Opening a Shop in the Nightmare World

Chapter 143: Doom lipstick


"I really just like to make friends, why doesn't anyone believe me?" Looking at those questioning eyes present, Su Qian wanted to cry without tears.

In fact, through the contact with his father during this period of time, Su Zimo also knew that his father, who is known as a swinger, really likes to play and communicate with others—literal communication, but his nature is not bad, let alone Sow seeds everywhere.

Su Zimo even began to understand why Su Gan was absent on the day of his mother's funeral because he was drunk. In Su Zimo's impression, when he came back from the funeral crying, the man who usually pays attention to his appearance was the one who was always there. The beard sat down on the stairs of Su's house, and Su Zimo even remembered hearing more wine bottles clack that night, and the sound of crying that sounded a little scary at the time...

Things that I didn’t understand when I was a child but left a deep impression on me, now that I think about it, I understand some things.

Sometimes you don't have to cry when you are sad, and sometimes the most uncomfortable feeling may not be expressed by tears.

Su Zimo looked at Su Gan with a helpless smile when he tried to explain himself. As a son, he believed what this person said, and even wanted to find a chance to have a good chat with him about his mother's past. matter.

She is obviously a mother who evokes great emotions every time she thinks about it, but Su Zimo is strangely unable to remember too many details.

In a word, Su Zimo believed that this Miss Su Yi had no blood relationship with her father, Su Gan, and from the very beginning, Su Zimo felt that it was a bit odd that this Miss Su Yi looked like him.

In addition, Su Zixiang just introduced that Su Yi was his father's illegitimate daughter. Su Zimo inevitably thought of the Miss Su from the flower tea shop. Is the overlap of identities and names just a coincidence

"Has Miss Su Yi always lived in Shoushan before?" Su Zimo asked with a smile.

"She lives in Jiangdu City, because the uncle has an impression?" Before Su Yi could stop her, Su Zixiang had already explained her origin, which made Su Yi's expression stiff again.

Su Yi was deceived by Su Zixiang's words "meet your parents" today. She followed Su Zixiang with exquisite makeup and cheerfully. She never thought that she would meet Su Gan as soon as she walked in, and she never thought that she wanted to use lipstick to get back to Su's house. The purpose of "entering" the Su family's door before it started to be implemented, and she also met Su Zimo, who she used as a prototype.

A lot of things are too sudden.

She knew that Su Zixiang's family was rich, so in order not to make up a fake identity full of loopholes, Su Yi simply wasted a piece of lipstick and made a wish to modify the photos in her various profiles.

Su Yi also thought about modifying her appearance in everyone's memory, but maybe she has been in contact with too many people. It seems that even lipstick can't do this kind of thing. At most, she can only modify some book information.

She did all of this just to get Su Zixiang. As for the rest of the Su family... She has recently been pondering how to use lipstick to enter the Su family. Before she could figure it out, she was brought here by Su Zixiang. The things she was very sure of, suddenly became clear. Become full of loopholes!

"Jiangdu? I also know a Miss Su Yi who lives in Jiangdu." Su Zimo thought for a while, "but she looks completely different from Miss Su."

"Su Yi from Jiangdu? My goddaughter named Su Yi lives in Jiangdu." Su Qian was also a little surprised, "You all sound a bit alike. If you didn't see the looks, you might have identified the wrong person."

"It's really a coincidence." Su Yi smiled awkwardly, and then whispered to Su Zixiang next to her, "Sorry, I'll go get some makeup."

The moment Su Yi got up with an apologetic face, Su Zimo saw the lipstick she was holding in her hand.

[Doom Lipstick (Three Stars)]

[Price: 100 yuan]

[Description: A ghost weapon born in the new world, as a ghost weapon, there are still many immature places. It has the powerful power to help the holder fulfill his wish, but the sequelae it brings are even greater. ]

[Special ability: The holder can make a wish after using the lipstick. The lipstick of doom can fulfill the wish for the holder within the range of ability, but when the wish is fulfilled, it will attract corresponding ghosts. The more difficult it is for the wish to be fulfilled by the holder, the more powerful the Specter will be attracted. Note that if the holder makes a wish beyond the range of the bad luck lipstick, it will be invalid at light level, and it will provoke backlash from all ghosts. Use it with caution! ]

For the first time, Su Zimo saw this lipstick and the remarks on the lipstick.

But this doesn't mean that Su Zimo doesn't remember this lipstick, the lady who provoked a large group of ghosts to block outside the "An Yuyi corner" store, even if she turned into a ghost, she still can't get rid of these ghosts, give it to Su Zimo It left a deep impression. Even Su Zimo still remembered the story told by the lady.

It's just that Su Zimo didn't see that lipstick with his own eyes at that time.

Now Su Zimo can be sure that the lipstick in Su Yi's hand is the "bad luck lipstick" that can provoke Specter while fulfilling her wish!