Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 135: Energy replenishment campaign


In fact, the summer camp has always had a requirement to live on campus, but starting from the 2011 class, it seems that it is not so mandatory. It is just recommended that everyone live in the dormitory to experience the school atmosphere of Jiangcheng Normal University No. 1.

As for Mei Fang and his friends, of course they would rather not stay there. The three of them stayed at school until 10 o'clock and then gathered in Mei Fang's classroom. They went home together and told each other what they had seen and heard that day.

"The people here are so talented! You don't know, when I first entered the classroom, I saw a boy sitting next to me, he was reading an English book with great interest..."

"It happened here too. Someone came up and gave a self-introduction speech in fluent English, but was scolded by the teacher."

"Haha, that's just my own fault... I just love to show off. Speaking of which, today is the first day of class and the progress is really fast. Our teacher said that everyone must have already reviewed the content of the textbook, so we just went through it briefly..."

"That's true... But it's not that bad, after all, it's all junior high school content."

Lin Youxi continued, "Although school doesn't end until 10 o'clock, I really like the free time in the afternoon and the evening self-study time."

"Yes, after all, there was nothing to do these two days, and many people in our class went straight to sleep during evening self-study..."

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were chatting animatedly. Seeing that Mei Fang was just walking and not talking, Xia Yuan pushed him and asked, "What are you thinking about? Why are you so quiet?"

"Hmm... I was thinking about the computer."

Mei Fang looked at Lin Youxi and said, "How do you think you can convince Aunt Liang that our computer was sent from home and was not bought by me?"

Although Liang Meijuan was supervising, since everyone came to Jiangcheng to study together, Mei Fang's family definitely didn't want her to bring the computer. After all, in their opinion, Mei Fang was not doing his job properly by tinkering with code.

Besides, Mei Fang’s desktop computer is now quite old and cannot support his office work in many cases. It is not very convenient to share a computer with Youxi, so he came up with this idea.

Lin Youxi thought for a moment, "My aunt usually doesn't care what I do, but if she sees something like a computer, she will still tell your parents, right?"

“So this is very troubling... I actually plan to buy a laptop, but it always feels a bit inconvenient to go to the school computer room..."

"Hmm... What's so tangled about this? I can't figure it out."

Xia Yuan raised a question, "Why don't we just take the laptop home and tell Aunt Liang that it was issued by the school?"

"Ah... this is indeed possible!"

Xia Yuan's answer made Mei Fang's eyes light up. He held Xia Yuan's hand and patted it gently to show his praise, "As expected of our Yuan Yuan, you have so many clever ideas!"

"What do you mean by a trick? This is called a brilliant plan, okay?"

Xia Yuan hummed and wanted to take advantage of this momentum to naturally hug Mei Fang to replenish energy, but Lin Youxi interrupted at this time:

"But if I just bring one home, it will arouse my aunt's suspicion, right?"

"I've thought about this a long time ago. I plan to buy one for each of the three of us."

"One per person?"

Xia Yuan said with a worried look, "How much does a laptop cost now? Ah Fang, do you have enough money on you? I should have 70,000 or 80,000 in my savings account. I don't know if it's enough. But if I spend too much, it will make my mother suspicious..."

A small savings book with 70,000 or 80,000 yuan in it... Yuanyuan, your little treasury is really ridiculously large.

After Mei Fang finished complaining in his heart, he waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll pay for it."

"You pay? How much money did the game actually make? You're so generous..."

Mei Fang waved her hand and smiled meaningfully: "I advise you not to ask. If you ask, you won't want to work hard anymore."

“That actually means making a lot of money!”

Xia Yuan looked at Mei Fang with a smile, "Then I won't ask, you will support me anyway... Then, can I choose what kind of notebook to buy by myself?"

"That's definitely not possible. You have to buy something similar to ours, something more plain, so that Aunt Liang won't get suspicious."

Mei Fang said, "In this case, configuration is far more important than appearance. You have to be mentally prepared for this."

"Okay, I won't take you out to play either."

As they were talking, the three of them arrived downstairs in the community in the blink of an eye.

Oops, now Alfang can’t replenish his super energy!

In the past, Xia Yuan could hug Afang in front of Youxi without restraint, and their feelings were still very pure at that time.

But after the fight, that changed.

After all, both of them have already expressed their feelings for Mei Fang to each other, and have also made an agreement to stop at being childhood sweethearts. If they were to act so arrogant in front of Youxi again, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, except for those hugs she couldn't help but give when she was too happy, she really didn't have the confidence to ask Mei Fang for a hug in front of Youxi.

The three of them took the elevator back home, and Liang Meijuan opened the door to welcome the three little ones back.

"I'm back. You've worked hard today... Are you hungry? I made some supper for you. Eat some if you're hungry."

"Okay, okay! I'm starving! Thank you, Aunt Liang. I won't be polite then!"

Xia Yuan hurriedly changed her shoes and ran to the dining room to eat. Lin Youxi helped Xia Yuan fold her shoes, and then chatted with Liang Meijuan:

"Aunt Meijuan, what are you doing at home today?"

"Nothing much... just cleaning and getting familiar with the market and supermarket..."

"Well, do you understand what the people here are saying?"

"I can't understand a bit, but we can all speak Mandarin, so it's no big deal..."

Mei Fang changed her shoes and went into the house. She first had some steamed dumplings for a midnight snack with Xia Yuan in the dining room, and then prepared to rest for a while on the sofa in the living room.

