Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 8: Fake doctors and clinics


Jiang Hao let go of Zou Yumei's hand and turned to look at Ning Tao, with a little anger and doubt in his eyes. She didn't expect that Ning Tao was actually a senior student who didn't even have a medical qualification certificate. This situation caught her off guard.

Ning Tao did not explain, but looked calm, "Miss Jiang, if you believe me, then give me a chance, which is equivalent to giving your father a chance. If you don't believe me, you can take me back at any time."

Jiang Hao's lips moved but he didn't say anything.

"Who is making a noise?" A man's voice suddenly came from the corridor, loud and angry.

Yang Hai glanced in that direction and said, "Dean Chen, someone pretended to be a doctor and wanted to forcefully treat our patients. I tried to stop him, but he even beat me."

"Who is so bold!" A man walked in, followed by two hospital security guards.

This man is Chen Zhengyi, the director of the Affiliated Hospital of Shancheng Medical University. He encountered this situation during a rare shift.

"Who hit someone?" Chen Zhengyi asked sharply as soon as he entered the ward.

Ning Tao said: "No one hits anyone."

Tang Ling followed up and said: "Dean Chen, he is Ning Tao, a fourth-year student at Shancheng Medical University. He is the one pretending to be a doctor and cheating here. He even injured me!"

Ning Tao said: "Does a person as energetic as you look like a person who has been beaten?"

"You..." Tang Ling was suddenly speechless.

"Are you Ning Tao?" Chen Zhengyi said with an angry face: "You are a fourth-year student who has not passed the internship examination and does not even have a medical qualification certificate. How dare you come here to pretend to be a doctor? Give me a reason to convince me. Otherwise I will not only call the police to arrest you, but I will also have you expelled from the school!”

Ning Tao seemed very calm, "I just came to see her father to help my friend. I didn't do anything wrong. Why should the school expel me?"

After falling into Chen Pingdao's trap and becoming the owner of Tianwai Clinic, why does he still care about a diploma from a medical university? All he wants is good and evil rent!

Chen Zhengyi laughed angrily, "You are really a tough-talking boy. I will call the police now."

He took out his cell phone and prepared to make a call.

Jiang Hao said: "No need to call the police, I am the police."

Chen Zhengyi stopped dialing and looked at Jiang Hao, "Who are you?"

Jiang Hao said: "I am Jiang Hao, Jiang Yilong's daughter. I work in the Beidu Special Police Department. This is my ID." She took out her ID, opened it, and handed it to Chen Zhengyi.

The opened ID showed Jiang Hao's ID photo stamped with a steel stamp, as well as the words "Special Operations Section". Jiang Hao is a second-level police superintendent, with the rank of deputy section chief.

Chen Zhengyi's expression suddenly changed, and he said politely: "So it's Superintendent Jiang, who are you and Ning Tao?"

Jiang Hao said: "He is my friend, I invited him here."

Chen Zhengyi then put his phone away and said, "It turned out to be a misunderstanding. If you need anything, Superintendent Jiang, just ask and I will do my best to handle it."

This attitude changed faster than flipping through a book, and for no other reason than that in this land of China, anyone who comes from Beijing to work on local affairs is promoted by one level, not to mention Jiang Hao is still a second-level superintendent. , how could he, the director of a local hospital, offend him

Jiang Hao said: "Thank you, Dean Chen, please let me have a few words with Mr. Ning alone."

Chen Zhengyi nodded, looked at Ning Tao meaningfully, and was secretly glad that he didn't call the police just now.

Jiang Hao came to Ning Tao's side, and no matter how many people were watching, he leaned directly into his ear and whispered: "I don't know what else you are hiding from me, but I am still willing to give you one last chance. Remember. Keep the promise you made to me. If you can't fulfill it, I want you to pay me back with interest."

The fragrant hot breath exhaled from her mouth rushed into her ears. Ning Tao endured the itching feeling and whispered: "Give me an hour, don't let anyone enter this ward. You come in after an hour, if I don't Fulfill my promise and I’ll leave it to you.”

Jiang Hao nodded, and then said to Chen Zhengyi: "Dean Chen, let's go out and chat, give Mr. Ning some space."

"Of course it's no problem." Chen Zhengyi followed up and said: "Everyone, please go out and don't affect the patient's rest."

"No!" Zou Yumei said angrily: "Director Chen, this is a hospital. As the director of the hospital, you actually allow a student without a medical qualification certificate to treat my husband? Do you believe that I will call the media reporters here immediately?"

Chen Zhengyi's face looked a little ugly, "I didn't say that I wanted to see a doctor, I just wanted to visit. Besides, this is your family's family matter and has nothing to do with me."

"No, it can't! Let the security take this kid away!" Zou Yumei stepped up and blocked Chen Zhengyi's path, preventing Chen Zhengyi from leaving the ward.

