Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 113: execution


In the party hall, Chen Tiansheng turned up the volume of the speaker on his mobile phone to the maximum, and the sound of Huai Kebing chewing grapes came from the mobile phone. The sound was actually very small, but the hall was quiet, so people around could still hear it.

"Go to the stage and get a microphone. I want to speak." Huai Kebing said.

"Okay, Mr. Huai." Chen Tiansheng stepped over Fan Huaying and walked towards the stage.

Fan Huaying reached out and grabbed Chen Tiansheng's arm, "What are you doing? Didn't you hear what I said? I told you to get out!"

Chen Tiansheng then pointed the camera of his mobile phone at Fan Huaying and said coldly: "You see clearly who asked me to go on stage. Do you dare to stop me?"

On the screen of the mobile phone, Huai Kebing put another grape into his mouth and said while chewing: "Fan Huaying, what, do you have to stand against me?"

Fan Huaying said: "I only stand on the right side."

Huai Kebing said: "You have to think clearly, you are just a professional organizer, and you rely on people like me to survive. Do you really think you can go against me? As long as I make a few calls, you will be here in the future." The relationship in the entertainment industry will be cleared.”

This is the reason why Fan Huaying did not dare to confront Huai Kebing in Beidu City last time. This is not because he is timid and afraid of Huai Kebing, but because of the nature of his profession. Another reason is that Huaike Bing is not a reasonable person at all, and he is not a person who can fight violence with violence.

"Brother Fan, let him come over." Zhao Wushuang said loudly, and her voice was transmitted through the microphone and could be heard in the entire hall.

Fan Huaying nodded and let go of Chen Tiansheng's arm.

Chen Tiansheng came to the stage with his mobile phone and stood opposite Zhao Wushuang. Huai Kebing can see Zhao Wushuang through the phone's camera, and Zhao Wushuang can also see Huai Kebing through the phone screen.

"Wushuang, I heard that you have accepted a new play, congratulations." Huai Kebing's voice was also transmitted through the microphone on the stage and could be heard in the entire hall.

Zhao Wushuang suppressed the anger in his heart and pretended to be calm, "Huaike Bing, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Huai Kebing smiled, "You are my girlfriend, can't I care about you?"

"You're talking nonsense! I have nothing to do with you!" Zhao Wushuang lost control of his emotions.

Huai Kebing said: "This is not your decision, it is mine. I will come to you to talk about our future."

"Shameless!" Zhao Wushuang was about to cry in anger.

"Wushuang, I heard that a charity party is going to be held here. You are the special guest, right?" Huai Kebing's voice echoed in the hall.

In fact, many people feel uncomfortable in their hearts, but no one will show it. When facing evil people, most people's attitude is that it is better to do less than to do more. That's right, it was Zhao Wushuang who was being bullied, not him, so why offend a powerful villain for a woman who had nothing to do with him

Zhao Wushuang turned and left. She really didn't want to see Huai Kebing's face that made her hate and fear her again.

"Who is that, Dr. Ning?" Huai Kebing's voice rang in the hall, "I heard that this charity party is to auction some of his dog-skin plasters. Tiansheng, wait and see who is so caring. Come back to me. I want to invite him to drink and let him learn. The world needs positive energy, and we should deliver positive energy.”

There was silence in the hall, but everyone could hear that Huaike Bing was threatening people not to take pictures of Ning Tao's beauty ointment, and not to seek treatment from Ning Tao. Chen Tiansheng is the spy he sent here. If someone takes a picture of Ning Tao's beautiful balm or asks Ning Tao for medical treatment, he will take revenge on them! What kind of positive energy is this bully talking about? "Okay, Mr. Huai, I also want to see who is so caring, and I want to learn from him." Chen Tiansheng said flatteringly.

The video call is over.

What was originally a lively charity dinner turned out to be so quiet.

Under the same night sky, Tang Group, on the top floor of Dingtian Building.

Huaike Bing threw the phone on the sofa, then pierced a grape with a toothpick and put it in his mouth. After a second, he spit out the grape. The grape was rotten.

Ding dong, ding dong.

Huaike Bing glanced at the surveillance TV on the wall.

Standing outside the door was a disciple of the Tang Sect wearing a Tang suit, with a strong back and a fierce face. That was the bodyguard assigned to him by his mother. He was very experienced and had great kung fu. He couldn't remember his name, but his subordinates called him Tang Jiu.

Tang Jiu held a box in his hand, which was sealed with tape so that he couldn't see what was inside.

Huai Kebing felt a little strange, but he still went to open the door. After all, Tang Jiu was the bodyguard assigned to him by his mother, and he was from the Tang Sect, so he had to give him some face.

"What's inside?" Hua Kebing's first words were when he opened the door.

"I don't know. It was sent by a motorcycle rider. I scanned it and found that it contained paper and contained nothing dangerous." Tang Jiu said.

"What does a motorcycle rider look like? Huai Kebing was even more curious.

Tang Jiu said: "Wearing a helmet, I didn't see it. But he said that his boss wants to make friends with you. He knows Ning Tao's secret. It's in the box. You'll know it when you see it."

