Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 61: Mother-daughter routine


The night sky was as clean as water, and stars twinkled deep in the dark blue sky. It seems to be a language that tells the story of the extraterrestrial world.

Ning Tao drew a blood lock pattern on the wall behind the stairwell, inserted the key, and the blood lock spread out like ripples, and a dark door of convenience suddenly appeared on the wall. He stepped in. After two seconds of darkness, the light returned to his sight. It was the light of the seven-star lamp. In two seconds, he had returned from Beidu, more than 1,800 kilometers away, to the Tianwai Clinic in the mountain city.

The black and white auras of the Cauldron of Good and Evil are intertwined, gathering together and never dispersing, but it is already much weaker than before the rent was collected.

Ning Tao sat down cross-legged next to the Cauldron of Good and Evil, running the basic introductory cultivation technique.

An hour later, he left the clinic and went to the hillside behind the clinic to cut a large bundle of aloe vera leaves, and then used the Meixiangding to refine the Meixiang ointment. After giving Zhao Wushuang and Fan Huaying a bottle of beauty ointment each, he only had one bottle left. He would have to treat Zhao Wushuang in three days, and then there would be no more in stock. It would be bad if Zhao Wushuang or Fan Huaying recommended a big sponsor to him to buy his beauty balm, but he couldn't sell it.

This is why he traveled thousands of miles to return to Tianwai Clinic.

An hour later, Ning Tao returned to the rooftop where the blood lock pattern was painted. He did not wipe off the blood lock. This blood lock will become his "fast track" to and from Kyoto.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Here we come." At the same time as the door was knocked, Jiang Hao's voice could be heard in the room, as well as the sound of her brisk footsteps in slippers.

The door opens.

Ning Tao's face came into Jiang Hao's sight. He made people feel like sunshine. Even in the dimly lit corridor, he gave people a kind and comfortable feeling.

But this is just one side of him, and Jiang Hao has never seen his other side.

"I'm back, come in quickly, I'll help you get the box." Jiang Hao reached out to take the small medicine box in Ning Tao's hand. This series of reactions was like a housewife greeting her husband who came home from overtime work.

Ning Tao stuffed a small white porcelain bottle into her extended hand.

Jiang Hao said in surprise: "What... is this?"

Ning Tao stepped over her body and entered the door, "Meixiang Balm, a beauty cream I made myself. It's very effective. I give it to you."

A blush quietly appeared on Jiang Hao's face, and his voice became softer, "Why did you think of giving me cosmetics?"

She rarely uses cosmetics, but this bottle is different.

"You try it, and I'll give it to you when you're done." Ning Tao came to the sofa and put down the small medicine box. The sofa became his bed tonight.

The TV is on, a variety show is playing.

Ning Tao suddenly thought of Zhao Wushuang and said, "Guess who is the one who comes to see me for medical treatment?"

Jiang Hao had already closed the door and returned to the living room. He couldn't put it down while holding the bottle of beauty balm. He just responded casually, "Who?"

Ning Tao said: "Zhao Wushuang."

"Who is Zhao Wushuang?"

Ning Tao, "..."

Even though he didn't care enough about entertainment news, he didn't expect Jiang Hao to be more powerful than him.

"I'm going to get a bottle of wine, let's drink some." Jiang Hao walked towards the dining room partition, the small white porcelain bottle still being held tightly by her.

Ning Tao asked curiously: "Why do you want to drink?"

Jiang Hao, who was squatting to get wine from the partition cabinet, responded, "I just want to drink some and relax."

Ning Tao said: "Okay, I'll drink with you."

Jiang Hao came over with a bottle of wine and two cups, sat down next to Ning Tao, and then put the bottle on the coffee table.

Ning Tao was stunned when he saw the wine bottle Jiang Hao placed on the coffee table. It was a bottle of Erguotou, and it was an unopened bottle of Erguotou.

"Um... do you usually drink this kind of wine to relax?" Ning Tao felt confused. He thought Jiang Hao would bring beer, but he didn't expect it to be high-quality liquor.

Jiang Hao stared at Ning Tao, with a hint of provocation in his tone, "Why, don't you dare to drink? You are a man and I am a woman, are you still afraid of me?"

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I'll drink some with you. But I don't have a good drinking tolerance. I used to drink up to two bottles of beer when I was in school. This is my first time drinking liquor."

"How come there are so many excuses? I'll pour you wine." Jiang Hao unscrewed the bottle cap and poured wine into two wine glasses.

The cup she brought was not a small wine glass, but a large cup that could hold two taels. It was probably used for drinking water, and now it was requisitioned by her as a wine glass.

In the blink of an eye, the two wine glasses were filled with Erguotou, and the smell of white wine filled the space between them.

Ning Tao had a headache, "You sincerely want to get me drunk, don't you?"

Jiang Hao picked up a wine glass and stuffed it into Ning Tao's hand, with a provocative smile on his lips, "You are a man, what are you afraid of when you get drunk? I won't do anything to you."

Ning Tao had nothing to say.

Jiang Hao picked up another wine glass and clinked it regardless of whether Ning Tao agreed or not, "Here, let's have one."

"Fuck... one?" Ning Tao's jaw dropped to the floor. He had always known that Jiang Hao was very fierce and an unusual woman, but this was too fierce!

