Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 89: Yuanyuan Super Energy


Although Mei Fang benefited greatly from Xia Yuan's inspirational words, he didn't intend to waste what he had worked so hard to prepare.

"Why are you saying this suddenly... I heard from Peng Xue that you are looking forward to it."

"Ah? Oh my... Why does Xiaoxue always expose my secrets? She is so mean."

Xia Yuan turned around a few times in shame, thought for a while and explained: "Because I saw you have been worried about this matter in the past few days, I was wondering... maybe I have put too much pressure on you recently, making you unhappy."

"Not really... The process of coming up with birthday presents is quite interesting."

"Hmm... I feel relieved when you say that."

Xia Yuan nodded contentedly, "However, I'd better not ask you for any gifts in the future, because if we feel stressed when we get along, we may not be able to be as close as before."

"This is the right feeling... This is the little angel Yuanyuan that I am familiar with."

"So am I not an angel now? Humph... How dare you say that..."

Xia Yuan stretched out her index fingers to pinch both sides of her mouth, put on a pouting posture, and said in a cute voice: "Tomorrow's cake... I want to smear your face with Xiaoya!"

"Don't be impatient! How about... first take a look at the birthday present I prepared for you before deciding whether to bully me or not?"

"Did you bring the presents?"

Xia Yuan looked at Mei Fang in surprise, "What...what is it? I'm so curious."

"Well... But don't laugh when you see me, this is my first time trying this..."

"No way! I've already told you, I'll like whatever you give me!"

Mei Fang took out the enveloped letter from his pocket and handed it to Xia Yuan.

"Well, this is my birthday present for you."

Xia Yuan obviously did not expect that Mei Fang would actually give her a letter. She stood there for a long time, and finally took the envelope from Mei Fang a little embarrassedly.

"Ahahaha, this is indeed a very special birthday present, but I think... inside."

Xia Yuan swallowed and cautiously asked Mei Fang tentatively, "This shouldn't be a love letter, right, Ah Fang?"

"Hmm... How should I put it..."

Mei Fang deliberately remained silent for a while, and Xia Yuan immediately became panicked.

"I, we are still children... Studying is the most important thing now! That kind of thing... is..."

Xia Yuan's eyes wandered around and her blushing cheeks were as beautiful as the sunset even under the dim street lights.

"Yuanyuan, don't be too nervous! In fact, it's just a poem written for you."

"A... poem?"

"Well, a modern poem I created these days."

"Can I read it now?"


Xia Yuan suddenly wanted to read Mei Fang's poem in person, which made Mei Fang, who was giving the gift, feel a little embarrassed. "Isn't it usually better to take it home and read it yourself?"

"Well... I'm afraid there's something I don't understand... I need to ask you for clarification."

Xia Yuan grabbed Mei Fang and prevented him from escaping.

"You've been a Chinese class representative for so many years, how could you not understand..."

"Anyway... let's go sit down in the pavilion and watch."

As a reborn person, Mei Fang encountered some parallel time and space events in this world, such as the absence of the three giants of Penguin Music that dominated the music scene at that time. But as mentioned before, Mei Fang was just interested in music, and he didn't understand music theory and had no talent, so it was naturally impossible for him to achieve the ability to write songs out of thin air.

However, Mei Fang could easily do something like copying lyrics to cheer Yuanyuan up.

He liked Xu Hao's songs the most, and Mei Fang could remember the lyrics of each of his songs clearly. There were many lyrics full of aesthetic feeling, either ancient or modern, which could be directly quoted and used as writing materials or as poetry genres.

Mei Fang had done the same thing in his previous life, and was even awarded a model essay and praised for it.

However, Xu Hao's early songs mostly dealt with love themes, so it was not easy to pick out a song that would not make Xia Yuan think of it as a confession, or a song that was in line with Mei Fang's current experience.

But fortunately, our Mei Fang is a super squirrel, and such a song can still be found in Xu Hao's music library.

For example,

Xia Yuan opened the envelope, and Mei Fang reminded him, "The poem I wrote is called "In That Not-so-Distant Place"

Where will there be a small bridge and flowing water

Wash away the dust

Floating Peach Blossom

How beautiful it is

Pick one piece in exchange for your true heart

Where are the colorful clouds chasing me

How many times can the bright moon be intact

Life is not perfect

Don't back off

I'll be with you all the way

In that not far away place

Bury your dreams

Emitting a tiny light

That is your soil.

Waiting for you to dig for treasure

Even if I stumble along the way

In that not far away place

I applaud you.

Being strong is your consistent image

Aim in your direction

Let go and chase hope

Mei Fang still felt full of guilt when she copied the lyrics.

I'm sorry, Brother Song!

In the parallel world without you, I can only work hard on your behalf!

