Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 48: I really don't want to be separated from Mei Fang!


Xiang Xiaoxia carried Meiya to the small room and whispered something to her. When Xiang Xiaoxia came out, little Meiya was gone. The two girls asked and found out that little Meiya was very tired from kindergarten and had just been coaxed to sleep.

"This child is really worrying. You Xi Yuan Yuan, you can go to the living room and do your homework now."


Seeing that Mei Ya's persistent plan had failed, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi looked at each other, then held hands and followed Xiang Xiaoxia to the kitchen.

"Aunt Mei, do you really have to go?"

Xia Yuan's tone was full of grievance, "I really can't bear to leave you."

"Auntie is reluctant to let you go, but there is nothing we can do about it."

"No, it's not something that can be helped!"

Xia Yuan muttered while pulling Xiang Xiaoxia's arm, "At least Mei Fang... A Fang can stay in Baimei County. He also said that he doesn't want to go to Baizhou City at all. A Fang said that you have to sell your house before you can buy a new one in Baizhou City. In that case, A Fang can live in my house!"

"Live in your house?"

Neither Xiang Xiaoxia nor Lin Youxi expected Xia Yuan to say this suddenly.

"First of all, my mother is Afang's class teacher and can supervise Meifang's study. Second, our house is big and there are two empty rooms for guests. We can clean them up and let Meifang live there! Third, my mother said that a stable learning environment can help students acquire knowledge better."

Xia Yuan then snapped her fingers and said, "Another point is that although my mother's cooking is not as delicious as Aunt Mei's, I can learn, and I have time. I can help take good care of Mei Fang, so don't worry, Auntie!"

Xiang Xiaoxia was completely confused when she heard this. Isn't this equivalent to asking me to marry my son to you and make him a son-in-law

She actually thought about cooking and living together. This girl is quite precocious...

Xiang Xiaoxia raised a smile, and Lin Youxi blushed a little when she heard it.

Yes, let’s cook together!

Alfang and I have cooked together before.

If Afang is alone in Baimei County, he can also come to my house.

Anyway, there is often no one at home, and I don’t have to look at my parents’ faces.

I think Xia Yuan’s father doesn’t like Mei Fang that much!

At least, my dad likes it more than him...

Although Lin Youxi's father is very busy, he always invites Mei Fang to his home and cooks for him whenever he has time.

But Lin Youxi just muttered in his heart, as long as Xia Yuan said the right thing, that would be enough.

Under Xia Yuan's series of ulterior motives, Xiang Xiaoxia finally came to her senses.

"I can see that you guys, and our Xiaoya... are throwing tantrums, saying you want to be a family, and wanting to bring Mei Fang to live with you. Are you in collusion? Hmm?"

"… "

Seeing that their plan was exposed, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"We just... just... can't bear to part with Mei Fang... so..."

"I understand your thoughts. Auntie is also reluctant to leave you, but it's not so easy to change the decision of adults. Even if I agree to you now, we can't always live apart from Mei Fang. After all, children always need adults to take care of them. When you grow up, you can play however you want and be together whenever you want. What do you think?"

In response to Xiang Xiaoxia's comfort, Xia Yuan sniffed and lowered his head.

And at the very end, she still murmured and expressed her inner thoughts.

"not good… "

"not good… "

Her inner voice finally became the driving force for her resistance, allowing her to loudly tell Xiang Xiaoxia:

“Not at all!”

Xia Yuan bit her lip and looked at Xiang Xiaoxia with a sad face. Then she grabbed her arm and begged in a crying voice:

"Aunt Mei, I really, really don't want to be separated from Ah Fang..."

“I can’t do it in 1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute, or 1 second!”

Infected by Xia Yuan's emotions, Lin Youxi followed suit and pulled Xiang Xiaoxia's clothes.

Although her voice was very small, she was still trying to make her voice heard.

"Me too... Me too..."

"I don't want to be separated from Ah Fang, and neither does Aunt Mei..."

Xiang Xiaoxia was almost thirty years old, and this was the first time she had encountered such a touching scene. She had not expected that the feelings between these children were so deep.

"I say... Is our Mei Fang really as good as you say?"

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi nodded like chicks pecking at rice, with a surprisingly consistent rhythm.

