Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 6: No unwillingness


Mei Fang told his father Mei Lijun about the lottery purchase as soon as possible. Of course, he did not say that the money came from Xia Yuan, but was his own New Year's money that he had saved.

Although most of the children's New Year's money would be confiscated by their parents as far as I can remember, parents would often still give their children some symbolic pocket money.

Although he was surprised that his son dared to buy lottery tickets by himself, Mei Lijun did not say anything. He just asked about the top four teams that Mei Fang bought. When he heard that he wanted to wait to receive the prize by himself, Mei Lijun could not help but laugh at him.

"What kind of ranking did you buy? How can you possibly win if you choose so randomly? What a waste of money. You didn't even ask your dad to give you some guidance. Can a Korean player of this level make it to the semifinals? Use your brain to think about it."

"Dad, don't be too complacent. First, what would you do if you win the lottery?"

"If I win the prize, can I call you dad? Haha." Mei Lijun patted Mei Fang's head with a teasing look.

"Dad, don't be so naive." Mei Fang pushed Mei Lijun's hand away. "If I really win the prize, just give me some money."

"Why don't you take all of it? You spent a lot of money to buy this lottery ticket. If you win, of course it's all yours."

Mei Fang thought to herself, I don’t believe you. If adults were willing to take their promises to children seriously, value their ideas, and take care of their emotions, why would there be so much pain in original families

Come to think of it, even if they really ask for the money, will they say they are saving it for you and then just forget about it

Mei Fang thought for a moment and said, "Well, let's do this... I want you to buy me something."

"Okay, if I really win the prize, I'll buy you whatever you want!"

After a period of time, it was two weeks since Mei Fang was reborn. The most important event during this period was the elimination of the Chinese national football team. This led to a depressing atmosphere everywhere from home to the neighborhood for a period of time.

Of course, the kindergarten adjusted very quickly. Without the national football program to watch, the children returned to their former joy. It was also at this time that Mei Fang truly realized the horror of children.

The children had a dispute over toys, and they slapped and bit each other's faces. When the teacher came, the one who complained first started crying and looked aggrieved.

During mealtimes, there are always children who don’t eat well. Naughty children scoop meatballs from the bowls of their classmates and secretly spill the food they don’t want to eat on the ground.

Some children like to stick tape around their faces, wrap it around, and then pull it up, making a grinning monkey sound.

"Monkey stealing peaches" is a despicable trick often used by boys when playing. Sometimes Mei Fang, who passes by innocently, will be tricked by them.

This made Mei Fang feel very desperate.

How can I plan my grand life goals if I am with this group of monsters and demons

I should post a picture here [People’s joys and sorrows are not the same, I just think they are noisy.jpg], and let Mei Fang sit in the middle.

The most outstanding among them is the future academic master Lin Youxi.

She is the teacher's special focus in kindergarten.

She likes to stand up suddenly when the teacher is teaching with his back turned, and the teacher turns around and sits down again;

When she eats, she will suddenly lift her legs up very high, as if she is doing the splits;

Everyone went to prepare for a nap, and she was the only one playing with water by the sink;

"Lin Youxi is on top!"

"Lin Youxi, you are being naughty again!"

"Lin Youxi, sit down!"

Such scolding was commonplace in Mei Fang's kindergarten life. In addition, Lin Youxi was a little unhygienic. She was always playing with snot hanging from her nose, so there were very few children willing to play with her. Xia Yuan was almost the only girl who was willing to get close to her.

"Lin Youxi, you must remember to wipe your nose. Mom said every child must pay attention to hygiene."

Mei Fang could always see Xia Yuan chasing after Lin Youxi, wiping her nose, stopping her from making mischief, and in short, taking care of her in every way, like a mother.

Maybe it's just a coincidence of names.

Or has his rebirth caused the butterfly effect, resulting in the emergence of a parallel world

If they didn't really look a bit similar, Mei Fang would have been completely unable to connect Lin Youxi with the college bully he knew in his previous life.

Of course, in Mei Fang's opinion, Lin Youxi was just a little naughty and active. He didn't bully other children, nor did he do anything bad. It would be okay to criticize him once or twice, but it was indeed a bit too much to be caught and criticized by the teacher like this.

She gave people the feeling that she was deliberately seeking attention.

Last time, Xia Yuan pulled Lin Youxi to apologize to him. After that, Lin Youxi deliberately avoided Mei Fang. When Mei Fang talked to her, she just nodded and shook her head.

To be precise, it was the same when other children looked for her. Only when Xia Yuan looked for her would she mutter something or lean close to Xia Yuan and whisper in his ear.

It rained heavily that day, and there were lightning and thunder outside. The thunder prevented many children from sleeping well during their lunch break, and they were also depressed in class. There were many annoying boys who were nosy and always made a sudden "wow" sound after the thunder, which scared the girls and made them cry. They just wanted to go home early.

