Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 11: Red Ward


"I don't understand what you're talking about." Su Zimo could see that although Gao Yang's mind was not moving fast, his hand holding the knife was very steady, so when the other party was approaching, he was already grabbing the thing in his hand to the music classroom door to go.

But Gao Yang's speed was faster than Su Zimo's, he jumped forward, and the short knife in his hand stabbed directly at Su Zimo's shoulder! At the same time, Cheng Jingmeng, called "teammate" by Gao Yang, had already blocked the door of the music classroom.

It's just that Cheng Jingmeng didn't have any weapons in his hand, so he could only open his arms and stand there with a tense expression.

"Seeking for wealth and risk..."

When the short knife stabbed, Su Zimo remembered what his grandfather once said, and before his body reacted, he could only watch the approaching blade with a wry smile. Although Su Zimo did find a score marked "three-star" in the music classroom, if he is really injured here, or encounters something more terrifying, it would be a bit of a loss.

He didn't even know the origin of the black umbrella with extremely delicate patterns...

and many more! Umbrella? !

The word "umbrella" quickly slid across Su Zimo's mind, and he raised the umbrella in his right hand almost in an instant, directly blocking the stabbing knife!

The short knife, which looked very sharp, slashed heavily on Su Zimo's umbrella, and its extraordinary strength made him unable to help but stumble back. If Su Zimo remembers correctly, Zheng Ming, the "senior" who has experienced three nightmare worlds in the previous world, once said that the nightmare points obtained by clearing the nightmare world can not only offset the death penalty of failure to clear the customs, but also the The things in the nightmare world are brought back to the real world, and can also be used to strengthen the body of the trainee.

Although Su Zimo didn't know how to operate it, after he had experienced the power that was different from ordinary people, he could be sure that Gao Yang had strengthened his body with Nightmare Points. The reason why Ming and Qi Xiaomin are stronger.

Is this the real senior

Su Zimo gritted his teeth and continued to step back, pushing all the way to the front of the piano, there was no way to go back.

But at the moment when Gao Yang's next attack hit, Su Zimo suddenly felt the floor under his feet vibrate violently. The vibration was so strong that all the furnishings in the music classroom began to vibrate violently. The chairs and the pianos used by the students were all vibrating. Zhong fell to the ground, only the piano that Su Zimo was leaning against was relatively safe because it was nailed to the floor. In the inexplicable vibration, even Cheng Jingmeng, who was standing beside the door blocking the door, fell to the ground because of the sudden vibration!

Gao Yang was not affected as much as Cheng Jingmeng, but compared to Su Zimo, who was leaning on the piano, his steps and movements were chaotic because of vibrations. look.

"Peng Peng!"

At the moment of confirming the "earthquake", Su Zimo immediately looked at the place where Peng Peng stood before, but found that there were no children there. Not only that, but Peng Peng could not be found in the entire music classroom that had suffered from the shock.

It's as if it suddenly disappeared...

"What happened!" Several other ordinary practitioners had already fallen to the ground, and now they can only hide in the corner against the wall.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

"It's a ghost! It must be a ghost!"

Su Zimo wasn't sure what was going on in this nightmare world, and he didn't know where Peng Peng went, but the next second he heard a loud bang behind him!

Su Zimo didn't look back immediately because he wanted to be on guard against Gao Yang's attack, but he saw shock, inconceivable and even panic in the eyes of Gao Yang and other practitioners.

What did they see

Gao Yang took a few steps back in shock, and didn't stop until his heels touched the fallen piano, staggeringly holding the dagger across his chest, guarding against a very, very bad premonition deep in his heart.

They saw that the ordinary white wall behind Su Zimo collapsed instantly.

They saw that all the rubble that had collapsed from the wall turned into plaster the moment it hit the ground.

They found that after the white wall collapsed, what appeared in front of them was not the math thinking classroom next door, but... a ward!

Unlike the brightly lit music classrooms, the wards that appear behind the walls are shrouded in pale red lights. If you look closely, you will even find a red meniscus hanging from the window of that ward.

A very ordinary hospital bed was placed in the middle of the ward, and there was a "person" lying on that bed.

There were drips hanging on the bed, but the drip bottle was filled with a strange red liquid. Those "blood"-like beings were flowing into the "person"'s body along the drip tube. There is also an ECG monitor that monitors the heartbeat next to the hospital bed. There is no undulating heartbeat on the screen of the simple monitor. Instead, there is only a straight line that seems to never end...


Suddenly appearing in the ears of everyone, the lingering "di-" sound kept getting longer and longer, as if to tell the practitioners that the "person" lying on the hospital bed had long since had no heartbeat.

The vibration of the floor slowed down, and Su Zimo saw that the stunned practitioners were not moving, so he simply took the "family belongings" and retreated to a relatively safe wall, and then turned to see the ward that suddenly appeared behind him.

Because it was relatively close to the hospital bed, Su Zimo could even see the figure wearing a breathing mask on the hospital bed.

It was a pale and thin but still very young young man, his hair seemed to be long due to neglect, and although he wore a mask, he could see that the other party looked delicate. Maybe it was because he had been in bed for a long time, there was no flesh on his cheeks, and the limbs exposed outside the quilt were also very thin and thin, almost only a pair of skin and bones remained.

Only the hands on the quilt are slender and good-looking, like a pair of hands suitable for playing the piano.

Most importantly, there was a musical score that Su Zimo was very familiar with on the cabinet beside the hospital bed.

That's... "The Dead Man's Score"!

"Peng... Peng Peng?" Looking at the figure lying in the red ward and the familiar sheet music, Su Zimo looked down at the three-star deceased's sheet music held in his left hand, thinking of that guy who disappeared from the music classroom at some point in time 's young figure!

If Peng Peng is really a ghost, if the notes in the sheet music are true, then the young man lying on the hospital bed is the real Peng Peng