Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 129: Failed again


In order to prevent the Lin family's younger brother from being choked again, Cheng Yun took a lot of hard work.

As soon as Lin Hao and Lin Ren stared at tomato brisket and potato stew and kept eating, Cheng Yun coughed and said, "I really miss it. My father and mother used to cook those two dishes for me and my brother. My brother especially likes tomato brisket and potato stew."

After speaking, Cheng Yun wouldn't do anything, let alone stop anything, but the frequency of Lin Hao and Lin Ren extending their chopsticks to those two dishes significantly decreased.

Su Zimo, who didn't move his chopsticks much because the dishes didn't quite suit his taste, immediately stretched out his short arms after hearing Cheng Yun's words, and took a piece of tomato and beef brisket in a bowl that was far away from him.

Su Zimo felt that Cheng Yun, a good old man, was not a dead brain in some respects. Maybe that's why this good guy has survived so many nightmare worlds? As long as he doesn't encounter a guy like a poisonous snake whose blood is soaked with venom, Cheng Yun actually has a certain advantage in the nightmare world.

During the meal, Cheng Yun and Su Zimo learned from the wall clock on the wall of the food stall that it was 1:25 pm on November 2nd. No wonder the brothers and sisters of the Lin family were tossing about because they didn't have lunch. Stomach growling.

In order to prolong the lunch time as much as possible, in order to prevent the Lin siblings from having a quick meal as much as possible, Cheng Yun has always worked very hard to play his good-hearted character during meals to greet the two siblings, from the questions of life to Study and work, from parents and family to the two siblings' views on love and marriage, harmonious smiles and a kind of affinity from the inside out, the seemingly fierce but actually just paper tigers of the Lin family didn't take long for them to be themselves. The family situation is fully revealed.

Su Zimo also knew from this dialogue that the two brothers and sisters of the Lin family were orphans. Because their father was drinking and gambling, their mother abandoned them and went to another country to marry someone else. And his father gave up his life because of a lot of debts when his sister Lin Hao was about to enter high school.

In the end, what the parents left to the two siblings at that time was only a dilapidated house of more than ten square meters and a pile of debt IOUs with a large amount.

Because Lin Hao and his younger brother are not too young, they didn't go to the orphanage, let alone find a new family. Originally, the community hoped that the relatives of the Lin family could take care of Lin Hao and Lin Ren, but the violent elements who came to collect debts almost every day caused relatives, friends and even neighbors to distance themselves from the sisters and brothers of the Lin family.

Lin Hao and Lin Ren can only live together as sister and brother, relying on each other for life.

Although her elder sister Lin Hao was about to go to high school, because her family had no money and she had to take care of her younger brother, Lin Hao left school early and started working in the society to make money.

The younger brother Lin Ren said that his sister's grades were very good in middle school, and even though his father was a gambler and alcoholic, he still liked to beat them, but his sister Lin Hao was still a well-known three-good student in the school, completely different from the bad gangster now.

But the image of a three-good student is impossible to quell those violent people who collect collections, because Lin Hao refuses to use the money earned from hard work to fill the debt pit of her jerk father, so she needs to find another way to make Those collectors who seem violent but don't dare to hurt people at all give up.

Gradually, Lin Hao met some friends with bad habits, and he became a part of the so-called "Tao". While protecting his younger brother, he became a famous bastard on the street who did not pay his debts.

The two brothers and sisters just went the wrong way bit by bit, but at least for them now, they can still have a place to live, have clothes to wear, and eat three meals a day if they make do.

So the two are content with their current life... No matter what happens, they don't want to break the "peace" of their current life.

I don't know if a topic provoked by Cheng Yun once again hit the two brothers and sisters' weakness. Lin Hao and Lin Ren, who had been aware of it before and answered all questions, suddenly fell silent, while letting the boss keep adding more. Rice, while silently stuffing vegetables into his mouth, the atmosphere became dull in that instant.

However, at least the speed of the two siblings eating has also slowed down, so after the two siblings have eaten everything on the table, including the vegetables, and scraped the soup from the bowl with a spoon, this late lunch will not be served. It's a complete end.

At this time, it was already 3:00 pm on November 2.

Cheng Yun also relied on a lunch like this, and abruptly held Lin Hao and Lin Ren for an hour and a half.

When she had to leave the food stall after eating, she still sat in the corner of the food stall to rest, with a big bag full of beverage bottles beside her, she still warmly greeted the brothers and sisters of the Lin family and told them to go to her house. Play.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the old man." Cheng Yun actually appreciates the two siblings, so he patiently protects them in the most troublesome way.

"Yeah." When they walked out of the food stall, the two of them returned to their absent-minded state at the beginning.

Although the stores of food stalls have thresholds, the thresholds are not too high.

But I don't know if my sister Lin Hao is too worried... Just when Cheng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, he was going to invite the two sisters and brothers to be tour guides and pay a certain amount of money to let them help introduce the nearby neighborhood...

Lin Hao's shoes tripped on the door of the food stall, and she fell forward!

Cheng Yun, who had undergone many reinforcements, reacted very quickly, and immediately grabbed the leather jacket that Lin Hao was wearing on his upper body. But the leather coat was loosely placed on Lin Hao's body, but Cheng Yun pulled it down as soon as he pulled it. Lin Hao slammed into the stone pavement in the old street with a "bang". Down right under her forehead!

Lin Hao's translucent soul body floated out of his body again, looking at Lin Ren, who was stunned beside him, and sighed: "This is life, right? ]

"Do you think you are destined to die?" Su Zimo raised his head and looked at Lin Hao's soul, who was still floating, and asked directly.

Even Cheng Yun was surprised by the directness of the children around him.

It's a pity that Lin Hao just looked at Su Zimo with a shocked expression. Before he could say anything, Su Zimo and the others were shrouded in white mist again.

This time, the "treasure hunt doll" who returned to Su Zimo's feet looked in a good mood, as if he was looking for something that interests him, and this good mood did not disappear because of the appearance of the white mist.

"Just a little bit." Cheng Yun was inevitably annoyed by this.

"It's just a small matter." The other practitioners didn't seem to be worried. "Next time, just pay attention in advance and you can continue."

Yes, compared to being choked to death while eating, the catastrophe that the Lin family encountered this time was a relief, and it was not a problem that could not be avoided.

Cheng Yun told others about his plan to make the Lin family sisters and brothers the tour guides. After all the trainees had no objection, everyone's mood was much more relaxed than before, and they even had time to chat.

"So you are really called Ah Yu, are you a fish of a fish?" Several practitioners introduced themselves. The four young men, two men, two women, were all students of the same university.

Su Zimo nodded, and then the surrounding white mist dispersed again.

The exact same street scene reappeared.

I don't know why, although everyone is doing well at present, it always makes Su Zimo feel that he is going the wrong way.