Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 113: Ask the pen fairy


Like his colleagues, Fu Mingchen was easily drawn to the stars outside the car window. But unlike other passengers, Fu Mingchen not only paid attention to the stars outside the window, but also paid some attention to Qiu Qiu, the goddess he had a crush on.

When facing his goddess, Fu Mingchen's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of filter, the stars outside the car window were shining, and the goddess's focused eyes in Fu Mingchen's eyes seemed to reflect the beautiful starlight.

When the goddess turned her head and smiled at her, it was more like the legendary Venus.

But soon, Fu Mingchen suddenly realized that the object of Qiu Qiu's smile was not him, but Liu Qi standing beside Qiu Qiu.

"Liu Qi, let's get out of the car and take a look?" At this moment, Qiu Qiu's face still has the usual coldness, and he almost dragged Liu Qi's arm to act like a spoiled child.

"I always feel that something is wrong here." When Liu Qi looked at the stars outside, his mood was not so relaxed, "I want to do the math."


After hearing what Liu Qi said, the other passengers in the carriage all cast various glances, some strange, some curious, and some puzzled.

"Did anyone here bring paper?" Liu Qi glanced at the starlight, who was getting closer and closer to the bus, and turned to ask the other passengers in the carriage.

"Can paper towels be okay?" The bus is full of passengers who are going to Huadu Airport, or just for leisure, so in this paperless electronic society, very few people really carry ordinary paper with them.

But at this time, among the three passengers in the last row, the boy who was only five or six years old raised his hand high, as if reporting to the kindergarten teacher, and asked with bright eyes, "Uncle , can I have the lead paper that my mother prepared for me?"

"Okay, it couldn't be better!" Liu Qi took out a rusted metal pen from the pocket of his clothes. The tattered and trash-like appearance formed a strong contrast with the pen owned by Su Zimo. comparison.

Because they didn't know what the other party wanted to do, the other passengers also focused on Liu Qi while admiring the starlight outside.

They just watched Liu Qi put the lead drawing paper handed over by the boy on the soft chair. Lie down on the ground figuratively, and carefully place the pen in your hand on the paper at a vertical angle.

From the shell, the pen looks like a fountain pen, but when the cap is removed, it can be seen that it is a signature pen with ink.

Su Zimo vaguely remembered that Liu Qi said that his pen was brought out from a nightmare world related to pen fairy.

Before that, Su Zimo seemed to have heard of similar props, and seemed to have the ability to judge some situations.

Before he thought about it too much, Liu Qi had already used the pen to draw the coordinates of the north, south, east, and west on the pencil drawing paper, and then drew a cross and a tick.

"Pixian Bixian, tell me, is our situation good or bad?" Liu Qi asked cautiously, "If it's good, circle the tick, and if it's bad, circle the fork."

After asking the questions, Liu Qi swallowed nervously, as if asking these questions was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Although Nightmare World does not have specific values, even if you choose to strengthen your physique after ending Nightmare World, you can only rely on people's understanding of their own bodies to make judgments, let alone physical fitness, speed, and mental power. These are really only available in the game. value that will appear.

But sometimes, the practitioners can feel the mental exhaustion, and this exhaustion will make people feel very tired both physically and mentally. So when Liu Qi asked a question, he felt that something was missing from his body, and he felt very tired both physically and mentally.

However, because Liu Qi was not using this pen for the first time, there was no special expression on his face.

Su Zimo wasn't wearing that special pair of glasses at the moment, so he didn't know how accurate this pen fairy answered the question. But in the eyes of other passengers around, they seemed to be watching something incredible—

Liu Qi actually let go of his hand on the tattered pen in front of them, but the pen that was standing vertically on the lead drawing paper did not fall down, but moved on his own!

That's right, the pen did not fall down with inertia, but stood there solidly, like an incredible event.

"Uncle, is there a magnet on this pen?" The little boy seemed to want to use a little science he had mastered to explain what was happening in front of him.

Standing next to Liu Qi, Qiu Qiu's eyes brightened when he saw the performance of the tattered pen, and it was rare to bend over to the little boy very tenderly and amiably and said, "Little brother, this is not something that can be explained with common sense. , this thing can be regarded as a kind of magic prop! It's like the baby of the legendary Santa Claus!"

Qiu Qiu's words seemed to make Liu Qi listen very well, so Liu Qi's eyes stayed on the woman for a while, he probably liked this kind of flattery.

However, Qiu Qiu's kindness did not get the same response from the little boy, the little guy just tilted his head and said seriously: "Sister, my father said that Santa Claus doesn't exist, it's just a fairy tale! "

[What a good boy. ] The ghost umbrella standing beside Su Zimo said with some emotion, [Children are always the most innocent beings in this world, and there is no darkness and haze in their eyes. ]

[Unfortunately, when the nightmare really comes, these children may only have fear in their eyes. ]

Su Zimo looked at the boy with very clean eyes with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It was at this time that the tattered pen began to move at a very slow speed on the lead drawing paper amid the surprised exclamations of the crowd.

