Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 86: The golden cicada sheds its shell


Ning Tao turned around and said, "Senior Yin, what do you mean?"

Yin Molan snorted coldly, "What do you think of this place? Come and leave whenever you want?"

Ning Tao said coldly: "What do you want?"

"You know so many of my secrets, is it inappropriate to leave like this?" Yin Molan said sadly.

Lin Qinghua was nervous and scared, and another face came out with a splash. This time it was the face of Tang Xuanzong that he was most familiar with, with the majesty of an emperor. But his performance was not at all like that of an emperor. He hid behind Ning Tao and pointed at Yin Molan, "Do you know who my master is? You dare to threaten my master like this. Do you think you have a long life?" ?”

In his eyes, Ning Tao is almost the "spokesman of heaven", and he must be more powerful than this Yin Molan. But he didn't know that more than a month ago, his "master" was still standing guard at the gate of Shancheng University, repairing damaged desks and chairs.

"Hmph! What's so scary about a cultivator doctor?" Yin Molan said disdainfully: "Do you know why no one chooses to become a Taoist through medicine? That's because cultivators who become Taoists through medicine can do just fine except refining elixirs and making medicines, but what else can they do besides refining elixirs and medicines? ? Can you refine magic weapons? I'm not bragging, I can kill both of you with one punch!"

"You're bragging!" Lin Qinghua interrupted.

Yin Molan snorted coldly, raised his fist above his head, and a ball of black energy immediately swirled around his fist. A second later, he slammed his fist onto the ground.


There was a muffled sound, and a basin-sized pit suddenly appeared on the stone floor under Yin Molan's feet, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the surrounding stone slabs.

With this punch, it wouldn't be a problem to kill a rhinoceros!

Ning Tao was horrified in his heart, but his face was very calm. He said calmly: "You really have a few tricks up your sleeve, but you underestimate me too much. You said I don't know spells. I will cast a spell for you now! If you If you can break it, I promise to refine the Ancestor-Seeking Pill for you."

"Hahaha!" Yin Molan laughed loudly.

Ning Tao was not angry, "I said I knew magic, why are you laughing?"

Yin Molan sarcastically said: "Spells are something that only existed in the ancient spiritual era, and that era ended long ago. Today's world environment is deteriorating, and spiritual energy is about to be exhausted. No cultivator can still cast spells. When fighting for territory. You can only use the magical weapons from various sects or ancestors to support the scene. But even the magical weapons are used once and less. Nowadays, the magical weapons of many sects and big families are very rare. Fighting, you will never use it as a last resort, you actually told me that you know magic? "

"Why does this happen?" Ning Tao asked again.

"How do I know? Many people want to solve the mystery of the end of the Linggu Era, but no one can solve it until today. This Ancestral Seeking Pill is something from the Linggu Era. Also, above all cultivation is cultivation of immortality, I Let me ask you, when have you ever seen a real immortal?"

Ning Tao shook his head. Not to mention being an immortal, this was the first time he heard the saying "Cultivation is above cultivation."

Yin Molan snorted lightly and said disdainfully: "I'm sorry you haven't seen it before. You have only been in Taoism for a short time, but you still dare to open a sect and accept a little demon as a disciple. In my opinion, you are just a frog in the well! "

Ning Tao was still not angry, "You said that no cultivator in this world can use spells, and magic weapons are used less often. So... have you ever used a broken magic weapon?"

Yin Molan was stunned for a moment, "Why do you ask this?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, "I opened a clinic, which you can think of as a cultivation clinic. I not only treat people but also monsters. In addition, my clinic also runs a business of repairing broken magic weapons. If you can use broken magical instruments, If you have lost your magic weapon, bring it to me and I can repair it for you. Of course, it’s not free.”

"You kid, are you kidding me? I've been in the world of cultivation for so long, and I've never heard of anyone who can repair broken magic weapons. You think you're an immortal!" Yin Molan sprayed Ning Tao with one sip. Come over.

Ning Tao said: "Believe it or not, I have repaired a magic weapon for a senior, and I made an appointment to pick it up tonight. I thought that I wouldn't waste too much time here, but I didn't expect you. This person is really messy, there is no dispute between us, and you actually want to force me to make elixirs for you. "

Yin Molan's eyes were like daggers, "You first said you knew spells, and now you said you knew how to repair magic weapons. You want to lie to me and then run away, right? If it weren't for the fact that you have some ability in alchemy, I would be damned I’ll kill you now!”

"Have you ever heard of Xuntu Inkstone?" Ning Tao said in a calm tone.

Yin Molan was immediately shocked, "Xuntu Inkstone? Emperor Xuan's Xuntu Inkstone?"

Ning Tao didn't know who Xuan Tianzi and Xuan Dizi were, so he casually said, "I'm talking about Xuan Tianzi's Xuntu Inkstone. The senior I mentioned who is coming to get the magic weapon is Xuan Tianzi. You can still do it later." Let’s talk.”

"Fart! Emperor Xuan has disappeared for hundreds of years. It is said that he has transcended tribulations and ascended. His earth-seeking inkstone will let you repair it for him? I think you are sincerely seeking death!" Yin Molan's body was wrapped in black energy, and he was ready to take action. .

Ning Tao took out the Xuntu inkstone from the small medicine box and held it in his hand.

Yin Molan's eyes suddenly straightened, and his voice trembled as he spoke, "This... this..."

