Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 126: Weird things happen one after another


"Leave here?" Su Ya looked surprised.

Ning Tao said: "I know this is a bit sudden, but this is someone else's company after all, and we can't stay here forever. But don't worry, I have already found a place, it is in Jiange Village where the new orphanage is being built. There. The scenery is beautiful, the environment is good, and you will feel comfortable living there. ”

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Su Ya became inexplicably excited and shouted: "Children, pack these things, let's leave here right away!"

What's the reaction

Ning Tao suddenly felt that his painstaking explanation was undoubtedly redundant. In fact, he only needed to say "Let's go," and the friends would happily follow him.

"Su Ya, you take the children down in the elevator first. I'll call Village Chief Lu and I'll be right back." Ning Tao said.

"Well! Have the children packed their things? Come with me after you pack." Su Ya really couldn't wait to leave here.

The children actually had nothing to pack, so they quickly lined up and followed Su Ya to the elevator.

Ning Tao took out his mobile phone and made a call to Lu Nan. As soon as the call was connected, he said straight to the point: "Village Chief Lu, there is something going on here. The children in the orphanage have no place to live. Do you have any?" Is there a place? If so, please help solve the children’s difficulties.”

"No problem, you can bring the children here. They can live in the school. If it doesn't work, I will ask the villagers to take two of them back to live temporarily. It will be no problem." On the phone, Lu Nan agreed without even a trace of hesitation. .

"Village Chief Lu, thank you so much." Ning Tao said politely.

"Dr. Ning, why are you so polite? Compared to what you did for our Jiange Village, what do we do for you?" Lu Nan said.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite to you. I will bring the children over now."

"Okay, I'll go make arrangements for the reception. Goodbye." Lu Nan hung up the phone.

Ning Tao put away his phone. Instead of taking the elevator downstairs, he took the stairs to the floor he just left. The two foreigners he saw when he passed by the conference room just now made him feel a little strange. Also, Blueprint Biotechnology is a domestic biopharmaceutical company. It is difficult for Chinese drugs to be exported abroad. So what makes two foreigners come to Blueprint Biotechnology to discuss business

If it weren't for the shootout at the Blueprint Biotechnology Company Botanical Garden and the gunman he met when he arrived, Ning Tao wouldn't bother to mind other people's business. But after these two things happened, it was difficult for him not to doubt those two people.

The VIP conference room is close to the corridor. The door of the conference room is closed tightly, so you can't see what's going on inside.

Ning Tao walked lightly and quietly came to the door of the conference room, then put his ear as close to the crack of the door as possible.

"Mr. Takeda, please have tea." Ma Wuying's voice came from the door.

"Ariado." A man's voice came from the door.


Ning Tao's brows suddenly wrinkled. The appearance of Japanese at this juncture made things more complicated.

"Mr. Takeda, Mr. Arthur, we can start." Lin Donghai's voice.

The white man's name was Arthur, and Ning Tao remembered this name in his heart.

"Let's talk about Wojiu." Takeda's voice said, "Women Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company is willing to cooperate with you to develop new plasters and powerful medicines for men's new abilities. Women's technology, your production line and sales Network, let’s open up the Greater China market together and achieve win-win cooperation.”

This Takeda's stuttering in Chinese is a bit unclear, but Ning Tao can still understand it.

At this time, Ma Wuying's voice came out, "Chairman, General Manager, Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company's Jiubai plaster has long been a must-buy plaster for people traveling to Japan. It is very good for patients with cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis." Analgesia and therapeutic effects. If we can obtain Takeda Biopharmaceuticals’ technology, our company will gain huge development opportunities and profits.”

"Very good, our Blueprint Biotechnology Company is one of the best biopharmaceutical companies in the country. If we cooperate, we will definitely make a difference in this largest drug market." Lin Donghai's voice was very happy.

Ning Tao was confused in his heart, "When I was in school, I heard a teacher talk about Japan's Jiupai plaster, which is indeed very effective and very popular. Japan's plaster technology originated from China, and our country lost it due to the war. The secret recipe has been carried forward in Japan. But the teacher once said that Japan is very conservative about pharmaceutical technology and never spreads it to outsiders. Takeda Biopharmaceutical is also a big company. How can it come here to cooperate with Blueprint Biotechnology? Produce technology?”

At this time, another man's voice entered Ning Tao's ears, "I represent the British Sagittarius Investment Company. Once you reach a cooperation agreement, our company will provide an investment of 100 million pounds for your project."

This is obviously the voice of the white man named Arthur. His Chinese pronunciation is clear and the level is very high.

Lin Donghai's voice said, "Okay, we will provide a plan as soon as possible."

"I like this city very much, and I am very fond of this cooperation. I specially asked my son Tamao Takeda to hold a party at eight o'clock. Our consulate hopes that you will come to attend." Takeda's voice.

