Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 122: A fish fish


The cabinet wall that is almost two floors high is enough to place dozens of ghost artifacts of different sizes.

But despite such a large wall of lockers, the rest of the store's ground floor isn't without shelves.

On the outside of the counter, which has doubled in size and has become a complete arc, there is a row of similarly curved shelves on which the common commodities and price tags that were originally placed on the first shelf are placed.

What was originally placed behind the counter has also changed from a large, but not too high-end, cabinet to a row of low cabinets against the wall. Like the front counter, the cabinet has become white with a little texture. Marble surface.

Then, directly above the rear wall, there was a lacquered gold wooden sign with the four characters "Safe in a corner" written on it.

In addition, other parts of the store are not empty, and there are even many shelves.

It's just that this kind of shelf is not a layer-by-layer kind, but has become a white wooden shelf like the collection cabinets in the museum where the items are placed, and there is a glass cover on the outside.

There are 20 such collection cabinets, which are neatly and evenly arranged on the first floor of the store. The transparent protective cover as clear as crystal reflects the new crystal chandeliers in the store, which seems to have a particularly magnificent feeling.

Just when Su Zimo was about to continue to look at the brand-new store, a familiar voice rang in the store—

"Master, welcome back to 'Safe in a Corner'. The intelligent navigation system 'Ayuyuyu' has been activated again, thank you for the name, Ayuyuyu likes it very much. Congratulations to the owner that the store has been upgraded to level 2, Ayuyuyu not only It can guide the owner to manage the store, and also guide the guests to complete the transaction when the owner is busy!]

The intelligent navigation system, which disappeared due to lack of energy before, is finally back.

The sound still came from behind the counter. Su Zimo looked for the sound and turned to the back of the counter, only to find that the old-fashioned computer that was dragging its bulky "butt" had become an all-in-one computer with a nearly 30-inch thin and light display. computer.

There are many more things on the computer interface, such as popular chat software or Internet icons. Although I don’t know which network the store is connected to, it seems that Ghost Umbrella can directly use this computer to learn DIY online.

Of course, the software originally used to view computer information is still on the desktop. After opening it, the layout and handwriting look a lot more refined, but the displayed information has not changed much.

[Shop: An Yuyi Corner (Ayuyuyu)]

[Level: Level 2]

[Owner: Su Zimo]

[Lifetime deposit: 1399 days (37)]

[No-star items: 31; 1-star items: 1; 2-star items: 3]

[Special ghosts in the store: Ghost Umbrella, Peng Peng, Zhang Xiaoqing]

[Store upgrade progress: 67/10000]

[Shouhua: 2 (can be sold, cannot be used for in-store members)]

Before I knew it, the word "shop owner" in front of Su Zimo's name had become "owner".

As soon as he looked up, Su Zimo found that there was a marble board with a lot of contract paper on the counter, and a new metal pen with feathers on the tail.

Su Zimo subconsciously touched the metal pen in the side pocket of the backpack behind him, and was relieved to find that it was still there.

The intelligent navigation system "Ayuyuyu" seems to understand Su Zimo's mind better than the ghost umbrella, and directly explained:

[Master, there are two ways to sign a contract after the store is upgraded! One is to use a new metal pen to trade in the store, the other is that the owner can take a few pages of deed paper dedicated to the store, plus the special metal pen that only the owner can use with special abilities, you can buy it outside the store. Trade anywhere! Master, isn't this much more convenient? ]

Although the sound of the system still has a mechanical feel, the naughty and praise-seeking tone of children is beginning to make people feel alive.

"It's really good." Su Zimo recalled several previous transactions, and felt that this change may have the greatest impact on the store's performance.

[Master, according to the statistics of the system, the goods in the store are still seriously out of stock! It seems that the owner really worked hard to sell a lot of products during the rest period of Ah Yuyuyu! ]

[But since the store has been upgraded to the second level, the remaining products are far from enough. The owner can go to the warehouse on the second floor of the store to find it, there should be a lot of products suitable for sale! ]

Su Zimo was taken aback by Ah Yuyuyu's words. If he understood correctly, what did the system mean to say that there is a warehouse on the second floor of the extra store

And there are goods in the warehouse that Su Zimo desperately needs at the moment

Su Zimo felt that those goods might have been left over by the previous store owner. All in all, for Su Zimo, it was no different from what Bai picked up!

"Ayuyuyu." Su Zimo called out the name he gave to the system, "Before I became the store owner, that is, when the previous owner was still around, what level was this store?"

[When the former boss was there, 'An Yu Yi Corner' was a third-level store! Even when the previous boss disappeared, the shop was still in a state that had just been upgraded to level three. Perhaps it was because the experience required to upgrade a store to level 4 was too much. The previous owner started traveling after the store was upgraded to level 3 and no longer continued to operate the store. ]

"Level 4 store..." Su Zimo thought of the 10,000 experience required to upgrade a second-level store. Not only did he think that upgrading a Samsung store to a level-4 store might require 1,000,000 experience, but for Su Zimo, who had just started this job, it was unimaginable. .

[Yes, Ayuyuyu often heard from the previous boss that after the store is level 2, it makes no difference whether it is upgraded or not. Don’t be too obsessive, even level 2 is enough. ]

[And there are very few differences between the second-level and third-level stores. What the former boss said most is that after upgrading to the third-level store, the side door that allows you to go to the nightmare world by yourself will completely disappear. The entire wall becomes another storage wall. ]

Side door disappeared? Su Zimo glanced at the commonly used side door in surprise.

If the side door disappears, does that mean that the owner of the store after level 3 can only choose to enter the nightmare world with the entire store

[When upgrading to the third level, the former boss felt that it was not cost-effective to upgrade like this, saying that it was a big loss and a special loss! He also said that taking the store to the Nightmare World to do business also has various inconveniences, plus the life and longevity are greatly overflowing, so the former boss is not very keen on doing business. ]

Ayuyuyu mentioned the overflow of longevity flowers, so Su Zimo took a special look at the door of the shop.

The two flower beds are still in their original locations, but because of the expansion of the store, the flower beds have also expanded several times. In that lush green, two blooming white longevity flowers swayed without wind.

It was hard for Su Zimo to imagine what kind of state would be considered as overflowing. How many white double-petaled flowers blooming and swaying together could make the former boss think it was overflowing

What kind of scenery would that be.

Su Zimo asked curiously, "Ayuyuyu, how many bosses have you experienced?"

Faced with this question, Ayuyuyu was silent for a while, and then said: [Master, Ayuyuyu was developed by the previous boss. I heard that when the previous boss got the store, there was only a broken computer in the store. You have to find out everything by yourself, so the former boss said that he should let the next boss know more about the store, so as not to make detours like her. ]

"It turns out that the former boss was your creator, do you miss him?" Su Zimo tried to ask.

[Master, Ayuyuyu is a system, and there is no such emotion as 'thinking'. ] Ah Yu Yuyu's voice is lively, but still mechanical.

"Then do you know the identity of the former boss?" Su Zimo continued to ask, not knowing why Su Zimo always had a very strange curiosity about the owner of the shop, and always felt that knowing the identity of the former boss should be a blessing to him. a very important thing.

[Ayuyuyu only knows about the store! ]

After repeated inquiries to no avail, Su Zimo turned to look at the stairs of the store, wanting to see the warehouse that Ah Yuyuyu mentioned.