Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 12: real desire


"Peng Peng..."

Looking at the thin and sick young man on the hospital bed, Su Zimo subconsciously pronounced the name of the boy who played with him just now.

That is, the moment Su Zimo called out his name, the thin young man lying on the hospital bed wearing a breathing mask opened his eyes very suddenly!

What kind of eyes are those...


Su Zimo turned his head to look, but could only see a pair of white eyes. He didn't know whether it was because there were no pupils, or because the pupils themselves were white. Just taking a quick glance at it also made my heart go cold.

Because he has been stared at by Gao Yang and the others, Su Zimo did not carefully observe the "person" on the hospital bed, but when he looked back at the "person" again, he found that the strange white pupils had once again close.

At the same time, in the music classroom, which was thrown into complete chaos because of the floor, a familiar and unfamiliar piano sounded!

The glass door of the classroom, which had been open all the time, closed with a bang. Cheng Jingmeng, who fell there because of the earthquake, quickly got up and tried to open the door, but found that the glass door was completely locked and could not be opened by manpower. .

Su Zimo, who had played the original and adapted versions before, soon discovered that the sound of the piano in the music classroom was still "The Music Score of the Dead", but this time the sound of the piano turned out to be a third completely different version. , which is very different from before.

At the very front of the classroom, the black and white keys of the only intact upright piano moved with the sound of the piano, as if a pair of invisible hands were playing fast!

There is no comfortable and comfortable feeling in the sound of this version, and there is no lively and cheerful atmosphere, and many places seem to be completely wrong. When the lyric is halfway through, it will suddenly pop out sharp or heavy broken notes... It can even be regarded as noise. .

That is enough to make ordinary people's hearing intolerable.

Su Zimo doesn't think that this score cannot be changed. In fact, when he and Peng Peng played together just now, he made a lot of changes to the score, but the original intention of the changes was to make the music more cheerful and harmonious.

But at the moment, the sound of the piano has no sense of harmony. The unacceptable noise is repeated on and off. Su Zimo, who thinks he can bear it, feels that staying in a classroom surrounded by music is a kind of torture.

What made Su Zimo even more strange was that every time a sudden noise sounded, he would feel his heartbeat start to speed up, and the faces of his grandfather, father, and some other people in the Su family always appeared in his mind, some kind of indescribable. Emotions spread in his chest.

There is pain, there is urgency, and there is even sadness...

Su Zimo felt that he could no longer control his emotions under the influence of the sound of the piano, and this sense of helplessness was still intensifying as the sound of the piano continued to expand!

[Special ability: The music played by the creator will make human beings burst out with real desires, and can also attract more traffic to the store. ]

Looking at the large list of notes in "The Music Score of the Dead" in his hand, Su Zimo stared at the "Special Ability" column for a long time, and whispered "Ah" with some understanding. Su Zimo felt that perhaps the sound of the piano playing in the classroom at this moment was the real "musical score of the dead".


Compared with Su Zimo, who also suffered the sound of the piano, the other trainees in the classroom collapsed first!

"Why, why do we have to encounter this kind of thing, I can't stand it..." The middle-aged man who had been carefully guarding the side and looked simple and honest was the first to collapse. He held his head and shouted for several times in the music classroom. After the sound, his voice gradually weakened, and he said to himself in pain, "Why am I so unlucky? Why are they all living so comfortably, and only I am suddenly unemployed? How can I repay my family's mortgage after so much? What about the Nightmare World clearance? I'll die next time... I'll just die like this..."

Saying that, the middle-aged man saw a sharp object not far from him that was shattered by the vibration just now, and immediately crawled in that direction impatiently.

"I want to live! I don't want to die like this!" Another practitioner instantly rushed towards Gao Yang, who had managed to stabilize his body, but because he was severely tripped by the middle-aged man's outstretched hand, he could only He firmly grasped Gao Yang's arm holding the dagger.

And the middle-aged practitioner who originally wanted to seek death was kicked aside, lying on the ground curled up, sobbing cowardly and loudly.

"Mr. Gao, as long as you can keep me alive, you can let me do anything!" The practitioner who hugged Gao Yang's arm seemed to grab the only piece of driftwood in the ocean and said loudly, "I know Mr. Awesome, as long as I can survive, I can be your dog!"

"Go away!" Gao Yang, who was affected by the knife, threw the practitioner to the ground without hesitation, and even raised his foot and stomped on the practitioner's palm, staring fiercely at the screaming practitioner.

Before the painful piano sound, everyone Su Zimo saw was normal.

