Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 131: a clue


When the clock jumped to the early morning, the two sisters, Lin Hao and Lin Ren, happened to be sleeping on the sofa in the private room. Even a discerning person could tell that the two brothers and sisters slept soundly without any problem.

But why hasn't the task been accomplished

Even if there was a Specter attack, the two sleeping pills Lin Hao and Lin Ren took were unusual. It was impossible for the Specter to not be discovered by other practitioners!

At first, everyone thought that they might have misunderstood. They felt that although there was a familiar street in front of them, and although the hardware store was still intact, it was possible that the story or plot would be different after the task was completed.

Because of this kind of thinking, the practitioners still held some hope at the beginning.

What made them really numb was that, after a while, the old vegetable seller who set up a stall not far away from them let out a desperate cry of familiarity—

"Ah, Aren, mother-in-law has fresh vegetables here, take some and cook them!"

Then, the familiar figures of Lin Hao and Lin Ren walked down the stairs in front of them.

This time, the completely numb practitioners, including Su Zimo, didn't move their feet. They watched the trucks come crashing all the way in confusion. It didn't take long for them to return to the white fog together again.

"We didn't complete the task?" The eyes of those college students dimmed. Although they didn't actually do anything special along the way, Cheng Yun and the others saw their efforts time and time again, and they felt that they had done it. All that can be done, but the task is still not done...

"Are we really going to be trapped in such a ghost place forever?" The eyes of two girls among the four college students were red, "I'm so tired, I really want to go home and rest."

"What went wrong?" Cheng Yun said, remembering what Dr. Jin said before, "Doctor Jin, should we separate some people to find the ghosts in this nightmare world?"

Bai Man and Doctor Jin also worked hard to cheer up. Although they also felt a sense of being beaten, if they didn't cheer up at this time, the entire team of experienced practitioners would be useless.

To be honest, the mood of the previous seniors was relatively relaxed. After all, they felt that even if Cheng Yun's slow method didn't work, they could use tough means to "protect" sisters and brothers Lin Hao and Lin Ren. , and felt that this mission could definitely be cleared by using tough means, so Cheng Yun took his little brother there to "play" casually.

But now, all the practitioners know that the "tough" method may not have a success rate at all for this mission! When they thought of Cheng Yun's slow "strategy", the unthinkable and unpredictable ways of death made everyone feel a little frustrated.

After hearing Cheng Yun's questioning, Dr. Jin cheered up and said, "We don't have any ghosts around us that are suitable for detecting Specter, and Specter doesn't seem to plan to show his body in front of us. I don't know how to deal with it."

"Is there really a ghost beside Lin Ren and Lin Hao?"

The sudden voice of inquiry, although pretending to be mature, was still full of milk. Cheng Yun, who had no idea for a while, was really stunned. ", that is, the smaller Su Zimo.

The surrounding white fog had dispersed again, but even Cheng Yun did not move.

Until there is no clue, no matter what they do, there will be no clear results.

Everyone looked at the "Ayu" who suddenly spoke up just now. After all, although they already knew that the child was not dumb, and sometimes he spoke very neatly, most of the time the boy was so quiet that people almost ignored his existence. , and even felt that he was just a bait tool man who attracted the attention of Lin Hao and Lin Ren.

Even if there is no such boy, just change to a college student to talk to, maybe it will have a similar effect.

So it's even more surprising that "Ayu" suddenly started talking...

The most strange thing is that when the boy spoke, his eyes did not focus on any of them, but instead stared at a blank white mist somewhere, as if talking to himself into the air.

In fact, Su Zimo didn't speak to them, he just asked the ghost umbrella standing there but no one else could see it.

[No. ] Ghost Umbrella also shook his head, [I'm pretty sure there isn't any Specter near you, boss, and I didn't even feel the aura of Specter in this nightmare world, either too far away or too weak. ]

It seems that it is really not a nightmare world that relies on combat power to violently clear customs.

Su Zimo didn't find it strange, in fact, he had not encountered many nightmare worlds with powerful attacks.

"Can we go to that building?" Su Zimo now feels like the kind of pseudo-primary school student on TV who has been in the first grade for more than ten years. Although there is no tone that can pretend to be a child, Peng Peng's The voice had its own milky smell from the very beginning.

And what Su Zimo is pointing at now is the narrow, dim stairway that appeared right in front of them after the white mist dispersed again! Every time the nightmare world is reincarnated, Lin Hao and Lin Ren will appear from that staircase.

But the important thing is... that is not the residence of the Lin family.

"Just now, that old woman also came out of the building." As soon as Su Zimo entered the new cycle, he began to stare at the dark corridor, and Su Zimo really discovered a blind spot that he hadn't noticed before. .

That is, the moment they entered this world, a stooping old man walked out of the stairs, picked up the large woven bag that was put aside, and walked towards the food stall.

It's just that the old woman who sells vegetables in the next second, the Lin family siblings, and the big truck will attract the attention of all the practitioners, so that they will not notice this detail, and even if they see it, they will subconsciously feel that it is not important.

Even Su Zimo is like this.

He just looked at the corridor subconsciously at first, but he didn't expect to see the mother-in-law with the woven bag.

Everyone ignored the big truck that was about to drive over, so they followed Su Zimo's outstretched arm and saw a familiar old woman.

Can you not look familiar? They have seen this mother-in-law at least ten times in the food stall, and they also know that this mother-in-law's woven bag is filled with all kinds of squashed beverage bottles, and they even know that the mother-in-law's surname is Chen, so the owner of the food stall and The Lin siblings call her Granny Chen.

They still remember that every time Cheng Yun was about to leave the food stall with the Lin siblings, this old woman would warmly greet the Lin siblings to play at her house.

And this Granny Chen's house... just up the dark corridor

Is this just a coincidence

"Maybe we should have a good chat with this old lady." Dr. Jin thought for a while, "Captain, next time you take Lin Hao and Lin Ren to the food stall, why don't you just invite Mrs. Chen to have dinner together?"

"Well." Cheng Yun agreed.

"What's the point of this... Anyway, there will always be death..." The four college students seemed very negative.

But in any case, the senior and Su Zimo at least reached an agreement.