Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 14: Dogs can't change eating shit


Ning Tao came to the back of the banquet hall and entered through the staff passage. He quickly searched for the scents of Jiang Yilong and Jiang Hao among tens of thousands of complex scents, locked them and walked in that direction.

It was a VIP lounge and the door was closed.

Ning Tao stopped by the door. He heard the voices of Jiang Yilong and Jiang Hao talking.

"Okay, you might as well resign and come to the company to help dad." Jiang Yilong's voice said, "Dad only has a daughter like you. If you come to the company to help me, the company will also be yours in the future."

Jiang Hao's voice said, "Is this what you called me here to tell me? Let me tell you, I don't like your company at all, and I don't care about it either!"

"Okay, why don't you understand me? I am your biological father. Blood is thicker than water. Is it so difficult to forgive me?"

"Why didn't you say blood is thicker than water when you abandoned me and my mother? And you, when you abandoned me and my mother, you even transferred your property. Do you know how hard my mother had to work for me to study in those years? "

"Okay... I was wrong. Didn't I return the money to your mother?"

"What she wants is not money, but your apology! You promised Dr. Ning that after he cured you, you would kneel down in front of your mother and apologize! Let me ask you, when will you fulfill this promise?" Jiang Hao The mood was a little out of control.

"Okay, let's not mention Dr. Ning today. He...he's not normal." Jiang Yilong's voice was hesitant.

"I think you are abnormal! Tell me, when will you fulfill your promise?"

"Okay, give me some more time. I will go to Beidu to apologize to your mother in a month. Do you think so? But you have to promise me that you have to resign and come back to help me. I will never trust Zou Yumei and Zou Yulin again. These two siblings have always wanted to take away my family property, and now you are the only relative I have. "

"You only have money in your eyes and no relatives. I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Jiang Hao strode towards the door of the VIP lounge.

Ning Tao quickly left the aisle and entered the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was full of guests, and Ning Tao, whose entire body was worth less than a hundred yuan, suddenly became an eye-catching presence.

"Who is it? How did you get in?"

"It's probably the decoration worker who went to the wrong door. Why didn't anyone let him out?"

"Aren't the security guards here too indifferent? Anyone can come in."

Some among the guests whispered, and more people looked at Ning Tao with contempt.

At this time, Jiang Hao also walked into the banquet hall from the entrance of the rest area. She almost didn't have to look for it, and she spotted Ning Tao standing in the banquet hall with just one glance. She walked quickly to Ning Tao, suddenly stretched out her arms to hug Ning Tao without warning, and buried her face in his shoulder.

Ning Tao knew how bad she was feeling at the moment, so he comforted her softly: "Don't be sad, everything will be fine."

Jiang Hao's voice was a little choked, "He, he hasn't changed at all. He only thinks about money. I shouldn't come back this time..."

Ning Tao hesitated for a moment, and finally reached out and gently hugged her waist. This is also a comforting action. No matter how strong a woman is, she is still a woman. She also needs a man's comfort and care when she is injured. And he instinctively entered the role of a man.

The men in the banquet hall were dumbfounded. A small decoration worker who they thought had gone to the wrong door openly hugged the most beautiful and elegant woman in the banquet hall in front of them, a group of upper-class elites. !

"Isn't that Jiang Yilong's daughter Jiang? Are you mistaken? She is actually hugging that poor boy. I think even the food delivery people are better off than him, right?"

"Hey, I got a good one from a pig."

"What's so good about that boy? I really don't understand what's going on with women nowadays..."

There was a buzzing discussion in the banquet hall, and malice came out of different mouths and flowed in this high-end and atmospheric space. Ning Tao did not make any mistakes, but poverty was the biggest mistake he made.

"Let's go, get out of here, I don't want to stay here." Jiang Hao raised her head from Ning Tao's shoulder. She didn't expect that her move to seek comfort would bring a lot of ridicule to Ning Tao. It made her feel a little guilty and uneasy.

