Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 50: Danhuo and Meixiang Ding


The night is quiet.

The seven-star lights flickered in the Tianwai Clinic, the black and white energy entangled in the Cauldron of Good and Evil, and the entire clinic space was shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

Ning Tao sat cross-legged next to the Cauldron of Good and Evil and ran the basic introductory cultivation skills over and over again...

This is the thirtieth day since he took over the Tianwai Clinic. He will do a surprise training on the last day when the clinic collects good and evil rents, and try his best to enhance his spiritual power. Otherwise, once the clinic collects the rent of good and evil in the Cauldron of Good and Evil, the good and evil qi will be reduced by two-thirds, and the training effect at that time will be far less than it is now.

All he did was use the elixir fire to refine the primary prescription elixir.

A month passed in the blink of an eye. Ning Tao tried no less than a hundred times, but he was still unable to convert his spiritual power into pill fire. Chen Pingdao only had two primary prescription pills left. He had to raise his spiritual power to the minimum standard that could be converted into pill fire as soon as possible, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

For a while, Ning Tao ended his training. He cleared all the distracting thoughts in his mind. The role of Jia Ang's innate spirituality was magnified to the limit. At the same time, he imagined that he was not in the real world, but in the physical world of his own body. At a certain moment, his body and soul fell into a whirlpool and fell rapidly. Then he saw the white sky, the white earth, and the quagmire in the center of the sky and the earth.

This quagmire is his Niwan Palace, the "engine" of his identity as a cultivator. It seems to be getting a little bigger, but not significantly. Its shape is still an ugly whirlpool, and it has nothing to do with a palace or anything.

With a thought, a black and white thing suddenly leapt out of the mire, dancing in the void like a ribbon.

That is his spiritual power, the unique black and white spiritual power as a natural middleman between good and evil. Black represents evil and white represents good. The two are absolutely balanced.

At first it was just a tiny trace, but now it has transformed into an "eel", which is many times more powerful than the original one.

"It has grown so big. You wouldn't know it if you didn't look at it." Seeing his "palace" and spiritual power, Ning Tao couldn't help but get excited. "I wonder if it has reached the standard for converting into Dan Fire?"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, the white sky disappeared, the white ground also disappeared, and Ning Tao's vision returned to normal. In just one thought, he came out of his body world.

Next, Ning Tao began to try to convert his spiritual power into elixir fire. The spiritual power gathered in his palms, and his palms began to heat up. As his thoughts drove, the heated parts became hotter and hotter. It felt like holding two old pieces. It was like iron, and the taste was extremely uncomfortable. However, he did not give up and continued to strengthen his thoughts while stimulating his spiritual power over and over again.

Suddenly, two groups of black and white flames emerged from his palms.

Ning Tao opened his mouth wide in excitement and almost yelled.

The two flames were very weak, beating tremblingly in the palm of his hand, as if they would go out at any time. What's even more amazing is that the temperature of the two balls of elixir fire is not high, even ordinary people can bear it. The two balls of fire are burning in the palms of his hands, and he does not feel any discomfort. It felt to him that the process of generating heat just now was like the process of a seed breaking its shell. It was also the most difficult process. Once the shell was broken, it was new life!

It worked, and it was a success.

But behind this success are hundreds of failures, as well as many hard and boring spiritual training.

Two small balls of pill fire danced in Ning Tao's palm. Driven by his thoughts, they suddenly traveled to the back of his hand, and then jumped to his fingertips. But when he tried to get them out of his body, they went out. The idea of using elixir fire to attack a certain target in his mind was also extinguished. He simply could not release fireballs to attack the target like the magician in the magic movie. This elixir fire can only be used to refine elixirs and cure diseases.

How to use elixir fire to treat diseases is something that cannot be tried now, but Ning Tao can't wait to try how to use elixir fire to refine elixirs. After his attempt to make the elixir fire fly out failed, he got up from the ground and began to rummage through the cabinets in the clinic to find the medicinal materials for refining the primary prescription elixir.

half an hour.

