Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 163: victory is in sight


After killing Shen Feng, Emperor Fengdu did not continue to chase Xia Ling. Instead, he slammed to the ground with one hand. A white light was also lit up on his body. His sudden action shocked everyone. Retreating sharply also slowed the rhythm of the attack. As soon as his hand touched the ground, he sucked a purple light from the ground, combined with the white light on his body, and the bright light flashed. Everyone was so scared that they stopped attacking, and some had already started to run and took out the potion. But there was no dangerous magic. When the light dimmed, we were shocked. The Emperor Fengdu, who had spent nearly half of his blood just now, was actually full. Just when Emperor Fengdu stood up, a big fireball happened to hit Emperor Fengdu's head. There was a loud bang, and the words "...284" floated on Emperor Fengdu's head. This damage can be said to have been very serious. It's huge, even higher than my "Tong Bei Fa".

Everyone who is used to seeing hundreds of numbers cheered loudly when they saw such a high number. Then I heard the sound of'Dang' and Xia Ling's exclamation. I hurriedly turned my head, just in time to see the retreating Huo Qilin and the Emperor Fengdu who continued to hack Xia Ling. Xia Ling seems to have a heart of death. Not only did he not hide, but he also used a "Meteor Shower" against the rushing Emperor Fengdu. When Xia Ling flew out, the meteor that appeared out of thin air brought Fengdu back. Hundreds of damage to the emperor. Seeing that Xia Ling was also dead, Feng Wu cried loudly. I rushed to it desperately, I was taken aback, and rushed up.

Then everyone’s magic fell quickly. Feng Wu’s speed was really fast enough. Emperor Fengdu hacked to and fro, and there was no way to cut the phoenix dance. But when I got to Emperor Fengdu’s side, the blood of Feng Wu It's still bottomed out, and seeing the giant sword that was swiping towards Feng Wu again, I recruited the clones and used the "Tong Bei Fa" to blow them up together. With a'boom', Emperor Fengdu took a step back, and two numbers...221 floated on his head. Although the number is not big enough, it solves the crisis of Fengwu. Emperor Fengdu looked back at me, and I glared at him with my head up. However, Emperor Fengdu ignored me and rushed towards Feng Wu who was retreating. I rushed over with a curse. Since you don't value me so much, I will blow you up again.

I thought so, but I underestimated Emperor Fengdu. Just when my hand was about to touch his back, I suddenly saw him turning his head and showing me a scornful smile, and then his body suddenly turned 180 degrees. After a big swing, I was shocked by his smile, and then suddenly backed away. My reaction was not unpleasant, but it was still half a beat. I just took a step back when the giant sword of Emperor Fengdu arrived in front of me. Apart from the hard connection, the only thing I could do was throw an ice talisman. The moment I was kicked out by the Emperor Fengdu, my clone hit him with the "Tong Bei Fa", and then my ice talisman also hit him.

The immense power of Emperor Fengdu made me take four or five steps at a minimum. When I finally held my head up, I heard Huo Qilin yelling loudly: "Be careful!"

I quickly raised my head. I thought that Emperor Fengdu would continue to chase Xia Ling away, so I hurriedly looked for Xia Ling's location after raising my head, but what did I see when I raised my head? A sword energy more than three meters long has already arrived in front of me. Only then did I know that what Huo Qilin reminded was not someone else, it was me. Seeing that I couldn't hide, I quickly drank a blue potion, at least it could cost a little less. Sword Qi slammed me back one more step. I was about to attack after steadying. When I raised my head, another one quickly flashed to the side. After avoiding this fatal blow and seeing me hiding, Emperor Fengdu rushed towards me holding a huge sword, and shouted, "Give me to die..."

"Fuck you, then you die."

I saw him rushing towards me, cursing as he ran. I ran at such a fast speed. I didn’t dare to stop, nor did I dare to use skills, because using skills would slow down my speed, so I ran and mixed the potion. Anyway, this hall is so If you are big, you should exercise your body well. Who can't let us beat him. After running for two laps around the hall, a few more people died. The blood of Emperor Fengdu had fallen half again. When he saw that he had half of his blood left, Emperor Fengdu stopped the attack, and a layer of white light appeared on his body. Sun Xu shouted loudly: "Attention, he is going to increase blood again, attack."

He rushed over while talking, and all the other self-holding ones rushed up. Just when he pressed his hand to the ground, Feng Wu rushed to his side first and squatted under his body. , Not because of running fast, but because of using Shun Yi. The sudden appearance of the phoenix dance made Emperor Fengdu shocked, a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes, and then he was lifted up by an electric dragon. Then Feng Wu didn't dare to jump up. Instead, he used an afterimage to slash at Emperor Fengdu. The speed of the afterimage was so fast, but he was still chopped by the great sword of Emperor Fengdu. Fortunately, it was not himself. Sent Feng Wu back.

Other people also continued to attack. Maybe this guy is bigger. Soon he fell off. When he fell, I saw that we were all waiting for him underneath. The giant sword in the hands of Emperor Fengdu swiped loudly. Shouted: "Looking for death..."

The giant sword swung obliquely in the direction of Feng Wu and Sun Xu. Feng Wu was not stupid. Seeing that the giant sword was coming in her direction, he ran away with a whistle. Sun Xu did not run, nor did he use a shield to block it. I slashed at the giant sword directly with a single knife in my hand. Looking at the two weapons that are very different, I shouted anxiously: "Sun Xu, are you crazy?"

As soon as my voice fell, the two weapons collided with each other. There was no loud impact. Not only did Sun Xu not get knocked out, but he didn't even have any damage numbers. I was shocked and saw that there was a layer between the two weapons. ice. I still don’t understand what happened, Sun Xu already shouted to Feng Wu: "Meiling, hurry..."

Feng Wu saw that Emperor Fengdu's weapon was frozen, so he rushed over quickly, and a "Shanglong Strike" supported Emperor Fengdu again. Although we are so nervous here, everyone's attacks have never stopped. And when Feng Wu held up Emperor Fengdu this time, Xia Ling actually used another "Call of Heaven". When Emperor Fengdu was about to land, a fireball hit him again. Emperor Fengdu was smashed into a roar, and a layer of white light appeared on his body because he had not much blood left at this time. Seeing that Emperor Fengdu was about to press his hands on the ground again, Fengwu and Shun moved another Shun under the body of Emperor Fengdu. As soon as he was about to use "Rising Dragon Strike", the Emperor Fengdu said Yinyin, "I'm just waiting for you."