The song "In That Not Far Away Place" is from Xu Hao's second album "Lost and Found Notice". It is said that it was written by Xu Hao to support his fans, namely V fans. Because the words reveal positive and warm words, it is used as the class song by many middle school classes.

Mei Fang sat next to Xia Yuan, watching her read the poem, reading it silently over and over again, and then starting over from the beginning again.

During this process, Xia Yuan would always suddenly turn her head and stare at Mei Fang, with a blank expression on her face.

And when Mei Fang was about to talk to her, she lowered her head and closed her eyes to think. While thinking, she seemed to be humming the contents of a poem, with a smile on the corners of her mouth.

Mei Fang looked at Xia Yuan with her head down, and saw her ears gradually turning red to the base of her neck. Suddenly, he wanted to pinch them to see her reaction.

After all, Yuanyuan is so cute.

"Did you really write this poem yourself?"

"Doesn't it look like my writing style?"

"Not really... That's right, your elementary school essays sound much more mature than other people's..."

Xia Yuan pursed her lips and looked at Mei Fang with a smile for a while before she slowly spoke:

"The letterhead was given to you by Youxi, right? And this handwriting is also Youxi's... Was it written by her ghostwriter, or did you two come up with it together?"

"Youxi copied it for me because she said my handwriting was too ugly."

Mei Fang said shamelessly, "But it was indeed my own idea."

Thinking about which song to choose from our Hao Ge is also a very difficult thing! There are so many songs in my mind, and I can’t choose the lyrics one by one...

"Then you are really great..."

Xia Yuan was filled with joy as she held Mei Fang's letter.

"I really like this poem, it's as catchy as a song... Ah Fang, maybe you have a talent for writing lyrics!"

"Ah... is that so?"

"Look, the first two verses are two verses, and the last two verses are a chorus. If this is a song, it is a typical AAB structure..."

Xia Yuan has been playing the piano and learning music theory since he was young, so his knowledge of music is naturally much better than that of Mei Fang, a plagiarist and a layman.

This also gave Mei Fang a new idea.

"I have copied a lot of lyrics with you, so naturally I will be a little bit like the lyrics when I write... But speaking of it, since you like music so much, why didn't you insist on learning to play the piano?"

"At that time..." Xia Yuan smiled slightly, "Actually, it was a lie to say that I didn't want to learn to play the piano... I felt that my family was in financial difficulty, and learning the piano would bring pressure to my parents, so I said I had no interest in the piano."

"But I don't feel any regrets. Because it was only after that that I had time to play with you. I knew you were playing computer games, so I joined in on your games."

Xia Yuan leaned on Mei Fang's shoulder and smiled, "Now that I think about it, if I hadn't played games with you guys at that time, maybe you and Youxi would have a much better relationship than I did, and you would have gradually distanced yourself from me..."

"How is that possible... Even if you only spent 1 minute with us, we are still best childhood sweethearts."

"One minute is no different from being in a different place! Really..."

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan's angry head, thinking that if he really wanted to pursue a career in music, he might have to learn some basic knowledge about music theory, otherwise if he suddenly produced a famous work, he would scare the people around him to death.

In addition, I always accompany Lin Youxi to work on the website on weekends, which to some extent means that I have less interaction with Yuanyuan.

If you think about it this way...

"Yuanyuan... You just said that I have a talent for writing lyrics... I'm a little interested."

Mei Fang said in a gentle voice, "If you have time on weekends, can you teach me some basic music theory?"

"Of course! Since my childhood sweetheart is interested in songwriting, I will definitely teach him everything I know!"

As Xia Yuan spoke, she began to hum a simple melody. She was really happy.

"Right... I was so busy chatting that I didn't even say thank you."

Xia Yuan held Mei Fang's hand and said, "Thank you for giving me such a good birthday present. You must have put a lot of thought into it. Next time it's your birthday, I will also think about giving you something special."

"Oh, didn't we tell you not to put pressure on either side? Just give whatever you think of."

"Then on your birthday, I'll just give you one 'Yuan Yuan Super Energy', is that all?"

"Ah? What is Yuanyuan Super Energy..."

"'Yuanyuan Super Energy' is... um, by the way, this is a rare opportunity, I'll demonstrate it to you now!"

"Hey, I say... this is outside!"

"Why are you feeling guilty about your childhood sweethearts? Come... let Sister Yuanyuan hug you like this... Oh my goodness... Ah Fang is such a good boy."

It turns out that Yuanyuan’s super energy is a hug that is more motherly. She will lean on Xia Yuan’s shoulder during the hug and get a pat on the head from Xia Yuan as a reward.

That night, Mei Fang learned and mastered this new terminology and code.

Okay, after writing this chapter, let's go to the second grade together.

It’s all thanks to everyone that Mei Fang can go to the second grade of junior high school. Let’s cheer!

(End of this chapter)