"Chen Pingdao!" Ning Tao yelled angrily, "You are a bastard!"

Refining primary prescription pills requires dozens of medicinal and non-medicinal materials, and both medicinal and non-medicinal materials are very rare. Although Chen Pingdao specified the medicinal materials and materials in the elixir recipe, he searched the entire clinic and found that at least two-thirds of the ingredients for refining the primary prescription elixir were missing!

There were so many rare and precious medicinal materials and non-medicinal materials, let alone traveling all over the country to collect them. Even if there was a market specifically selling medicinal materials and materials for elixirs, he would not have the money to buy them!

It took a while for Ning Tao to calm down. Although the medicinal materials were very precious, he still took a "Yin Yang Cordyceps" plant for experiment.

Cordyceps yin and yang is actually Cordyceps, but it is a combination of male and female Cordyceps. With this characteristic alone, the entire Cordyceps prairie cannot dig out more than a hundred cordyceps in a year, right

Fortunately, Chen Pingdao left eight roots of this medicinal material, the largest quantity, otherwise Ning Tao would not be willing to use it for experiments.

Alchemy requires an alchemy cauldron, and the Cauldron of Good and Evil is obviously not the alchemy cauldron for alchemy.

Ning Tao began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets in the clinic again to look for alchemy cauldrons. After a while, he found three alchemy cauldrons and a bronze alchemy cauldron. It was the size of a rice cooker and had a simple style, giving it an ancient and heavy feel. Feel. A brass-colored Danding is about the size of a rice cooker. It has a "belly" and gives people a chubby impression. The third alchemy cauldron was dark, and there were clearly visible cracks on the cauldron wall, as if it would crack at any time. It is the smallest in size, about the same size as a soup bowl used by ordinary people to hold soup.

Ning Tao placed the three alchemy cauldrons on the desk, looked left and right, and finally chose the ugliest and smallest alchemy cauldron. He has his own considerations. This is an experiment after all, and there is no need to use a good cauldron. If he breaks a good cauldron, he will cry when he gathers the herbs and materials to officially make the elixir.

After choosing the alchemy cauldron, Ning Tao found a rag and wiped the dark alchemy cauldron carefully. After cleaning it, he put the Cordyceps sinensis into the alchemy cauldron.

After being prepared, Ning Tao once again converted his spiritual power into elixir fire, and then released it from his hands. After that, he placed his hands on the cracked cauldron wall.


The small black cauldron suddenly made a buzzing sound. The sound was layered, as if it was coming from outside. This sound also seems to carry a kind of energy, making people solemn, meditative, and even a kind of Zen mood!

Suddenly, two groups of spiritual fire spread along the cracks on the cauldron wall. The cracks were like dry rivers suddenly encountering thunderstorms, and the flat ground started to water! The water, half white and half black, exuded luster, and the whole tripod seemed to be shrouded in a black and white mist. It was magical!

Ning Tao was shocked, "This... this tripod is unusual!"

Buzz buzz…

The ugly little cauldron kept buzzing. The sound was actually very slight, but it gave people a mighty feeling. Hearing this voice, it is like being in the temple of an ancient god, and one cannot help but want to kneel down and worship the ancient god!

It was in the mysterious sound of the cauldron that the Cordyceps sinensis began to decompose. This kind of decomposition is not the decomposition of food ingredients at high temperatures, nor is it the chemical decomposition in chemical experiments, but the decomposition of a tempered nature. The substances that make up Cordyceps have been tempered by the elixir fire. The basic substances have disappeared little by little, as if they have been weathered for a long time. What is left is only the essence, and even the essence substances are constantly being concentrated and improving!

After a short while, the cordyceps plant in the small cauldron full of cracks disappeared, replaced by a small drop of crystal clear liquid. It exudes its unique fragrance, which is refreshing to smell.

Ning Tao withdrew the pill fire and stared curiously at the small drop of liquid in the ugly little cauldron. For some reason, smelling the refreshing fragrance, he couldn't help but want to drink it. impulse.

