Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 38: Siege battle


Ordinary residences can only accommodate one person, and the room space is small, with only one bed and a small storage space. The asking price is 5000 gold coins. An ordinary double residence has a large bed and two small storage spaces in the room. The asking price is 12,000 gold coins. Apartment-style houses, the room can accommodate 3 people, with 3 single beds, or a single and a double, a medium-sized storage space. Asking price of 30,000 gold coins. Villa-style house, double storey, can accommodate 5 people, 5 rooms, each room can have a small storage space, and a large storage space in the living room. Asking price 80,000. Luxury residence, can accommodate 10 people, double-storey, 10 rooms, 5 halls, halls can do various activities, some can take a bath, some can read a book, some can practice life skills, but construction The money in the skill hall will be spent separately. Each room has a small storage space, and the living room has a large storage space. Asking price of 150,000. Super luxury residence, three floors can accommodate 20 people, 20 rooms, each room has a small storage space, 5 halls, each hall has a large storage space. Asking price of 250,000. Palace-type residence, 3 floors, the first floor is a hall, you can hold meetings or dance parties, etc. The second floor is a variety of entertainment rooms, which can be set up as a variety of life skills practice rooms, and the third floor is a housing. Asking price of 500,000. The design of each room is like this. If you feel unsatisfied, you can design it yourself. After the design is completed, you can help modify it.

Each of our 5 people who paid the money got a palace-type residence. Huo Qilin also got one, mainly to thank him for his support. The others got a luxurious residence. Although everyone opposed Sun Xu when he advertised, but now he won't. Because there is no time to object. Unexpectedly, the response was so strong after the advertisement was broadcast. People who join the guild are like the crucian carp. At the beginning, everyone can see how good the members are. Later, they don't care about assigning them to various groups. They are already exhausted. Then members began to buy a lot of houses. Unexpectedly, when so many people bought it, it was not enough to build at the beginning. Fortunately, the construction here does not need to be so complicated. Although it is a house, the construction speed is very fast.

Sun Xu asked everyone to register while buying materials, and then asked himself who needed to modify the room to find a way to get the drawings. After doing this for half a month, it was finally over.

Unexpectedly, this alone earned 50 million gold coins. Then began to build a variety of shops, and then a large number of acquisitions of various crafting materials to help players with low life skills upgrade. At the same time, things made can also be sold for money. At the same time, I bought 4 of the best city gates, each requiring 1 million gold coins. These gates have high defenses and a lot of health, each with 1 million health. Seeing that the time to siege the city is also approaching, I still haven't come back, and Sun Xu also started to make noise. At this time, Sun Xu received a city battle challenge post from "Rampage".

City battle is a new activity after the game has a city. If the other party accepts the challenge, then the system will send the people participating in the siege war to an open space as far away from the cities of both parties for a big melee. The two sides started to attack the city as they fought, and whoever attacked first will own the city. If you don’t accept it, it doesn’t mean it’s okay. After receiving 3 times, there will still be a siege, but it is only responsible for defense. At the same time, the defender cannot lose equipment. The defender cannot capture the attacking city, and the defender If you fall, you can still have a chance to take back the city. As long as you occupy the "heart house" in the center of the city, you don't need to break the heart of the city. Just take the new heart of the city and you can regain the city. The city can't lose the ranks. Apply for 10,000 gold coins for city warfare.

Unexpectedly, "Rampage" really applied for 3 times. After Sun Xu thought about it when he received the challenge post, he resolutely refused. Because one is that I haven't come back yet, and he doesn't want to lose the city before I come back, because no one can say 100% that they can only win without losing. The second reason is that most of the members are newly recruited and have no experience in cooperation. After going out, they are likely to be scattered. Third, Sun Xu wants to use them to try the defensiveness of the new members, because monsters are about to attack the city. You can use these fools to practice the new members first.

At first, everyone still didn't understand it, especially Yao Zhi and Zhao Yansheng, who were the loudest. If it weren't for the brothers, I would have to face each other with swords. Looking at the two brothers Sun Xu who had thicker necks than faces, they smiled slightly, and talked about their interests and ideas, and all of a sudden, they were speechless and unconditionally obeyed the military commander's dispatch.

The magic cannons around the city are useless. First, people stand on the walls of the city. The first floor is a defensive warrior holding a shield. The main responsibility is to defend against long-range attacks. The second floor is an archer, and the third floor is a wizard. Other professions are waiting for enemies to break through the gates or climb up from the walls below the city. Under each gate stood 50 priests to add blood to the gate. Finally the war began.

"Rampaging" rushed up as soon as the time was up, seeing that the distance was almost close, huge magic exploded in the crowd, but this did not stop their attack. After getting closer, small magic and bows and arrows began to fly towards the crowd. At this time, the facilitator reacted aggressively, and the mage and archer began to counterattack, but 90% of the attacks were blocked by the defenders. The casualties in "Rampaging" were very serious. After rushing under the gate, a group of fighters quickly rushed under the city wall under the cover of the firepower of the mage, and then began to concentrate on attacking the gate, although the gate had 1 million. Blood, even though there are 50 priests to add blood, still can not withstand these people who eat too much crabs.

After seeing the city being breached, Sun Xu waved his hand, and the soldiers lined up in a neat line and began to prepare for the battle. At the same time, the invisible assassins started to shoot one after another. Yao Zhi, Zhao Yansheng and other people led a group of people with the highest level or equipment in their group to avoid the main force of the'rampage', but only found a place with multiple lower levels to kill, and yelled at the domineering and aggressive.