Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 39: Confidential conversations in the bathroom


The light returned to the experimental area and office. After closing the switch, Ning Tao also found a first aid kit. This time he came out without his small medicine box, but only brought a sky needle in case of emergency. A sky needle can be used to cure diseases and save people, or it can be used to punish evildoers with its evil diseases. It has now become a must-have for him when traveling.

Back in the office, Ning Tao helped up the knocked over sofa, then picked up Lin Qingyu from the ground and placed her on the sofa. There was a dart stuck in her left breast, but not very deep.

Under the light, the dart shone coldly, but it was not as eye-catching as the object it hit.

"Why is it injured here?" Ning Tao had a headache, but he quickly found a reason to convince himself, "I am a doctor, what should I be embarrassed about? The patient's health and life are the most important, everything else is unimportant."

When a doctor takes off a patient's clothes, is that taking off his clothes

Ning Tao took a paper knife, disinfected it with alcohol first, and then carefully cut the fabric of Lin Qingyu's evening dress with the paper knife. A flesh-colored hemispherical bra cup made of fabric and sponge was revealed. The dart hit the bra cup just right, entering the flesh a little bit, but the injury was not very serious.

In the situation at that time, fortunately, the mobile phone blocked it and offset most of the impact. Then her bra acted as a "bullet shelter", again offsetting part of the impact for her, otherwise she would have died. I'm afraid it has already been explained here.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Tao reached out and grabbed the tail of the dart, and then lifted it up.

The dart broke away from the wound, and a stream of blood suddenly poured out from the wound. The bright red blood and jade-white skin form a strange and moving picture.

"Yeah!" Lin Qingyu suddenly woke up under the stimulation of pain. When she saw Ning Tao, she subconsciously said: "Where is that old man?"

Ning Tao said: "Don't be nervous. The old man has escaped. You are safe now. Just lie down and don't move. I will treat your wounds."

Lin Qingyu suddenly realized something and sat up from the sofa with her arms stretched out. In the process, her eyes moved to her breasts. A second later, a scream came out of her mouth, "Ah—"

Ning Tao was startled by her dolphin sound, and the dart he was holding fell to the ground with a clang.

Lin Qingyu's eyes were attracted by the crisp sound and fell on the dart stained with her blood.

Ning Tao said: "Don't be nervous, I am treating your injury. You lie down, your wound is still bleeding, I will help you take care of it."

It's okay if he didn't say that. When he said that, Lin Qingyu sat up from the sofa and stared at Ning Tao with her two big black eyes.

Ning Tao said bravely: "Your wound is still bleeding and needs to be treated. Do you want to take it off yourself, or should I help you?"

"Is it deep?"

"Not deep." Ning Tao said.

Lin Qingyu said: "Then you teach me how to do it. I will do it myself. You turn around and don't look at me."

Ning Tao thought for a moment, "Okay, the wound is not deep, you can take care of it yourself." He turned around and waited for Lin Qingyu to ask him what to do.

"Are the darts poisonous?" came Lin Qingyu's voice.

Ning Tao asked curiously: "Why do you ask this?"

"I watched the plot in the movie. Those martial arts people like to put poison on the darts. Will the darts I win be poisonous?"

Ning Tao picked up the dart that fell on the ground, brought it to his nose and sniffed it twice. He had not smelled any toxins on the darts before, but Lin Qingyu's worries also aroused his concerns, so he had to confirm again.

"What should I do if it's poisonous?" Lin Qingyu became nervous again.

Ning Tao asked: "How is it handled in the movie?"

The image of a martial arts knight sucking out poisonous blood with his mouth suddenly appeared in Lin Qingyu's mind. Most of her face turned red at once, "Is it really, really poisonous?"

Ning Tao laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's not poisonous."

"You..." Lin Qingyu's eyes seemed to want to pounce and bite Ning Tao, but Ning Tao's joke made her relax completely and she was no longer nervous at all.

Ning Tao changed the topic, "You untie your... well, then dip a cotton ball in alcohol to clean the wound, then apply cotton wool to the wound and fix it with tape."

There was a rustling sound behind him, and then there was the sound of gritting one's teeth and enduring the pain.

Ning Tao couldn't control his brain to imagine the scene behind him, and a strange thought came out during the process, "If I just said that the darts were poisonous, would she..."

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he felt a little uncomfortable.

However, this is just a man's fantasy in some aspects, and it is an instinctive reaction. In reality, he would never do that.

After a while, Lin Qingyu said, "Doctor Ning, can you lend me your suit jacket?"

Ning Tao then took off his suit jacket and turned around to hand it to Lin Qingyu.

"Yeah!" Lin Qingyu exclaimed, turned her back hurriedly, and said in a panic: "You, turn around!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything." Ning Tao threw the suit on the sofa and turned around.

Lin Qingyu put on her suit jacket and came to Ning Tao's side, "What should we do now?"

Ning Tao said: "Call the police. In this situation, you and your brother are both in danger, and even your parents will become the target of the other party's attack."

Lin Qingyu did not respond immediately to Ning Tao's proposal. She looked a little hesitant.

