Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 114: Chaotic exam


Although it is just a monthly exam, it involves ranking after all, and it is also a review of recent knowledge points. No one will underestimate this monthly exam, even the reborn Mei Fang is no exception.

Could it be the physics test paper set by that devil teacher? I need to look more at the question types of the gifted classes so as not to be led into a trap.

Thinking of this, Mei Fang couldn't help but break into a cold sweat for his own Yuanyuan.

What you fear will come true.

Yuanyuan hasn't been able to rest well recently and keeps having nightmares about not doing well on exams and being abandoned by the two of them.

Xia Yuan had previously agreed with me to go to the science experimental class together, which meant that I would continue to study science instead of liberal arts in high school.

Although Mei Fang thought Xia Yuan was more suitable for liberal arts, although he doted on Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, he did not have the habit of teaching them how to do things. Seeing that Xia Yuan was so determined, Mei Fang was willing to support her decision.

I hope that guy Lao Ke can show some mercy this time...

It is actually quite tight to finish all the subjects in one day. I take Chinese and math in the morning, and start English and physics after lunch in the afternoon, with only a little rest time in between.

After handing in her English test paper, Mei Fang stretched her body, then got up and found the classroom where Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were taking the exam. Seeing that the two of them were happily reviewing their English answers, she let go of the uneasiness she had felt during the day between the two.

Mei Fang suddenly appeared behind Xia Yuan and knocked her on the head, which scared her.

"Damn Ah Fang! Why are you scaring me?"

"The physics exam is coming up soon. Why are you here studying instead of discussing answers with Youxi? Aren't you afraid that it will affect your mood?"

"The correct answer in English is the key to relaxing, okay?"

In addition to mathematics and physics, Xia Yuan's scores in Chinese and English have always been very outstanding in the grade. It's a pity that these two subjects can hardly make up much gap for the top students of the same level. Only a small number of exceptional boys left a deep impression on Mei Fang. They could get full marks in physics and mathematics, but could not even get a passing score in English. This has always been an unsolved mystery during Mei Fang's school days.

"So... do you have confidence in the next exam?"

"What confidence can I have in the questions asked by Lao Ke?"

Xia Yuan held up his chin and said, "It would be good if I could pass the exam... That's what I think."

"I think you might be able to get a high score this time."

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan on the shoulder and said, "Your physics scores in the recent gifted class exams have been pretty good. Lao Ke is the gifted class teacher, so maybe he'll come up with some original gifted class questions. Then we'll make a fortune."

"Ah, you reminded me..."

Xia Yuan said as he took out the wrong physics questions from his schoolbag and studied them carefully. "Fang, you are no longer useful. Go back! Don't disturb me while I am reviewing."

"Okay, okay..."

Mei Fang also waved goodbye to Lin Youxi, and then went to the window. He saw that Lin Youxi had been staring at Xia Yuan's wrong questions, and the two of them would discuss them from time to time.

Am I overthinking...

Why are you so uneasy

After Mei Fang went back, Xia Yuan focused all his attention on the wrong physics questions. After listening to Youxi's explanation, he had a general idea of what they were.

"Sorry, sorry, did I disturb your review?"

"It's okay with me." Lin Youxi smiled slightly, "Yuanyuan, I'm glad you understand."

"I really envy you."

Xia Yuan smiled and said, "You can only learn things once you learn them. I have to study three, four, or even seven or eight times before I can understand them."

"It was the same when I was learning to drive and roller skate."

Lin Youxi explained, "Look at me, I always learn so slowly... It took you and Ah Fang so long to teach me."

"Haha... well... I'd like to trade strengths with you. I'd rather be a little clumsy when learning to drive or roller skate than be tortured by a physics exam."

"Yuanyuan, I said—"

Lin Youxi paused, and tried to say what she hadn't been able to say for a while: "If physics is really difficult for you to learn, why not-"

Lin Youxi's voice was drowned out by the classroom bell.

"Tell me after you finish the test!"

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi simply high-fived each other, "Let's do our best together!"

"Yeah, come on."

Wow, this is indeed a physics test question set by Lao Ke!

At a glance, few people can see the calculation method and answer at a glance.

Xia Yuan patted his cheek, trying to calm himself down.

Keep calm, fate.

You have suffered so much in the advanced class and done so many physics papers, you should understand that the physics questions in the monthly examinations will not be more difficult than the physics papers in the advanced class.

Your weapons are patience and carefulness, and you must never lose points where you can't lose points.

Then, you must strive for any points you can get.

Even if it is the score of a small question or a step, write down everything that can be written.

Wait, this question...

Xia Yuan looked at the diagram of the movable pulley and was immediately overjoyed.

This is the question that Al Fang asked me to review when he looked at the wrong questions!

For this question, I just need to recall the answer and the steps to solve the problem directly, without having to think about the idea at all! It can save a lot of time!

Wait, wait…

As Xia Yuan calculated the data, he felt something was not right.

At first glance, it looks like the original question, but in fact, some changes have been made.

But this change... How should we deal with it better

This… This—

Xia Yuan's ability to adapt is not strong. When she came to her senses, the 15-minute preparation bell for handing in the paper rang, and Xia Yuan became panicked.

I have spent too much time on this "original question"...

If you check the following questions carefully,

No, no, in short, do the first sub-question of each question first...

Why does it feel like there are too few questions in this test paper

Well... the questions are difficult after all! Lao Ke is kind-hearted!

Xia Yuan hurriedly filled in the answers to the questions in the remaining 15 minutes, and before collecting the papers, he checked to see if there were any mistakes or omissions in the fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice questions.

However, when she turned to the second page of the physics test paper and found the blank questions on the back, she was completely dumbfounded.

My head was buzzing and the tingling feeling on my scalp was constantly stimulating the nerve center from the cerebral cortex.

Xia Yuan felt his heart rate accelerate to 200.

When Lin Youxi turned around to collect Xia Yuan's test paper, he was shocked to see Xia Yuan trembling in front of the two blank questions on the test paper.

"Yuanyuan... You didn't see the last two questions, is that right?"

Xia Yuan's eyes were empty and lifeless. Listening to Lin Youxi's concerned voice, she just nodded mechanically and stiffly.

When Lin Youxi saw Xia Yuan’s pale face and dazed look, she herself was also in a state of confusion for a moment.

Before handing in the test paper, she suddenly thought of something.

Before handing in the paper, she hurriedly picked up the pen, crossed out the last two questions on her paper, and erased the correct answers she had already written.

Although students were not allowed to continue writing after handing in the paper, the invigilator turned a blind eye to Lin Youxi and no one said anything to her.

After Lin Youxi handed over the test paper, she returned to Xia Yuan, who was still sitting in a daze, and comforted her in a gentle voice:

"The last two questions... The last two questions are very difficult. The first question doesn't get many points, and I haven't figured out the answer to the second question. I guess no one can do it. It's not that important."

"Although I didn't perform very well earlier," Xia Yuan rubbed his face, looking a little better, "But if Youxi can't write it, then I guess everyone else won't perform well either, right?"

"Hmm... should be..."

While Lin Youxi was talking, she was thinking about something she had not had time to say to Xia Yuan before class.

I will try to finish this chapter in one go, at least send the knife and send the candy directly, please don't delete my book and say you will come back later... After you delete it, forget about me! I know you scumbags best!

(End of this chapter)