Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 122: Meet the Emperor Song


After running out, I called out the clone while drinking the potion. At this time, the magic ball collected by Xuenan Fu came over, and I obviously felt that the pressure was lightened, so I turned around and started to blast towards the stupid guy closest to me.

It was still an instant kill, but the next situation surprised me, because after the bloodless silly man lay down, he stood up again full of blood. Continue to rush towards me, just when I was surprised.

"Hahaha… "

There was a laugh, and I looked up. I don’t know when the Emperor Yamasong of the Three Temples had already come out. He sat there and shouted loudly: "Bold, you dare to break and disturb this king, hurry up, this king. Let it go lightly."

"Stop your hands? You think I'm a fool, so I won't shack your hands and see what you can do."

While we were talking, the attacks of Xuenanshou and Fengwu did not stop. Many silly people have only about one and a half blood. My "Tong Bei Method" can already solve one by itself, as well as the clone. However, after some silly big guys fell, they stood up again, not only did their attack power not decrease at all, but their blood was also full. I took the time to look up and just saw Emperor Song wave his hand, and then a stupid man stood up and joined the battle. It seemed that he could use "Resurrection Technique" just like the priest, so he said to Feng Wu, "Feng, you go and clean him."

After Feng Wu finished speaking, he flew directly to Emperor Song. He also used a "laser technique" in the air. Emperor Song hid to the side and threw a black ball over. It happened that Feng Wu was also flying towards him, so "empty" I bumped into each other with a bang. Feng Wu lost 532 drops of blood. I saw Busily and said loudly: "Feng, be careful, don't be aggressive."

Qin Shuang also immediately added a "First Aid" to Feng Wu. Looking at Feng Wu who was hit by a black ball and fell to the ground, Emperor Song laughed and said, "Why, I'm afraid, I'll give you another one."

Speaking and threw a black ball again, Feng Wu didn't hide, just watching the black ball getting closer and quietly there, Qin Shuang shouted when she saw it, "Meiling..."

Then another "First Aid" was used on her body. Hearing Qin Shuang’s voice was wrong, I quickly turned my head to look, and even forgot to hide the fist that came from behind. With a "boom", I was leaned forward again when I was beaten, but I happened to see the black ball hit Feng Feng. During the dance, Feng Wu's figure flashed and disappeared. Then he appeared next to Emperor Song, and then a "Rising Dragon Strike" knocked him into the air, and then a series of attacks began.

When I looked back, I saw Fu Xuenan had been thrown away holding the piano and started running, but the attack did not stop, but the damage was much less. Ouyang Wanting followed her closely, and Qin Shuang also carefully guarded the cold of the moon and retreated to the safest corner. I hurriedly recruited the magical soldiers, two let them go to help Fu Xuenan reap, and two let them protect Qin Shuang. The clone and I also started to use "Tong Bei Method" desperately. After killing for a long time, these stupid big guys didn't seem to see less, but we have completely taken the initiative.

Fu Xuenan sat down again, Ouyang Wanting still played the music. Qin Shuang and Yue Zhihan also stood beside her. In front are my four magic soldiers, standing there quietly, and in front are me and the clone, one by one, trying to push these crazy music fans (the sound of the piano collected by Fu Xuenan is attracted).

Looking at Feng Wu again, Emperor Song who had also beaten him had no chance to fight back. Although he could throw a black ball, none of them could touch Feng Wu's side. Feng Wu also fought more and more smoothly, believing that it was only a matter of time before he was killed. Finally, when we killed about half of these powerful ghosts, Emperor Song's unwilling voice rang, and then turned into a cloud of black energy and disappeared. After Feng Wu fell and drank a potion, he flew over again. With her joining, it had become a unilateral massacre. After another while, all the powerful ghosts were finally wiped out. Fu Xuenan shouted loudly: "I have leveled up, I have been up one and a half times."

I opened the property bar and found that it has risen by about 30%. When asked, Ouyang Wanting has also risen by one and a half, Qin Shuang has risen by 90%, Fengwu by 60%, and Yue Zhihan has actually risen by three and a half. I said to Yue Zhihan: "Upgrade you to add all the attribute points to the agility."

Yue Zhihan did not speak, but nodded. I turned to Feng Wu and said, "Did you explode something?"

"It burst, look."

He handed me 3 things. The first is a skill book, the skill of "Yu Xiao Fairy" (Ouyang Wanting) in "Moon Companion to the West", a single attack, can blow out a crescent-shaped magic wave to attack the enemy. This is undoubtedly the best thing for Ouyang Wanting, who has no offensive power. He took it happily, and the other people came over and said hey, smiling eyes were even more curved than the moon.

A ring "Ghost Power", bronze, attack 7...13, agility-+1. I handed it to Feng Wu. I had a single-handed sword, and after I checked it, it was also a copperware, so I received it in the bag and said, "Okay, let's move on."

Besides, Sun Xu and the others, after they lined up, they entered the gate of hell. The first level is the tongue-out hell: all the people in the world sow discord, slander and slander people, slick their tongues, tell each other, and lie. After he died, he was thrown into the tongue-pulling hell. The kid broke the mouth of the person, clamped the tongue with iron tongs, and pulled it out alive. Instead of pulling it out at once, it stretched and pulled slowly. If your sins are not completely eliminated, then you will be sent to the next level. If the next level is not enough, then another level. Each level will suffer twice as long as the previous level, until your sin disappears.

After entering the first floor, I only saw large cages everywhere. In some cages, there were still people moaning. A little devil was picking at that person's head, and a little devil was pulling his tongue out with a hook. The whole hell space was filled with screams of people. Seeing this kind of scenery, Ge Zhuang said loudly, "It's so scary, it's more scary than the legend I've heard. Is it true?"

His voice caught the attention of the little ghosts, and after seeing them, the little ghosts rushed over with the hook in their hands. The number is also very large. Seeing the little ghost rushing over, Zhao Yansheng and Yao Zhi said quickly: "I'll come, I'll come."

Sun Xu looked at the kid who came over and said calmly: "No one is allowed to do it, just follow my instructions."

At this time, Zhao Yansheng and Yao Zhi also understood the importance of the matter and did not speak. When the distance is less than 10 meters. Sun Xu said slowly: "Do it."