Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 151: Hell of torture


After flying out the last King of Equality, I let out a long sigh of relief. When the skin-scraping ghosts approached us, King Equality died, so they were attracted back by Xue Nan's attack, and then they began to slowly fall. Feng Wu looked at the fallen pickpocket, and said loudly, "What's this weird, I can't beat it to death, I still like the kind of high attack power, at least I don't have to be so tired."

Her words made Qin Shuang and I look at each other. Yes, fortunately, we have several lightning attacks that can numb him and knock his clone back. If there is no lightning attack, although the ice system can slow down his clone, if he can’t stop. If you live, you may still be separated. Unless it happened at the moment when he was caught by ice magic like me and Yuezhihan, it was possible to stop it with a powerful attack. However, he was wiped out anyway. Although he had no offensive power, I didn't want to meet him again.

Suddenly, Feng Wu shouted loudly: "I have upgraded again, I have upgraded again..."

Then Fu Xuenan also shouted to upgrade, and then Ouyang Wanting and Qin Shuang also said that they had upgraded. I looked at my attributes, and it actually rose to 58%. It seems that those clones are also experienced. . The cold of the moon is about to reach 47 soon. But the most angry thing is that the king of equality did not explode anything. Feng Wu looked around and saw that there was nothing, and then shouted angrily: "Why is the King of Equality so picky? After so many changes, we didn't leave anything, which made us wasted so much energy. ."

I think so too. Anyway, these are also 60 and BOSS. The best one is a gold tool, and there is no artifact. This is too unreasonable. Feng Wu suddenly asked, "You said, Sun Xu and the others should have hit a lot of good things now."

I was right when I heard that there are so many people, and there are eighteen hells, eight more bosses than me, so I laughed and said, "Yes, they should have exploded good things. Right, but there are so many of them, haha, it’s not enough."

Qin Shuang also smiled and said, "Yes, there are hundreds of them. Sun Xu who should be divided now has a big head, haha."

We are imagining Sun Xu’s embarrassment here, but Sun Xu is really embarrassed there, because they have reached the fifteenth floor of the torture hell. They dig graves in the sun to harass the dead, and they will Into the hell of torture, to be punished. When Sun Xu and the others entered this level, although few people saw them, the screams were the most. I saw that every person to be tortured was tightly tied to a cross by a big net, and the skin of his whole body was exposed from the net, and the kid next to him was holding a thin, almost transparent knife the size of a finger. I was carefully cutting the meat that was exposed from the mesh, very carefully, every cut was parallel to the mesh when it was cut. After cutting the front, cut the back. When the back is cut, the front is opened. So the kid cuts the front again. He is very patient and doesn't mean to be impatient at all.

After entering this hell, the first person who couldn’t stand it was Yadu. Seeing the people around him screaming there, Yadu took Sun Xu and said anxiously, “Brother Sun, let’s save them, okay? ?"

Sun Xu said with a wry smile: "I want to save too, but how to save it? This is what they did before they were alive."

Ge Zhuang said loudly: "Oh, what can't be saved, as long as we eliminate all the little ghosts at this level, then we can save them, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, yes, what Ge Zhuang said makes sense, let's get started, the scream I heard made me feel sick."

Yao Zhi also continued. Huo Qilin also said: "Yes, I think we should be fine if we kill all the monsters in this layer first. Although this is not a real hell, these screams really make me feel very uncomfortable. "

Sun Xu also said: "In fact, I have long felt uncomfortable, but seeing the scene in front of me reminded me of a lot of things, okay, I don't want those, everyone quickly eliminate them."


Yao Zhi shouted loudly.

Others also shouted. The loud sound shook this layer of hell. Of course, the little ghosts also heard it, so they rushed over with the knife in their hands, and the number of them increased while rushing. It turned out that these little ghosts looked like One, but there are actually a lot of them together. No wonder you don’t feel tired after cutting the meat for so long. These small knives and strange, not only have high attack power, but also cut the armor as easy as the mage's cloth robe. Fortunately, the number was not very large, and it was quickly wiped out. After eliminating these little ghosts, Sun Xu began to organize a combination of mages to form a line, and then let everyone go to attract strangers, and especially instructed Zhao Yansheng to not quote them too much. Zhao Yansheng chuckled, and then ran in one direction with Ge Zhuang. Other people looked for a good direction and all went to lead the blame. Zhao Yansheng said to Ge Zhuang as he ran, "What do you think the boss of this level should be like?"

"It's all the same. The main thing is to look at the mobs, you can imagine it, but it's bigger than the mobs. Aren't they all before."

"I know, but you see, the small knives in the hands of those little ghosts are so small. If you said that if it gets bigger, it won't be a meat-cutting knife. Wouldn't it become a kitchen knife, right?"

"What you said is a bit reasonable, but it's a game, how can it really be like those little ghosts. Then how can it reach us, don't you think? Haha."

'Whhhhhhhhhhh', Ge Zhuang was smiling and turning a large stalactite, when he was suddenly attacked three times. These three times almost killed Ge Zhuang in seconds, with more than 400 points of blood. Ge Zhuang pushed Zhao Yansheng out and shouted: "Run, BOSS."

While running while sipping the potion, Zhao Yansheng quickly found his balance after being pushed by Ge Zhuang, and as soon as he turned his head he saw the BOSS that Ge Zhuang said. Good guy, it's about three and a half meters tall. The weapon in his hand is really about the size of those little ghost gates, but it's not a knife, but a nail, and it actually grows ten arms. Looking at the boss who is about to chase Ge Zhuang, Zhao Yansheng stabbed him with a single shot. As soon as he was attacked, the boss only gave a slight pause, and then the three arms drew over. Since Zhao Yansheng was trying to save people, he did not attack further. After the stabbing, he retreated quickly, but it was still slowed down for a while, and it was reduced. Zhao Yansheng had 1241 drops of blood. Zhao Yansheng was taken aback. He turned around with a gun and ran. His speed plus the speed of the Athlon was exactly the same as the speed of the BOSS.