Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 129: The best graduation gift


Although Baimei County is a small and poor county, it is not unknown in the cultural field. Rather, it is a versatile country.

It has its own intangible cultural heritage such as Baimei Embroidery and Yue Family Boxing. One is a traditional handicraft, and the other is a more special martial art.

According to legend, there are descendants of Yue Fei who lived in Baimei County, and there are many people with the surname Yue around them. Yue Xinyi and the head teacher of Class 10 both have the surname Yue.

The most famous culture of Baimei County actually belongs to two categories.

One is the Baimei Opera culture, which was created based on the folk tea-picking tune of Baimei County and later developed in Anqing City, Anhui Province. It is one of the three major opera genres in China.

Although it sounds very impressive, the specific manifestation of it in Baimei County is that the local people have the custom of performing operas on the streets.

Whether it is the stage of the cultural square or a corner of a roadside park, you can always hear the local middle-aged and elderly people in Baimei County singing.

However, most of the younger generation do not like this unfashionable opera, so Mei Fang feels that it is difficult for Baimei Opera to be truly inherited in Baimei County, and it will probably die out slowly.

The other type is Zen culture. The fourth and fifth patriarchs of the Celestial Zen sect of Bodhidharma all established their own temples near Baimei County.

As time went by, the former sites of these two dojo were gradually developed by later generations into a relatively famous tourist attraction.

Since the locals highly respect Buddhist culture, the incense here is quite prosperous. Compared with the Fourth Patriarch, the Fifth Patriarch's temple is closer to the streets in the center of the county town, and the temple is also larger.

Mei Fang and his friends have just graduated from junior high school. Most of the children in the county have never seen the world. They have neither money nor the courage to go to places far away. Wuzu Temple is a good choice.

Xia Yuan was the main initiator of this trip to the Five Patriarchs. She really was reluctant to leave these friends she had met in junior high school, especially Peng Xue who had stood up for her.

So Xia Yuan thought that it would be a very pleasant thing if everyone could leave unforgettable memories together.

Although he still wanted to experience his Black Knight Z7, everyone was waiting for him here, and Mei Fang was so generous to him, it would be a shame not to go, so Zhang Ming finally followed.

The group took the bus to the station, and after confirming the ticket price with the driver at the station, they got on the bus.

Yue Xinyi accompanied Lin Youxi, Peng Xue accompanied Xia Yuan, Mei Fang and Zhang Ming, and Guo Yun sat alone in a row.

She was very surprised when she received Xia Yuan's invitation and was reluctant to come at first, but she could not resist Xia Yuan's invitation and finally came along.

While the group was chatting in the car, Mei Fang did not forget to talk to her to avoid making her deskmate too embarrassed.

"By the way, Guo Yun... I see that you seem to have lost a lot of weight this year. Are you losing fat?"

Guo Yun nodded, "It's mainly because of the academic pressure this year. On the other hand, I want to convince my parents to apply for the art student of Jiangcheng Art School, and I have been preparing works recently..."

Xia Yuan was also very happy to hear this. She never felt that Guo Yun was a threat. She just thought that her own Ah Fang wanted to make a game, and Guo Yun would be a very good art assistant.

"That's great. If you can get into a school in Jiangcheng in the future, you can come and play with us!"

"Well... because my uncle's house is actually in Jiangcheng, and I will live in his house when I pass the exam."

Mei Fang added, "Come to think of it, I could have kept the digital tablet I lent you. Why did you have to send it to me?"

"Oh, how can that be..."

Guo Yun said embarrassedly, "You will move to Baizhou City and live in Jiangcheng in the future. I am not sure whether I can get into a school in Jiangcheng now. I must return the things I borrowed from you."

"Just think of it as a graduation gift, it's nothing."

Guo Yun shook her head frantically after hearing this. "If it's a gift, it's too expensive! It should be several hundred yuan... I'm already very grateful that you are willing to lend it to me."

"You have helped me draw so many things. I can't thank you enough."

Seeing that Xia Yuan had a complicated expression on his face while watching the conversation between the two, Peng Xue quickly came forward and patted Mei Fang on the shoulder.

