Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 37: Horror skills


Seeing that I stopped, Zhebye stopped too, then looked at me strangely and said, "Why didn't you kill me? What a great opportunity just now."

"I have already said that I am here to do the task, not to kill people. I respect you as a real hero, and I don't really disturb you. I just do the task, and I can guarantee that I will not disturb you as much as possible. Sweat, do you think it's okay this time?"

Zhedon stared at me for a while, and then said, "Actually, I underestimated the enemy just now. If you give me another chance, I will definitely kill you. Now let you see if what I said is true or false."

Then he said to a cavalry nearby: "Go and lead the horse to a spacious place."

The cavalry immediately came down and led the horse to a spacious place. Then, Zhebie stretched out his left hand, a ball of flame appeared in his hand, slowly turning into a bow, holding a red ball of fire in the other hand, and then put both hands together, and then to me Say: "You attack that horse."

I threw a fire talisman at the horse, knocking out 260 blood points. At first glance, even horses have such a high level, no wonder the Mongolian cavalry can be so invincible. It seems that Genghis Khan's ability to conquer most of Europe is not a fluke. Can't help sticking out his tongue and crying out as dangerous. At this time, Zhebie's two hands were joined together, and another fireball slowly turned into an arrow, and then Zhebie turned his head and said to us, "You stay away, I'm going to attack."

We all walked a few steps back, and then only heard a "swish", a fire-shaped crescent flew towards the horse, and then heard a "boom", only a huge...4063 word floated up , When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left at the place where the horse stood just now, not even a piece of meat. Looking at the huge number, I was really stunned. I didn’t expect a skill to have such a big damage. Even the 70 and Tyrannosaurus rex did not have such high attack power. It seems that the skill attack of the human-shaped BOSS is really very good. fear.

I stared at the place where the war horse disappeared, and suddenly turned my head and said to Zhebie: "Hero, you are really an idol I admire. Can you teach me this skill?"

"This won't work, because my skills can only be learned by archers, but I can teach you a set of other things, and that is "Mongolian Aikishu"."

"Oh, it sounds like a good name*, will you be so good after practicing?"

"That can't. This is a passive skill. It can increase your strength every 10 times."

"Cut, what's the use? Increase strength, I'm useless. Wait, increase strength?"

I looked back at Feng Wu, and then said, "It's useless for me to learn, but can you teach her?"

Zhebie turned his head and looked at the excited Feng Wu and said, "Okay."

"Yeah, Zhe don't be my master."

Feng Wu yelled and jumped, making Zhebie's face bewildered.

I'm doing the task here. On the other hand, Sun Xu and the others have also started to build a city, because they can directly build a big city. So Sun Xu decided to build a big city directly. My two million was far from enough, and then everyone decided to pay another 2 million. Then I began to recruit a large number of life players and combat players. Because of my charisma and the status of these people on the artifact list and the rank list, there are still a lot of people joining, and then I started to buy all kinds of built Material.

Since it is to build a big city, there are a lot of materials to buy. Fortunately, Sun Xu is a major in design. This saves a design fee. Dacheng can directly build a three-story wall, and then dug a 20-meter-wide moat around the city. At the same time, there is a rushing river behind the city. It also gives us one more natural danger and one less defensive focus. Each corner is equipped with a magic cannon. This magic cannon is actually a magical integrator. Each cannon can be fired with 50 magicians to transport the magic power to complete it. After firing, it needs to cool down for a period of time, and Launching once is not just a simple combination of 50 people's magic power, but a geometric increase of these magic powers. The damage caused is also huge, but the price of each cannon is also very considerable, 4 cannons cost 3.2 million gold coins. In addition to the 4 million materials used to build the city, 7.2 million gold coins were used. Then began to let other builders build the walls. This coke broke the artisans.

At this time, Huo Qilin also came to our city, with 1 million help to build it, and also a lot of senior craftsmen to help. It only took 7 days to build the city. I guess it would be 7 months or even a year in reality. Looking at the city gradually taking shape, Sun Xu and the others were extremely excited, and they finally showed their ambitions. After the city was built, various shops began to be built. Due to the shortage of funds, first tell the life players who are low-level first to upgrade themselves. The guild only provides help to players with higher levels. However, there are still many players who have spotted the strength of our guild and resolutely stayed. After seeing those who did not leave, Sun Xu held a meeting, mainly to tell everyone that joining the guild was a wise decision, and also gave everyone a promise that after the siege was over, everyone would feel that joining our guild was the best The right decision.

At the same time, in order to withdraw funds, Sun Xu thought of a way to sell the house. But only to people in their own guild. At the same time, in order to open up the popularity, Sun Xu chose to make a system advertisement, which can be seen and heard by all players in the entire Longshuo District. However, advertising charges are very high. 10,000 gold coins each time. Sun Xu spent 200,000 in one breath.

"The system prompts all players to pay attention to the fact that the city "Dragon City" created by the lord of the "Long Shuo Pavilion", Han Yi, who ranks first in both the rank list and the equipment list, is now recruiting brothers and sisters who make progress together, and at the same time, to take care Members of the guild, members of the guild can enjoy a 12% discount on the purchase of urban residences, but members who withdraw from the guild must recover and charge a certain rent for the use of the house.

The last words are mainly to prevent the situation of internal and external flanking during the siege in the future. Therefore, the setting is that as long as you withdraw from the guild under any circumstances, your residence will be taken back. If you quit the guild on the day of the siege, gold coins Never return. Regardless of the reason, as long as you leave the guild, you will be sent out of the city even if you are in the room.

The house in the game is a hot spot, because although the brain can have a certain rest in the game, it still cannot fully recover. Long-term continuous games will still cause a certain burden on the body. So many players look for hotels in the game in order to save time, because just a few hours of sleep in the game is equivalent to sleeping outside for a day, and there are too many things in the bag. If you don’t want to sell, you need to save money, but save There is a charge to get there, and each residence will be delivered with a storage cabinet, which will save a storage fee.

When the housing system was launched in the game, it really got a lot of calls. There is a small teleportation array in the house, which can directly transfer the player to the room without the need for a return ticket. At the same time, if you want to let others in, just invite him. If you don't invite it, no one else can get in except for certain people at the beginning.