Jiang Hao raised his neck and poured wine into his mouth from a large wine glass filled with Erguotou. In the blink of an eye, her wine glass was empty.

Ning Tao was already stunned by the tough woman in front of him.

Jiang Hao wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, "I've done it, what are you waiting for?"

Ning Tao looked at the glass filled with white wine in his hand. He had never drunk white wine before and he really didn't have the courage to drink two ounces of white wine in one gulp.

Jiang Hao curled his lips and said, "It's not interesting for you to do this. You're a man and you drink."

It’s this provocative method again, but it happens to have special effects on most men.

Ning Tao picked up the wine glass, imagined the liquor in the glass as beer, and poured it down his throat. The first sip of white wine entered his throat, and his throat felt as if it was on fire, burning. But the next second, Niwan Palace shook slightly, and the spiritual energy field spread like ripples from the center of his eyebrows to all parts of his body, up to his head, down to the capillaries on the soles of his feet, and even every cell!

The wine still tastes like wine, but it no longer has the effect of wine.

At about the same speed, Ning Tao also drank a large cup of Erguotou. The drink in his stomach was clearly white wine, but to him it was just a glass of water.

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes, and she poured another full glass for Ning Tao, and her own wine glass was quickly filled.

Ning Tao advised: "Stop drinking. Drinking so much liquor at night is harmful to your health. Your liver needs to rest."

"You doctors are troublesome. You have to consider health issues in everything. I feel unhappy. I wonder what's wrong with drinking?" Jiang Hao said. Her cheeks had started to turn red. It was obvious that the two ounces of white wine had begun to take effect. .

Ning Tao said with concern: "Why are you unhappy? Tell me, what happened?"

"I'll tell you after you drink this cup." Jiang Hao said.

Ning Tao picked up the glass and drank the second glass of white wine. As soon as he put the glass down, "Is it time to tell me now?"

Jiang Hao picked up the wine glass and poured wine into his mouth. Ning Tao reached out to grab her wine glass, but she slapped her hand.

Ning Tao was puzzled and thought to himself, "Her mood was fine just now, why did it change in the blink of an eye? Did something really sad happen to her?"

Jiang Hao put the wine glass on the coffee table and shook his head, "What did you... just... ask me?"

Ning Tao said: "I asked you what unhappy things happened to you."

"Giggle..." Jiang was amused.

"You're drunk, but you have to drink even if you're not allowed to drink." Ning Tao scolded.

"My mother said... said... she, she..." Jiang Hao struggled to speak.

Ning Tao's eyes subconsciously moved to the door of Tang Zhen's bedroom, and he thought in his mind, "Did something happen to Aunt Tang?"

"She, she... likes you!" Jiang Hao finally said one sentence.

"Ah?" Ning Tao was startled.

"She also said... she, she insisted that you do... do... her..."

Ning Tao's forehead was sweating a little. Regardless of the fact that he had no intention of finding a girlfriend, the age gap between him and Jiang Hao's mother was too big, right

"Be her... son-in-law!" Jiang Hao leaned towards Ning Tao, exhaling the smell of alcohol, "Otherwise... or else you will sever the relationship between mother and daughter with me! Geez..."

Ning Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly looked away from Tang Zhen's bedroom door. At this moment, Jiang Hao, who was smiling stupidly, fell into his arms. At this moment, the nerves all over his body were tense. He had never held a woman in his arms like this, and the contact between limbs and skin made him nervous. The spiritual energy field can purify alcohol in the body, but it cannot purify a man's instinctive impulses.

"I... I have half a year..." Jiang Hao reached out and grabbed Ning Tao's collar, "You, can you help me?"

How can I help

"You're drunk, let me take you back to rest." Ning Tao said. As far as his body's will is concerned, he really wants to help. Thinking of the 300 points of good and evil rent from Tianwai Clinic and his status as a cultivator, a voice kept echoing in his brain, "Can't, can't..."

"You... like me... me?" Jiang Hao's lips moved closer to Ning Tao's face, her eyes filled with excitement and burning light.

Ning Tao turned his head away and said nervously: "You are drunk, don't do this."

"I don't know what to do... I seem to like you... But I, but I... don't know how to express it... Wuwu..." As she said that, she suddenly cried, and hot tears flowed from her cheeks. It fell down and fell on Ning Tao's neck.

Ning Tao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he almost couldn't help but kiss her, but the voice of "no" always echoed in his mind, restraining his impulse and desire. Finally, he picked up Jiang Hao and walked to her room. During this process, Jiang was so drunk that he fell asleep.

Ning Tao put Jiang Hao on her bed, took off her slippers and covered her with a quilt. He once thought about using spiritual power to help Jiang Hao purify alcohol, but gave up that idea in a flash. Let her wake up at this time, alone in a room with a man and a woman. If she takes the initiative to do something, can he still control his impulse and desire

Turning around and leaving, Ning Tao reached out and opened the door.

At the door, Tang Zhen still kept her ear to the door.

Ning Tao was stunned for three seconds before he said, "Auntie is not asleep?"

"Why don't you sleep?" Almost at the same time, this sentence came out of Tang Zhen's mouth.

"Here, go to bed now." Ning Tao went out sideways and walked towards the living room as if he was escaping.

Tang Zhen looked at Ning Tao's back and murmured, "Didn't you say that drinking can mess with things? My daughter is drunk, how come he... doesn't mess with her?"