Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 74: Kneel down yourself


Huai Kebing originally wanted to use his best method to destroy Ning Tao's self-confidence step by step, add fear and pain bit by bit to pierce Ning Tao's bones, and finally completely destroy everything about Ning Tao, just like a cat playing with Like a mouse, it will be bitten to death after it has had enough fun. However, now it seemed that Ning Tao, the mouse, didn't take him as a cat seriously at all, and actually tortured his men like this in front of him!

If he waits any longer and remains indifferent, even if Dong Sunli tramples Ning Tao under his feet, he will never be able to regain the face and prestige he has lost at this moment.

Huaike Bing raised his right hand.

This was a signal to take action. As long as he waved his hand down, his bodyguards and dozens of thugs would rush up.

But before he could wave his hand down, Ning Tao suddenly looked at him and said coldly: "If your people dare to come up again, and they hit me or my friends, I will hit you."

Huaike Bing's hand suddenly froze in the air. There were two unconscious people lying on the ground, and one was stepped on by Ning Tao, with one hand already bloody. With Ning Tao's cold and terrifying eyes staring at him at the moment, he fully believed that Ning Tao could do what he said. He originally wanted to regain his face, but he didn't expect that Ning Tao's words would put him in a difficult position, and his face would be ruined!

"Who is so loud!" Suddenly, a powerful voice came from the door.

The thugs blocking the door separated to the left and right, making way for a passage. An old man in Tang suit strode this way and that, his steps brisk.

This old man has gray hair tied into a braid. He is not tall but has a round waist and thick arms. His muscles are very strong. Especially a pair of palms with thick calluses on the knuckles, giving the impression of a warrior who has practiced martial arts all his life.

This old man is Dong Sunli, the guardian of the Huai family.

Huai Kebing slowly lowered his hand, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He knew Dongsun Li's strength very well, and he concluded that Ning Tao would be lying on the ground soon!

Ning Tao lifted his feet from the thug's hand. The hand no longer looked like a hand, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the finger bones were exposed to the air, as if they had been ground by a stone mill!

Ning Tao put his bloody soles against the chest of the bodyguard lying on the ground and wiped it, then turned and looked at Dong Sunli who was walking towards him.

Dong Sunli stopped three steps in front of Ning Tao and looked directly into Ning Tao's eyes. His eyes were sharp and gave people the feeling of an eagle's gaze.

Ning Tao also looked directly at Dong Sunli. His eyes showed no emotion at all, and were as calm as two pools of stagnant water.

"Destroy him." Huai Kebing said.

Dongsunli's body that had just stopped suddenly started to move and blasted towards Ning Tao like a cannonball. There was almost no time interval before his right fist hit Ning Tao's chest.


With a muffled sound, Ning Tao's body took three steps back and covered the place where he was hit.

Dongsunli's attack seemed simple, but it locked his dodge route. No matter whether he dodged to the left or right, he could not escape Dongsunli's attack. With just a little time to judge, Dong Sunli's fist hit him.

The ultimate truth of Taoism is that the great road leads to simplicity. This truth is also applicable to martial arts. No matter what kind of kung fu it is, the ultimate goal is to defeat the opponent! The warriors who are here will fight if they don't take action, but if they do take action, it will be like a thunderous force. You will live and die!

"I thought some powerful person dared to act wild here, but I didn't expect you to be so weak." Dong Sunli said calmly: "Lie down, your ribs are broken."

Zhao Wushuang exclaimed and was about to rush forward.

Fan Huaying hurriedly stopped her and grabbed her hand tightly.

"This is not enough." A trace of spiteful hatred flashed in Huai Kebing's eyes.

Dongsunli nodded, "Then I will let him spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Huai Kebing's mouth. This was the result he wanted, to destroy everything about Ning Tao and Ning Tao's life bit by bit in front of everyone! He wants everyone to know that this is the result of defying his authority!

But at this moment, Ning Tao suddenly put down the hand covering his chest and said calmly: "Who do you think you are? You said my ribs are broken because they are broken? There was once a person like you who said the same thing to me. But he is still avoiding me and does not dare to show his face. "

How can a person with a broken rib say this tone and words

Dong Sunli was stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't expect that Ning Tao's ability to resist being hit was so strong, and he also spoke to him in such a contemptuous tone.

"Dong Sunli, what are you waiting for!" Huai Kebing roared.

"Hmph!" Dongsun Li snorted coldly, and his still figure started to move again. In a flash, he was in front of Ning Tao, and his right leg swept towards Ning Tao's left leg at that moment!

With this kick, the pants legs were blown up, and even the lampposts on the roadside had to be bent!

Ning Tao did not dodge, but also swept towards Dongsun Li's left leg.

