Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 137: Yuanyuan's future plans


The news of officially naming the studio Ximilu was synchronized to Mei Fang and his studio penguin group.

Everyone gave positive comments on the name, except for Peng Xue and Yue Xinyi, who had a small argument over whether Xia (X) or Lin (L) should come first.

In addition to the three little ones, there are four other people in this group: Zhang Ming, Guo Yun, Yue Xinyi and Peng Xue.

In fact, Peng Xue has not yet been exposed to actual game production work. Her own career plan is more like going the music route. Mei Fang is looking forward to her being able to work together with Yuanyuan.

As for Du Zihan, he was now busy with the high school entrance exam and had basically no chance to contact Mei Fang. Of course, Mei Fang had no plan to invite him at the beginning.

Du Zihan didn't have any particularly outstanding talents. Although he loved games and was having fun, they were just casual acquaintances after all. Mei Fang had no desire to actively pull him forward, not to mention that Yuanyuan and Youxi were somewhat disgusted with him.

Even for the people in this junior high school circle of friends, except Yuanyuan and Youxi, if there are members who want to pursue other paths, Mei Fang will not force them to stay.

He just envied the camaraderie of like-minded developers when they worked together on games, but a forced melon would never be sweet. It would only be meaningful if they pursued this career voluntarily.

As for the friends that Mei Fang met in junior high school, whether they can eventually seize the opportunities given to them by Mei Fang, move forward with Mei Fang's expanding territory, and become independent professionals, it depends on their respective growth and efforts.

To be fair, Mei Fang still hopes that they can support himself and even become the right-hand men of Youxi and Yuanyuan. It is impossible for the three of them to do everything themselves, so there must be trustworthy middle and senior management to help handle things.

After all, Mei Fang can always recruit excellent development talents as long as he is willing to spend money, but the companionship of going through thick and thin together cannot be measured by pure money.

Now Mei Fang has basically handed over the operation and maintenance of Station C to Lin Youxi and Yue Xinyi. There are still three years before the big copyright era that will begin in 2014.

In other words, if C Station fails to grow bigger and stronger and obtain angel investment in the next three years, all the non-copyrighted video series that C Station carries will be removed from the shelves.

At this time, it is almost impossible for Mei Fang to bear the risk alone and spend money to compete with other video websites backed by big capital for copyrights. No matter how many BAK coins he has, it will not be enough.

Then Station C can only rely on the original videos submitted by UP hosts to support itself.

In addition, accepting angel investment is also a risky behavior.

Some contract policies of the financial sponsor and the degree of control over the C Station industry will determine Mei Fang's willingness to raise funds, and even whether C Station can become a paradise in the future as Mei Fang originally envisioned.

Take the two Ma bosses' groups as an example. Penguin Empire is more inclined to delegate power after investment. Penguin's investment does not affect the major decisions of the investment targets, and it mainly focuses on dividends and profits.

The Ali Empire, on the other hand, prefers stronger control and changes the original industrial layout by parachuting in senior executives.

The final fierce battle over the layout of the map also proved that the penguin's strategy was superior.

After all, any big shot who intends to continue working hard for his career rather than pursuing financial freedom will not allow his hard work over the years to be manipulated by others.

All in all, many of Ali's strategic plans ended in failure.

At the same time, the three people's summer camp life at Jiangcheng Normal University No. 1 was progressing in an orderly manner.

The three little Mei Fang children go to school together every morning, go home together in the evening, and go to the cafeteria to eat lunch separately.

Because they had more free time after the afternoon classes, the three of them made an appointment to meet for dinner.

During the meal, Mei Fang's deskmate Xiang Bingbing would always follow him.

Although Xiang Bingbing is a tall girl, her personality is not cold at all. Her lively and cheerful personality and her cute and gluttonous nature quickly made her become friends with the girls.

After all, with this height and this naturally eccentric personality, Xiang Bingbing seems like a big mascot.

What's more, she is indeed injured now, and Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi are not averse to getting along with her.

