Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 34: Pouting Queen


After eliminating this smasher, I went to help Feng Wu. Sure enough, because Feng Wu could not jump and move in a large area, the blood loss was much faster. I hurried over to solve the other smasher. Then I began to lead Feng Wu to search inside. After a while, I saw a few smashers gathered together, but they looked a lot bigger than what I had just met. I used the system to see: "Soldiers, 50 and, strong attack, with attribute attack, HP12000."

Sure enough, this is much more powerful than the previous one, but for me it is still not enough to look at. The more I go in, the more I feel the pressure until I see the mage. The mage is the most human-like. Insect, the front pouch has been degraded, but his head is a lot bigger, and he will throw various magical attribute balls. At the same time, there will be healing. With them, the death speed of the smashed soldiers has been greatly reduced, so we must eliminate them in the shortest time no matter what method we meet again. After finding N channels, no way out was found.

However, I got a copy for Feng Wu, "Flying" and Swordsman only, need level 45, can fly in the air to attack the enemy. A copy of "Heaven's Punishment" makes a large-scale electric arrow downward attack in the air, which can attack all enemies within a radius of 3 meters. Both of these skills are very good, but they can't be used because they can't fly in such a small place. After looking for a few more holes, I finally met a different insect, which was much darker and brighter than other insects. At the same time, the belly was not round, but it turned into a scorpion's tail.

"Falling mutants, 50 and BOSS, fast speed, poison attribute attack, HP 25000."

I slowly cleaned up the monsters around it first, and then slowly approached it. I didn’t expect it to find me before I took a shot. The speed rushed towards me like the wind, and I hit an ice talisman. In the past, I saw a layer of ice on its body, and its speed slowed down. Feng Wu also rushed up and opened a bleeding wound on its body. I hit another ice talisman and another weakened body. Then I recruited the clone, rushed to its side and used "Tong Bei Method". I kept using ice and electric charms behind, and added Feng Wu's auxiliary attack. It seemed that the change was eliminated without much effort. "State" person.

A silverware of "Scorpion Tail Whip" was released, dedicated to Taoist priests. It requires 220 Tao skills, attack 15...25, Tao skills 15...25, accuracy +3, casting speed +2. Hurry up and put it on, a silverware of "Drug Avoidance Ring", Agility +5, Poison Avoidance +20%. It was given to Feng Wu. A strange gem with a spider pattern on it. After being identified for a long time, it only showed that it was a task item, and there was nothing else. I had no way to get it. Suddenly I remembered the mission scroll, opened it, and, sure enough, it was introduced inside, holding the jewel to find the lost person's cane. The others didn't introduce anything, nor did they say what kind of strange explosions were there. I cursed secretly and started to continue searching. I didn't know how many holes I found. I finally saw a very big hole. There were more slayers in it than in other places. I knew that I was not far from the target.

When the Digger was almost wiped out, I finally saw a big boss.

"Queen of the land, 55 and BOSS, ice attribute attack, HP30000."

Seeing that it was of ice attribute, I threw a fire talisman and hit 230 drops of blood. I didn't expect that after she was attacked, she didn't rush to me by herself, but called first, then rushed over, followed by a Lots of little brothers. I said to Feng Wu: "I want to find a way to hold her, I will clean up the mobs first."

Speaking of sending all my pets up for help, (I love these 3 and 3 pets, so it has been useless), and then a "Lotus on the Ground" attracted all the monsters, and when the monsters were close to me, I The clone used a "Lianhua" in the back, which attracted the past, and quickly wiped out the remaining mobs. Then I sent a "Poisoning Technique" to my dear Queen. My clone also gave a "Weakness Technique" and then I started to fight with fire symbols. The BOSS is indeed a BOSS, although it is not a humanoid with a low IQ, but it is also I found that it was impossible to attack two people at the same time, so I rushed directly to my clone. No matter how I fought with Feng Wu, I didn’t look back. When I saw it, I ran behind her and used a "Tong Back Method". "Sure enough, she gave a "squeak" scream, turned her head and rushed towards me. The clone behind me immediately used an ice charm. I didn't expect the loss of blood to say, the ice had no effect on her.

I ordered the clone to rush up immediately, and used a "Tong Bei Method" behind it. The queen yelled again, but after a while, she chased me, and the clone used another "Tong Back Method" behind it. The silly woman turned around and rushed towards my clone again, Feng Wu would not fight back no matter how she beat her, because she couldn't reach it at all. I waited until she was playing a clone and started desperately working on the tonic in the back. The avatar was finally killed. I beat her a "Tong Bei Method", and then recruited another avatar behind her. When she chased me, the avatar was beaten up from behind again, even though it was a little tired. Because you want to control two roles at the same time. But the results are still very brilliant. Finally, with a "bang", the queen screamed and burst out unwillingly.

The first one to explode is the walking stick of the lost, a piece of clothing "Tianyu Shenyi" gold, special for swordsman, need agility 200, defense 10...18, magic defense 12...24, attack 2...6, agility +5, physique + 2. MP recovery speed +10%. After changing Feng Wu, I began to study this lost person's cane, and found that the cane had no attributes at all, except that there was a hole in the head. I took out the jewel of the ground and put it on it, and it happened to fit together. Open the task introduction:'Put the synthetic cane of the lost on the altar in the middle of the palace of the Queen of the Land and look for an exit. 'I looked around and saw a stone on the edge of a rock wall, which was probably an altarpiece. I was not sure. Anyway, there was an eye in the middle, so I inserted the cane of the lost.

After inserting it, the cane began to emit a strong light, and I was so scared that I quickly pulled Feng Wu away from it. The light on the walking sticks of the lost slowly gathered together, turned into a bunch, and shot at the opposite wall with a "boom", the wall was opened with a big hole, and the gem on the stick was also broken. , There is only one cane left, and I put the cane in my bag when I looked pretty pretty.