Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 179: The best boss


As soon as the voice fell, he appeared out of thin air, and then pushed with his hand, and there was another green mist. It hit us again for more than 1,300 damage. Once we attacked, he disappeared again, and then appeared in another place. There was another green fog. The Lightning Tiger and Snow Wolf died again under his attack. His speed was so fast that I couldn't keep up at all. I had to order the pets and clones to attack freely. As soon as I gave my order, I heard a lightning strike suddenly, and with the lightning, the green-robed ancestor was beaten out of his original shape. The ancestor of the green robe showed a surprised expression, and disappeared again in a flash, but he heard that another thunder and lightning struck him accurately. Seeing that Tingting could find him, I hurriedly took other pets to prepare to follow Tingting to attack.

"Are you crying, Jizo's crying. What is your relationship with Jizo? Did he call you?"

Following the voice, the ancestor of the green robe stood opposite me with a hideous face. I stopped the cry first, and then asked strangely: "It is indeed a cry, but it was not the Bodhisattva who asked me to come. I came by myself. Why, do you know the Bodhisattva?"

"Yes? Haha, it's just too familiar. I will never forget his hypocritical face. Do you know why I am here? It's because of him, huh, tricking me to lock me here, you What if you leave the cry to the old man and not only teach you everything I have learned, but also let you go right away?"

"The beauty you think of, what you learned in your body is not rare at all. I can't give it to you when I hear that it is the Bodhisattva who entrusted me to take care of me. The difference between the Bodhisattva's ratio is simply too far, the Bodhisattva has no need to play tricks with you at all, you dare not face it yourself."

"Do you... dare to talk to the old man like that?"

Although he said so, there was a guilty conscience in his eyes. It seems that this attachment is a motivation for him to be here for so many years, but now I have said the reality that he is most unwilling to accept in his heart, hopefully. The disillusionment made him hysterical, and saw that he stretched out his trembling fingers and said: "You, dare you say it again, you said I can't beat Jizo, you dare to say it again."

"It's not that you can't beat it, but you don't have to fight it at all. The gap between you is too big. The Bodhisattva estimates that only one move is enough. You..."

"Ah every... You shut up, I'm going to kill you."

As soon as the voice fell, there was another green mist, and we also had a series of attacks, but we did not reach it, because the ancestor of the green robe disappeared again, I immediately asked Ting Ting to look for it, Ting quickly found the location of the ancestor of the green robe , Just when he first appeared to use the green mist, the thunder and lightning that screamed accurately hit him, and our subsequent magic also arrived. Our magical attack made the green robe ancestor’s attack not exert its maximum power. About 100 less damage than usual attacks. With our second wave of attacks, the green-robed ancestor disappeared again, but when he moved a few times and just stopped, the cry hit him accurately, and our attack also arrived. Seeing Cry Ting and finding him again, the ancestor of the green robe stared at Ting Ting fiercely with both eyes, and said loudly, "Bast, you dare to be presumptuous to the old man."

After finishing talking, he rushed over to Cry Ting, and saw that he dared to come over, but it made me happy. He recruited the clone to rush towards the ancestor of the green robe, and saw me and the clone rush towards him, the ancestor of the green robe. He whispered contemptuously and said loudly: "Get out of the way, otherwise don't blame the old man for being cruel."

Of course I wouldn't listen to him, and took out a talisman while continuing to rush. Seeing that I didn't mean to retreat, the ancestor of the green robe suddenly got a cold face, turned his hands over, grabbed me and the clone, and looked at the big long hand that stretched out, I stiffened and touched the talisman at the same time. With a brush on the arm of the green-robed ancestor, the scratch of the green-robed ancestor actually grabbed me 1,645 drops of blue, and I and the clone blew him 4024 drops of blood, plus the rebound of me and the clone. He lost 328 drops of blood and hit him with more than 4,300 blood. My attack surprised him and saw me take a step back and rush over. The ancestor of the green robe flashed and disappeared. I hurriedly directed Cry to continue searching, and then cried to a thunder to cut the green robe ancestor out of the original shape.

Seeing the ancestor of the green robe hiding so far, I had to use the remote with the clone. But soon I discovered that this was not possible. The clones and I were OK and could take potions, but the magical soldiers couldn't. The green robe ancestor’s attack and poisoning, the blood of the magical soldiers and Cry had already bottomed out. Fortunately, the magic weapon can be recruited if you die, but if you die, you will lose the level, and I can’t put it away, because it’s our main force now. I want to drink the blue potion myself. I have to give the clone blue potion and cry the red potion, but I was so busy that I had no choice but to re-divide the work, that is, I retired to the second line, responsible for the blood of the magic soldier and the cry, and then took charge of the clone's potion , And the clone can be completely free to attack intently.

The green-robed ancestor moves very fast, and sometimes he can’t be hit by Cry, and all other pets follow Cry’s attacks. If you can’t hit them, you won’t be able to beat them. It’s a marathon like this. The battle started. I was responsible for adding blood to the pet door, and the pets were responsible for attacking. It lasted about 5 hours (because he can go into blood when he is invisible). Finally killed him, with a'bang', the ancestor of the green robe turned into a ground of green minced meat. Hearing such a loud explosion, I ran over happily and carefully searched for the minced meat, what? nothing? I didn't give up, I used a weapon to sweep away all the minced meat, but I still didn't. After waiting for another minute, the minced meat gradually disappeared. After the minced meat disappears, I can be sure this time, there is really nothing, because if something is exploded, the system can keep it for 30 minutes, no Will disappear so soon.

I cursed secretly and started to walk back. Now the main purpose is to upgrade. Since there can be an unlimited amount of mobs, why don't I go. Entering the hall, there are still many stone spirits waiting for me there, seeing me coming, (happily) ran over to meet me, I rushed over happily, just hit the first stone spirit on the wall The voice of “Gulu” and “Gulu” appeared again. Regardless of those, the more blame I get, the happier I am. I don’t know how long it took. I finally reached 59 and the experience stopped after I rose by 20%. After playing for a while, it still didn't rise. I opened the attribute bar and hit another stone spirit strangely. I didn't even have any experience. It seems that these stone spirits have no experience. I had no choice but to go back to the ancestor of the green robe, but I didn't refresh it. Forget about the time, the martial arts tournament almost started, and I had no experience anyway, so I opened the return journey. When I took out the return journey, I noticed that the potion of more than 100,000 gold coins was actually used up here, and I only got up for a while. I feel distressed. The moment the return journey disappeared, I cursed loudly. This ghost place.