Finally, the tattered pen stopped where the fork was drawn on the lead drawing paper, and then drew a standard circle as if with the help of a compass, as if to clearly tell its holder that their current The situation is very bad!

That tattered pen even kept drawing circles on the "fork" in order to emphasize this matter.

Until the "fork" drawn by Liu Qi was covered by a complete black circle, the lead drawing paper seemed to be covered with an ominous black cloud.

At this time, Liu Qi's face became more gloomy. He pressed his voice and asked Bixian again: "Pixian Bixian, tell us where we should go after getting off the bus to get out of trouble?"

With the incredible picture before, this time everyone's eyes are focused on the lead drawing paper, as if Liu Qi believes that the answer given by the broken pen on the lead drawing paper must be correct.

But this time, the pen fairy didn't move at all, still staying in the center of the black circle above the "fork", without any reaction.

"Sorry, this thing sometimes fails." As soon as Liu Qi looked up, he saw a crowd of people around him, and quickly apologized a little tiredly, thinking that the broken pen was malfunctioning again, "Let's just ask again. already."

"Pixian Bixian, tell us which direction to go after getting off the bus to get out of this predicament?" Liu Qi asked again.

But the pen fairy still did not make any movement.

"Pen Fairy Pen Fairy..."

Liu Qi asked the same question a third time, but the pen fairy still didn't move. If it wasn't for the fact that the pen was still standing upright, Liu Qi even thought that this tattered pen had become an ordinary pen. .

"Pen Xian Pen Xian, are we safe to stay in the carriage?" Liu Qi could only change the question casually, wanting to know whether there was a problem with the question he asked, or the pen that helped him through many dangers something is wrong.

This time, the pen fairy moved again, and quickly moved to the vicinity of the "hook" painted by Liu Qi, and drew a circle very standardly.

"Pixian doesn't seem to have any problems, but why don't you answer which direction we should go? I have asked many similar questions before, and Penxian will answer." Liu Qi also seemed to know that the other passengers in the car were unreliable, so Talking to myself all the time.

At this time, Fu Mingchen, who was standing not far from Qiu Qiu, suddenly had a terrifying thought in his mind. After hesitating for a while, he still opened his mouth and said, " this pen trying to tell us that the car is safe now? Yes, but if we get out of the car... there is no safe direction at all?"

Everyone's eyes instantly turned to Fu Mingchen, and several people had unexpected expressions on their faces.

[What, the boss already knew. ] The ghost umbrella floating behind Su Zimo muttered, when the pen fairy stopped there just now, he saw his boss shaking his head helplessly, but did not speak.

Of course, Ghost Umbrella doesn't want his boss to be too conspicuous. As a shop owner who is "comfortable in a corner", he can do business safely and safely, and he doesn't need to be involved in such dangerous things at all!

Boss did it right!

Awesome croaking!

What Fu Mingchen said made sense to Su Zimo and Ghost Umbrella. Even the young couple and three old people in the back row nodded, but for some reason, the expression on Liu Qi's face was not very good-looking, look. His eyes were a little weird when he looked at his staff.

Fu Mingchen also shrank back when he saw Liu Qi's eyes. These people are too familiar with Liu Qi's eyes. This rich second generation is very generous in the real world, and is willing to help them in the nightmare world, but His biggest problem is that he is too arrogant and doesn't allow others to show the limelight, let alone climb on his head.

This kind of character makes Liu Qi a very hardworking rich second generation in the eyes of his parents, and it has also become a nightmare in the eyes of many people.

There can be no sounds other than him around this person.

Fu Mingchen knew this very well, but because his thoughts came suddenly and he wanted to show it in front of Qiu Qiu, he spoke so aggressively.

Qiu Qiu, who was on the side, didn't look at Fu Mingchen: "Don't tell me, Liu Qi must already know about this kind of thing."

Everyone else called Liu Qi "Liu Shao", only Qiu Qiu called him by his first name to show his closeness.

Fu Mingchen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Qiu Qiu's words, thinking that Liu Qi had a good step to go down, but he didn't expect Liu Qi to say indifferently: "I really thought of it a long time ago, the reason why I don't say it is because The answer of this pen itself is not 100% correct, and sometimes it even gives the opposite choice to the correct answer.

"So everyone, don't believe this kind of conclusion that can be easily guessed. Maybe the pen fairy wants to tell us that the car is very dangerous and it is correct to leave the car." Liu Qi said with great certainty.

Su Zimo was also surprised by this, but thinking about the accuracy of the similar ghost tools he had been exposed to before, he felt that Liu Qi might have suffered a loss from the pen fairy and had experienced similar things several times, so he is real now. I don't feel like I'm dying.

Even those colleagues who believed in Fu Mingchen just now continued to praise Liu Qi very skillfully.

"After all, we are no longer ordinary people, and don't forget that this is not a nightmare world, but a real world with no ghosts. It's just a walk in the countryside. Is it that scary?" Liu Qi shook his head with a smile.

Although he said that, as those light spots got closer and bigger, a certain nerve of Liu Qi, who had experienced nine nightmare worlds, tensed unknowingly.

Something deep inside him seemed to warn him with a frantically accelerating heartbeat.