Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 153: Runner King Xian


They solved fifteen hells, and I also entered the tenth hall here. I entered the door cautiously, thinking about what kind of attack I would encounter, and suddenly said, "Hey!"

The sound of a gavel startled me, and I quickly ran a few steps inside. I was about to search for the source of the sound, and then another voice rang: "Han Yi, are you convicted?"

After posing, I looked up. Is it the tenth hall of Yama? Why are you so young? I took a look with the system: "Roller King, 60 and BOSS, HP60000."

No other tips, I rely on. I was in the scolding system, and another gavel woke me up: "Han Yi, this king is asking you something, are you convicted?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"You don’t keep the rules of the heavens and enter the Yincao Underworld. This is the first crime. You enter the underworld privately and do not listen to persuasion and delusion to change your life. This is the second crime. You enter the underworld and refuse to accept the sentence. This is the third crime. Yama, this is the fourth crime, and the king does not want to repent after committing such a serious crime. This is the fifth crime. You have so many serious crimes that the king has sentenced you to eighteen hells, can you be convinced?"

"Big-headed ghost who persevere with you, you guys, this is a yin-cao dungeon, it has no human touch. Those Yamas are not only unreasonable, but also arrogant. Just like you, they just condemn people casually. I didn't kill him at all. I think there is something wrong, and Yelang City Lord shouldn’t die at all. Why can’t you give him a chance? You know that the entire Yelang City people and his 8-year-old son are waiting for him to take care of him now. Why are you so unreasonable?"

"Boldly, I'm actually here to talk nonsense and privately comment on the order of the gods. If everyone who died in vain asked for resurrection, wouldn't it be a chaos in the world? At that time, you should blame us for not taking care of the gates of the underworld."

"This, this, although what you said is reasonable, but this situation is special, can it be accommodated once?"

"Everyone asks for accommodation, and the consequences are not the same. Tiantiao absolutely does not allow mistakes, understand?"

"You can't change the tenets, but the law doesn't call out favors, don't you think?"

"That is the law of your world, and the rules of heaven cannot be changed. You should dispel this idea. If you and your wife are unintentional, I will only sentence you to sixteen hells. Can you be convinced?"

"Although you are right, but I just don't accept it. Let alone the sixteenth hell, I won't go to the first hell. What can you do? By the way, the other Yama kings don't know that I put the Yamas in front of me. Killed, why do you know?"

"Huh, because the other Yan Luo will report here after they die, and then come back to the heavenly court to get their true body."

"That's it, that's good."

Seeing that the king of five sense organs doesn't have to die, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, although they can be resurrected, but they don't know how to resurrect now. They won't go to Heaven until they see you being thrown into hell and being punished."

"Well, that's really difficult."

While I was talking, I was prepared. Not only did King Yama not know the details, but there were only twelve Yasha ghosts on both sides, and there was no hint. Because I didn't know the details, I didn't dare to call Qin Shuang and the others in. Following a loud system prompt, I opened the private chat and quickly said: "I won't tell you anyone to come in."

Then I closed the private chat and continued to be careful. The King of Wheels saw that I had already set my posture, and smiled without cutting it. He picked up a pen, and when I saw it was another pen, he was more careful. Suddenly the King of Wheels shook his hand, and three ink arrows flew over. I hid on my side and shouted in surprise, "King Chujiang?"

With the sound of a big hammer hitting my chest, I was even more astonished looking at the quickly disappearing big hammer. I raised my head and continued to shout in surprise: "King Biancheng?"

When I raised my head and shouted out, I saw the King of Wheels drawing his pen in the air while saying: "Han Yi, die, die, die."

Why is this voice so familiar? With a turn in my mind, I suddenly called out the clone, then a switch came, and then a pain in my body, the system prompt: "You are attacked by the king of runners, MP...1099, your clone is affected Runner’s attack MP...1100, MP...110, your clone is attacked by the runner king MP...1023, MP...100."

I was even more surprised and yelled, "King Yama!"

The King of Wheels sat there holding the brush, and said proudly, "I don't see that your reaction is very fast, how about it, now you can be convinced?"

"Serve, take, I didn't expect you to be so good."

As I retracted my clone and walked towards the King of Wheels, I said as I walked: "It seems that you have all the skills of these ten Yama Kings?"

"That's not true. Actually, it's not that I can, but because they are all in my body now, but not all of them. I can't accept some skills, but these tricks are enough for you, right?"

I was taken aback when I heard it, and quickly asked: "You can also do the skills of the King of Equality?"

"That's more difficult, I haven't learned it yet, but that skill has no attack power at all. I don't know why Brother Nine spent so much effort to learn that. I really don't know what he thinks."

Hearing that he can't use it, I was greatly relieved, it's useless, that skill is simply Tai Chi, and it almost killed us all. I want you to know that skill and I won't fight you anymore, so I will run away when I turn my head. At this time, I also walked to the distance that I could reach him with a clone. Seeing that he seemed unprepared, I smiled and said, "Really, I don't think so..."

Before I finished speaking, I was a clone in front of the king of the wheel, hoping to give him a head-on blow, and then I also made preparations for the conversion, as long as the first "Tong Bei Fa" of the clone hit him Body, then I will switch to the second one. But the moment the clone went out, I saw the corners of the king's mouth raised. When the clone appeared, a big hammer hit him, the clone was beaten and took a step back, and then I was caught by the ten. Two yashas were surrounded. Although there were only twelve, the attack speed was very fast. I was just about to use the switch. Suddenly a "Cinnabar Seal" hit me and I paused. After gritting my teeth, I quickly used it again. One, when the clone and I switched over, the attack on the clone had already caused me to lose blood, and I quickly took out a potion.

With a "pop", a big knife slashed on my body, not only prevented me from drinking the potion, but also knocked out my blood. I was so scared that I turned my head and ran, "slap" a "Cinnabar Seal" again. When I got to my back, I drank the potion and listened: "You were attacked by the king of runners. HP...967, the magical power has brought you back to life."