Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 19: Lost Paradise



"Very good, very good, what's your name?"

"All right."

At this time, the system prompts: "Congratulations to Hanyi for establishing a guild (Longshuo Pavilion)."

"Your guild cannot be less than 5 people, otherwise the guild will automatically disband. This is your emblem. You can take this back and study slowly to see what pattern you want to create. After you finish it, click this to confirm. Individuals will wear the emblem with this pattern. Each emblem has attributes to carry, but that is extra money, if you want, I can introduce it to you.

"Okay, I want to hear"

Sun Xu said.

"0...1 Demon King 1W, 0...1 Defense 1W5, 0...1 Attack 2W, 0...1 Intelligence 2W, 0...1 Taoism 2W, 0...1 Strength 2W, 0...1 Agility 2W, 0...1 Constitution 2W , 0...1 Wisdom 1W5, 0...1 Magic 1W5, +1 Lucky 50W, add 5W for every point except for luck, and 2W for individuals."

"What if you buy it all?"

"Then give you an integer, 100W, how about it?"

"It's too expensive. I don't approve of buying an emblem for 1 million."

"It's really expensive."

I also said.

"What do you think about this? Can you let the player add which one they want to add when they have the emblem?"

Hearing what I said, Sun Xu said, "No, because the guild members who just entered the guild will spend 20,000 yuan to buy attributes, which will make people feel that our guild is not strong enough, so they have no guarantee in their hearts. If you come in, you will receive it. A superb emblem will make players feel that our strength is strong, and then they will join our guild with all their heart. If you think what I said is wrong, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

"No, what he said makes sense, and I agree. If the funds are insufficient, I can sponsor."

Hanshuangfeilu said.

"I think it's the same, you said."

"It makes sense to say that. I don't have that good brain. You and Han Yi have the final say, you just say how much each person pays."

"If there is no objection, it is still 20W per person."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one speaks.

"Okay, grandpa, we will buy all the attributes plus 2. Here is 1 million, you can collect it well."

"I didn't expect the young man to be so courageous. It seems that you are the first person to buy such a complete property. I am giving you a discount of 900,000 yuan. How about?"

"Thank you, come, kind old man."

Then I traded the gold coins. Soon the transaction was completed, and there was an emblem with no design in my bag.

"Okay, goodbye, lovely boys."

"Goodbye, kind old man."


After leaving the palace, I added a few of them to the guild. Of course, Sun Xu is the deputy gang leader. Zhao Yansheng, Ge Zhuang and Tie Niu are the leaders of the samurai regiment. Long, Feng Wu and Hanshuang Feilu are the leaders of the swordsman group. Of course Yao Zhi is the commander of the monk regiment. All for the money is the commander of the assassin regiment. Due to time constraints, we first allocated it in this way. Each of me was given the right to recruit people into the guild. Then my door began to discuss how to use tokens, and finally Sun Xu said: "Now I think the Tyrannosaurus in Lost Paradise will explode silver or gold tokens, so I still think about how to kill it. ."

"I think it's difficult. My current magic is very high. It only costs a drop of blood to fight it. Seeing that it has almost 30,000 drops of blood, it is impossible to kill him. At least I think it can't be killed now. "

"In fact, I want to say that at that time our equipment was not as good as it is now, and there were not so many skills. Now the skills are finished, and the equipment is better than before. I think it would be a shame if we didn't go."

"I also think I should check it out. If I don't go, how can I know if I can't fight."

I glanced at everyone and said.

"In this case, I have no opinion."

"Then go, I'm not afraid, the big deal is death."

Ge Zhuang said loudly.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's go."

As we said, we walked to Lost Paradise. Feng Wu rode her unicorn. This slandered other people. They were all asking me where I got it. I told them. At the same time, I also told them that the purpose of my support for going to Paradise Lost is to get a dinosaur as a mount. I didn’t expect that this suggestion was approved by all men and a woman. Of course, the woman said it was Fengwu, and no one dared except her. Ride, but that's all for the future, and now I'm mainly catching it and talking about it first. I don’t know how long I’ve been away, anyway, I’ll fight for a while when I see a lot of strangers, and finally come to Paradise Lost. There are 50...60 and other strangers in Paradise Lost, so none of us dare to be careless.

Let a few warriors stand in front, me and the mage stand in the middle, the priest stood behind us, the phoenix dance is fast, so I found the opportunity to do it myself, and then started our dragon-slaying plan. The first thing I met was of course the largest number of Velociraptors. First, the mage’s long range attracted one, and then the defense fighters attacked first. Ge Zhuang and Tie Niu attacked from both sides, and the mage attacked from the outside. If the monster rushed past Sun Xu , Zhao Yansheng used his skills to push back, even if he couldn't push back, the monster's forward speed would be reduced, so that he would have time to prepare for the second formation. So it was very fast, especially when Feng Wu was outside, it was a red cloud with two swords, and the monster that was hitting could not even be found. Her electric effects were also very helpful, and she was paralyzed when it was critical. It can make everyone a lot easier. If there is enough time, I believe she can sing a dinosaur by herself, but the speed is a bit slower, because the attack is relatively low, but I believe she will definitely win.

She is also the least attacked here except the pastor. If there are many dinosaurs around, then Fengwu will be responsible for one, if there are more, it will be mine. If there are more... then it is my black warrior that has not been used, (one is unable to stand it, and the other is it will hinder the formation of the team), first call it out, and then all the velociraptors will be tempted over, Then threw a "Stand-In Talisman" on the hapless Black Samurai and everyone quickly changed to a new place.

The speed of the Athlon is very fast. If you don’t pay attention, you may be dissipated by it. Because everyone’s level is low, the defense is relatively low. This can exhaust me and the priest. Originally, my attack was very high. It is even higher than the fire law attack, but because there is a pastor in the team and everyone agrees, after a democratic vote, one vote against and one abstention vote (of course it’s me who opposes, and the one who abstains is Hanshuangfeilu, because I am not familiar with me, so I abstained). The others are all in favor. 555 days of jealous talents, let my main offensive force in this team become the main auxiliary force, because I increase blood speed and blood volume are higher than the priest.

Just like this, I was hitting and catching, but I didn't catch any of them for a long time. Everyone wondered why I couldn't catch them. Ask me, I can't tell why. So everyone unanimously asked me to continue the arrest, but I did not succeed in arresting it for a long time. Later, for the experiment, the Athlon was beaten with a drop of blood and couldn't be caught. This time everyone's enthusiasm was reduced a lot. At this time, Sun Xu came over and said: "In the current situation, there are only two situations. One is that the monsters here cannot be used as mounts, and the other is that our level is low and cannot be captured. So I suggest you upgrade first and wait a few minutes. Try it later."

This sentence has been unanimously agreed by everyone. One is because everyone agrees with his analysis, and the other is because he ignited everyone's hope. In this way, we have been together for another 4 days, and basically we have never left other places. The main reason is that everyone likes the Athlon and has to grab a mount as a mount, and now everyone is already playing very hard. Going too far rashly is likely to be sent back. And the place where our door is is the only way to go inside, so far I haven't seen any fool come here to die.

Finally, I reached the 45th level. I practiced the 45th level skill "Black Warrior Strengthening", which can increase all the attributes of the Black Warrior and increase the Black Warrior's attribute attack power. "Lotus on the Ground" raises a lotus array composed of lightsabers on the ground, which can attack the enemy in a large area while having the opportunity to ignore the defense. A few of them also reached 41, Fengwu 39, Hanshuangfeilu 37, Tie Niu 40, all for money 39, Xia Ling 41.