Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 128: Eighth hell


Ouyang Wanting also said softly: "Yes, we are really worried about you like you were just now."

I held Qin Shuang while patted her on the back and said, "No, I won't do it anymore. It makes you worry, come on, don't cry, be good."

"Don't cry anymore, Qin Shuang you hurt is so sad that you want to settle it, it's that simple."

Feng Wu also ran over to coax Qin Shuang and shouted at me. Hearing Feng Wu saying this, Qin Shuang felt embarrassed too, but if he got up now, he would feel even more embarrassed, so he buried his face tightly on my chest again.

"Look, how sad Qin Shuang is, you say, how can you pay for it."

"This... how do you pay for it?"

"Ah? I said, this, this, why did I say, why do you want me to pay attention to your mistakes! Humph!"

"Then I..."

I held Qin Shuang's chin and kissed it gently, Qin Shuang also slowly closed his eyes. Originally, I just wanted to kiss gently, but when I touched Qin Shuang’s lips, I suddenly lost my thinking. Just as we were immersed in this sweetness, Feng Wu's voice rang again: "Hey, is it all right? How long will you have to kiss?"


Qin Shuang and I woke up now, and quickly separated. Feng Wu smiled and said, "Why, just put you in balance?"

"Oh, Meiling, you..."

Qin Shuang's blush was ashamed as a red cherry. Standing there, playing with the corners of his clothes with his head down. Fu Xuenan also shouted loudly: "My husband, I want it, and I want it too."

In order to avoid the awkward atmosphere, I coughed up and said, "Okay, okay, all, do you want them?"

"I'm not rare."

Feng Wu shouted loudly. Ouyang Wanting also grabbed Fu Xuenan and said: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's continue to do the task. It seems that the front will be more difficult, and we have to be more careful in the future."

I nodded after listening to her and said, "Yes, you will have to pay attention to yourself in the future. I may not be able to take care of you in the future."

"Why do you take care of us, is my door taking care of you, okay?"

Feng Wu gave me a push and said. I grabbed Feng Wu’s little hand and said sternly: "I’m most worried about you. You are the least obedient. If you encounter any situation in the future, you must first discuss with Qin Shuang. Don’t be reckless, you understand. ?"

Feng Wu pulled her hand back vigorously. She wanted to say something. Seeing my face so dignified, she pouted and said, "I see, it's really wordy, you're more wordy than my mother."

"You, I said so much for your own good, you still said I was wordy, I..."

Qin Shuang tugged at me and said, "Okay, Meiling will pay attention to it in the future. Let's go to the next hall. How much experience do you have to upgrade? I don't know what happened to Brother Huo."

After listening to Qin Shuang’s words, I quickly opened my attribute bar and took a look. When I saw it, I happily said, “Look, Shuang’er, I’m already 98%, and I’m going to upgrade soon, haha. I think they should too They are ready to upgrade, they have a combination of wizards, and it’s easier to pick experience there than we can. I don’t know if anything will happen to those guys. Haha, with them, it’s all right. I can do something for you, and I don’t know if Brother Huo can do it. Fortunately, Sun Xu is also there. There should be no problem, haha."

Having said that, I laughed again. Because Zhao Yansheng's few live treasures will not be so peaceful, this time adding everything for money and elegance, it will definitely be even more crazy. I don't know if Huo Qilin can stand it. I, we are thinking of them here, and Sun Xu is also talking about me there.

"I don't know how Han Yi is now? If he were there, these bastards would definitely be honest."

After hearing this, Huo Qilin asked curiously: "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, at least he can take care of Yadu and everything for money, and don't look at them and Han Yi joking, but if Han Yi is angry, Ge Zhuang and the others will be honest, these bastards. Ouch. Be careful, Brother Huo."

"Well, don't think about it so much, let's talk about it after playing."

Why is this dialogue? Because Sun Xu, they have now reached the eighth hell and ice mountain hell. Any wicked woman who murders her husband, commits adultery, or has a malicious abortion will be thrown into the iceberg hell after death. Make him take off his clothes and go naked on the iceberg. In addition, people who are gambling, do not respect their parents, and are unrighteous will also be punished. And although the number of monsters in each layer is similar, the number of BOSS is different. The number of BOSS is increased by one every two layers, so there are already 4 in this layer.

What angered Sun Xu the most was that Zhao Yansheng and the others not only attracted a large group of mobs, but also attracted all 4 BOSSs. This way the number was over 10,000, but this time there were four BOSSs. So many monsters trapped them tightly in the middle. Although the attack of the wizard combination was high, the defense was much worse. One of the two wizards was accidentally sent back by the BOSS. Although it did not affect the whole, it shocked Sun Xu. Quickly organized rescue.

In fact, there is no good organization, just to separate a few people to deal with a few BOSS. A-Lian and A Niu deal with one. Ge Zhuang, Yadu and everything deal with one for money, Zhao Yansheng and Yao Zhi deal with one, and he and Huoqilin deal with one. Other combinations of help masters. Tie Niu protects Shen Feng and Xia Ling. When I was talking, I was playing BOSS.

The first dead BOSS was dealt with by Yadu. Because Yadu and all attacks for money are very high. After killing this BOSS, Yado and the others discussed it, and then walked to the 3 BOSSs. Yadu got Sun Xu's BOSS. Coming to the BOSS, Yadu's "Explosion Gu" blasted onto the BOSS. The BOSS leaned forward with a bang, turned around abruptly, and raised the steel whip in his hand to draw grace. Yadu didn't hide. He wanted to hide because of his agility. After a whip, he used another "Explosion Gu". This time he took the boss one step back. Huo Qilin and Sun Xu also took the opportunity. People attacked.

However, because Yadu’s attack was the highest, the BOSS ignored Huo Qilin and Sun Xu, screaming while raising the steel whip in his hands and drew it towards Yadu. Yadu still stood there, and was ready "Life Gu" is also ready for the next attack. I was about to shoot, but there was a bang. Yadu was not attacked, why? Because Sun Xu held the shield to help Yadu block the attack at this time.