"Hey, are there words?" While looking at the drop of liquid, Ning Tao vaguely saw the words magnified by the liquid. He then carried the ugly little tripod to the foot of the seven-star lamp and looked at it again by the light.

This time he saw clearly that not only was there text under the drop of liquid, but there were also two words at the bottom of the cauldron, which together read: Xiangmei Cauldron.

Xiang Meiding

What the hell is this name

Ning Tao was full of curiosity and conjecture, "This cauldron was probably left by a certain generation of clinic owners, and that generation of clinic owners should be a woman. Otherwise, how could it be named like this?"

He suddenly remembered something, and then he held the brass-colored fat-bellied cauldron under the seven-star lamp, and looked at the bottom of the cauldron through the light.

The bottom of the brass-colored fat belly cauldron is also engraved with the words: Tengu cauldron.

When he saw the three words "Tengu Cauldron", Ning Tao couldn't control the anger in his heart and smashed it to the ground. He wanted to make an elixir but didn't have any medicinal materials. The dog Tao had deceived him. He couldn't find Chen Pingdao to vent his anger, so he could only vent his anger on the Tengu Cauldron left by the dog Tao.

But he quickly calmed down. If Chen Pingdao could handle everything, why would he force Tianwai Clinic on him? The Tengu Cauldron is not Chen Pingdao. Even if he smashes the Tengu Cauldron to pieces, Chen Pingdao should still eat and drink and live comfortably.

He put the Tengu Cauldron and the simple bronze alchemy cauldron back to their original positions. In the process, he discovered the name of the bronze alchemy cauldron. It was called "Rotten Broken Cauldron". This is also a strange name. It is obviously a good alchemy cauldron but it was given such a name. That little black cauldron is rotten and broken, but it has such a poetic name as "Meixiang Ding".

Finally, Ning Tao drank the drop of liquid in the Meixiang Cauldron. When you enter your mouth, you'll feel like you've never tasted delicious food in the world before, and it immediately goes down your throat and reaches your internal organs! His whole body felt warm and very comfortable!

Ning Tao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he said: "My spiritual power has reached the standard of converting into elixir fire. I also have a strange treasure like the Meixiang Cauldron. Why don't I use it to temper ordinary medicinal materials or spices?" Yes, how about perfecting my second career? Refining primary prescription pills requires so many precious herbs and materials. Even if I go to collect herbs, I still need travel expenses. I have to make money!"

After becoming the owner of Tianwai Clinic, he actually didn't think about how much money he wanted to make. What he thought most about was how to earn rent and training for good and evil. After discovering that Chen Pingdao didn't even reserve any medicinal materials for him, he had to change. his concept. Not only does he want to make money, but he also wants to make a lot of money!

Suddenly, the black and white energy in the cauldron of good and evil shrank back into the cauldron, and strange sounds came from the cauldron.

Ning Tao hurriedly put away his thoughts on making money and walked quickly to the Cauldron of Good and Evil. The black and white liquid in the Cauldron of Good and Evil was spinning rapidly, forming a vortex. The center of the whirlpool should have been the bottom of the Cauldron of Good and Evil, but now it is a bottomless hole the size of a fist!

In the blink of an eye, the vortex became still, and the black and white liquid was reduced by two-thirds.

Ning Tao then took out the bamboo slips of the account book from the small medicine box. The balance in the account book was the balance after deducting 200 points of good and evil rent.

The bamboo slips in the account book showed a piece of content: The next rent payment date is thirty days away, and the rent next month is 300 points of good and evil rent.

The price has actually increased!

Ning Tao yelled angrily: "Why don't you go and grab it!"

But new content emerged on the bamboo slips of the ledger: the clinic was upgraded after a thousand points of good and evil rent.

Ning Tao was stunned on the spot.

Can this Tiankeng Clinic be upgraded

It's so confusing now, won't it be even worse after upgrading

However, he had no choice.