Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 75: Xia Yuan's new friend


As winter deepens, Mei Fang's peaceful first-year life progresses steadily.

He maintained a very harmonious relationship with Yuanyuan and Youxi. He usually went to school with Xia Yuan, and walked home with Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan after self-study. On weekends, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi often played games together, and occasionally they would bring Mei Fang to go shopping together, but more often it was Xia Yuan who looked for Lin Youxi.

Mei Fang also regards this period of study and life as a process of reminiscing about his youth. Of course, in his more free time, he is learning the Golang language.

Golang is a server-focused language that competes with Java. It is mostly used to store and connect server data. In Mei Fang's world, it is an emerging programming language that just appeared in the first half of 2008.

Simply put, if you want to make online games, record account data, and other parts that involve server operation in the future, Golang language is basically a required subject. If you want to make web pages, you must have a certain understanding of Golang. For example, the web page of Bilibili was mainly based on Java in the early stage, and was later designed with Golang as the core framework.

Recently, he has also observed the development of the offline Internet in the world. First of all, he is more concerned about the domestic two-dimensional portal website. Station A was born last year, but it is still a very niche circle. It has been complained by users due to frequent downtime. There is no news about Station B yet, and Mei Fang cannot find any information about the first-generation founder, the Chief Executive, in major forums.

In fact, Mei Fang has always wanted to build a platform.

Just as IOS games are to the App Store, Android games are to Google Play (Android's channels are actually torn apart by various mobile phone manufacturers in China, but Google Play is the most representative internationally), most stand-alone PC games are to Steam, and the well-known Penguin Empire.

As long as the platform can be established, it can build its own upstream industry. Developers can publish their works on your game platform and gain popularity and exposure with the help of the platform's traffic. After making money, they have to give the platform a share, generally 70% and 30% respectively. It is like working for yourself while doing nothing, and this way you can make money quickly.

Moreover, the capital chain of upstream industries is relatively stable.

This is because the upstream industry platform is the middle platform that can directly receive user remittances in the first place. It gets the money earned first and then distributes it to the R&D team at the downstream of the industry according to the contract ratio.

This also means that if the industry is in a downturn, such as the well-known cold winter of the gaming industry in 2022, these upstream distribution platforms can hold on to the money and take a breath. As for whether a lot of downstream companies will die due to a broken capital chain, it all depends on the conscience of the upstream platforms.

Some people may say, there is a contract, so it cannot be enforced

For large game development companies, such Guansi can certainly continue to entangle, both sides can afford it, and large companies also have their own confidence.

However, most of the downstream developers are small teams that are bullied by everyone. One company has only a dozen people and does not even have professional legal affairs. They can only hope that the platform can distribute profits to employees on time. They may not have a chance to get the money until these studios dissolve and go bankrupt.

Of course, Mei Fang felt that he was too young at the beginning. By the time he had time to do it, all the major portal platforms had been established. A person’s technical ability was limited and there was not much room for operation. He made games just to pursue his dream. Anyway, BAK could support himself.

But now he has changed his mind a little. He wants to at least give Bilibili, which has not yet been launched, and TABTAB in the mobile game market a try. Although the monetization capabilities of both are limited, Mei Fang does not have many choices at his age.

Bilibili is certainly a money-burning portal website, but it is naturally able to attract large capital investments. In addition, it also had a great opportunity to dominate the domestic two-dimensional game industry, but it did not seize the opportunity at the time, and its self-developed products were completely unbeatable, and it became a pure game operator.

Even if Bilibili is already under development and accumulating experience in the production of barrage video websites, Mei Fang can also enter the market early and become a co-founder of certain hegemonic platforms.

Of course, being your own boss is the most satisfying thing. Mei Fang will also have BAK funding to back him up in the future, so he is not afraid of burning money at all.

In addition to the investigation into the current status of the Internet industry, Mei Fang also discovered obvious differences between other industries and his previous life, mainly in the music sector.

Although she is not very good at singing, Mei Fang has always paid enough attention to pop music.

The Chinese pop music kings represented by Allen are no different from those in Mei Fang’s memory. Allen’s most classic album “Capricorn” was officially released in October this year;

But at the same time, Mei Fang also noticed that some online singers did not appear in this reborn dimension. The most famous among them were Xu Hao, Wang Sunong and Xu Liang, who were going to become the three giants of Penguin Music in the future.

Mei Fang was an avid fan of Xu Hao in his previous life. As a squirrel, he carefully memorized the lyrics of every song sung by Xu Hao.

He remembered that Xu Hao's early famous song "Funeral of Roses" should have been first released around 2006 and began to be sung around 2008, but there is no relevant information on the Internet now.

As for his first album "Self-Determination", Mei Fang clearly remembers that it was released on New Year's Day in 2009. It is not many days away from now, so we can wait and see after a while.

Of course, Mei Fang had no intention of debuting as a singer, and his interest in music was just a hobby.

After all, he has not received professional training and his voice is average.

What's more, just knowing how to sing is not enough to compose the whole song, so the actual effect will definitely be far from perfect.

Mei Fang temporarily recorded this matter and kept it as a backup golden finger.

Recently, the relationship between Lin Youxi and Yue Xinyi has become much more harmonious, and Mei Fang can always see them chatting together after class.

Of course, even in such an off-line conversation, Youxi continued to maintain a serious and cold expression, which made Mei Fang very happy to see.

It’s like the feeling of “this side of me will only show up in you”, which is a very wonderful experience.

Of course, whether it is Yuanyuan or Youxi, now that they have entered a new environment, they will meet some new friends. There is no need to deliberately change anything, just let it go.

Mei Fang held this view until Xia Yuan introduced her new friends in Class 8.

"Ah Fang, Ah Fang, let me tell you something! Should we go home later tonight?"

"Later? Do you want to go shopping or something... I'm fine with that."

"Yeah! Then tell Youxi too!" Xia Yuan paused, "Also..."

"Yuanyuan, please introduce her to me. This is your best childhood sweetheart, right?"

A pretty little girl appeared behind Xia Yuan.

But in terms of the image of a junior high school student, her dress appears relatively mature, and the most obvious feature is her air bangs.

In 2008, Korean Wave was still a very fashionable and avant-garde style, which was not common in small towns.

"Well, let me introduce you first. This is my childhood sweetheart Mei Fang. And then A Fang, A Fang. This is my current deskmate in Class 8, Peng Xue."

"Hello hello!"

Peng Xue waved and greeted Mei Fang openly, "I know you. You used to always rank first in the school when you were in Experimental Primary School! You're amazing. Um... Can I call you Ah Fang too? Just call me Xiao Xue."

"Forehead… "

Seeing Mei Fang's hesitation, Xia Yuan quickly poked Peng Xue and said, "How can you use a nickname right from the start? That's weird."

"Hahaha, are you jealous?"

"uh-huh… "

Xia Yuan pursed her lips and smiled slightly. She didn't respond directly, but smiled at Mei Fang and said, "I want to go buy a hot pack with Xiaoxue tonight, otherwise the classroom is too cold. She recommended a store to me. You and Youxi should buy one together!"

"Okay, I'll call Youxi out and ask her?"

"No, no... Class is about to start, just tell me. That's it! Wait for me at the door after self-study, our teacher likes to stay after class."


Mei Fangke was not unfamiliar with the name and person Peng Xue.

After all, she was an old acquaintance of Mei Fang in his previous life and a formal junior high school classmate of Mei Fang.

(End of this chapter)