The knowledge that students from small places can access is relatively narrow, whether it is Shenlongjia or Baimei County.

During this meal, Xiang Bingbing started to complain to her new friends:

"I found that the students in my class are really amazing! The teacher teaches very quickly and the students in the class learn very quickly. Before I understand the knowledge points of the previous chapter, they have already started to preview the content of the next chapter."

Xia Yuan also put on a bitter face, indicating that she couldn't agree more:

"That's true... Although the evening self-study class is open to everyone, everyone is running to the class teacher's office all the time. If you want to ask a question, you have to queue for a long time..."

Xia Yuan once suffered a lot of pressure and torture in junior high school because of studying physics. Although Mei Fang had pointed out her career plan to switch to liberal arts in high school, she could not escape the physics course in the first year of high school before the class division.

So Mei Fang had to find a way to get her attention to focus on other things, such as -

"Yuanyuan, let me ask you..."

Mei Fang took the green peppers that Xia Yuan didn't like to eat from the plate and asked her:

"There seems to be a summer camp graduation party after the class placement exam at the end of the month. Our class has already started preparing for the program. Yuanyuan, do you want to join in?"


Xia Yuan touched his face and said, "Our head teacher did say this, but I have never thought about it..."

"Then why not consider it? You brought your guitar anyway."

"Um… "

Seeing Xia Yuan hesitating, Mei Fang began to increase his encouragement.

What Mei Fang is doing now is to guide Xia Yuan to complete her life plan.

Although Xia Yuan is now responsible for the output and production of music and sound effects in Ximilu Studio, this is ultimately a cooperative project. He is only working under Mei Fang's command and is currently just a tool.

If Yuanyuan wants to grow into an independent individual, she must find a field where she can stand on her own.

Just as Mei Fang trained Youxi to be a programmer and let her focus on web page and application development to run C Station, Yuanyuan now also needs a field of her own -

Independent music producer, or online singer, is a very suitable training direction for Xia Yuan. Note that this is not to let Yuan Yuan enter the entertainment industry, that is not an area they can get involved in.

Xia Yuan thought for a long time and finally threw the ball to Mei Fang:

"Well... do you want to join? I'll join if you join. Haven't you always said that you want to perform on stage? Isn't this also an opportunity?"

"I haven't prepared my song yet. I should consider it during the Golden Autumn Arts Festival. Don't you have an original song for the assessment that I can use?"

"Wow, you all can play guitar, that's amazing!"

Xiang Bingbing said excitedly, "It's a pity that Mei Fang didn't bring her guitar, otherwise I would really like to hear you two perform a song together!"

"Ah?" Xia Yuan tilted his head, "Isn't your guitar in your room—"

"Ah! Yes, I didn't bring it here!"

Xia Yuan almost revealed the fact that the three of them were living together in front of Xiang Bingbing. It would be inappropriate if outsiders knew about this.

After talking about some random things for a while, the topic finally returned to whether to sign up for the summer camp graduation party.

"I think we can give it a try, Yuanyuan..."

Lin Youxi also expressed her support, and she smiled gently and said:

"Do you still remember the Children's Day cultural performance in elementary school? You participated in it every year, whether it was dance, guzheng, song, or piano."

"Since I was a child, I have always felt that you should always shine on the stage, because the way you stand on the stage is the truest you."

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi praised Xia Yuan a lot. Indeed, Xia Yuan had not participated much in performances since he entered junior high school, and his former self-confidence was shattered by physics.

Encouraged by the two, Xia Yuan scratched his head sheepishly and said with a chuckle, "Then I'll try to sign up..."

Cao Manjun is in great crisis! I woke up this morning with a score of 39.0, as frisky as a dog... I slept and woke up again, and finished this chapter in a daze. I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting for so long... It will be difficult to maintain a double update in the next few days. I will try my best to maintain a single larger chapter of 4,000 words. If I recover later, I will make up for the overdue updates. There will be a big burst of updates in January, damn!

There is no update today QWQ, sorry again.

(End of this chapter)