a little bit worse. Others are also trying hard to chase after, but, because it was discovered later, they didn't get on. I was the closest, but because I focused on the skeleton, I didn't catch it either. Just when the scroll was halfway into the wall, I grabbed it with one hand. Following the arm, I saw a fiery red figure, this fiery figure, such a fast speed, of course, is the phoenix dance. Feng Wu moved his hand holding the scroll, but his entire hand didn't get into the wall.

But she didn't seem to feel at all, she was still looking back and smiled triumphantly at us. Seeing that we were all staring at her dumbfounded, we thought we were admiring her speed, and said with a smile, "Don’t be so surprised. Isn’t it just a bit faster than you? What's so surprising, why are you staring at me? Look? I would be embarrassed to worship me so much, huh."

"Meiling, look at your hands."

Qin Shuang pointed at Feng Wu's hand. Feng Wu looked back, and immediately pulled out his hand in fright. The stone wall was restored to its original shape, and there was no difference at all. Feng Wu stretched out her hand carefully again, and her hand passed through without any barriers. Feng Wu tried back and forth several times, and laughed as she tried. I didn't think there was any danger, so I called Feng Wu over and said to everyone: "Now I know how to get in. For safety's sake, I will go in first. If there is no danger, I will notify you again."

Qin Shuang listened nervously and grabbed my hand and said, "It's too dangerous to be alone."

"Yeah, take us with you."

Fu Xuenan also walked over and said. I patted Qin Shuang’s cold little hand, then looked up at Fu Xuenan, and said comfortingly: “It’s okay, why don’t you have confidence in me? If there are too many people, it will be dangerous. It’s okay. You wait here for me. , I will go back."

Sun Xu stopped me and said, "It's better for me to go. My defense is higher, and better than your chance of survival."

Huo Qilin, Yao Zhi and others also rushed in. I looked back at them and said with a smile: "Which one of you is sure to be able to guarantee the safety of life better than me?"

"Yeah, let him go. The door is so small. If you go too much, you won't be able to open it. It's okay. Even if he can't win by himself, it shouldn't be a problem."

Sun Xu listened to me and said in an interface at the back. Qin Shuang let go of his hand holding me, and filled me up again. The other statuses were all added, and I recruited Xiaolong to add Taoism to me. I looked back at everyone, then beckoned and said, "Wait for my good news."

After speaking, I entered the channel of reincarnation. As it darkened, I nervously grasped my weapon and leaned against a wall, then slowly adjusted my eyes to the surrounding light, and gradually I could see clearly. It's just a strange feeling. There is no light source, but everything can be seen clearly, and the more you look at it, the clearer it becomes. If you don't look carefully, it seems unclear. In short, it is very strange. This is a long passage, you can't see the head at a glance. I walked a distance, and after making sure that there was no danger, I walked back again. When I came out, there was cheers. Feng Wu and Fu Xuenan closed loudly, jumping and screaming, Qin Shuang held his hands tightly in front of his chest, breathed deeply, and smiled at me. Ouyang Wanting also stood there with a smile in her eyes. Only Yue Zhihan stood there, with no expression on his face, but Yadu, who was standing next to her, kept jumping in applause. I saw that everyone welcomed me so, so I straightened my clothes and coughed twice on purpose. When everyone saw me like this, they all calmed down. I wanted to hear what happened to me inside. I coughed again. Then said in a low, slow voice: "Do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Since you all know what it does, what do you think it does?"

Ge Zhuang immediately stood up and said: "Actually, we don't know what you are going to say, you should tell us."

"Damn, I don't know what I'm going to say, so why should I spit with you."

Zhao Yansheng immediately stood up and said: "No, no, he didn't say it clearly. In fact, half of the people here know what you want to say, but half of them don't know, so you still tell us that they don't know. Bar."

"Oh, you mean, half know what I'm going to say, half don't know, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it means, then you..."

"It's simple, so that half of you know what I want to say, tell the other half who doesn't know what I want to say. Okay, I'm leaving."

"You brat, you dare to play with us."