Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 48: King of Golden Gu


My eyes were straight, because I didn't expect to meet a skill that was even better than mine so soon. It would be so terrible to see him as a piece of trash. If he was a top grade, I would really not dare to imagine it. With such a powerful combination of ours, soon only the deputy city lord remained on the battlefield. It's not that he is great but because he is not at all. Seeing his nervous look, I smiled and said, "What's the matter, come on, blow me up, your brothers are waiting for you to avenge them, and you can't come up yet."

The deputy city lord swallowed, and then said: "I have no brothers. They are not my brothers. My brother is myself. If I quit the guild now, will you let me go?"

"If you quit, it means you are not from this guild. I will only kill people from this guild. I will not kill you again."

"Well, I will withdraw from this guild."

When I said that, I took off the emblem and threw it on the ground. I stared into his eyes and said, "Don’t think that I don’t know. If you quit the guild, the emblem will be taken back. Your emblem has not been taken back. Don’t think you can cheat. It's me."

"No, no, no, I threw the emblem just to prove my determination to retire, and I will retire now."

After talking for a while, I saw the emblem on the ground slowly disappearing. After seeing the emblem on the ground disappeared, I said, "Okay, you can go."

The deputy city lord secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Can you tell me who you are before I leave?"

"Han Yi, if you are not convinced, please come to'Longshuo Pavilion' to find me."

"I'm not wronged when I lost to the top master of "Green". Can you accept me into your guild? I can start with the members of the guild first. What do you think?"

"I'm sorry, we won't accept people like you, you can go."

"Are you Han Yi?"

When we finished talking, the boy grabbed my arm and said excitedly.

"Yeah, you know me?"

"I don't know you, but I admire you very much. I came out of Caotianyu this time to find you."

After hearing what he said, I asked strangely: "Oh, looking for me, what's the matter?"

"Can you take me to your guild? I really want to learn from you."

"Hehe, there will be no problem in accepting you, but if you follow me, you may not learn anything. And I am going to do a very dangerous task this time. If you go, it may be dangerous. You should come first." "Dragon City' Go, wait until I come back to talk about it."

Hearing what I said, the boy said nervously, "No, no, I came out this time to find you, so I beg you to take me. If I'm afraid of danger, I don't deserve to be called Yadu."

I stared quietly into his eyes, and only excitement and determination flashed in his eyes, so I said, "Well, since you are so persistent, then follow me."

"Really? Where are you going?"

"Changbai Mountain."

Speaking, I led Yadu to Changbai Mountain. The guy behind me who was forgotten by me looked at the direction I was going, and said with a sneer: "Hmm, Changbai Mountain, I will let you go and never return."

After speaking, he turned and left. I fought a cold war inexplicably, Yadu looked at me strangely and said: "What's wrong with you, this place is not cold, why are you fighting a cold war?"

"I can't tell, I just feel uncomfortable, and I can't tell what's going on. Okay, don't care about it, let's go, go and get back soon."

As I walked, I learned about Yadu's life experience. There is an older sister, a younger sister in his family, and both parents have died prematurely. He came to play this game because he wanted to make money in the game to support his sister and younger sister. When he first entered the game, he discovered that he had an extra career, that is, Gu Master.

This profession uses Gu as a weapon, and the quality of Gu directly affects the power of the attack. Gu is also divided into four systems: fire, wind, electricity, and ice. Each type of Gu is divided into five levels: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The higher the level, the better the attributes, and the greater the power of the Gu technique. Later, with the help of others, he killed a mutant BOSS. Unexpectedly, he exploded a fire-type Golden Gu King, so his attack was so high. And his personal attack skill is the skill that Golden Gu King pays. This skill can increase the power of his own attack by 8 times, so his attack is so high. The level is only 41 and one question.

Without a word all the way, I soon came to the vicinity of Changbai Mountain. I opened the map and looked at it. As expected, it was not wrong. While looking at the map, I started my treasure hunt. Changbai Mountain is indeed a place of long strange treasures. All the monsters produced are rare monsters, such as snow tigers, ferrets, and snow foxes. Fortunately, there are not many in number. Most of them are between 30...40, and there are a lot of things exploding. Sure enough, because he followed, he also began to explode the Gu Master's equipment, but unfortunately it was not very good, but it was better than what he had.

After he changed the linen cloth on his body, I realized what Buddha wants golden makeup and people want clothes and makeup. Although the equipment is not good at attributes, at least the appearance is quite beautiful. Along the way, I quickly came to the middle of the mountain, and it was different here. The first snowman I met was 50 and above, and the snow ape was also 50 and above. The snowman’s movements were slow but he attacked in close quarters. But it is very strong. Although the attack power of the snow apes is not as high as that of the snowmen, they have more numbers than the snowmen. They are long-range attacks, throwing snowballs, and also have a freezing attack effect, which makes our forward speed suddenly slow down. I have no choice but to fight and walk, but I am so busy. I fight monsters while adding blood to him. Because there are fewer monsters, he sucks less blood. Fortunately, we are all fire attributes. Attack, or I believe the speed of advancement will be slower.