The mature Mei Fang never gets close to children. He looks forward to growing up and making money every day. He thinks that the top four of the World Cup will be decided today. He can't wait to see his father's incredible expression after being slapped in the face.

After finally making it to the end of school, the thunder and rain showed no signs of stopping. The teacher kept calling, and the parents who were supposed to pick up the children were late. The children were picked up one by one, and in the end only Xia Yuan, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were left.

"Come on, let's play house again. This time I'll be the dad, Lin Youxi will be the mom, and Mei Fang will be the baby... Mei Fang, hold your doll, what are you doing..."

Mei Fang pointed out the window and said, "Your mother is here to pick you up."


"Why are you so late?"

"Something happened at school and I was delayed... Mom will go back and make you cola chicken wings to make it up to you, okay?"


Xia Yuan turned around and waved, "Mei Fang, Lin Youxi, I'm going home first! Let's play again tomorrow."

"Bye, bye, auntie."

When Xia Yuan's mother saw that it was Mei Fang, she immediately smiled and said, "Mei Fang, your family hasn't come to pick you up yet? Do you want to go back with us? Xia Yuan's father is driving here, so he can just take you back with us."

"Then bring Lin Youxi back with you, come to my house and eat cola chicken wings!"

Xia Yuan really wanted her friends to come to her house, but her mother looked a little embarrassed and was obviously not prepared to entertain guests.

At this moment, Lin Youxi shook his head vigorously to refuse. Mei Fang thought it was not appropriate for him to go alone, so he continued:

"Thank you, Auntie, but I'll still wait for my dad to come over. He should be here soon."

"See you tomorrow then!"

Xia Yuan was an important link among the trio. As soon as Xia Yuan left, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi instantly lost interest in continuing the game.

Lin Youxi was lying on the table looking out the window, and then peeking out through the door. The teacher was reading a chicken soup article in Reader and was in tears. His mood was disturbed and he immediately scolded Lin Youxi:

"Lin Youxi, don't open the door. The rain is blowing in."

As she said this, she closed the magazine and looked out the window bored.

"Why haven't your parents come yet? It's so hard to wait..."

The sky was already very dark at this time. Lin Youxi was staring at the rain scene outside the window with his eyes wide open, his head drooping, like a sleepy little animal that had been waiting for its prey for a long time.

She had never been so quiet.

After a while, the sound of a motorcycle was heard outside the classroom. Lin Youxi immediately jumped up like a little rabbit with ears pricked up and looked outside. After looking for a while, she sat down again in disappointment.

It’s Mei Fang’s father, Mei Lijun, who’s here.

"Damn... It's raining really hard today. Teacher Li, thank you for your hard work. Is Mei Fang missing?"

Teacher Li could finally vent her dissatisfaction: "I say, you parents are really bad. Next time, remember to come earlier to pick up your children. It's almost time to watch the news broadcast."

"It's not too late to go back and have a look now."

"Too late, there's another one..."

Teacher Li walked quickly to Lin Youxi and said, "I just called your father but no one answered. Why don't you come home with me?"

Teacher Li is usually not gentle in class and is the one who criticizes Lin Youxi the most. Lin Youxi doesn't even want to go to Xia Yuan's house, let alone hers.

"Then what do you say we should do? You can't let me wait here with you forever, right?"

The teacher's words carried a hint of contempt, which was a very sensitive nerve for the children, and perhaps even more so for a child like Lin Youxi.

At this time, Mei Fang noticed that Lin Youxi's eyes had turned a little red.

Mei Fang grabbed Mei Lijun who was about to take him home, "Dad, Lin Youxi's father is not here, can we take Lin Youxi home?"

"You kid really..."

Mei Lijun glanced at Lin Youxi who was lying on the table, then sighed, "I don't mind. Teacher Li, do you think it's okay?"

"If Lin Youxi is willing to go back with you, I have no objection. Just let Lin Youxi's father contact you when the time comes."

So the key is Lin Youxi—

He was already shaking his head frantically before he even finished speaking.

At this time, Mei Fang took the initiative to walk up to persuade Lin Youxi, "The kindergarten is about to close, and there is thunder outside. If you don't go back to my house with us, you will have to go home with Teacher Li."

Mei Fang gave Lin Youxi a choice. Compared to going home with Teacher Li who always scolded her, he believed that Lin Youxi would at least be closer to him.

However, Lin Youxi did not respond immediately, but just lowered his head and remained silent.

"If you don't want to, I'll go back first, okay?"

As soon as Mei Fang turned around, the corner of his clothes was grabbed tightly by Lin Youxi.

Lin Youxi lowered her head and made a weak voice that sounded aggrieved.

"No problem! I... I'll go back with you, to your house."

I'm typing late at night. I work so hard, why do you still give me a little red hair? Hum...

(End of this chapter)