He has never learned kung fu or fighting, but he is a cultivator with spiritual power to protect his body, and his spiritual power is not the spiritual power of ordinary cultivators. It is a special spiritual power with healing properties that is a natural middleman between good and evil. His ability to withstand blows is simply beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Therefore, even if he has never learned kung fu or fighting, he can still imitate it and sell it now. He will attack Dongsunli how Dongsunli attacks him!

"Seeking death!" Dong Sunli completely ignored Ning Tao's counterattack and shouted angrily. Before his voice could settle down, his right leg had already hit Ning Tao's left leg heavily.

At that moment, Ning Tao's right leg also hit his left leg heavily.



The sound of bones breaking.

This sound made everyone's hearts tremble and their hair stand on end.

The bodies of Dongsun Li and Ning Tao lost their balance at the same time and rose up from the ground. One fell to the left and the other to the right.

Bang bang!

The bodies of Dong Sunli and Ning Tao hit the ground at the same time.

Whose leg is broken

no one knows.

But no one believed that Ning Tao could still stand up.

Huaike Bing waved his hand, and a large group of thugs rushed toward Ning Tao, who was lying on the ground. The standing Ning Tao put huge pressure on them, and no one dared to go up, but the Ning Tao who fell on the ground was like a tiger whose claws and teeth had been pulled out, and no one was afraid of him.

However, before they could get closer, Ning Tao suddenly got up from the ground and walked towards Dongsun Li who was still lying on the ground. During the whole process, Ning Tao didn't even look at them and completely ignored their existence! That momentum was like a muscular professional boxer passing by a group of primary school students! Their feet are as heavy as lead. Who dares to go up

Ning Tao said calmly: "You said you wanted me to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I will return this sentence to you now."

"You..." Dong Sunli seemed to realize what Ning Tao wanted to do, and a trace of fear suddenly emerged from his heart.

"How dare you!" Hua Kebing raised his finger and pointed at Ning Tao, "It's against the law to hurt people. How dare you do it in front of so many people?"

Ning Tao turned back and glanced at Huai Kebing, "You ruined Wushuang's face but you can still stand here and talk to me about the law? Such words coming from the mouth of a person like you make me feel sick. I said, God If I don’t accept you, I will accept you!”

After the words fell, Ning Tao suddenly jumped up and stepped on Dongsun Li's right leg.

Dongsun Li rolled to avoid it, but he had a broken leg and his body was not as flexible as before. As a result, it was just a few tenths of a second slower. Just as he made a sideways movement to roll over, Ning Tao's feet had already stepped on his right leg!


The sound of cracking bones once again stimulated the eardrums of everyone present, it was terrifying!

"Ah-" Dongsunli could barely hold back when his left leg was kicked off and didn't scream out, but this time Ning Tao's attack was even more ruthless. His feet came down and stepped on his weakest kneecap. , he couldn't bear it anymore.

Ning Tao kicked Dong Sunli hard in the abdomen again.


Dongsunli's body curled up, and he slid out against the smooth floor like a bowling ball. He slid several meters away and stopped at Huai Kebing's feet.

"Pfft..." Dongsunli opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but what he spat out was a mouthful of blood, and then he fainted as soon as his vision went dark.

Ning Tao said: "Is this the master you found? I gave him back to you. If there are any other powerful people in your family, call them over. I will make them lie on the ground like dogs one by one! I said , God won’t accept you, I will accept you!”

With this tone, in his eyes, the dignified young master of Beidu seems to be just a little gangster who collects protection money from elementary school students. He can beat him up and scold him whenever he wants. He is contemptuous to the point of being worthless! Even the famous Huai family on the rich list, he can go to the front door of the Huai family to shit!

In the eyes of ordinary people, people like Huai Kebing are naturally aloof and untouchable, so they have to be respected and avoided. But he is a natural middleman between good and evil, the owner of Tianwai Clinic, and his practice is to do justice for heaven. It doesn't matter what he cares about, you are the young master of Beidu, how much money you have at home, as long as he is a bad person, he will do justice to God, even if he is given another "black account" on the bamboo slips in the account book, it doesn't matter!

Huai Kebing now wanted to kill Ning Tao. When had he ever been insulted like this? If it were the young master of a big family with more status and power than him, he would admit it, but the other party is obviously a little-known person, a little doctor, and he actually dares to treat him like this!

However, this is just the beginning.

Ning Tao walked towards Huai Kebing, his voice carrying irresistible pressure, "Should you kneel down for Wushuang yourself, or should I kneel down for you?"

Huai Kebing's lungs were about to explode. He turned around and shouted at the frightened Chen Tiansheng: "Asshole! Where are the police you called!"

The guests in the first hall looked at each other in shock. The Huai Kebing they knew actually wanted to call the police to save himself! Is this world still the world they are familiar with