Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 178: The ancestor of the green robe


Seeing me stop, the old guy said with his eyes lit up, "Say, let's say, I haven't heard so many words for a long time, haha, I'm going to make a reservation for you pet. Come on, talk a little more, quickly."

After speaking, he changed to a sitting position. I was dizzy, I thought he was because I couldn't answer it soon. It turned out that the cheap leather likes to listen to curses. Okay, since you like to listen, I won't be cursing anymore. I looked at myself and my pets and there was nothing wrong. I used the system to look at this old guy: "The ancestor of the green robe (has a halo, is called this name when wearing a green dress), 65 and BOSS, good at poisoning and cursing. , HP60000."

I said how so arrogant, it turned out to be the boss of 65 and. Last time, Emperor Fengdu exploded two artifacts for me. At least, wouldn't I explode one? Thinking of the artifact, I laughed and saw me smile. The ancestor of the green robe nodded and said: "Oh, it seems that your mind is not very sound, but it doesn't matter, you can do anything in my place, laugh. Laugh to your heart's content. No one dares to laugh at you with me."

The words of the ancestor of the green robe suddenly pulled me back from my fantasy. Damn, I actually said that my mind was not sound. I threw a fire talisman and hit him with 396 drops of blood. I can hit 65 and BOSS so many, I am quite satisfied. After the green robe ancestor hit me with a fire talisman, not only was he not angry, but he said with his eyes open: "You dare to do something with me, you are courageous, you deserve to be my pet, haha."

I used another poison, and the system prompts: "Your "Poisoning Technique" has no effect, please use it again."

I used another one and it was still useless. Seeing that the ancestor of the green robe did not move there, I used another one but it was still useless. When I used another one, it was still useless. Just when I wanted to continue using it, the green The ancestor of the robe laughed and said: "Don't waste your effort, don't you know that I am an ancestor who used poison, and actually use these gadgets in front of me, watching..."

After finishing speaking, I saw his hands pushed, a green mist flew towards us, the speed was very fast, I just moved a step and was hit, the brush knocked out 1023 drops of blue, but these are not The most important, the most important thing is that after the fog hits us, we are poisoned, and we actually lose 10 drops per second, which far exceeds my "Poison Surgery", not only my "Poison Surgery", It also surpassed the Black Priest’s "Plague Art". Seeing that it could reduce so much, I was surprised to look up at him, and when I saw him, the green-robed ancestor lowered his head and looked at his hand and said, "How about it, it feels different." , In fact, all the creatures in it have been modified by me, so they are so powerful, but their aptitude is too low, so they don’t have much achievements. You are different, your aptitude is much higher than them, if you If you are willing to stay with the old man, the old man must have transformed you much better than them. By then, no one will dare to bully you, how about it?"

"You said no one would dare to bully me after you reformed me?"

"Of course, the old man never slandered. Back then, the old man wandered outside for so many years, wanting the wind to get the wind, the rain to get the rain, and no one has ever dared not give the old man face. The old man has only lost once in so many years, but the old man is not convinced. , If I do it again, I am confident that I can beat him."

After speaking, he glanced and cried with his eyes. Even though he hadn't lost it, Gu had already been wiped out twice as far as I knew it, but it was useless if I said it, because he had only the memory given to him by the system after the refresh, and other memories had disappeared. But I don't care about those, and continue to say to him: "You don't mean to make me like those guys outside, if that's the case, I would rather not."

"No, no, not like that."

Even though I said so, I still saw his twinkling eyes. I didn't continue to entangle the question, but continued: "Besides, you want me to stay with you. No matter how powerful you transform me, I have nowhere. Go play."

"Well, the old man promises you that if I meet someone better than you, I will let you go."

"How many years will it take? When you let me go, I guess I'm already an old man. At that time, what good is there for me to be better? What if you don't meet me better than me."

If I say that I am mentally unsound, I will grind you well.

"This, this, there shouldn't be no one coming."

"Then how many years have you been here?"

"I can't remember, it's been about a thousand years."

Damn, it's already a thousand-year old demon.

"So, how many people have you met in this thousand years?"

"This, this, you are the first."

"Just me, you mean you want me to accompany you for another thousand years. I don't have that long life."

"It's okay. If you are willing to accompany the old man to protect you for immortality and live for several thousand years, there is no problem. In fact, the old man was already in his 80s when he came out to make trouble. You see, so the age is not the most important thing, the most important thing. It's strength. You follow me and I will protect you from no one daring to bully you in the future, and protect you from going out to be windy and rainy, how about it?"

"But that may have to wait another thousand years, I don't want to become the bastard."


"Thousand-year king and eighty-thousand-year turtle."

While talking about me, I was cautiously guarded. Originally I thought he would jump up and attack me with anger, but he didn't even move and said, "In fact, the life span of a tortoise is only a few hundred years even if it is not modified. It’s too far from ours. The one you said is totally unreasonable. Moreover, the tortoise’s aptitude is generally too low, and there are no major achievements after the transformation, and I am not so easy to encounter with high aptitude."

It seemed that he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, hehe, after scolding, I couldn't help but smile again, then raised my head and said to him: "Forget it, I still don't want to stay, you should go find someone else. ."

Hearing what I said, the ancestor of the green robe suddenly stared and said loudly, "Dare you refuse the old man?"

"I didn't dare, but I already refused, what can you do?"

"Well, it seems that the old man has no choice but to use some tricks."

Saying that he finally stood up, standing up is even more amazing, if he plays basketball, I guess he can almost dunk without jumping. Seeing him standing up, I quickly directed the pets to attack, and then directed the clone to rush over. Just when the pet door attacked him, he just snorted and then disappeared. I thought it was him who used the teleporting skill and searched around quickly, but he didn't find it. He didn't even look at it in the air. Then I heard him say: "Today I will let you see the strength of the old man."