"What if you guys quarrel and stop being friends in the future? What if you regret it later?"

“No regrets!”

Lin Youxi added, "We haven't had a quarrel with Ah Fang yet. He is always willing to give in to us."

In fact, the Mei Fang family has no roots in Baizhou City, but Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Lijun are very much in love. Since her husband has to work in Baizhou City and she herself does not have a stable job, it is natural for her to think of moving with them.

If you think about it carefully, helping two children find schools, buying and selling houses, getting to know new neighbors, and speaking the Baizhou dialect that is completely incomprehensible is a lot of trouble.

When relatives are not around, you can't rely on anyone else.

Not to mention, there are two beautiful girls who insist on being with their son and whom he loves and cares for very much.

If I leave now, they will be heartbroken and will basically become maids of other families in the future.

Xiang Xiaoxia let out a long sigh and gently stroked the two girls' heads:

"Auntie is about to be defeated by you..."

This obviously means to relax.

After hearing this, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan immediately wiped their tears and smiled happily, "Auntie, you promised us that you would not go to Baizhou City, right?"

"Auntie's words alone don't count. We have to wait for Mei Fang's father to come back. By the way, where is Mei Fang? Why haven't we seen him for a long time—"

As soon as Xiang Xiaoxia finished speaking, she heard the sound of a key opening the door outside.

It’s Meilijun and his son who are back.

As soon as Mei Fang entered the room, she saw tear marks on Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan's faces.

Is this a crying tactic to subdue my mother

Yes, my mother has always been soft-hearted and she is most afraid of this.

"Why are you two mixed up?"

"Mei Fang came to my workplace and told me that he didn't feel his father's love and care recently, so he asked me to accompany him to the bookstore after get off work. But he just read a book by himself and asked me to pay for him. It was so boring."

"But just now..."

Xiang Xiaoxia was halfway through her words when she immediately understood what Mei Fang and the others were planning.

Good fellow, you little brats have teamed up to deal with us. Mei Fang is here to hold back Li Jun, right

It seems that my son has the same idea and doesn't want to be separated from them.

But if it was just one girl, it would be fine, but he even instigated two girls to help him.

If any complicated love-hate entanglement were to occur in the future, she, as a mother, would not even dare to think about it.

What a sin!

At the same time, Meili Jun's face did not look very good either.

"Xiaoxia, I need to tell you something."

"I just happen to have something I want to discuss with you."

"My business is more important, I'll go first."

Mei Lijun pulled Xiang Xiaoxia aside to talk in detail, and Mei Fang was also pulled to the side by Xia Yuanlin Youxi to talk in detail, discussing the results of today's battle.

"You're so mysterious, what do you want to tell me?"

"You still remember Old Du from our bureau. His son Du Zihan went to kindergarten with Mei Fang."

"I know. What happened to Lao Du?"

"Mei Fang said that he met Du Zihan and his father at school today, and her father asked Mei Fang about Mei Ya."

"How did he see it? How did he ask?"

Xiang Xiaoxia's voice was rather anxious, "Does he know that Meiya is my daughter?"

"He asked Mei Fang directly whether his mother had given birth to a sister. But fortunately, our son was smart and explained that Mei Ya was his cousin."

Xiang Xiaoxia heaved a sigh of relief. "This old Du has always disliked you since I started working there. He didn't compete with you this time, and he probably wanted to get you out of here. Fortunately, you are being transferred to Baizhou now, so you don't have to get entangled with this guy."

Meilijun scratched his head.

"So I was thinking, we at least have so many acquaintances in Baimei County to cover up for us. If we take Xiaoya to Baizhou City, if someone sees this child, we don't have any connections there, and it's impossible to explain it. Once the higher-ups check, everything will be clear."

"What do you think?"

"I was thinking, why don't I just go to Baizhou City alone? Let me build up my network for a few years before we talk about moving. It would be too hasty to go next year."

Mei Lijun explained, "I feel it will be safer this way, and God knows how long I can work there. Now it's just a temporary transfer. If there is a change and I am transferred back, it will be very troublesome."


Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, who had been eavesdropping nearby for a long time, immediately hugged each other and cheered excitedly, confusing the Meili army.

It seems that their battle to save their childhood sweetheart was successful...

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(End of this chapter)