Jiang Hao frowned. She was annoyed by Zou Yumei's insistence, but Zou Yumei was still her stepmother, so she couldn't take action, right

Ning Tao suddenly said: "Miss Jiang, I am increasingly suspicious that your father has been framed."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes focused on him.

Jiang Hao also had a shocked expression on his face, "What did you say?"

Ning Tao said: "I suspect that someone poisoned your father and gave him a stroke to achieve some ulterior purpose."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zou Yumei strode to Ning Tao's face with an angry voice and spit on Ning Tao's face, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will sue you for slander!"

Ning Tao's voice turned cold, "You keep blocking me, do you have a guilty conscience?"

"You-" Zou Yumei suddenly became angry on the spot.

Ning Tao continued: "The more you stop me, the greater your suspicion. God knows if you dislike Mr. Jiang for getting old and don't want to live with him anymore. You killed him so you can get his property?"

"Asshole!" Zou Yulin rushed up with a strong step and punched Ning Tao in the face.

Ning Tao grabbed Zou Yulin's wrist, pushed hard, and immediately pushed Zou Yulin out.

Zou Yulin staggered and fell to the ground. At this moment, he even wanted to kill Ning Tao! In the past few years, he had relied on Jiang Yilong's capital and connections to prosper in the mountain city, and he was considered a respectable figure. But tonight, Ning Tao obviously didn't take him seriously and embarrassed him twice!

Ning Tao didn't even look at Zou Yulin. He continued: "You know very well what you two siblings have in mind. Mr. Jiang is a billionaire after all. He has a stroke and you don't even arrange an ICU ward. He is placed in this ordinary ward, why don't you want him to die? "

"You... you..." Zou Yumei was anxious and angry, but she couldn't refute Ning Tao's words. Ning Tao added: "I heard that not long after Mr. Jiang suffered a stroke, you took your lawyer to the company. Do you want to transfer your property?"

"You're talking nonsense! I didn't!" Zou Yumei finally retorted, but her face turned pale and a few beads of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Ning Tao said: "Ms. Zou, why is your face so pale? Oh, you are even sweating. Are you really guilty?"

"I..." Zou Yumei subconsciously reached out to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead.

Jiang Hao grabbed Zou Yumei's wrist and dragged him out of the ward, "Get out of here! If what he said is true, I can't spare you!"

Zou Yumei was extremely reluctant, but she no longer dared to entangle and obstruct Ning Tao, because that would not be self-evident drugging

The ward was empty in an instant.

Ning Tao reached out and closed the door of the ward, then felt uneasy again, so he moved the cabinet next to the hospital bed and pressed it against the door.

On the hospital bed, Jiang Yilong's eyes were still closed, but Ning Tao saw traces of moisture in the slits of his eyes.

Ning Tao pretended not to see it and directly diagnosed Jiang Yilong with his sight and hearing skills.

Jiang Yilong indeed suffered a stroke, cerebral artery blockage and a certain degree of cerebral hemorrhage, but it was not caused by someone poisoning him, it was his own fault.

Ning Tao deliberately said that Jiang Yilong was poisoned and suffered a stroke. Otherwise, how could he shut up Zou Yumei

After a quick diagnosis, Ning Tao opened the small wooden box he brought, took out the bamboo slips of the Tianwai Clinic's ledger, then grabbed one of Jiang Yilong's hands and placed it on the bamboo slips of the ledger.

A few seconds later, Ning Tao put Jiang Yilong's hand back and opened the bamboo slips of the account book.

A piece of content appeared on the bamboo slips of the account book: Jiang Yilong was born on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Bingwu year. The first evil was abandoning his wife and children. The second evil was demolishing residential buildings and raping wives and daughters... There were 107 evil thoughts and sins in his body, and the evil thoughts and sins could be eliminated one by one. crime.

In the first month of the Bingwu year, that is, January 1966, Jiang Yilong was only a little over fifty. I had a stroke in my early fifties. I had committed too many sins and my retribution had come.

Ning Tao put away the bamboo slips of the ledger, bit off his finger and drew a bloody circle on the wall behind the hospital bed, and then drew a dot in the circle to make it look like a door lock pattern. Then, he took off the ancient clinic key hanging around his neck, held it in his hand, and carefully inserted it into the "blood lock" painted on the wall.

The key was a real key and the lock was a fake painted lock. The two were close in an instant.

The moment the key came into contact with the blood lock, Ning Tao's hand clearly felt the collision of the key against the cement wall. His heart almost broke in that second. If he cannot open the door and cannot return to the clinic, unimaginable consequences will await him!

Sudden! The "blood lock" on the wall moved, and then the key in Ning Tao's hand suddenly fell into the blood lock.

"It's true!" Ning Tao's heart was filled with excitement. He grabbed the key and turned it.

The blood lock suddenly spread, and wherever it passed, the cement wall disappeared like flames burning paper, and was replaced by a large hole as black as ink, just like a time and space tunnel in a science fiction movie.

This is the convenient door to Tianwai Clinic.