Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 116: Gentleman in troubled times


At this critical juncture, a tornado blew on the ground. This tornado has a different attack skill from the mage. It has no lethality. It just bounces all attacks and people who touch it to one side. Therefore, troubled times The flame was not dead, but the wizard he stabbed with all his strength was not so lucky. Seeing the disappearing tornado, the flames of the troubled times retracted the gun in his hand, and the mage also turned into a white light and flew away.

"Who, who saved him?"

The leader shouted loudly. In the distance, a guy wearing a light blue scholar costume shook a paper fan, and slowly walked over on a sika deer. While walking, he said: "Why, so many of you bully one person, you really mean it. Is there no one in my "turbulent dynasty"?"

Looking at the scholars getting closer and closer, Flame of Chaos said in surprise: "It's you? Are you back?"

"Hehe, of course it's me, how about it, do you miss me? Coke."

"You finished the task, this is your new profession?"

"Haha, yes, how is it, handsome?"

"What kind of shit."

"Damn, you really don't know how to appreciate it, ah, sin, how can I speak foul language, oh, sin."

After speaking, he opened the fan in his hand and shook it again. On one side of the fan was written'Jun Dun Dun', and on the other side was written'Breeze Xu Lai'. Hearing that he was also from the'Troubled Times', the leader squeezed his breath and said, "Who are you? You are nosy?"

"What is nosy, listen up, I'm a gentleman in troubled times, I understand. Together. You dare to fight against my "Turned up Dynasty", I think you don't want to live anymore, but I am in a good mood today. Let you go, let's go."

"Hmph, let's go, that's so easy, do you think you can solve this problem with just one sentence?"

"Oh, what do you want? By the way, what are you talking about Liangzi?"

"He helped a little girl to top Liangzi, don’t you just want to end it in one sentence? You really thought this game was played by your house. Tell you, others are afraid of you, "Troubled Dynasty" and we "Killing Gang" don’t eat it. Yours."

"Oh, woman, what kind of woman?"

The gentleman in troubled times looked at the flames of troubled times with a smile.

"No, no, what women are there, he is talking nonsense."

"Really, are you talking nonsense?"

"It's going to you, you or him, don't play silly words with Lao Tzu, hurry up and give Lao Tzu an explanation, otherwise neither of you will want to get out of here."

"Your mouth is so unclean. It seems that your father didn't teach you well. Okay, I'll just reluctantly teach you a lesson. Alas, it's not easy to be a father."

"You or him dare to take advantage of me, give it to me, and become him."

"The one who provokes me the'turbulent dynasty' must die."

The gentleman's tone sank, and then he waved the fan in his hand. Because the dress of the gentleman in troubled times is different, no one knows what skills he will use, so when he saw him wave his hand, everyone else immediately hid behind him. However, there was no danger, but a beautiful peony blossomed on the ground. Looking at the peony flowers all over the floor, the flames of the troubled times said with their eyes open: "Fuck me, you guys have been there for so long, but when I came back I became a gardener, you..."

"Shut up and watch."

Seeing that there was no danger, those people came back on an impulse, and the gentleman in troubled times waved his fan again, and a breeze blew past, and then the petals were blown off and flew towards those people. Brush, stroked across a person's face, took 87 points of blood away, and then more and more petals flew past. Although the damage is not high, everyone’s head is filled with a string of numbers. Finally, the wind stopped and the petals were blown away. This time, the more attacked ones lost more than 1,000 blood, and the lesser ones. About 400...500 blood. Chaotic Flames looked at those people and said, "Damn, the skills are pretty good, but they are not very strong, they are similar to the attacks of a normal mage."


Suddenly, everyone's body exploded with a bang, bang, and bang. Two wizards were killed on the spot. The troubled gentleman did not continue to attack, but looked back at the troubled flames with a surprised look and said: " Is it the same this time?"

"Different, different, how did you do it?"

"How can I tell you, look."

After talking with a push, a transparent shark flew out and flew directly to the leader. A defense soldier standing beside him immediately rushed over, raised his shield, and took it down. With a'bang', the defensive soldier backed away several steps, and the words...1323 floated on his head. The defense fighter hurriedly drank the potion while holding the shield. The turbulent gentleman did not continue to attack, and turned back to the turbulent flame and asked, "How about this?"

"This is strong, damn it, you can fight so much blood against soldiers in one shot, if ordinary people don't have it, it will be a second."

Looking back, he found that the gentleman in troubled times was drinking potion.

"Why do you drink the potion so quickly?"

"Oh, don't look at my skills, but the special Fei Lan, just these few magics, my blue has bottomed out."

"I rely on, what a broken skill, it is simply a skill to burn money."

As soon as I looked up, I saw that the few people had already patched up the blood and came up, and the flames of troubled times pushed the gentleman of troubled times and said: "What to do, do you have a good way?"

"Of course, let you see my latest and strongest skills."

After he yelled, a light suddenly appeared on his body. Due to his disarming power at the beginning, the other people stopped in fright and watched carefully. However, what happened next went far beyond these. Human imagination. I saw the light on the gentleman in troubled times turned into a pair of wings, and then soared into the sky and flew out. He also took the deer on the ground. The flames of troubled times raised his head and looked at the gentleman in troubled times and said: "I rely on , This is the strongest skill you mentioned, it's yours."

He said so, without idle hands, rushed to those who were looking up at the gentleman in troubled times, and hit his opponent by surprise. The gentleman in troubled times also cooperated very well with the petals sent at this time. In the petals, the flame of troubled times killed a warrior and a monk, but was hit by the two magics of the mage at the same time, almost killing him on the spot. If it hadn't been for a shark to kill a person in a timely manner, and a way out for the flames of the troubled times, he would have been caught in it.

While running and drinking the potion, the gentleman in troubled times used another whirlwind to get rid of all the attacks that chased the flames of troubled times. Falling down said while pushing the flames of troubled times, "What should I do, have you figured out how to fight?"

"Can you contain those fighters? I'll kill those mages."

"Okay, I will try."