Online Game Dragon Taoist Priest

Chapter 7: Kill the BOSS skillfully


I threw a fire talisman to the zombie closest to me, a bright red...120 floated up, and a zombie only had 220 blood. Seeing so many hits, I feel relieved, and the speed of the zombie is even more disdainful. I think I run for 3 seconds and it can run for 30 seconds, which is comparable to the speed of a tortoise. I commanded the skeleton to chop the zombie, and every cut lost more than 30 blood. After a few cuts, the zombie was knocked down. This time I am at ease. Another ice talisman floated towards another zombie...100 floated up, and at the same time a thin layer of ice formed on that zombie's body, which seemed to be slower than it could be. I commanded the skeleton to chop it, and then I hit another zombie with another thunderbolt, another...98 At the same time, it was flashing electricity out of its body, and it stood there for a while before continuing to walk towards me. I saw that the zombie was also hacked to death, so I commanded the skeleton to hack at the zombie. I hit another zombie with another wind talisman...100 floated up and nothing happened at the same time, I hit another wind talisman this time...102, only to see that the zombie who was walking towards me actually backed back two more times. step. I finally understood the function of each symbol.

Seeing the speed of each one is so slow, I think my speed is enough to cope with it easily, so I decided to use the most harmful fire charm, and I found that my skeletons are now also very powerful enough to be one enemy four, I first attracted them After a few passes, I started to fight between the zombies. With my agility, none of the zombies can touch me, so my upgrade speed has changed very quickly. I turned on the automatic picking function of the baggage. At dawn, I had reached 25 and I took a look at my backpack. I found a few white equipment, two sealed equipment and some copper coins. I used the debate scroll to check that one was 10 and the light armor attribute was Defense 3...7 Demon Yu 3...4 plus agility can be worn by any profession, one is cloth shoes, requiring level 12 and defense 1...3 Demon Yu 1...2 plus an agility can be worn by any profession. I changed my peasant outfit, put on light armor and cloth shoes, and put on a defensive 1...2 hat. It seemed that I was a lot more handsome. One of the books included in the book is "Magic Armor", which requires level 23 or higher. You can add magic defense to yourself or your teammates, and how much you add depends on Dao. One is that "War Armor" requires a level of 25 or higher. You can add physical defenses to yourself or your teammates, and how much you add depends on Dao skills. One is that the "skeleton enhancement technique" requires level 25 and can strengthen the attributes of their own skeletons to increase their attack power. I quickly practiced and added "Try it out to my little skull." Now they have become 3 and each can single 8 zombies and be undefeated. After I added defenses to them, they didn't need me to take care of them even more. I originally wanted to replace these two skeletons with enhanced skeletons, but I thought that even if the enhanced skeletons are powerful, they are almost the same as they are now. Besides, the recruits are still 0 and the defense will not be as high as the current ones, so I didn’t change it or kept using These two skeletons.

It gradually dawned, and the surroundings became clearer and clearer. I found out that there was a hole in the mountain wall opposite me, and it said "Fall to Hell". I knew that the monster inside must be higher than the level outside. Looking at the brightening sky, I decided to go inside. I just went in and haven't adjusted to the light inside. Suddenly, there was a huge pain in my back. Although it was only 1/10 of the real pain, I still felt the tingling of my back and smelled a mushy smell. At the same time, I also heard the prompt: "You are attacked by the corpse tyrant to reduce your blood by 198, and burn damage by 20."

Sure enough, this bastard's attack has the attributes of fire. I turned my head and moved a distance away from it, and finally saw its appearance. It was still like a zombie, but it was stronger than the outside, and its skin was a bit red and black. Seeing that it pulled me out of a cupping jar, I threw a Huo Talisman and flew over, only to lose 70% of its blood. I understood at once, because it is fire-type, it resists fire, and the magical attack effect of fire-type is reduced, so I another ice talisman flew past and a bright red...120 floated up. I recruited the skeleton outside again and chopped off at it. I also added my upgrade points to Dao Shu. Then another talisman flew to another corpse tyrant, and a bright red...145 floated up. Although the speed of the corpse is faster than the zombie, it still can't push me. So I still shuttled in the middle of the corpse tyrant and rose up crazily.

