Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 167: Synthesis artifact


When I said that, I traded the gun. I also improved my confidence when I saw his happy face. I took out the bronze gun, gritted my teeth, and took the "Brave's Power" as well. come out. I closed the lid while praying, and it succeeded. I opened the box and took out the "Flaming Spear" by Flames of Chaos. Not only does it increase attack power by 20 points, but it also has a 3% penetration rate. Looking at the new gun in his hand, Flames in troubled times said thank you loudly, happy like a child. Looking at the nature of the gun, Zhao Yansheng regretted suicide, and finally couldn't help but slap himself in the face. The "pop" not only attracted our attention, but also attracted the flames of troubled times that were happy there. Flames of troubled times turned to look at Zhao Yansheng, and looked at everyone strangely and asked: "What's the matter, he..."

Sun Xu held back his laugh, and walked over to Flame of Chaos and said, "It's nothing, he, he has a toothache."

Hearing Sun Xu's words, Flame of Chaos asked strangely: "Toothache? Can you still have toothache in the game? Isn't it said that even the disabled in this game can be good?"

"Ah? Ah, that's the case. In reality, he has a toothache. He uses his hand to pump as soon as it hurts. Now he is used to it. Once he is ill, he will do it twice. It's enjoyable. Isn't it?"

Sun Xu smiled back and said to Zhao Yansheng. Zhao Yansheng couldn't say anything, he covered his mouth and nodded. Finally couldn't help it, we laughed. We laughed here, but the flames of troubled times didn’t understand. We thought we were laughing at his habit, so we said, "Oh, what are you laughing at, who is not sick yet. By the way, Zhao Zilong, if you still have a toothache, I advise You still go and pull it out. Longer pain is worse than short-term pain, isn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Zhao Yansheng hummed two more words, but still did not speak. After dancing the gun twice, the flames of troubled times suddenly stopped and asked excitedly: "I want to try my new gun, is there anyone to play with me for a while, just for a while."

After finishing talking, looking at us pitifully, we haven't spoken yet, Zhao Yansheng immediately stood up and said: "Well, I will play with you and see the power of your new gun."

The tone was full of sourness. Sun Xu and I looked at each other and laughed again. However, the flames of troubled times did not hear Zhao Yansheng's sourness, and said excitedly: "Great, I like to PK with masters, haha, let's start now."

After finishing talking, I couldn't wait to run to the competition field. We looked at each other and smiled. The handsome character of Flames of Chaos is also an important reason why we like him. When I arrived at the competition field, Flames of Chaos had already been waiting there again. Seeing us here, he kept urging Zhao Yansheng to come on stage. To tell the truth, Zhao Yansheng was very depressed, so he didn't have much energy when he went up. It just formed a sharp contrast with the happy flames of troubled times. Standing on the martial arts stage, Zhao Yansheng finally cheered up, took a deep breath and said: "I know your PK skills may be better than mine, but I am not easy to deal with, you have to be careful. Come on. Let me see how powerful your new weapon is."

Chaotic Flames said with a grin: "I know you are not easy to deal with, hehe, I will not be merciful. By the way, thank you for not grabbing this opportunity to synthesize with me. If you fight for it, I will miss your cold city lord. I will definitely get it for you. I won't be able to get this good weapon at that time. Thank you."

Zhao Yansheng knew that this sentence was a sincere gratitude from the flames of troubled times, but he still couldn't stand it, and shouted loudly: "Sun Xu, what are you doing, start soon."

Sun Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly, slowly lowering the partition in the middle. With the falling of the partition, the innocent smile on the face of Flame in troubled times gradually disappeared, followed by an excited and slightly greedy look, like the eyes of a drug addict seeing drugs. Seeing the look of the flames of the troubled times, I not only slightly took my heart for Zhao Yansheng, although Zhao Yansheng's level is higher than the flames of the troubled times, but the PK technology of the flames of the troubled times is famous in "Green", and now the weapons are better than him, said To be honest, I really think that Zhao Yansheng's chances of winning are not great. Looking back at Sun Xu, Sun Xu shook his head slightly, smiled bitterly, and I also smiled with this. Then he looked at Huo Qilin again. At this time, he was watching the ring with relish.

After the partition fell, the flames of the troubled times did not move, and they waited there. Zhao Yansheng saw that he did not move, so he slowly walked over with his gun. Within the attack range, Zhao Yansheng used a trick "Fairy Guides". As soon as Zhao Yansheng shot, the flames of troubled times also stabbed in the past with "Fairy Guides", and the two skills hit the target at the same time with a'pop'. Standing high, Zhao Yansheng also pierced the flames of the troubled times and pierced 897 drops of blood, while the flames of the troubled times stabbed Zhao Yansheng's throat, which pierced 1458 drops of blood, which was given to him by Zhao Yansheng who had just put on Sun Xu. Damage after two pieces of gold equipment are equipped. Fortunately, the level of the flames in troubled times was a lot lower than that of Zhao Yansheng, or the damage was even greater. After piercing Zhao Yansheng’s throat, the flames of troubled times pushed Zhao Yansheng a few steps forward, and after disrupting Zhao Yansheng’s rhythm, he used a "Dapeng Spreading Wings". Although Zhao Yansheng was pushed into chaos by the flames of troubled times, he still At the last moment, he used his proficient PK experience to escape the disaster.

At the moment when Zhao Yansheng was provoked by the flames of troubled times, he suddenly pierced the ground with a gun and slid out at the most dangerous moment with inertia. But it also missed the best time to attack the flames of troubled times. Seeing the empty gun, the flames of troubled times smiled excitedly: "I knew that you are a master, it is not easy, haha, I'm coming."

As soon as the voice fell, another "Fairy Shows the Way" stabbed in the past. Zhao Yansheng hid next to him and used a "Hurricane Wheel". "Hurricane Wheel" is the same skill as "Flame Wheel" of Flames of Chaos, but the attributes are different. Similarly, after the "Hurricane Wheel" was used, not only did the flames of the chaotic world be repelled by one step, but also the effect of the wind attribute made him take a step back. After two steps in a row, the flames of the chaotic world were taken aback. "Already here, the two skills have destroyed 1578 drops of blood in the flames of troubled times. These two skills can be said to be used quite well. Not only did Ge Zhuang and the others under the martial arts field greeted them with applause, even Huo Qilin smiled and nodded.

The two skills smashed the chaotic flames and retreated three steps. After the "Stab" was used up, Zhao Yansheng did not stop, his body paused slightly, and another "Fairy Guides" stabbed over. When "The Fairy Guided the Way" was used, the flames of the troubled times hadn't stopped. We all thought that the flames of the troubled times should be settled in this situation, but the flames of the troubled times had withdrawn and put the gun at the same time. It was erected, and then the foot became the axis, and the brush turned around. Not only did he stand firm at the same time, but also used the barrel of the gun to release Zhao Yansheng's shot, completely avoiding Zhao Yansheng's ten-and-one sting. Seeing the flames hiding in troubled times so beautifully, Huo Qilin slapped his hands and shouted loudly: "Okay, hide beautifully."