The three practitioners who had only experienced the nightmare world once were timid and afraid, but in order not to become the one who was dragged behind and abandoned, the three practitioners had been waiting in a very low-key manner, without revealing any negative emotions. .

Gao Yang, who is a self-sufficient senior, seems to be the most powerful being in the team, and has always tried to maintain the demeanor of a rational leader before danger comes, but because Gao Yang himself does not possess such ability and demeanor, he will let Su Zi Mo has a very awkward feeling.

But now, those three ordinary practitioners fell into madness, or madness or unbearable sadness because of the feeling of being at a loss for the future.

And Gao Yang, as if he had been stripped of all his disguise suddenly, was as violent as a villain.

Su Zimo's intuition told him that he had better take advantage of the current chaotic situation to leave the music classroom immediately. Looking at the experienced practitioners who were too busy and chaotic because of the sound of the piano, Su Zimo used his powerful control to resist the same emotions that were constantly emerging in his heart.

"Let me go!"

It was at this time that Cheng Jingmeng, who had been lying at the door of the classroom, rushed towards Su Zimo!

I don't know if it was because Su Zimo was regarded as the devil who caused all this chaos. When Cheng Jingmeng rushed forward with a face of pleading and panic, her eyes kept staring at standing there and "seemingly" doing nothing. the "music teacher".

Unsurprisingly, Su Zimo's hand stretched out to the back, and the door behind him disappeared decisively when Cheng Jingmeng stared at him.

"Take them away, I don't want to lose nightmare points!" Cheng Jingmeng, who begged Su Zimo, did not say who "they" were, and there was no need to explain. As a senior, even if Cheng Jingmeng died in the nightmare world this time, she could still rely on her own nightmare points to return to the real world.

But hearing what Cheng Jingmeng blurted out, Su Zimo could feel that the nightmare point that Cheng Jingmeng had was more important than the lives of other practitioners.

Seeing that Cheng Jingmeng was about to throw himself into Su Zimo's arms, he was about to dodge to the side when he suddenly felt a very strange force grabbing his back and pulling him back!

When Su Zimo came back to his senses, he found that he had left the music classroom and was standing on the other side of the collapsed wall—that is, in the ward illuminated by red light!

He seemed to be dragged in by the Li Gui who didn't know if it was Peng Peng, and now he was standing beside the Li Gui's hospital bed.

For a moment, Su Zimo's body was stiff, and he didn't dare to move or look around at all.

He could even feel that the air in this red ward was sultry and oppressive, as if he was in a different space from the music classroom. As for Cheng Jingmeng, who was going to pounce on Su Zimo, it was as if he was blocked by an invisible wall of air, and he couldn't take a step past the collapsed wall.

[Warning: Never allow anyone to desecrate his beloved being. ]

"What did you say?"

When Cheng Jingmeng threw herself on the invisible wall, Gao Yang suddenly rushed over with a grim expression, pulled her hair back, and said in a very unhappy tone, "I'm so cute on weekdays, but I want to use it at times like this. Are our lives in exchange for your nightmares?"

"Even if something happens, your nightmare point is enough, isn't it?" Cheng Jingmeng, who used to be obedient by Gao Yang's side, now seemed to have taken a gun and retorted with her eyes closed, "You choose me. When teammates, isn't it because teammates will unconditionally transfer 50% of the nightmare points to the captain?! We have been using each other from the beginning!"

Cheng Jingmeng's voice was heard by Su Zimo, as if it was coming through a glass. Although it was strange, it was very clear.

If what Cheng Jingmeng said was true, Su Zimo was really worried about Gao Yang's IQ. If Cheng Jingmeng and the others said that the team medal can really forcibly transfer half of the team members' nightmare points to the captain, then when Gao Yang chooses teammates, he should choose some experiencers who are more capable of surviving in the nightmare world. Instead of Cheng Jingmeng, who has not seen any advantages so far except for the skin.

Thinking of the previous picture of Gao Yang stepping on the trainer's body, Su Zimo didn't believe that the reason why Gao Yang and Cheng Jingmeng teamed up was because of the girl's innocence and kindness.

"And you?"

Just when Su Zimo looked at these people thoughtfully, a small figure belonging to Peng Peng suddenly appeared in front of him.

The thin and pale figure on the hospital bed beside him also disappeared.

Facts have proved that Peng Peng, who was elusive in the music classroom... Really created "The Music Score of the Dead", and has a pair of white ghost eyes, a ghost lying on the hospital bed unable to move!

"What are your real thoughts deep in your heart?" Peng Peng looked up at Su Zimo, "What is your real desire?"