After another hour or so, I was up and down halfway. I also found that there was a deep passage in front, and I knew that there must be a stronger monster inside. Now I can handle it easily, so I decided to move on. This time, there were no such tigers anymore. I slowly walked out of the tunnel and took a look. Good guys, they are all skeletons, each of them is a 30-year-old monster. There are also many styles, including skeleton knight, skeleton warrior, skeleton archer, and skeleton mage. I didn't understand the situation of these skeletons, so I first attracted a warrior. The speed was good, and the defense was higher than that of the corpse tyrant. The speed of the knight was faster, and in a blink of an eye he rode the broken skeleton donkey and came to me. The attack power was actually worse than the warrior. Fortunately, the defense was almost the same.

The most annoying is the high alertness of the archers and wizards or the long-range attacks, so my consumption of magic potions is very large. But watching the soaring experience is still very satisfying. After another two hours, I had almost cleared the strangeness in it. The strange thing is that it doesn't refresh. The ones outside are refreshed after a while, and the ones here are almost dead and won't be refreshed. I was thinking about going outside after it was all cleared up. Suddenly there was a roar and the skeletons began to refresh quickly. I felt something was wrong, so I turned my head and ran towards the passage. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back and then I flew out. System prompt: "You are attacked by General Skeleton, lose 380 HP".

I didn't expect him to be so cruel. I endured the pain while crawling forward and turning my head. I just saw the bone general approaching me with the huge sword as high as him.

I touched my nose smartly, gestured POSS, and then pointed at him and said, "Boy, let you be cruel, I will show you my tricks, or you really think I'm a bully."

Seeing the general approaching, I threw a wind talisman over...100, without the effect of retreating, I threw another and still didn't. Seeing him getting closer, I didn't care about any face, turned my head and continued to run towards the passage. Drinking magic potion while running. Why drink? Because of those archers, sorcerers and so on, they saw me. When I reached the passage, I quickly recruited my two skeletons and stood at the entrance of the passage. Just blocking the passage, only one skeleton could barely squeeze in. The outside couldn't get in at all. They all wandered outside, including the skeleton general. He was roaring while looking for his way in.

I braved a monster and started my revenge plan. I first used a "weakness technique" and watched his speed decrease, and then used a "poisoning technique", only to see that his body turned green, and the blood on his body also dropped every second. Minus, I threw another wind talisman-125, I know that my "Weakness Technique" worked. But looking at his 5000 blood is still a little dizzy, and the speed of blood recovery is also very fast. My two idiots could not withstand the attacks of those guys in turn, the blood was dropping rapidly, and the Skeleton General was getting closer and closer. So when I saw my attendant lost half of his blood or the general entered half of the team, I threw a "Stand-In Talisman" out. They would "coax" and rush towards the magic talisman. I took this opportunity to add blood and defense to my attendants, and then continue to repeat the process. Just when I beat the General Bone to only 1000 blood, I suddenly saw General Bone roar, and then, there was a creak on my body, my body grew a lot bigger, and the blood returned by half. I saw another crazy one.

But I’m not nervous at all. It’s still "Weakness Technique", "Poison Technique", Flying Talisman. Just when the mad bone general was about to die again, he began to become anxious, and his speed was also very fast in each of them. The skeleton moved behind to find a way, and when he saw that there was no way, he started to chop the skeletons with his big sword, and he cut out a path and rushed towards me. I stepped back and attacked him. I saw him hit my skull and flew away with a sword. The blood of the skeleton has also been cut by more than half. As soon as I saw something was not good, I watched "Alternative Talisman" and there was no more. I started to use ice charms to freeze him, but the effect was not good. I used my skeletons to harass him as I ran, and occasionally effective ice charms, and finally ran to the corpse tyrant's place, looking at the cave corpse tyrant I suddenly felt that they were so cute, of course I meant to compare with the generals at the back.

I ran around the cave. A long team of corpses followed, with a general bone in the middle. I saw him slashing left and right, but he couldn't push me because of too many numbers, but he was slowly approaching, and I continued to attack as I ran. My anxious eyes turned green as I watched the approaching General Bones. What I wanted most at this time was "Stand-In Talisman". So when I got excited, I took out a Taoist charm with no attributes and threw it out. Suddenly a double came out, and all the monsters rushed towards that double. At this time, the system prompts: "Congratulations on your realization of the skill "Standalone Talisman".

However, the General Bones was unmoved and he rushed towards me hard. I saw another "Stupefaction Talisman" and threw behind me. Those fools rushed back again, and separated the General Bones. . Although he cut a bloody path, he is still not as smart as I am. Finally, with a "bang", General Skeleton fell unwillingly, and I was 28. At this time, the system prompt came again: "Congratulations on killing the mad Skeleton General. Since you are the first player to kill the mad high-level BOSS, you will be rewarded with 5 points of 200 prestige for upgrading. Will you be released? "