Ning Tao continued: "Calling the police may have a certain impact on Blueprint Biotechnology Company, but the loss is only money, and life is gone. What's the use of more money? What's more, the things your brother studies are very sensitive, even It can be said that it is very dangerous, otherwise there would be such powerful people coming to rob him. If what your brother is researching violates the constitution, calling the police now is an act of proving your innocence. But if the police come to you, that is. That’s another story.”

Lin Qingyu was silent for a moment before she said, "Okay, I'll call the police."

Half an hour later, a group of police officers arrived, led by Chief Wu Wenbo, who had previously helped Ning Tao to rescue him in front of the restaurant. Of course there was Jiang Hao, but Jiang Hao was just wearing an ordinary police uniform and blending in with the crowd. She obviously didn't want Lin Qingyu to know her true identity, and Ning Tao didn't take the initiative to say hello to her.

In Lin Qinghua's office, Wu Wenbo personally took notes for Lin Qingyu.

Ning Tao stood outside the door waiting, wondering when to hand over the hot potato in his trouser pocket to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao walked to the bathroom.

Ning Tao hesitated for a moment whether to go with her, but he didn't know if she really wanted to go to the bathroom, so it was awkward for him to follow her. But just when he hesitated, Jiang Hao looked back at him and winked at him. This was an obvious hint, and he followed and walked towards the bathroom.

Jiang Hao stopped in front of the sink and pretended to wash his hands, "Did you find anything?"

Ning Tao also stood in front of the sink and pretended to wash his hands, "I found another piece of clay and a capsule..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Hao interrupted him and said, "Follow me." Then, she went directly into the women's bathroom.

Ning Tao was stunned on the spot, and subconsciously glanced at the door of the men's bathroom next to him. He was confused. Even if she wanted to keep it secret, she could enter the men's bathroom. Why should she enter the women's bathroom? "Uh-huh!" Jiang Hao's coughing sound suddenly came from the women's bathroom.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and entered the women's bathroom with his head buried.

Jiang Hao said anxiously: "Show me the thing quickly."

Ning Tao took out something and said, "Why do you have to come in? This is the women's bathroom."

Jiang Hao said: "Didn't you see there is a surveillance camera in the corridor? It can just capture the area of the sink. This thing is very sensitive, and my identity cannot be exposed, so be careful."

Ning Tao didn't pay attention to the surveillance cameras. He was relieved after Jiang Hao's explanation, so he handed Jiang Hao the cyan "clay" he took out of the oil painting. This time he did a simple thing and packed it in a plastic bag.

"Where is the capsule?" Jiang Hao asked after taking a look.

Ning Tao said: "Inside the clay."

Jiang Hao opened the plastic bag and seemed to want to take out the piece of cyan "clay" and break it open to see the capsule inside.

Ning Tao hurriedly stopped her, "Don't touch it. We don't know what it is, but Lin Qinghua got that strange disease because of it."

Jiang Hao then gave up her impulsive thoughts and said, "I have given the things you gave me last time to the people at the Academy of Sciences. I believe the results will be out soon. I guess there must be something in that electronic component." What secrets are stored? The medicine you discovered this time is very important. It may be the research result of Lin Qinghua’s ancestor search project.”

Ning Tao said: "I didn't have a chance to talk to you just now. Let me tell you now. When Lin Qingyu and I came here, we met an old security man. I didn't doubt him at first, but when I found this thing, he suddenly cut off He cut off the power here and then attacked Lin Qingyu and me."

"Are you injured?" Due to her identity and mission, the most important thing to her should actually be the old man's information, but what she blurted out was a word of concern for Ning Tao.

"It's just a minor injury, it's no longer a problem."

"It's okay. I'm really sorry. I should have protected you, but I was worried about being discovered and alerting the snake, so..." Jiang Hao felt really sorry. When she asked Ning Tao for help, she told Ning Tao that it wouldn't happen. Danger would protect his personal safety, but his first action put Ning Tao into a dangerous situation.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "Why are you so polite to me? I don't know if the surveillance was working at that time. You should go and investigate. The most important thing is to catch that guy as soon as possible. He is a real warrior. He is stronger than that guy." It’s even more dangerous.”

Jiang Hao nodded, "Let's go out."

Ning Tao followed Jiang Hao out of the women's bathroom, and when he returned to Lin Qinghua's office door, a policeman suddenly ran over and said nervously: "Bureau Wu, new situation!"

Wu Wenbo, who was taking notes in the office, stopped writing and asked, "What's going on?"

The policeman said: "We found four corpses in the medicinal field behind the laboratory! Three of the corpses were wearing security uniforms, and one corpse had its clothes pulled off."

Wu Wenbo's eyes moved to Jiang Hao, who was standing at the door, as if he was looking for instructions.

Jiang Hao nodded slightly.

Wu Wenbo then said: "You go and seal the scene with two people first, and I will ask the forensic doctor to come and take a look."

Jiang Hao turned around and left with a policeman, and glanced at Ning Tao when he passed by him.

Ning Tao understood and followed Jiang Hao.

Lin Qingyu seemed to want to stop Ning Tao, but she just moved her lips and did not say anything.