"It's really interesting, give it to me." Huai Kebing said.

Tang Jiu handed the box to Huai Kebing, "I'm right at the elevator entrance. If anything happens, press the alarm."

Huaike Bing nodded, took the box and closed the door. He returned to the sofa, placed the box on the coffee table, then cut the tape with a fruit knife and opened the lid of the box.

There was a stack of advertising flyers in the box, including messy things like elite cram schools, round-the-clock loans, and big discounts for the opening of the mermaid bathing city.

Huaike Bing's brows suddenly wrinkled, "Damn it, who dares to make such a joke with me? Are you tired of living?"

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the bottom of the box, where there was a piece of white paper under an advertisement. He picked up the advertisement and his eyes fell on the white paper at the bottom of the box. He couldn't take his eyes away.

There was a blood stain on the white paper. The blood stain looked like the emblem of a Trumpchi car.

"What is this? Damn it! You are really pranking me. Don't let me know who you are, or I will kill you!" Hua Kebing grabbed the piece of paper and threw it on the ground.

Without any warning, a dark hole suddenly appeared on the ground.

Huaike Bing was startled and backed away in horror. As a result, he bumped into the sofa and fell onto it.

At this moment, a man emerged from the pitch-black hole and walked to the sofa.

Huaike Bing's pupils suddenly widened to their limit, with a look of horror on his face. He opened his mouth to scream, but as soon as the man stretched out his hand, a needle stuck into his throat, completely immersed in it. Severe pain hit him, and all that could come out of his mouth were painful sobs.

There was only one person in the world who dared to treat him like this, and that was Ning Tao.

The person who sent the box was Yin Molan, and what Huai Kebing received was not "Ning Tao's secret", but the convenience door of Tianwai Clinic.

Ning Tao's feet were wrapped in plastic wrap, his hands were wearing latex gloves for surgery, and he even wore a doctor's disposable surgical cap on his head. But he is not here to practice medicine and cure diseases, but to prevent hair or dandruff from falling on his body.

"You... you want to... do... what..." Hua Kebing struggled to squeeze out a few words. As he spoke, he had already struggled to get up from the sofa, and the corner of his eye moved to a table.

On the table was an electronic device that looked like a cell phone.

Ning Tao also glanced away, with a smile on his lips, "Do you want to call someone? Just say it, don't be so shy."

Huaike Bing suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the table.


A dart suddenly flew out of Ning Tao's hand and pierced Hua Kebing's thigh. His leg hurt, then his lower body went numb, and his body lost balance and fell to the ground.

Ning Tao walked to Huai Kebing's side, still maintaining a faint smile on his lips, "Tang Clan's poison darts are a good thing, aren't they? They are effective when they see blood. You said you died from Tang Clan's poison darts and poison needles "Hey, what will people outside say about your death?"

Huai Kebing shook his head desperately, and a hoarse voice came out of his mouth, "No... don't... kill me..."

Ning Tao put away the smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold, "I said, if God doesn't accept you, I will accept you. If a bully like you lives, it is unfair to kind people. I am here today to fulfill my promise Promise, I will take your life."

"No... help me... ah..." Huaike Bing desperately wanted to scream, but there was a flying needle stuck in his throat, so he couldn't scream louder. His throat also began to feel numb, becoming less and less responsive.

Ning Tao took out a plastic bag from his trouser pocket. The bag contained a dozen poison-quenching flying needles and several poison darts. Then, he took out the poison needles and poison darts, and put the plastic bag back into his trouser pocket.

"No... no..." Huai Kebing had already predicted what Ning Tao wanted to do. He was desperate and tears burst into his eyes.

Ning Tao shook his head, "You are so fierce and vicious, but you still cry? Have you ever thought that when you asked someone to pour acid on Wushuang, did her tears gain your sympathy? No, right? Then you No tears can buy my sympathy.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Tao waved his hand and threw a handful of poisoned flying needles at Huaike Bing. The needles were thrown at close range with good accuracy. All the flying needles pierced Huaike Bing's back.

Huai Kebing started convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

"Don't be a human being in the next life. People like you don't deserve to be human." Ning Tao said, and with another wave of his hand, several darts flew out of his hand and struck hard on Huaike Bing's back.

Huaike Bing twitched a few more times, and then stopped moving.

Ning Tao looked at Huaike Bing lying on the ground. He didn't feel any joy in killing his mortal enemy, but he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He killed many people that night in the botanical garden of Blueprint Biotechnology Company, but this time was different. That time it was a battle, this time it was an execution.

Looking at Huai Kebing's body, he felt confused for the first time. Is it really just to act for heaven

However, there was no turning back for him.

These thoughts and feelings lasted only a few seconds, and Ning Tao quickly calmed down. He took out a lighter from his other trouser pocket, then placed the stack of advertising flyers on the carpet, and placed the white paper with the blood lock pattern on top of the advertising flyers. After that, he lit the bottom advertising flyer with a lighter, and then used the key to open the blood lock.

The black hole appeared on the ground again. He stepped in and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

The door of convenience disappeared, the advertising flyer continued to burn, and the blazing flames swallowed up the white paper in a blink of an eye...