Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 80: I'll teach you how to shoot


It was pitch black in the botanical garden. Darkness enveloped the trees and buildings, and all that could be seen with the naked eye were clusters of blurry shadows. The night wind blew through the tree crowns, and thousands of branches and leaves swayed. The sound was like someone crying in the darkness.

Jiang Hao and Ning Tao sneaked from the roadside to the gate of the botanical garden.

There should be guards standing guard at the gate, but unfortunately there are no guards at all.

The mobile phone signal has been lost, there are no lights in the botanical garden, and there are no guards at the door. All signs indicate that the situation at hand is abnormal.

Ning Tao suddenly remembered something, "Besides the guards, who else is there in the botanical garden? Or is there anything important?"

Jiang Hao was silent for a moment before saying: "Lin Qinghua is inside. Liang Keming and his expert team members will take a special plane to the mountain city tomorrow to restart the ancestor search project. Liang Keming has ordered the guards to protect Lin Qinghua and gave him My order to keep it secret is that I am not allowed to tell anyone. He is already the commander-in-chief of the Ancestor Search Project, and I am only responsible for security. His authority is above mine."

Her hesitation before speaking was obviously due to Liang Keming's confidentiality order. It was said to be protection, but in fact it was control.

"Why are you telling me now?" Ning Tao said.

Jiang Hao said: "The current situation is special, I have to let you understand the situation, and..."

"what else?"

Jiang Hao's voice became inaudible, "You are not an outsider."

Ning Tao was stunned for a moment. Although he was in such an environment, there was still a little ripple in his heart.

"Follow me." Jiang Hao rushed out from the corner, ducking down and quickly passed through the door.

Ning Tao followed Jiang Hao and entered the door. The moment he entered, he quietly awakened the sight and hearing skills of his eyes and nose. In his eyes, Jiang Hao's body was wrapped in a colorful innate air field, and all the smells on her body entered his nostrils without missing a beat. But he quickly turned his attention away from Jiang Hao. His target was not Jiang Hao, but someone who might be lurking in a secret place.

Sneaking all the way, I didn't encounter any suspicious people, not even the slightest abnormal sound. The situation faced by this botanical garden seems to be just a sudden power outage, rather than any sudden dangerous situation.

Lin Qinghua's "Wentian Tower" appeared in front, and it was also pitch black without a single light on.

Jiang Hao squatted down under a tree by the road and carefully observed the situation in the laboratory, but her brows quickly wrinkled, "Unfortunately, I didn't bring my low-light night vision device, otherwise it wouldn't have happened." So passive."

Ning Tao squatted down next to Jiang Hao and whispered: "What do you think the situation is now?"

Jiang Hao lowered his voice, "I'm not sure. There were originally eight guards here. They were all transferred from the Shancheng Special Police Department to help. Our people will not arrive until tomorrow. I'm not familiar with them. Maybe they are on duty. I went to the power distribution room to check, maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Ning Tao asked.

Jiang Hao shook her head, as if she didn't want to tell the bad situation.

Ning Tao took the initiative to speak out, "What do you want to say is that someone has invaded here?"

"Don't think things are so bad. This is the inland of our country. I don't believe anyone dares to attack here. Just wait for me here and I'll go in and take a look." Jiang Hao walked away from the foot of the tree where he was hiding. go out.

Ning Tao's eyes suddenly moved to the roof of the laboratory, and a colorful innate air field appeared in his eyes. In a dark environment, as long as someone appears in Ning Tao's eyes, that person's body will appear like a lantern. The moment he saw the person on the roof, Ning Tao suddenly jumped up and jumped on Jiang Hao's back like a flea. He hugged her waist and threw her violently, and the two bodies immediately separated. The ground, fell sideways.


Jiang Hao picked up a ball of sparks on the ground where he had just stood, and cement slag flew in all directions like shrapnel!


Ning Tao's back hit the concrete floor hard, and a feeling of shock and pain swept through his body instantly. He didn't fall to the ground alone, Jiang Hao's entire body weight was also on him. But this was all trivial to him. Almost at the same moment, his Niwan Palace shook, and the spiritual energy field instantly spread like ripples in his body. All the painful feelings dissipated instantly, and he The state also entered the best state at that moment.

Without waiting for Jiang Hao to react, Ning Tao's waist and arms exerted force at the same time. Holding Jiang Hao, he and Jiang Hao were like a single pulley. They rolled twice and rolled to a tree on the other side of the road. Down.

Just as Ning Tao and Jiang Hao were hiding, another sniper rifle bullet hit the concrete floor next to them, sending sparks flying everywhere.

No need for Ning Tao to explain, Jiang Hao already understood what happened. She rolled over from Ning Tao's body, and in the process, the pistol in her hand had already poked out of the tree trunk, ready to shoot at the sniper on the roof. But before she could pull the trigger, Ning Tao's arm suddenly fell down, pressing her hand and gun to the ground.

A few tenths of a second later, a bullet hit the tree trunk and refracted, sending sawdust flying everywhere!