Ning Tao didn't say anything. He slowly took out a bottle of ink from the medicine box, unscrewed the cap, and poured 30 ml of ink into the soil inkstone.

When the ink is poured into the inkstone, a strange energy field is immediately born, and the "Xuntu Inkstone" formed by the condensed spiritual energy is looming in the ink.

From this sight, one can tell at a glance that it is a magic weapon of extraordinary quality, not to mention the "LOGO" of the great cultivator Xuan Tianzi.

"It's really Emperor Xuan's Xuntu Inkstone!" Yin Molan finally recognized it. After all, he has been in the world of cultivation for hundreds of years. Even if he has not seen some famous magic weapons with his own eyes, he is familiar with them.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ink in the Xuntu inkstone rippled. The ripples gathered into an arrow-like shape, and rushed towards a scale. The scale faced the stone house without a roof. ruins.

Ning Tao took a look at the vibration amplitude of the ink and was surprised. He secretly said in his heart: "I didn't expect that there was spiritual soil in Qinglong Mountain. It seems that the amount is quite considerable! No wonder Yin Molan can give Lin Qinghua spiritual soil. It turns out that the spiritual soil comes from here. !”

A flash of murderous intent flashed through Yin Molan's green eyes. Now that cultivation resources are scarce, cultivators will fight for any spiritual training ground, let alone treasures like spiritual soil. He originally had the intention of killing people and silencing them if he didn't cooperate. When he found the spiritual soil hidden here, his intention to kill became even stronger.

However, just as he was about to take action, Ning Tao said: "I never know how to use this Xuntu inkstone. I will have to ask Senior Xuan Tianzi for advice later."

The name "Xuan Tianzi" was heard again, and Yin Molan's murderous intention suddenly stopped. No, this guy has repaired Emperor Xuan’s earth-seeking inkstone, which means he is a friend of Emperor Xuan. If he kills Ning Tao, Emperor Xuan might think that he wants to steal the earth-seeking inkstone, so why not kill him? Beat him to death!

Taking advantage of Yin Molan's hesitation, Ning Tao bit the index finger of his right hand, bent down and dragged it around on the stone slab on the ground, and the pattern of a blood lock was born.

This is what he calls "casting a spell."

In fact, as early as when Yin Molan forced him to cooperate and he refused, he felt that Yin Molan was tempted to kill and silence him. It was at that time that he had the idea of opening the door of convenience and taking Lin Qinghua away. First of all, he would definitely not be able to beat Yin Molan, who he had trained with for hundreds of years. Even if everyone removed his status as a cultivator, just his status as Jinyiwei Qianhu would be enough to torture him thousands of times. Secondly, he also brought Lin Qinghua, a little devil with him, so once the war started, Lin Qinghua would definitely be the first to die. How dare he act like a hero under such circumstances

"What are you going to do?" When Yin Molan came to his senses, Ning Tao had already drawn the blood lock.

Ning Tao said: "Don't you believe that I can cast spells? I am going to cast spells on you now."

"What spell?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small spell." Ning Tao inserted the clinic key into the blood lock.

The door of convenience opened with a crash, and a hole as dark as ink appeared on the ground. Ning Tao and Lin Qinghua stayed in the air for a few tenths of a second, and then fell into the hole.

"Where are you going, kid!"

Yin Molan stepped on his feet, causing the stone tiles on the ground to crack. His figure was like an arrow shot out of a string and piercing the hole in the ground.

The Aspect Gate suddenly disappeared.

Yin Molan hit the ground with his head, and with a muffled roar, his head suddenly plunged into the ground, his neck completely submerged, and his whole body was like a human-shaped javelin pierced into the ground.

Tianwai Clinic.

Lin Qinghua slumped down on the ground. The Cauldron of Good and Evil was glaring at him, but he was completely unaware of it.

Ning Tao sighed, "It's a pity that that guy didn't catch up."

Lin Qinghua looked frightened, "Master, are you confused? That guy is so scary. You actually want him to catch up?"

Ning Tao snorted coldly, "Humph! I wish he could come. It's his luck that he didn't come after me."

You must know that Chen Pingdao, the Tengu Taoist who lived for more than two thousand years, was treated by Tianwai Clinic and became docile and had no temper at all. What does a mere Yin Molan mean? Yin Molan wanted to kill him, the owner of the clinic, in Tianwai Clinic. Tianwai Clinic suppressed him in seconds!

This experience made Ning Tao make a decision. From now on, he will fight those who can win, and take those who cannot win to Tianwai Clinic!

"Master, what should we do now?" Lin Qinghua asked.

Ning Tao said: "It's so late, why don't you go to bed? Of course you should go back to sleep."

Lin Qinghua smiled bitterly, "How can I sleep? What if that Yin Molan comes to visit? No, I will stay here with you, old man."

Ning Tao pointed to the Cauldron of Good and Evil, "If you can stay here, then you can stay."

Lin Qinghua then moved his eyes to look at the Cauldron of Good and Evil. At first glance, the vicious eyes of the Cauldron of Good and Evil seemed to penetrate his body and soul. His legs became weak and he continued: "Master, I, I still Let's go back."

At this moment, Ning Tao suddenly grabbed his hand and pushed him into the convenient door that had just been opened.

The darkness receded, and when Lin Qinghua's eyes saw something again, he was already on the rooftop of a residential building.

"This... what kind of place is this?" Lin Qinghua looked up into the distance. His eyes suddenly stopped on a building that looked like underpants, and he was stunned on the spot.

Beidu welcomes you.