Ning Tao smiled, "I don't care what they say. No matter what they say, it won't affect me. I'm quite worried about you. Are you feeling better? You are still seriously injured, so don't get angry."

Jiang Hao felt warmly moved in her heart, and a smile appeared on her lips, "I feel much better now."

While the two were talking, Jiang Yilong also came to the banquet hall, and he walked towards Ning Tao with a cold face.

Ning Tao also looked at Jiang Yilong, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking very calm.

Jiang Yilong stopped in front of Ning Tao, then took out a check and handed it to Ning Tao, "I know you cured me and your medical skills are great, but don't try to take advantage of my daughter. . This is 100,000 yuan, just treat it as the medical fee I gave you. If you take my money, stay away from my daughter and don’t come to me again.”

Before Ning Tao could say anything, Jiang Hao said angrily: "Jiang Yilong! You are insulting yourself!"

Jiang Yilong said: "Okay, I'm doing this for your own good. Dad is a veteran and knows what this kid wants."

Just as Jiang Hao was about to say something, Ning Tao said, "I don't want you to be angry. Why are you angry again? Let me have a few words with your father."

Jiang Hao nodded.

"Oh, girls are really outgoing. Look, what you, the father, said is not as effective as what that boy said." Zou Yumei didn't know when she came, and she said such a sentence while standing in the crowd, adding fuel to the fire. Oil.

"Shut up!" Jiang Yilong scolded Zou Yumei.

Zou Yumei murmured: "That's what it is. What's so bad about it?"

Jiang Yilong did not argue with Zou Yumei because of his face, but transferred his anger to Ning Tao, "What are you still doing here? Take this money and leave!"

Ning Tao then took his hand out of his trouser pocket, then put it close to Jiang Yilong's ear, and said in a low voice: "Jiang Yilong, your life is really cheap, it's worth only one hundred thousand yuan. I won't take it. For your money, I only need you to fulfill the contract between us.”

Jiang Yilong sneered, "What contract? Why don't I remember it?"

Ning Tao said: "You will remember it. When you remember it, come to the village where you demolished it and come find me." After a pause, he reached out and patted Jiang Yilong on the shoulder, "The suit is good, and it is better than your patient." The service looks much better.”

Jiang Yilong swept Ning Tao's hand away and stuffed the check into Ning Tao's shirt pocket.

Ning Tao took out the check from his shirt pocket, tore it into pieces, threw the pieces into the air, and turned around to leave.

"He is obviously a poor boy but he still pretends to be rich without thinking about who he is."

"It must be because you don't have enough money, right?"

"I really can't tell that this poor boy is really a scheming person."

The harsh sound came, but Ning Tao's heart didn't waver at all.

"Doctor Ning, wait for me, let's go together." Jiang Hao turned around and chased Ning Tao.

Jiang Yilong suddenly reached out and grabbed Jiang Hao's wrist, "Okay, why don't you understand? He came to treat me just because he wanted to pursue you. You are too naive. You were deceived by him!"

"Let go of my hand!"

"Nothing I can say today will let you go." Jiang Yilong simply stretched out his other hand to grab Jiang Hao's wrist. It was his left hand. He didn't know why he suddenly felt that his left hand was limp. Strength, and a faint feeling of numbness due to poor blood circulation.

Many guests also gathered around.

"Miss Jiang, just listen to your father's advice. Your father is also doing it for your own good."

"Yes, that kind of person is very scheming. He is lying to you."

"That kid dislikes the lack of money. If you give him one million, he will definitely not tear up the check."

There was a flurry of persuasion.

Jiang Hao wanted to chase her out and leave with Ning Tao, but Jiang Yilong held her hand and wouldn't let go. She couldn't push Jiang Yilong away in front of so many people, right? That was her biological father after all. When she went to see Ning Tao again, she had lost sight of him.

After walking out of the Qianlong Club, Ning Tao looked back and said to himself, "It's true that a dog can't change its habit of eating shit. If you drive me away now, it won't be long before you kneel in front of me and beg me. At that time, I I want you to pay off all your debts!”