At this time, Xia Yuan slapped him and started shouting.

"It's not okay to lie down right after eating. Let's go for a walk and exercise."

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang exchanged glances while talking. Mei Fang immediately understood what Xia Yuan was thinking and was about to get up with her when Liang Meijuan said, "It's so late, it's better not to go out. This place is not like my hometown. It's not safe outside. Just walk around the house."

"Um... okay."

Although Xia Yuan was reluctant, she did not dare to go against Aunt Liang's wishes, "Then I'll go take a shower first."

"I'll wash first. I'll finish in no time."

Liang Meijuan also reminded:

"Mei Fang, go to the balcony outside and get your clean clothes and pajamas. They are hanging there."


Mei Fang's heart beat a little faster.

Now that we all live together, the view from the balcony must be very pleasing to the eyes.

Mei Fang went out to the balcony and looked around, and immediately felt bored.

Because almost all the clothes and underwear were hung outside the balcony, with only a few shirts belonging to Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, it seemed that the good ones were all hung in the master bedroom to dry.

Mei Fang took her clothes and went into the bathroom, took a quick shower, washed her hair, and came out.

Mei Fang, who took a quick shower, was disliked by Xia Yuan.

"Wash so quickly! Have you wiped yourself clean? You're so wet, it's disgusting."

"Oh, that's how boys are, you have to get used to it..."


Xia Yuan hummed at Mei Fang a few times, then called Mei Fang to the living room, "I'll blow dry your hair."

"I can just blow it myself."

"When we lived together before, wasn't it me who gave you the blowjob? Come on!"

"We lived together once before..."

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang were competing with each other, and Lin Youxi came over with a wash basin, "Move aside... I'm going to take a shower."

"Hey, Youxi, do you want to wash up first? Have you finished your midnight snack?"

Lin Youxi nodded, "Yeah, I'm done eating."

"Oh, that's it."

Xia Yuan smiled slightly, "Then you go wash first, I'll be the next one."


Xia Yuan found a hair dryer to blow-dry Mei Fang's hair. Seeing that Lin Youxi had already entered the bathroom and Aunt Liang was busy cleaning up the dishes, an idea came to his mind.

She quickly helped Mei Fang blow dry her hair.

Then, Xia Yuan rubbed Mei Fang's head with a towel, tiptoed to push Mei Fang into his room, and then closed the door gently.

"Why do you act like a thief?"

Mei Fang frowned and said, "Wasn't it easy to hug me before? You just had to say it."

Xia Yuan hushed Mei Fang, signaling him to keep quiet, and then said softly:

"The past was the past, and the present is the present..."

Xia Yuan hesitated for a while, but finally did not press the anti-lock switch on the door handle, as that would be too deliberate.

Hmm... Start replenishing Alfon's super energy!

Xia Yuan quickly came forward and gently hugged Mei Fang's waist and back. Mei Fang also cooperated by hugging her back, letting Xia Yuan hold tightly in her arms.

However, this sweet time seemed quite short to Xia Yuan. Before they could be intimate for long, there was a sound of the bathroom door opening in the opposite room. Xia Yuan quickly let go of Mei Fang's arms, and at this time Mei Fang's bedroom door was also opened.

Xia Yuan, who was caught by Lin Youxi, was so flustered that she didn't know where to put her hands. However, Lin Youxi didn't care at all. While wiping her hair with a towel, she looked up and asked Xia Yuan, "Yuanyuan, where did you put the hair dryer?"

"It's over there in the living room! I'll take you there! I'll help you blow it!"

"No need... just go take a shower first, I'll blow myself."

"Yeah, okay then!"

Xia Yuan hurriedly took the basin to put her clothes in, then ran into the bathroom with a red face.

Seeing that it was almost 11 o'clock, Mei Fang had nothing to do without his computer. He was about to turn off the lights and go to bed when Lin Youxi knocked on the door and came in.

She closed the door and locked it skillfully. Mei Fang immediately became alert:

"Why... I'm going to turn off the lights?"

Lin Youxi put her hands behind her back and said nothing. She walked straight to Mei Fang, suddenly leaned in front of Mei Fang and sniffed her, then picked up a hair from Mei Fang's collar and showed it to Mei Fang.

This is... what you want me to explain!

Mei Fang scratched his head. "It's Yuanyuan's hair. I just hugged her. It has super energy. You know..."

Lin Youxi nodded, "I know. And...what else?"

"How could there be anything else? We are still students, we need to study hard..."

Lin Youxi didn't really listen to Mei Fang's explanation. She just hummed softly. Mei Fang tried to guess what she was thinking. "You... want it too, right?"

Lin Youxi did not respond directly, she just gestured for Mei Fang to turn around.

So Mei Fang turned around, and Lin Youxi suddenly hugged him from behind and pressed against Mei Fang's back.

Do you prefer this kind of hug

Because Xia Yuan was still thinking about what happened just now, she took a long shower; and Liang Meijuan didn't have the habit of entering other people's rooms casually, so Lin Youxi hugged Mei Fang for a long time.

Halfway through the hug, Lin Youxi let go of Mei Fang's arms, switched positions with Mei Fang, and let Mei Fang hug her from behind. After hugging for a while, she left with satisfaction.

Damn, this chapter is so sweet, I'm so jealous.

Also, I released it on time today. Can you give me a little more monthly tickets for my hard work? Or you can save it and give me double the amount at the end of the month. I love you guys.

(End of this chapter)