"Boss Mei, why are you only so nice to your deskmate? She didn't receive the graduation gift you mentioned? Did you receive it, Yue Xinyi?"

Yue Xinyi rolled her eyes at Mei Fang in annoyance, "No! Mei Fang, that bastard, filled out my graduation album with nonsense. How can I expect him to send me something..."

"Look, you only sent Guo Yun, aren't you a little biased?"

Zhang Ming standing by was so frightened that he didn't dare to look up or speak. He thought to himself, no wonder Mei Fang was suddenly so generous, it turned out that this was the graduation gift Mei Fang gave him.

"Hey... why are you only asking me for it? We don't even know each other very well."

Peng Xue covered her face and made an aggrieved expression. Xia Yuan was also very annoyed when she heard it. "Ah Fang, when did you become unfamiliar with Xiao Xue? Didn't we often play together? We won't see each other often in the future. You should give her a commemorative gift."

After hearing what Xia Yuan said, Peng Xue immediately smiled mischievously, like a player who fakes a fall in the penalty area and gets a penalty.

Hey, how could you push me out like this? Fortunately, your Ah Fang is not a playboy, otherwise Peng Xue wouldn’t be so unlikable, right

So Mei Fang scratched his head and asked, "So what commemorative gift do you want?"

"Well... please treat me to karaoke next time! Just take me alone."

"Oh, I won't take it with me either?"

Xia Yuan suddenly became anxious, "Xiaoxue, you can't ask for a commemorative gift like this! Ah Fang is Youxi and I's childhood sweetheart, you can't be alone with him."

"Hahahaha, just kidding."

Peng Xue pinched Xia Yuan's cheek, then leaned back on the chair and looked at Mei Fang in the back row seriously:

"Yuanyuan is my best friend and almost my only friend in my three years of junior high school. I value our friendship very much."

Since that incident, Peng Xue has become very distant from the people around her. It is difficult for her to get close to her old friends easily. All her trust and affection are placed on Xia Yuan alone.

Xia Yuan felt sweet in her heart after hearing this. She took Peng Xue's hand and smiled at her.

"As long as you can promise to always be good to Yuanyuan, that will be the best commemorative gift for me."

"Then, the same goes for me!"

Yue Xinyi was definitely not willing to be outdone at this time, and immediately raised her hand and said, "You must not let Youxi down. She never tells you what she wants, but you must remember to give it to her."

"OK, I'll buy all the commemorative gifts for both of you."

Mei Fang thought that this was not a simple matter. He had been trying to maintain balance and did not intend to let either party suffer any injustice. Your gifts were given for free.

Everyone in the group was talking and laughing in the car, except Lin Youxi, who remained very quiet, saying that he felt a little carsick.

The last route was up the mountain to the temple. It was full of twists and turns all the way, which was indeed a bit uncomfortable.

So Mei Fang asked the driver for a plastic bag, and when the car arrived at Wuzu Temple, Mei Fang and Yue Xinyi took Lin Youxi out of the car together, then took out the plastic bag and gave it to Xia Yuan, asking her to take Youxi to the roadside to vomit for a while before they felt better.

"Hmm... This road is really bumpy." Peng Xue stretched lazily, "When we have money in the future, we can drive up the mountain to play together."

"Why come here to play if you have money?"

Yue Xinyi put her hands on her hips and said, "If I were rich, I would stay in my mansion for the rest of my life and never go out."

"Your ideal is a bit... quite funny..."

Yue Xinyi pouted at Peng Xue and said, "So if you have money, do you drive around racing?"

"That's about right. If I had money, I would take my guitar, drive my jeep, and wander around in the middle of nowhere."

"I didn't expect you to have such a literary ideal!"

"Can't I be a literary young man?"

Yue Xinyi and Peng Xue were arguing when Peng Xue noticed the scene nearby and suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Peng Xue called Mei Fangxiayuan to look in the direction he pointed, "Look over there!"

"That's him, right? That's him, right? We ran into him again today!"

The update of the underworld is over! But I can't guarantee that I can update the world on time tomorrow. I just regret why I added two chapters for the coal boss. I regret it very much. I have worked so hard, but now everyone is taking screenshots and laughing at me for being a pigeon. Woohoo...

(End of this chapter)