Jiang Hao's face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. In just a few seconds, Ning Tao had saved her three times!

The sniper hiding on the roof obviously had low-light night vision goggles. Nowadays, the most advanced low-light night vision device can make people see things like daylight in a dark environment under a quarter of the starlight. It is pitch black here, but she and Ning Tao feel like they are in the sun. , every move is under the control of the other party! The other party has locked onto her and Ning Tao. As long as she and Ning Tao expose part of their bodies, the other party will shoot without hesitation!

However, something worse happened.

There was the sound of running feet in the laboratory, not one person, but a group of people. Someone rushed out from the laboratory door, someone jumped out from the windows on both sides, and then surrounded them.

However, Jiang Hao couldn't figure out how Ning Tao discovered the sniper, and how he could always anticipate the enemy's attack and save her!

"You stay here, I'll lure them away!" Jiang Hao had already made a decision, and she used her arms and legs to get up at the same time.

"Wait!" Perhaps because he was anxious, Ning Tao suddenly reached out and hugged Jiang Hao's waist, and tilted his upper body to press on Jiang Hao's back, preventing her from getting up. After that, his mouth came close to Jiang Hao's. Good ears, "I'll tell you where they are, can you shoot them?"

"Yes!" Jiang Hao added, "But how do you know where they are?"

Ning Tao didn't explain. He let go of Jiang Hao, quickly took off his sweatshirt, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it out from behind the tree.

Puff puff!

A special gunshot equipped with a silencer rang out, and bullets instantly shattered Ning Tao's undershirt into pieces!

"Direction 10:55, height 1.9 meters." Ning Tao's voice rang in Jiang Hao's ears.

Jiang Hao was shocked and confused, but his reaction was not slow. She then stretched out her hand and fired in the direction Ning Tao said.


A mass of blood burst out from the chest of a masked militant, and he fell to the ground on his back.

"At 10:45, the height is 1.8 meters." Ning Tao gave new "data."

Jiang Hao's hand dropped a little, the muzzle of the gun moved a little, and then he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


One of the militants fell to the ground, this time with a shot to the head!

"The left side is safe, the middle and right sides are hiding, and the sniper is lying down as well." Ning Tao said in Jiang Hao's ear.

One shot at a time, who dares to be exposed to Jiang Hao's shooting range

Jiang Hao's marksmanship is indeed good, but Ning Tao's command is even better. The shooting data he provided her in this dark environment was even accurate to "minutes", and also included the height of the target. What he can do now is probably something that even a seasoned sniper observer cannot do, because he does not have any night observation equipment on his eyes!

Ning Tao suddenly gave the shooting data again, "Someone moved on the right! Direction at 2:09, height 1.9 meters."

Jiang Hao reached out and fired a shot, but this time the bullet grazed the militant's cheek and flew past her, and she did not hit the target.

Puff puff!

Bullets rained down, the tree trunks shook, and sawdust, soil and dead leaves flew in the air. Some pieces of wood stuck into Ning Tao's back and scratched his skin. Jiang Hao was not much better. Although she was wearing a T-shirt, under such violent firepower, she also had a lot of wooden thorns stuck on her back. The T-shirt, which was originally a white one, turned out in the blink of an eye. Blossoming little bloody flowers.


The tree trunk suddenly made the sound of its structure being torn apart.

Jiang Hao suddenly hugged Ning Tao, twisted her waist, and her and Ning Tao's bodies rolled to the left.


The tree that blocked hundreds of bullets for Ning Tao and Jiang Hao broke and fell to the ground.

call out!

Another sniper rifle bullet flew, and a cloud of dirt suddenly rose on the ground.

Jiang Hao and Ning Tao stopped rolling, and they were already behind another tree. The enemies on the right and in the middle did not stop suppressing fire, and bullets continued to fly towards her like raindrops, making her dare not stretch out her hands. At the same time, she also pressed Ning Tao tightly to prevent him from moving.

Ning Tao was extremely nervous, not only because of the environment full of bullets, but also because of Jiang Hao. The angry part of her body pressed tightly against his chest, and the way she straddled his waist and was in close contact with him gave him an embarrassing reaction. Physiology is physiology, and sometimes it can respond without going through the brain.

Jiang Hao didn't notice any reaction from Ning Tao's body. She said, "You come and shoot!"

Ning Tao was surprised, "I can't shoot!"

Jiang Hao stuffed the pistol into Ning Tao's right hand, "The safety is on, and you can shoot by pulling the trigger. It will have a little recoil. You only need to hold on to it the moment you shoot." ”

She said it simply, but after all, this was shooting to kill. For a moment, Ning Tao didn't know what to do.

"Now, let me teach you how to fire the first shot." Jiang Hao climbed up from Ning Tao's body. When Ning Tao turned over and lay on his stomach, she suddenly stuck behind Ning Tao again, and her right arm was also connected with Ning Tao's. His right arm overlapped and grabbed his right hand holding the gun.