Lin Donghai's voice said, "My wife and daughter, I, and I will definitely come to participate."

"I'm not feeling well and don't want to go. You and mom can go." Lin Qingyu's voice sounded.

Takeda's voice said, "Miss Lin, my son Yufu admires you very much..."

In the corridor outside the door, Ning Tao turned around and walked into the corridor before Takeda finished speaking. As soon as he entered the corridor, Ma Wuying's assistant came to the door of the conference room with a stack of materials, knocked on the door and entered.

Ning Tao did not go back. When he went downstairs, he sent Lin Qingyu a text message: Qingyu, the situation is a bit strange. Don't go to the Japanese Consulate to attend the party.

Thirty seconds later, he received a text message from Lin Qingyu: I have to go, and you have no control over where I go.

Ning Tao had a headache, but he also knew that Lin Qingyu was still angry, so he stopped sending text messages and then called Jiang Hao. However, the phone call that always got through could not get through this time. He tried calling twice more, but still couldn't get through.

What's happening here

Ning Tao felt terrible.

Downstairs, Ge Ming and Su Ya have already rented a car, and the children have also lined up, waiting for him to "give the order" before getting in the car and setting off.

"Let's go to Jiange Village." Ning Tao said, still thinking about this series of strange things.

"Taozi, what's wrong with you? You look worried?" Ge Ming asked with concern when he saw that Ning Tao's expression was wrong.

Ning Tao said: "It's nothing."

Su Ya interrupted, "She must be reluctant to let go of that Lin Qingyu." But Ning Tao didn't even have the slightest intention of joking.

The children all got on the bus, and Ning Tao said to Ge Ming: "Dunzi, I have already agreed with Village Chief Lu, you can just take the children there. I have an important thing to deal with, so I won't go there." ”

"What's the matter? Do you want my help?" Ge Ming asked.

Ning Tao said: "If you can't help, don't ask. Just take the kids there first."

"Okay, then I'll take the children there first." Ge Ming stopped asking questions and directed the children to get on the bus.

Su Ya looked at Ning Tao and seemed to have a lot to say in her heart, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was, "Be careful."

Ning Tao nodded.

An hour later, Ning Tao took a taxi and arrived at the botanical garden of Blueprint Biotechnology Company.

"Stop! This is a military controlled area, please get out of here." A heavily armed special forces guard warned Ning Tao in advance as he walked towards the gate.

Ning Tao stopped and said, "I'm Ning Tao. I have something very important to see Officer Jiang Haojiang. Please let me know."

"Wait a moment, I'll make a call." A guard entered the guard room.

Ning Tao stood outside the door and waited for almost ten minutes before an electric shuttle bus came from the road. The person driving the shuttle bus was Jiang Hao. He had short hair, a combat uniform, and was fully armed. He looked very heroic.

Jiang Hao got out of the car, and Ning Tao thought she would greet the guard and lead him in, but Jiang Hao got off the car and walked directly out of the gate, "Let's take a walk and talk while walking."

Ning Tao felt something was wrong with the atmosphere here, but he didn't ask. He said, "Okay, let's go for a walk on that path."

There is a path next to the botanical garden of Blueprint Biotechnology Company, and they don't know where it leads. Ning Tao and Jiang Hao walked along the path. The mountains on both sides were densely forested and silent.

After walking for a while, Ning Tao looked back and said, "I called you to turn off the phone. What's going on?"

Jiang Hao said: "Liang Keming issued a new order. No one is allowed to use mobile phones or contact anyone. No one from outside is allowed to enter the botanical garden."

Ning Tao felt a little strange, "Why would you give such an order?"

Jiang Hao shrugged, "I don't know either, but there are various signs that his research has made a breakthrough, maybe it's because of this."

"Where's Lin Qinghua?" Ning Tao asked.

"I haven't seen him for several days." Jiang Hao said.

Ning Tao had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"You came to me not just to ask me these questions, right?" Jiang Hao stopped and looked at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said: "Today I met two people at Blueprint Biotechnology Company. One is a person named Takeda from Japan's Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company. I judge that he is the person in charge of Takeda Biopharmaceutical Company. The other is a person named Takeda from the British Archer Investment Company. Arthur's people. These two people approached Lin Donghai and Lin Qingyu to discuss cooperation, saying that they would develop a drug similar to Viagra and plasters with Blueprint Biotechnology Company, and then invited Lin Qinghua and Lin Qingyu to the Japanese Consulate. What kind of party are you attending? I think this is very strange and I couldn’t get through to you, so I came over to talk to you.”

Jiang Hao was silent for a while and then said: "This matter is indeed strange. What do you think?"

Ning Tao was slightly stunned, "Me?"